How to change Unity png import setting via script - unity3d

I have a huge png file folder (1000+ png files), and I want to use them as 2D and UI Sprite. But when I import these, it's imported as Default. I can change each of these manually, but since there are a number of files, it would be q really tedious and time-consuming task. Is there a way to change these file's import setting via script, or just import as 2D and UI sprite setting, not Default?

Try selecting all of them using Ctrl+A in the project folder view of the PNGs. You can then change an inspector value for all at once.
Make sure only PNGs are selected, or else, the inspector won't show the respective toggler interface.
If the PNGs are in multiple sub-folders, you can still select all of them. Just search, in the project explorer pane search box, for t:Texture2D

unity3d inspector show all mutual features of objects you select. select them all and change all of them to Sprite 2D


Unity2D UI>Image doesn't show the full image and appears differently between two projects. Why is it doing this?

I added a Unity UI>Image to my project with a given source image (called Btn_OtherButton_Blue). It appears cropped in some way. It doesn't show the full button image, the top seems cut off. I added a UI>Image to a different project with the same source image and it appears differently. In that project it seems like it's using the full image uncropped.
I've compared the projects and can not find the difference. I'm new to Unity. There's probably something simple I'm missing. I have an imgur link to show what I mean.
The settings seem the same to me. Is there a crop property of UI>Image that's hidden that could determine why one project shows more of the source image than the other?
compare the settings of the sourcefile of each project. it looks like the image sourcefiles are using different values for "Pixels Per Unit".

how to fix not having filter mode in Unity

Hello so basically I want to fix my pixel art in unity and what i have found is that i should change the filter mode to point but the thing is I don't seem to have filter mode ( I'm new to Unity ) if u can help would be amazing ;-;
To properly setup your pixelart assets in Unity, you should change some default settings in the import asset phase.
In your project window, click the Texture you just imported and look at the Inspector Panel.
You need to change these two settings:
Filter Mode to Point (no filter)
Compression to None
You can also consider to change Pixel Per Unit setting, which basically is, as the tooltip says, how many pixels in the sprite correspond to one unit in the world.
This setting can help you to easily understand the correspondence between the dimensions of your texture/sprite and the units of Unity (it's an habit to consider 1 Unity Unit = 1 meter).
Of course, if you do this, you should chose a standard Pixel Per Unit value and use it in every texture/sprite you import.
This is found in the Texture Inspector.
Click on your texture asset in the project window.
In the inspector you should see all the options for your texture.
You can also do this from code
public Texture myTexture;
myTexture.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;

Import Asset to Rive

I have a logo of my company, I would like to create and animation of fading image and use it as a splash screen, I can't figure out how to import the logo on and start doing the work.
You can drag and drop an .svg of your logo files into Rive. Give it a few seconds to show and it may not be in the middle of the document. I use Affinity Designer which can export vectors files as SVG. I tried using .psd exported from A.D. but couldn't get that to work for some reason. You may need to scale the vector image down depending on the original size when imported. The layers are also kept on import such as "arm" "leg" "head" etc. A new artboard is automatically created with the vector, so no need to create one before hand.

Unity Tile Map. How to add scripts etc to Tile Palette tiles

Does anyone know how to add scripts etc to the tiles in the tile palette? I want to be able to paint tiles with tags already set and with scripts attached otherwise it is seems pretty much useless.
Create class derived from TileBase like RandomTile.
Instantiate with CreateAssetMenu.
Adjust settings.
Drag from Project to Palette.

PNG file looks completely different inside of Unity

I purchased the "Set Builder: Back street Manhattan" with came with some png textures such as this one.
When I open the file in the browser or any editing program, it looks completely transparent except for the windows. When I drag the image into Unity, it is completely opaque bricks (which is what I want) If I duplicate the image and drag that image into Unity, it is again completely opaque bricks. If I save a copy of the image with photoshop or another application, the information that contained the bricks is lost and it is now mostly transparent, except it has some blotchy white textures which also aren't seen in the photoshop interpretation. Every texture in this folder is doing this same behavior. Are these files corrupted or compressed? How do I retain the brick information into an image editing program besides taking a screenshot within Unity ? Here is an example : of dragging images onto cubes in Unity. Left is a Photoshop copy. Right is attached image
The developer has not replied to my direct questions.
it can be your texture import format
try changing its format to true color
I found a solution in Photoshop.
Layer>layer mask>from transparency. Then right click on the layer to disable the transparency.