How not to lose the asynchronous call? - scala

How not to lose the asynchronous call anotherService.doSomething(res) ? Otherwise I'm not sure the piece of code will execute.
myDAO.update(param).map { // update() returns Future[Option[Object]]
case Some(row) =>
if ( {
myDAO.selectUser(size).map { //selectUser() returns Future[Option[User]]
case Some(res) =>
anotherService.doSomething(res) //doSomething() returns Future[StandaloneWSResponse] but this line might not run without being able to keep track. This is my problem
case _ => Left(Wrong)
case None => Left(Wrong)
My idea is to store the result of the if and doing something like this:
val v = if ( {
myDAO.selectUser(size).map { //selectUser() returns Future[Option[User]]
case Some(res) =>
anotherService.doSomething(res) //doSomething() returns Future[StandaloneWSResponse]
case _ => Left(Wrong)

You can use scalaz and for-comprehension to make sure what is that did not work there.
import scalaz._
val result = for {
updateObjResultOpt <- myDAO.update(param).toRightDisjunction("error when Update")
userOptional <- myDAO.selectUser(size).toRightDisjunction("error when select user")
otherResult <- anotherService.doSomething(res).toRightDisjunction("error when execute doSomething")
} yield otherResult
// if you want return Future[ValidationNel[String, StandaloneWSResponse]]
val validationNelResult = result.fold(error => Failure(NonEmptyList(error)), otherResult => Success(otherResult))
// if you want to return the Future[result], you can use pattern matching
val futureResult = validationNelResult.match {
case Success(data) => Ok("success")
case Failure(error) => BadRequest(error)
case _ => BadRequest("other error")
I have not compiled it yet but I think it will working...

Using a for-comprehension is more idiomatic, you just need to provide a value for each None:
for {
rowOpt <- myDAO.selectUser(size)
userOpt <- rowOpt.filter([...])) {row =>
resultOpt <- userOpt.fold(Future.succesful(Option.empty[...])) {user =>
} yield resultOpt.toEither(Wrong)
Something like that.


How to write an asynchronous code that Awaited concisely?

I'm a beginner in Scala.
Please let me know if there is a more concise part in the code below.
To supplement, I'd like to call each Future method synchronously.
◆getUser method:
def getUser: Option[User] = {
.flatMap(x => Option(x.getOrElse(null)))
◆ process method:
def process : Unit =
for {
user <- getUser
} yield {
twitterService.delete(, configService.getString(TWITTER_SEARCH_KEYWORD)),
.foreach {
case Success(tweets) => tweets.foreach(tweet => println(s"Delete Successfully!!. $tweet"))
case Failure(exception) => println(s"Failed Delete.... Exception:[$exception]")
I made some assumptions on user and tweet data types but I would rewrite that to:
def maybeDeleteUser(userName: String, maybeUser: Option[User]): Future[String] =
maybeUser match {
case Some(user) =>
twitterService.delete(, configService.getString(TWITTER_SEARCH_KEYWORD)).map {
case Failure(exception) => s"Failed Delete.... Exception:[${exception.getMessage}]"
case Success(tweets) => => s"Delete Successfully!!. $tweet").mkString(System.lineSeparator())
case _ => Future.successful(s"Failed to find user $userName")
def getStatusLogMessage: Future[String] = {
val userName = configService.getString(TWITTER_USERNAME_CONF)
for {
maybeUser <- twitterService.getUser(configService.getString(TWITTER_USERNAME_CONF))
statusLogMessage <- maybeDeleteUser(userName, maybeUser)
} yield statusLogMessage
def process: Unit = {
val message = Await.result(getStatusLogMessage, Duration.Inf)
That way your side effect, i.e. println is isolated and other methods can be unit tested. If you need to block the execution, do it only at the end and use map and flatMap to chain Futures if you need to order the execution of those. Also be careful with Duration.Inf, if you really need to block, then you'd want to have some defined timeout.

