LiveData keeps on outputting changes to last given observable - rx-java2

I am using room persistence lib and LiveData and Rx Android, I'm observing a change in id, this is the id of the song currently being played when a new song is played the id will change.
My issue when a new song is played the onNext function is still being called on the old song creating unwanted behaviour for my UI, this I suspect is because there are changes occurring to the old song and it is still subscribed.
Is there an Rx Operator to unsubscribe from the old Live Data and subscribe to the new Live Data stream, therefore only observing one song Object at a time...
.flatMap(str -> Observable.just(Objects.requireNonNull(mViewModel.getLiveDataSong(str))))
.subscribe(song ->
song.observe(this, mSong ->
.subscribe(liveSong -> Log.d(TAG, "Live Song " + liveSong.toString()),
error -> Log.d(TAG, "Error " + error.getLocalizedMessage()),
() -> Log.d(TAG, "Complete " + mSong.toString()))))));

If anyone is having similar issues this may be of some use, Rather than unsubscribing from the old Live Data the Live Data must be changed upstream and the changes will propagate down, this is done using Transforms as per the Android developers best practices
mViewModel.getMutableLiveItem()).observe(this, song -> mDisposable.add(Observable.just(song)
.subscribe(mSong -> {
Log.d(TAG, "filtered " + mSong.toString());
Then in The View Model
private val mItemId = MutableLiveData<String>()
fun setMutableLiveItem(mId: String) {
this.mItemId.value = mId
fun getMutableLiveItem(): LiveData<Song>? {
return switchMap(mItemId) { id -> getLiveDataSong(id) }
fun getLiveDataSong(mId: String): LiveData<Song> {
return repository.getLiveDataSong(mId)


Responding NACK on message in Quarkus reactive code cause the readiness check to fail

I am implementing a use case where I listen to messages coming from a Kafka topic in a quarkus application in a reactive manner. I followed as base code the KafkaDeadLetterTopic class from this Gist included on this blogpost
When I alter the code to be reactive and return an Uni like this
public Uni<Void> consume1(IncomingKafkaRecord<String, String> movie) {
return Uni.createFrom().item(movie)
.transform(item -> {
if (movie.getPayload().contains(",")) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"I don't like movie with , in their title: " + movie);
return item;
.onItem().invoke(() -> movie.ack())
.onFailure().invoke(throwable -> movie.nack(throwable))
The messages are still being sent to configured Dead Letter Queue, but the health check is marked as unhealthy, making the application to be restarted by the container orchestrator.
Is this a bug? Am I using incorrectly the Uni on this case? Is the use of case of sending to DLQ from a reactive code supported?
I tried what Clement suggest and it works nicely. It seems that I wasn't correctly handling error recovery on Mutiny. This is my final code
public Uni<Void> consume1(IncomingKafkaRecord<String, String> movie) {
return Uni.createFrom().item(movie)
.transform(item -> {
if (movie.getPayload().contains(",")) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"I don't like movie with , in their title: " + movie);
return item;
.onItem().invoke(() -> movie.ack())
.onFailure().recoverWithUni(throwable -> Uni.createFrom().completionStage(movie.nack(throwable)));

Why 'link' variable gets changed to null even after i assign it a value

private fun shareOperation(file: File) {
val uri = Uri.fromFile(file)
val storage = FirebaseStorage.getInstance()
val pdfRef = storage.reference.child("pdf/${uri.lastPathSegment}")
pdfRef.putFile(uri).addOnFailureListener { e ->
Log.e(TAG, "Couldn't share " + e.message)
it.addOnCompleteListener {
pdfRef.downloadUrl.addOnSuccessListener { e ->
run {
link = e.toString()
Log.i(TAG,link!!) // Here i get the link to file in firebase storage
// Here link gets null
i was expecting somehow i can get the link to the file and can use it for sharing intent
You are performing an asynchronous call to upload the file, that is correct since any UI blocking action must be performed in background. The variable link will be null until the run code is executed in the background thread.
You need to code inside the run block whatever you want to happen when the link is available.
BTW looks weird what you are doing with the nested addOnCompleteListener, there should be an easier way to code that. You should probably spend time learning how to code with listeners and background threads.

