Even after setting batchsize, AEQ process events method triggering for every call - spring-data-gemfire

I have configured batch size in AsyncEventQueueFactory. But when I update region data, processEvents() is called every time. I want to update db after some set of time interval. Am I missing any thing here or still I need to do any configuration?
Cache localcache = new CacheFactory().create();
AsyncEventQueueFactory factory = localcache.createAsyncEventQueueFactory();
AsyncEventListener listener = new GemfireAsyncListener(cache);
AsyncEventQueue asyncQueue = factory.create("sampleQueue", listener);

The dispatcher will process a batch of messages from the queue when either the batch size or the time interval is reached. In your particular case, you have configured the batch interval as 2 milliseconds, that's probably the reason why the events get processed almost inmediatly.
Hope this helps. Cheers.


Difference between eventTimeTimeout and processingTimeTimeout in mapGroupsWithState

What is the difference between eventTimeTimeout and processingTimeTimeout in mapGroupsWithState?
Also, is possible to make a state expire after every 10 min and if the data for that particular key arrives after 10 min the state should be maintained from the beginning?
In short:
processing-based timeouts rely on the time/clock of the machine your job is running. It is independent of any timestamps given in your data/events.
event-based timeouts rely on a timestamp column within your data that serves as the event time. In that case you need to declare this timestamp as a Watermark.
More details are available in the Scala Docs on the relevant class
With ProcessingTimeTimeout, the timeout duration can be set by calling GroupState.setTimeoutDuration. The timeout will occur when the clock has advanced by the set duration. Guarantees provided by this timeout with a duration of D ms are as follows:
Timeout will never be occur before the clock time has advanced by D ms
Timeout will occur eventually when there is a trigger in the query (i.e. after D ms). So there is a no strict upper bound on when the timeout would occur. For example, the trigger interval of the query will affect when the timeout actually occurs. If there is no data in the stream (for any group) for a while, then their will not be any trigger and timeout function call will not occur until there is data.
Since the processing time timeout is based on the clock time, it is affected by the variations in the system clock (i.e. time zone changes, clock skew, etc.).
With EventTimeTimeout, the user also has to specify the event time watermark in the query using Dataset.withWatermark(). With this setting, data that is older than the watermark are filtered out. The timeout can be set for a group by setting a timeout timestamp usingGroupState.setTimeoutTimestamp(), and the timeout would occur when the watermark advances beyond the set timestamp. You can control the timeout delay by two parameters - (i) watermark delay and an additional duration beyond the timestamp in the event (which is guaranteed to be newer than watermark due to the filtering). Guarantees provided by this timeout are as follows:
Timeout will never be occur before watermark has exceeded the set timeout.
Similar to processing time timeouts, there is a no strict upper bound on the delay when the timeout actually occurs. The watermark can advance only when there is data in the stream, and the event time of the data has actually advanced.
"Also, is possible to make a state expire after every 10 min and if the data for that particular key arrives after 10 min the state should be maintained from the beginning?"
This is happening automatically when using mapGroupsWithState. You just need to make sure to actually remove the state after the 10 minutes.

Is there a way to specify infinite allowed lateness in Apache Beam?

I'm using fixed windows to batch data by event time in order to send it to an external API efficiently (batches of 60 seconds), accumulation mode is set to DISCARDING because it doesn't matter if late data is sent to the external API without the previous data.
Is it possible to specify an infinite allowed lateness, so late data is never discarded?
It is definitely possible, you can set allowed lateness to a very high Duration (for instance, Duration.standardDays(36500)). On the other hand , doing so would result in your state growing indefinitely, which might not be what you want. Every open window (every window ever seen) will have at least a timer called a GC timer - a timer set for the end of the window + allowed lateness. Every timer has to be kept in state and therefore, the size of your state will grow over time.
If you do not need batching based on event-time, it might be a better option to use GroupIntoBatches, which should not suffer from this problem (you don't need to set allowed lateness and the size of your state will not grow).