Scala Playframework not all DB queries get executed

I'm sending via HTTP Post Request a Json to my Playframework backend.
In my backend I validate the Json to a Model. After that, I want to save the entries in my Model to my DB.
def parseJSON: Action[AnyContent] = Action.async {
request =>
Future {[MyModel] match {
case JsSuccess(items, _) =>
case JsError(err) =>
BadRequest("Json Parse Error")
One Item consists out of several objects. To save all objects to my DB, I need to get some values. Therefore I'm using a for(..) yield(...):
def saveItems(items: MyModel) = { => {
if (obj.value1.isDefined &&
obj.value2.isDefined ) {
val result = for (
value1Exists <- value1DTO.checkExists(;
value1Entry <- getOrCreateValue1(value1Exists, obj);
value2Exists <- value2DTO.checkExists(;
value2Entry <- getOrCreateValue2(value1Exists, obj)
) yield(value1Entry, value2Entry){
case (value1Entry, value2Entry) => {
insertAllValue3(value1Entry, value2Entry)
case _ => Future.failed(new Exception("Not all entries defined"))
else {
Future.successful("Not all objects defined - skipping")
My problem is, after all{...}) have started, my parseJSON Action returns 200 - OK. But not all relevant items get stored to my DB. It seems like after the 200 - OK everything is stopped and it doesn't even throw an error.
I don't want to use Await.result or anything blocking in my Action.
Thanks in Advance
You are starting computations by calling itemsToDBController.saveItems(items) and then immediately return result with Ok("Success"). So exception may be thrown after request if completed.
To fix this issue you need to transform result of itemsToDBController.saveItems from List[Future[T]] to Future[List[T]] with help of Future.sequence. Then call map method on returned future. Call recover on this Future to find which error is thrown:
def parseJSON: Action[AnyContent] = Action.async { request =>
.map(_.validate[MyModel] match {
case JsSuccess(items, _) =>
.map(_ => Ok("Success"))
.recover {
case e: Exception => BadRequest(e.getMessage())
case JsError(err) =>
Future.successful(BadRequest("Json Parse Error"))
For running all inserts in one transaction you should combine DBIOAction instead of Future. For example you rewrite checkExists(name) as:
def checkExists(name: String): DBIO[Boolean] = {
Objects.filter(obj => === name).exists
getOrCreateValue(exists, obj) as:
def getOrCreateValue(exists: boolean, obj: Object): DBIO[Object] = {
if (exists) {
Objects.filter(o => === name).result.head
} else {
(Objects returning into ((o, id) => o.copy(id = Some(id)))) += obj
Now you can run it in single transaction in the following way:
def saveItems(items: MyModel) = {
val insertActions = => {
if (obj.value1.isDefined && obj.value2.isDefined) {
val result = for {
value1Exists <- value1DTO.checkExists(;
value1Entry <- getOrCreateValue1(value1Exists, obj);
value2Exists <- value2DTO.checkExists(;
value2Entry <- getOrCreateValue2(value1Exists, obj)
} yield (value1Entry, value2Entry)
case (value1Entry, value2Entry) => {
insertAllValue3(value1Entry, value2Entry) // This also returns instance of `DBIOAction`
case _ =>
DBIO.failed(new Exception("Not all entries defined"))
} else {
DBIO.successful("Not all objects defined - skipping")
For mo info how to work with DBIO actions check this official docs

Scala: Chaining futures, returning the first

I have a scenario where I have a Future[Something]: a which when successful needs to trigger a second Future[Unit]: b. I want to chain a and b together but I only care that a succeeds. if b fails I can just log an error and leave it at that:
So far I have:
def updateSomething(something: Something): Future[Something] = {
val eventual: Future[Something] = repository.update(something)
case updated =>
repository.audit(, "Update successful")
case throwable: Throwable => Logger.error("Audit failed", throwable)
})"Update Complete")
But this does not link the lifecyles of the update and the audit together. e.g when I Await.result(service.updateSomething(...), duration) there is no guarantee the repository.audit future has completed.
flatMap is your friend. You can just use a for-comprehension + recover:
for {
a <- executeA()
_ <- executeB(b).recover{case e => println(e); Future.unit } // awaits B to complete
} yield a
Also you can use more friendly form:
execudeA().flatMap(a =>
executeB().recover { case e => println(e); () }.map(_ => a)
also, you can just use a val
val = a <- executeA()
a.andThen{ case _ => executeB(b).recover{case e => println(e)} }
a //and return a

Play framework ignore following map/flatmap

Is there a way to ignore the following map/flatmap's without failed?
This is what I have:
def delete(serverId: UUID) = authAction.async { implicit request =>
val user = request.user.get
.flatMap{s =>
if (s.isEmpty) {
Future.failed(new DeleteFailedException)
// Can I return a `NotFound("...")` here instead of failed?
} else {
.map{s =>
}.map{_ =>
Ok(Json.toJson(Map("success" -> "true")))
When I would return a NotFound("...") in the flatMap the following map would still be executed. Is there a way to ignore the following map/flatmap's?
Think so should be fine (I assumed that findByIdAndUserId returns Future[Option[_]], not an Option[_] as you answered in comment). In my approach I also removed usage of get and unnecessary map
def delete(serverId: UUID) = authAction.async { implicit request =>
val user = request.user.get
request.user.flatMap( {
Future.successfull(NotFound("no user"))
} {userId =>
serverService.findByIdAndUserId(serverId, userId).map {
case None =>
NotFound("no server")
case Some(s) =>
Ok(Json.toJson(Map("success" -> "true")))
Instead of doing a Future.failed with an exception. you can return an Either. The good thing about either is that you can pattern match on it and then construct the appropriate http response.
def delete(serverId: UUID) = authAction.async { implicit request =>
val user = request.user.get
.flatMap{s =>
if (s.isEmpty) {
Left(new DeleteFailedException)
} else {
.map{s => s match {
case Left(notFound) =>
// construct the Json for failure
case Right(s) =>
// construct json for success.