RxJava2 : 2 separate observerable output and and merge output of same observables differ

Snippet1 , I can see the sysout from both subscribers.
Snippet2 , I dont see output from the second observable.
Why is the merge not working for me?
x = createQ2Flowable().subscribeOn(Schedulers.computation())
.filter(predicate -> !predicate.toString().contains("<log realm=\"\""))
.subscribe(onNext -> System.out.println("Q2->" + onNext));
y = createMetricsFlowable().subscribeOn(Schedulers.computation())
.subscribe(onNext -> System.out.println("metrics->" + onNext));
.subscribe(onNext -> System.out.println(onNext));
[edit]: Added flowable creators
private Flowable<String> createMetricsFlowable() {
return Flowable.create(source -> {
Space sp = SpaceFactory.getSpace("rxObservableFeeder");
while (running()) {
String line = (String)"RXTmFeeder");
}, BackpressureStrategy.BUFFER);
private Flowable<String> createQ2Flowable() {
return Flowable.create(source -> {
Space sp = SpaceFactory.getSpace("LoggerSpace");
while (running()) {
LogEvent line = (LogEvent)"rxLoggingKey");
}, BackpressureStrategy.BUFFER);
From the comments:
.subscribeOn(Schedulers.computation()) // <-------------------------
.subscribe‌​On(Schedulers.comput‌​ation()) // <-------------------------
Now I need to know why it happened
Given the detailed implementation, you have two synchronous Flowables. When you merge them, the first Flowable is subscribed to and starts emitting immediately and never giving back the control to mergeWith, therefore the second Flowable is never subscribed to.
The subscribeOn after mergeWith is not equivalent to the solution provided above. You have to explicitly have both Flowables subscribed on a background thread so mergeWith can subscribe to the second Flowable after now that the synchronous looping has been moved off from the thread the mergeWith uses for subscribing to its sources.

