On saving html files in visual stuido lines got messed up - visual-studio-code

I have developed an angular application using VS code.On saving html file, the lines got messed up. It automatically re-aligns. I don't know what is causing this. This issue suddenly showed up. Can someone help me to solve this? Thank you.

This is for programming community only. For tools related things you have to use different stack overflow community.You have to switch off auto save on save. So then only it won't reset. For VS code I found https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=cbrevik.toggle-format-on-save


Phantom line display in Visual Studio Code IDE

In VS Code I have a tab with a plain text file I use for scratch while working during the day. I place all kinds code, questions, TODO lists, etc in this file and will reference it from time to time. It's helpful for history purposes.
At any rate, this file has ballooned up to well over 46,000 lines over the years and I'm now seeing this odd phantom line being injected at my cursor. I am unable to select it or remove it. I thought it was being displayed as VS Codes way of letting me know that a software update was available but when checking that was not the case. This is what it phantom line looks like, it seems to contain a history of CSS classes used over the years which is odd.
If I restart VS Code it goes away for a little while but then reappears. I have a feeling it might be because of the number of lines or perhaps memory but can't say for certain.
Has anyone else seen this behavior? I've probably enabled some setting by mistake and have no idea how to disable it.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Turns out it was the HTML End Tag Labels plugin that was trying to auto complete some HTML that was somewhere within the 46k lines.
I would have thought by identifying the file as type Plain Text, the plug-in would ignore trying to close HTML tags (since its not an HTML file) but alas that's not the case.
Thank you Mark Ahrens for the tip!

Visual Studio Code HTML Preview issue

I'm having an issue with VS Code, when I try to use JAVA Script in an HTML file. When I use the HTML preview it keeps saying that some content is disabled. But when I go to update the settings to allow the content, it never enables it. I've looked around the internet and couldn't find anything that would help me troubleshoot this issue. I'm just learning how to code, so I don't know that my code is good, but any help with the settings would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

VS Code cursor jumping to bottom

Why does my cursor jump to the last line of code when I create new tags? For example, when I type a comment in HTML, as soon as I type the !, it jumps to the bottom. What setting do I have to change to prevent this from happening? It is very annoying. I am just starting to use VS Code so sorry if this is a really simple fix.
I had a similar issue. The Flow Language Support extension was causing it. I disabled it, and then the issue was gone.
I had the same issue when I first started using vscode.
Generally, the issue is caused by an extension of some sort that is messing with your IDE. Like the extension is trying to do its job but either there is a conflict with other extensions or vscode settings or that's how it works.
More specifically, I found the issue was caused by the the HTML, CSS, JS formatter extension.
If you have that extension, try disabling it and restart vscode. if the issue is fixed then you may leave it disabled or uninstall it. If it is not solved repeat the process with other extensions, especially those that format your code, until you find the culprit and remove it.
Also i got this type of issue.The solution is just disable your auto save it will work.
If you're an Angular developer, maybe consider disabling Angular Essentials Extension by "John Papa". Then restart VS Code.
That worked for me after several frustrations.

How to keep code-folding on save in Visual studio code

I am working on some fairly large files in Visual Studio code and to save time I fold away functions and scopes, that I do not want to see. Everytime I save, which I do fairly often just out of habit, all the folds expand again and the current position on screen changes.
Since the only settings I could find were:
"editor.folding": true,
"editor.showFoldingControls": "mouseover",
the question is: How can I keep my folds upon saving?
Thank you for bringing up the extensions Mark. It was indeed an extension: lonefy.vscode-js-css-html-formatter.
Once this was disabled, the folding kept its state after saving.
For me it was the prettier plugin :(
Here is the closed issue: https://github.com/prettier/prettier-vscode/issues/408.
At the moment, there doesn't seem to be a fix.
For anyone that comes across this like me, I didn't have prettier, sort-imports, or lonefy. I was able to resolve by updating the 'folding strategy' setting from 'auto' to 'indentation' and it kept my folds persistent through saving and particularly in my case deploying code using the Salesforce CLI extension.
Had the same issue and it turned out to be the sort-imports extension. Removing it fixed the issue.
For future reference, I found this in the settings and it fixes the problem for prettier.
"editor.formatOnSaveMode": "modificationsIfAvailable"

visual studio code saves cobol with strange characters

When I first started using Visual Studio Code for my cobol, it was working fine. But lately when I try to compile my code after saving it in vsc it gives errors about there being weird characters.
If I do the same changes in Notepad++ it works fine. I've been going through the settings in vsc but I cannot find anything wrong in there. But then again I don't know that much about it. I'm also using the extension cobol syntax support from bitlang.
Does anybody know how this is possible? Is there some setting that messes this up? I cannot really show any screens or anything. since this is all work related and I'm not allowed to share.
My guess is, that this is related to the code page used to save the project.
Notepad++ by default uses UTF-8. you may need to change the code page on Visual Studio Code to UTF-8.