Protractor load testing browser tab not working properly - protractor

I am trying to do load testing but facing some issues. Scenario below
open webapp localhost:2244
click drop down
Select a profile from drop down.
on click on profile aggrid is populated from server
In the code i have following
element(by(<drop down>)).click()
browser.driver.sleep(4000) //wait for aggrid to populate from server
The problem i am facing are
when i open url only once it works fine but when i open the same url multple times in a loop it doesn't open in different tab and the same tab gets updated. i tried to open in multiple tabs but only one tab opens properly and other remains empty.
How can i concurrently open 1000s or url as if many different users are opening the url and keep track of each page seperately and verify aggrid.


How do I open a pages file directly from my SwiftUI app?

I want to open a specific pages file from my SwiftUI app. Basically when clicking on a button, automatically get redirected to pages with the file opened, similar when clicking open with on a specific file.
Couldn't find any information regarding how to implement such thing.

Protractor: Unable to handle windows Based popup to browse and upload a file using Protractor framework

Trying to automate uploading .xml/pdf format files (Windows based popup) from local system to web application (Angualrjs) using Protractor framework.
Browser the application in Chrome> Click upload button> web app popup comes where able to locate elements > click Browse button on upload field (This field would be disabled, only click event is allowed which opens windows popup to browse files)> Here we have challenge to browse the file.
After clicking Browse button performed> Window popup shows Documents location however we want to browse and upload the file from Desktop or from Project location.
Followed other stackoverflow references as given below but unable to solve:
How to upload file in angularjs e2e protractor testing
Scripts which we tried:
iUploadConfigDefinition : (sPath) => {
var absolutePath = path.resolve(__dirname, sPath);
Here not sure what should be 'uploadInput' element locator and how to recognize/fetch Open button of windows popup.
Please guide. Attached the screen for reference.
enter image description here
Please try the following solution :
browser.findElement(by.xpath("path of the browse button"));
browser.findElement(by.css('input[type=file]')).sendKeys('full path of the file with extension');

Reloading the existing browser Tab when the user tries to open same in GWT?

I have a one GWT application which contains 3 modules. The user can switch from one module another module by using buttons.
The user can access the modules in the following ways:
1) The user can enter the URL in the browser like below:
Ex: http://localhost:1045//app1
2) Clicking on the button once any of the 3 modules are already opened using above stpe 1:
On button click:"http://localhost:1045//app2", "app2Window", "");
So the app2 will be opened in the another tab.
Now If the user opens app1 by entering the module url in the browser and then click on the button to open the app2
in the new tab.
So We have two tabs with two modules(app1, app2).
Now the actual issue is:
If the user clicks on a button(to open "app1") in the 2nd tab with "app2". The new tab is opened instead of loading the
existing tab with "app1".
As per the above mentioned steps:
1) User can open "app1" by entering the url in the browser(http"//localhost:1045/app1)
2) User clicks on button in the opened "App1" to open "App2" in the new tab.
3) From the "App2", the user can open "App3" by clicking on the button.
4) Now if the user clicks on the button in "App3" to open "App2" which is alreay opened. that time
new tab wont be opened the existing tab will be reloaded.
So the mentioned scenario is possible. but the problem here is, the browser is not able to reload the
(tab) module which is opened by using "entering URL".
How to avoid opening the new tab? I saw the window name will differentaiate the tab is opened or not?
But I was not able to find the method to name the window when the user enters the url in the browser?
How Can I achieve this GWT?
Window.Location.assign(String url) ?
GWT can do everything that Javascript can do, and can't do what is not possible in JS.
Seems like it is not possible to pick and choose which tab to open a link into (discussion here).
What you can do is to create your own container for you three modules or compile all three of them into one GWT application able to easily switch between them and never reload.
One of the great things about GWT is that you can create one-page-apps, and switch between functions, screens or applications with no problems. Actually GWT has a MVP implementations that is well done and serves this purpose ( MVP examples ).
I would strongly suggest to abandon the multi-window (or multi-tab) design and embrace the GWT nature. It will be painful at first but in the long term this design choice will make your application more solid and your code better.

Not able to unlock the AEM page in AEM6.2 for custom template

I am not able to unlock the page in touch UI editor. Created simple template and page component. There is no code inside the jsp . I am able to lock the page but when trying to unlock page, getting JS in console(please see attached scree shot). It is working fine with geometric template,
Step to produce.
create simple template and component as below
create a page out of this template
open the in touch ui mode.
lock the page
Now try to unlock the below. see the console by pressing f12. below error is displaying.
Try to see first the error.log located in your environment, for instance: AUTHOR_INSTANCE_DIR/crx-quickstart/logs/error.log.
This may provide more information about the issue. You should validate that you are logged in as an admin or at least you are the owner of lock, you can do this by going to the CRXDE Lite, and in the jcr:content node of your page you have to see jcr:lockOwner property with your username.

Refreshing data when deleting record doesn't delete item in ListView

I started with Sproutcore recently, I created Todo app from the guides, changed datastore so that it uses RESTful webservice written in Node.js + Express.js and I added refresh button. I want to know how to refresh data properly, because when I open the page in two separate windows and delete record from one window, the item doesn't disappear after clicking refresh. When the items are created or updated, refresh works ok.
When I click on refresh, I do following:;
What am I missing here?