Aggregate resource requests & dispatch responses to each subscriber

I'm fairly new to RxJava and struggling with an use case that seems quite common to me :
Gather multiple requests from different parts of the application, aggregate them, make a single resource call and dispatch the results to each subscriber.
I've tried a lot of different approaches, using subjects, connectable observables, deferred observables... none did the trick so far.
I was quite optimistic about this approach but turns out it fails just like the others :
static HashMap<String, String> requests = new HashMap<>();
public void myTest() throws InterruptedException {
TestScheduler scheduler = new TestScheduler();
Observable<String> interval = Observable.interval(10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, scheduler)
.doOnSubscribe(() -> System.out.println("new subscriber!"))
.doOnUnsubscribe(() -> System.out.println("unsubscribed"))
.filter(l -> !requests.isEmpty())
.doOnNext(aLong -> System.out.println(requests.size() + " requests to send"))
.flatMap(aLong -> {
System.out.println("requests " + requests);
return Observable.from(requests.keySet()).take(10).distinct().toList();
.doOnNext(strings -> System.out.println("calling aggregate for " + strings + " (from " + requests + ")"))
.doOnNext(s -> {
System.out.println("removing " + s);
.doOnNext(s -> System.out.println("remaining " + requests));
TestSubscriber<String> ts1 = new TestSubscriber<>();
TestSubscriber<String> ts2 = new TestSubscriber<>();
TestSubscriber<String> ts3 = new TestSubscriber<>();
TestSubscriber<String> ts4 = new TestSubscriber<>();
Observable<String> defer = buildObservable(interval, "1");
Observable<String> defer2 = buildObservable(interval, "2");
Observable<String> defer3 = buildObservable(interval, "3");
scheduler.advanceTimeBy(200, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
Observable<String> defer4 = buildObservable(interval, "4");
scheduler.advanceTimeBy(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
ts1.awaitTerminalEvent(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
ts2.awaitTerminalEvent(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
ts3.awaitTerminalEvent(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
ts4.awaitTerminalEvent(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
ts2.assertValue("2"); //fails (test stops here)
ts3.assertValue("3"); //fails
ts4.assertValue("4"); //fails
public Observable<String> buildObservable(Observable<String> interval, String key) {
return Observable.defer(() -> {
System.out.printf("creating observable for key " + key);
return Observable.create(subscriber -> {
requests.put(key, "xxx");
interval.doOnNext(s -> System.out.println("filtering : key/val " + key + "/" + s))
.filter(s1 -> s1.equals(key))
.subscribe(s -> {
System.out.println("intern " + s);
Output :
creating observable for key 1new subscriber!
creating observable for key 2new subscriber!
creating observable for key 3new subscriber!
3 requests to send
requests {3=xxx, 2=xxx, 1=xxx}
calling aggregate for [3, 2, 1] (from {3=xxx, 2=xxx, 1=xxx})
removing 3
remaining {2=xxx, 1=xxx}
filtering : key/val 1/3
removing 2
remaining {1=xxx}
filtering : key/val 1/2
removing 1
remaining {}
filtering : key/val 1/1
intern 1
creating observable for key 4new subscriber!
1 requests to send
requests {4=xxx}
calling aggregate for [4] (from {4=xxx})
removing 4
remaining {}
filtering : key/val 1/4
The test fails at the second assertion (ts2 not receiving "2")
Turns out the pseudo-aggregation works as expected, but the values are not dispatched to the corresponding subscribers (only the first subscriber receives it)
Any idea why?
Also, I feel like I'm missing the obvious here. If you think of a better approach, I'm more than willing to hear about it.
EDIT : Adding some context regarding what I want to achieve.
I have a REST API exposing data via multiple endpoints (eg. user/{userid}). This API also makes it possible to aggregate requests (eg. user/user1 & user/user2) and get the corresponding data in one single http request instead of two.
My goal is to be able to automatically aggregate the requests made from different parts of my application in a given time frame (say 10ms) with a max batch size (say 10), make an aggregate http request, then dispatch the results to the corresponding subscribers.
Something like this :
// NOTE: those calls can be fired from anywhere in the app, and randomly combined. The timing and order is completely unpredictable
//ts : 0ms;;
//--> after 10ms, should fire one single http aggregate request with those 2 calls, map the response items & send them to the corresponding subscribers (that will show the right user profile)
//ts : 20ms;;;;;;;;;;
//--> should fire a single http aggregate request RIGHT AWAY (we hit the max batch size) with the 10 items, map the response items & send them to the corresponding subscribers (that will show the right user profile)
The test code I wrote (with just strings) and pasted at the top of this question is meant to be a proof of concept for my final implementation.
Your Observable is not well constructed
public Observable<String> buildObservable(Observable<String> interval, String key) {
return interval.doOnSubscribe(() -> System.out.printf("creating observable for key " + key))
.doOnSubscribe(() -> requests.put(key, "xxx"))
.doOnNext(s -> System.out.println("filtering : key/val " + key + "/" + s))
.filter(s1 -> s1.equals(key));
When you subsribe in a subscriber : it's offen a bad design.
I'm not shure to understand what you want to achieve, but I think my code should be pretty close to yours.
Please note that, for all side effects, I use doMethods (like doOnNext, doOnSubscribe) to show I explicitly show that I want to do a side effect.
I replace your defer call by returning directly the interval : as you want to emit all interval events in your custom observable build in your defer call, returning the interval observable is better.
Please note, that you filtering your interval Observable :
Observable<String> interval = Observable.interval(10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, scheduler)
.filter(l -> !requests.isEmpty()).
// ...
So, as soon you'll put something into requests map, interval will stop emmiting.
I don't understand what you wants to achieve with the request map, but please note that you may want to avoid side effects, and updating this map is clearly a side effect.
Update regarding comments
You may want to use the buffer operator to aggregate request, and then perform request in a bulk way :
PublishSubject<String> subject = PublishSubject.create();
TestScheduler scheduler = new TestScheduler();
Observable<Pair> broker = subject.buffer(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, 10, scheduler)
.flatMapIterable(list -> list) // you can bulk calls here
.flatMap(id -> Observable.fromCallable(() -> -> Pair.of(id, response)));
TestSubscriber<Object> ts1 = new TestSubscriber<>();
TestSubscriber<Object> ts2 = new TestSubscriber<>();
TestSubscriber<Object> ts3 = new TestSubscriber<>();
TestSubscriber<Object> ts4 = new TestSubscriber<>();
broker.filter(pair ->"1")).take(1).map(pair -> pair.response).subscribe(ts1);
broker.filter(pair ->"2")).take(1).map(pair -> pair.response).subscribe(ts2);
broker.filter(pair ->"3")).take(1).map(pair -> pair.response).subscribe(ts3);
broker.filter(pair ->"4")).take(1).map(pair -> pair.response).subscribe(ts4);
scheduler.advanceTimeBy(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
scheduler.advanceTimeBy(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
If you want to perform network request collapsin, you may want to check Hystrix :