Play Scala 2.4 linking asynchronous calls

I'm trying to figure out how to link multiple asynchronous calls and return a result. I am currently trying to asynchronously user data first, and update user data asynchronously and return result, but it seems like it is not working :(
i used map { result => Ok(result)}, but play still thinks that I am returning an object. any help?
def updateUserData() = Action.async { implicit request =>
errors => Future.successful(BadRequest(views.html.authenticated.settings.settings_hero(errors, Option(""), Option("")))),
case (userData) =>
request.session.get("email") match {
case Some(email) =>
getUser(email, userData.curent_password) map { userCheck =>
if (userCheck) {
updateUserOnService(email, userData.f_name, userData.l_name, userData.new_password) map { result =>
//val e = updateUserOnService(email, userData.f_name, userData.l_name, userData.new_password) map {result => Ok("")}
// user is valid now update the user data
// call removeAuth to log out
// redirect to home
///Ok (updateUserOnService(email, userData.f_name, userData.l_name, userData.new_password) map { result => result})
//Redirect(routes.settings.index()).addingToSession("email" -> email)
} else {
BadRequest(views.html.authenticated.settings.settings_hero(updateUserForm.bindFromRequest.withGlobalError(Messages("error.login", email)), Option(""), Option("")))
The main part that i am having issue is this part. I think it is matter of some syntax. Could someone help?
updateUserOnService(email, userData.f_name, userData.l_name, userData.new_password) map { result =>
The issue is with your types and that they don't match up with the required ones.
.fold has to result in Future[Result] in both branches (the error and the success ones).
In the successful form bind branch you have this:
case (userData) => ... // The ... must evaluate to Future[Result]
Looking at your first operation we see:
request.session.get("email") match {
case Some(email) => ...
One big issue here is that the None case is not handled! (but this is does not cause the types not matching up). Having something like the following will solve this: case None => Future.successful(BadRequest(...))
So moving on: in the Some you have the following:
getUser(email, userData.curent_password) map { userCheck =>
if (userCheck) {
updateUserOnService(email, userData.f_name, userData.l_name, userData.new_password) map { result =>
} else {
BadRequest(views.html.authenticated.settings.settings_hero(updateUserForm.bindFromRequest.withGlobalError(Messages("error.login", email)), Option(""), Option("")))
This is where the issue is:
getUser will return with a Future[X] and when you map over it you will have Future[Y] where Y will be what userCheck => ... evaluates to.
In this case the types are totally mixed up, since when you do if(usercheck) on the true branch you have Future[Result] on the false branch you have Result. So the types don't align on both branches which is a big issue and the compiler will infer Any from this.
To fix this, in the false branch create a future: Future.successful(BadRequest(....))
Ok, now that we fixed the most inner type issues, let's start going backwards. Inside we have Future[Result], if we go back one level (before the getUser()) then we will have Future[Future[Result]]. Again this is not what we want, because we need Future[Result].
The solution to this is to flatMap instead of map, because with flatMap when you need to return with the same container type and it flattens it. A quick example to understand this:
Seq(1, 2, 3).flatMap(i => Seq(i, i))
// res0: Seq[Int] = List(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3)
In the case of Futures:
import scala.concurrent.Future
Future(1).flatMap(i => Future(i*2))
// res1: scala.concurrent.Future[Int] = [....]
So we see that we don't have double nesting, but just a single Future.
Going back to your example this would be my updated code that would work better:
def updateUserData() = Action.async { implicit request =>
errors => Future.successful(BadRequest(views.html.authenticated.settings.settings_hero(errors, Option(""), Option("")))),
case (userData) =>
request.session.get("email") match {
case Some(email) =>
getUser(email, userData.curent_password).flatMap { userCheck =>
if (userCheck) {
updateUserOnService(email, userData.f_name, userData.l_name, userData.new_password) map { result =>
} else {
Future.successful(BadRequest(views.html.authenticated.settings.settings_hero(updateUserForm.bindFromRequest.withGlobalError(Messages("error.login", email)), Option(""), Option(""))))
case None => Future.successful(BadRequest) // FIXME: Implement as you wish