Batching Kafka Events using Faust

I have a Kafka topic we will call ingest that receives an entry every x seconds. I have a process that I want to run on this data but it has to be run on 100 events at a time. Thus, I want to batch the entries together and send them to a new topic called batched-ingest. The two topics will look like this...
ingest = [entry, entry, entry, ...]
batched-ingest = [[entry_0, entry_1, ..., entry_99]]
What is the correct way to do this using faust? The solution I have right now is this...
app = faust.App("explore", value_serializer="raw")
ingest = app.topic('ingest')
ingest_batch = app.topic('ingest-batch')
#app.agent(ingest, sink=[ingest_batch])
async def test(stream):
async for values in stream.take(10, within=1000):
yield values
I am not sure if this is the correct way to do this in Faust. If so, what should I set within to in order to make it always wait until len(values) = 100?
as mentioned in the faust take documentation if you omit the within from take(100, within=10) the code will block forever if there are 99 messages and the last hundredth message is never received. To solve this add a within timeout so that up to 100 values will be processed within 10 seconds. so that if there are periods of 10 seconds with no events received it will still process what it has gathered.

Kafka consumer configuration to fetch at interval

I am new to kafka and trying to understand various configuration properties I need to set for my requirement as below.
I have a kafka consumer which is expected to fetch 'n' records at a time and after successfully processing them, another fetch should happen.
Example: If my consumer fetches 10 records at a time and every record takes 5 seconds to complete its processing, then after 50 seconds another fetch request should get executed and so on.
Considering the above example, Could anyone let me know what should be the values for the below configs ?
Below is my current configuration. After processing 10 records, it doesn't wait for minute as I configured. It keeps on fetching and polling.
fetchMaxBytes=50000 //approx size for 10 records
fetchWaitMaxMs=60000 //wait for a minute before a next fetch
requestTimeoutMs= //default value
heartbeatIntervalMs=1000 //acknowledgement to avoid rebalancing
maxPollIntervalMs=60000 //assuming the processing takes one minute
maxPollRecords=10 //we need 10 records to be polled at once
sessionTimeoutMs= //default value
I am using camel-kafka component to implement this.
It would be really great if someone could help me with this. Thanks Much.

Partial batch sizes

I'm trying to simulate pallet behavior by using batch and move to. This works fine except towards the end where the number of elements left is smaller than the batch size, and these never get picked up. Any way out of this situation?
Have tried messing with custom queues, pickup/dropoff pairs.
To elaborate, the batch object has a queue size of 15. However once the entire set has been processed a number of elements less than 15 remain which don't get picked up by the subsequent moveTo block. I need to send the agents to the subsequent block once the queue size falls below 15.
You can dynamically change the batch size of your Batch object towards "the end" (whatever you mean by that :-) ). You need to figure out when to change the batch size (as this depends on your model). But once it is time to adjust, you can call myBatchItem.set_batchSize(1) and it will now batch things together individually.
However, a better model design might be to have a cool-down period before the model end, i.e. stop taking model measurements before your batch objects run out of agents to batch.
You need to know what the last element is somehow for example using a boolean variable called isLast in your agent that is true for the last agent.
and in the batch you have to change the batch size programatically.. maybe like this in the on enter action of your batch:
To determine if the "end" or any lack of supply is reached, I suggest a timeout. I would save a timestamp in a variable lastBatchDate in the OnExit code of the batch block:
lastBatchDate = date();
A cyclically activated event checkForLeftovers will check every once in a while if there is objects waiting to be batched and the timeout (here: 10 minutes) is reached. In this case, the batch size will be reduced to exactly the number of waiting objects, in order for them to continue in a smaller batch:
if( lastBatchDate!=null //prevent a NullPointerError when date is not yet filled
&& ((date().getTime()-lastBatchDate.getTime())/1000)>600 //more than 600 seconds since last batch
&& batch.size()>0 //something is waiting
&& batch.size()<BATCH_SIZE //not more then a normal batch is waiting
batch.set_batchSize(batch.size()); // set the batch size to exactly the amount waiting
batch.set_batchSize(BATCH_SIZE); // reset the batch size to the default value BATCH_SIZE
The model will look something like this:
However, as Benjamin already noted, you should be careful if this is what you really need to model. Take care for example on these aspects:
Is the timeout long enough to not accidentally push smaller batches during normal operations?
Is the timeout short enough to have any effect?
Is it ok to have a batch of a smaller size downstream in your process?
You might just want to make sure upstream that the number of objects reaches the batching station are always filling full batches, or you might to just stop your simulation before the line "runs dry".
You can see the model and download the source code here.