Rxjava User-Retry observable with .cache operator?

i've an observable that I create with the following code.
Observable.create(new Observable.OnSubscribe<ReturnType>() {
public void call(Subscriber<? super ReturnType> subscriber) {
try {
if (!subscriber.isUnsubscribed()) {
} catch (Exception e) {
performRequest() will perform a long running task as you might expect.
Now, since i might be launching the same Observable twice or more in a very short amount of time, I decided to write such transformer:
protected Observable.Transformer<ReturnType, ReturnType> attachToRunningTaskIfAvailable() {
return origObservable -> {
synchronized (mapOfRunningTasks) {
// If not in maps
if ( ! mapOfRunningTasks.containsKey(getCacheKey()) ) {
Timber.d("Cache miss for %s", getCacheKey());
.doOnTerminate(() -> {
Timber.d("Removed from tasks %s", getCacheKey());
synchronized (mapOfRunningTasks) {
} else {
Timber.d("Cache Hit for %s", getCacheKey());
return mapOfRunningTasks.get(getCacheKey());
Which basically puts the original .cache observable in a HashMap<String, Observable>.
This basically disallows multiple requests with the same getCacheKey() (Example login) to call performRequest() in parallel. Instead, if a second login request arrives while another is in progress, the second request observable gets "discarded" and the already-running will be used instead. => All the calls to onNext are going to be cached and sent to both subscribers actually hitting my backend only once.
Now, suppouse this code:
// Observable loginTask
public void doLogin(Observable<UserInfo> loginTask) {
(userInfo) -> {},
(throwable) -> {
if (userWantsToRetry()) {
Where loginTask was composed with the previous transformer. Well, when an error occurs (might be connectivity) and the userWantsToRetry() then i'll basically re-call the method with the same observable. Unfortunately that has been cached and I'll receive the same error without hitting performRequest() again since the sequence gets replayed.
Is there a way I could have both the "same requests grouping" behavior that the transformer provides me AND the retry button?
Your question has a lot going on and it's hard to put it into direct terms. I can make a couple recommendations though. Firstly your Observable.create can be simplified by using an Observable.defer(Func0<Observable<T>>). This will run the func every time a new subscriber is subscribed and catch and channel any exceptions to the subscriber's onError.
Observable.defer(() -> {
return Observable.just(performRequest());
Next, you can use observable.repeatWhen(Func1<Observable<Void>, Observable<?>>) to decide when you want to retry. Repeat operators will re-subscribe to the observable after an onComplete event. This particular overload will send an event to a subject when an onComplete event is received. The function you provide will receive this subject. Your function should call something like takeWhile(predicate) and onComplete when you do not want to retry again.
Observable.just(1,2,3).flatMap((Integer num) -> {
final AtomicInteger tryCount = new AtomicInteger(0);
return Observable.just(num)
.repeatWhen((Observable<? extends Void> notifications) ->
notifications.takeWhile((x) -> num == 2 && tryCount.incrementAndGet() != 3));
The above example shows that retries are aloud when the event is not 2 and up to a max of 22 retries. If you switch to a repeatWhen then the flatMap would contain your decision as to use a cached observable or the realWork observable. Hope this helps!