Debug RESTful service from external device, unfamiliar error message - rest

I have been working on a RESTful service (with VS 2015) for about 4 months now, on a Windows 7 development laptop (I don't know if Windows 7 is playing a role here, but I mention it for completeness).
I just purchased a new development machine with Windows 10. I copied my code to that machine, installed VS2015, etc (re-created my development environment).
When I right-click the service project and select Debug->Start new instance, everything works fine, and I can interact with the service from a browser using "http://localhost:[port]/api....."
However, I wish to interact with the service via my android app, that I am developing. I followed the instructions here:
Namely, I ran the "netsh" command, made the necessary changes to applicationhost.config, etc. On my Windows 7 machine, this worked great and I was able to develop my mobile app.
However, on my new machine, the command:
netsh http add urlacl url=http://192.168.xx.xx:[port]/ user=everyone
causes me to get an error when I attempt to start the service in the debugger. The error is "There was a temporary DNS error. Try refreshing the page. Error Code: INET_E_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND"
If I then execute:
netsh http delete urlacl url=http://192.168.xx.xx:[port]/
the service runs fine, but I still cannot access it from my android device.
As I mentioned, this worked just fine on my Windows 7 machine.
Thanks for any help.....


Unable to connect to localhost, bs-local, etc on Browserstack

I'm attempting to do some development on iOS for a model-viewer web component through browserstack (using iOS 13 Chrome) and it seems unable to connect to localhost, whether I use bs-local (as suggested via browserstack), my IP, or anything else.
I went through their troubleshooting guides with no success, and their own "Debug Connectivity" test in localhost:45454 seems to return a 200 OK response for my page, but still seems unable to connect (it returns "Unable to display the page").
I'm attempting to run it using iOS 13 on Chrome.
I've set up the proxy details, enabled 'Force Local', and installed the Browserstack Local app and have verified that it is connected correctly. The URL formats I have tried are:
I am writing my code in VS Code and am using node.js/npm and npm run serve using Ubuntu (WSL) in the terminal to start the web dev server, which starts on its own correctly. Opening the page on my own machine seems to work fine, it is solely unable to connect through browserstack live.
Is there a step that I'm missing? What should I troubleshoot next? I'm a junior developer, so please explain in detail.

How to access chrome dev tools on a chromebook from another machine

I recently followed many guides about how to get the chromebook into dev mode, allow modifications by making the linux OS writable and how the forwarding works. Also opened the firewall to allow any traffic. I've entered the --remote-debugging-port=2253 and --remote-debugging-address= to the /etc/chrome-dev.conf file. The reason I entered is because to my understanding, chrome does not by default allow remote hosts to connect and is by default only listening to localhost. (This method worked on Ubuntu, macOS and windows devices.)
Now when I start chrome and browse to localhost:2253 I indeed get to see inspectable pages. However, I cannot access these from another machine. (Even with forwarding enabled)
Is there something I am missing or doing wrong? The reason I want to access these pages is because I'm trying to run an automated remote test (with puppeteer) that takes screenshots while 'using' our application.
I've also tried to take another path and get node running on the chromebook without success. I tried doing this with NVM but When installing NVM it fails because of permissions errors. Even when running as sudo.
I hope someone can help me so I can remotely connect to the device with the chrome devtools.

Can't access my Web app running on a tomcat server from another computer in same network

here's my problem, I have a Webservice that I run in tomcat using eclipse, and I have an android app connected to that Webservice. I access to that localhost using the local ip of my computer. Yes my phone is using same network. Sometimes when I launch the server, it's like I didnt, my app cant find a route and when I restart my computer everything works again. So my question is: What could be the problem because its kinda annoying to always have to restart my computer. I need a definitive solution. Thanks

Loopback enabled UWP app successfully reach localhost service only when Fiddler is running

For develop purpose only I'm testing a UWP (Universal Windows Platform) client app locally on my Windows 10 Laptop, where a WebAPI service is running.
By default, WinRT apps cannot connect to localhost but Visual Studio locally deployed apps should, but I coudn't manage to succeed.
Then I've used Fiddler to check and eventually enable loopback ability for my UWP app and found that it was already enabled.
By accident I've discovered that only while Fiddler is running, my UWP app can connect to the WebAPI service.
I'd like to know why.
Fiddler is able to Allow your App to use the local network loopback.
Simply check your App and you can reach your WebService.
You will see if you uncheck your App, you won't reach your WebService again.
Visual Studio enables the local network loopback while debugging as well if you check the option in your Projects Debugging Properties. (Project -> Properties -> Debugging -> Allow local network loopback)

General failure. Please try again. Server may be unavailable (2013)

So today, whenever I try to sign My Blackberry app using the WebWorks packager, I get this error...
"General failure. Please try again. Server may be unavailable".
My proxy settings have not changed and I have been using the same command line instruction with success before.
I've also checked the status of the Blackberry signing server using the following link... or RCR or RRT
And everything appears to be online!
So, where could I be going wrong? Here's the command line instruction I've been using. First, I navigate to my Blackberry build folder and run the following instruction against it...
bbwp –g <password> –o z:\projects\appname\signed
It goes through through parsing the various elements. The signing tool pops up and then the error is generated.
So, after a couple of days of banging my head against the wall-the answer finally came to me. I'm on a MAC but am also using a Windows virtual machine for Blackberry developement, which is running on another network altogether and this specific network is using a firewall, which, according to the network administrator, is currently experiencing a severe technical problem.
The way round it was to sign my Blackberry app using configured proxy settings to communicate with the signing server and viola! It worked!