How to make adjacent polygons align with the edited polygon in leaflet? - leaflet

Is there any way in Leaflet to edit a shape file (from database) consisting of adjacent polygons in the same manner as in QGIS using the "Reshape feature"-tool in the Advanced Edit toolbar?
At the moment I'm using to edit. It works fine to reshape an activated polygon by draging coordinates, but I would like adjacent polygons to align to the new shape. And draging coordinates can turn into a lot of work. Drawing the new boarder as with "reshape feature"-tool would be ideal. Anyone know if it's possible and if so: how?


Painting Polygon Shaped Areas on Terrain/Surface/Ground in Unity

I have a set of 2D polygon shapes, each one with a varying amount of points that are determined at runtime.
I need to draw (or "paint") these polygons on top of a surface.
I also need to fill in the areas of each polygon with a specific color that is also determined at runtime.
The polygons only really need to be drawn once, however solutions that would allow me to update/change the colors would be nice.The project will be built for WebGL.
The polygons are to mark of specific areas on a surface so they shouldn't repeat.
Polygons can overlap with eachother
What are the different/best solutions that may help me achieve this?
Am also open to suggestions and further reading
I'm a relative Beginner to Unity but a somewhat experienced programmer and know a slight bit about shader programming.
By polygons I don't mean geometry I just mean a regular shapes I would like to paint on to a surface. Its just that I will always have polygons with a varying amount of points that are loaded in at runtime.
First, u need to split the surface into that polygon then u need to have materials on them and the code that specifies the colour should update the colour of the material which is on that specific polygon. Creating materials could be done in code to avoid a lot of work in a simple loop.

How to mask/trim voronoi polygons around country?

I have mapbox map with ~2000 points and I have voronoi polygons drawn around them vith turf.js, how can set boundaries around country so polygon don't stretch all over the world? I just want to mask/trim them and keep polygons around country borders.
What I already tried is using turf.js mask feature ( but I lose all layers (there are no polygons/points anymore).
Here is my code on JSFiddle:
Loop through each Border of each Voronoi cell and check if it crosses the outer shell.
If so, set the Intersection as a new edge of the Voronoi cell and delete all edges that are outside the meshing area.
Maybe this helps you, as well:
I see this has been answered, but I had the same issue and I believe there is a cleaner solution. You can simply use the turf/intersect function to clip the voronoi cells to another geometry. No manual border checking or anything.

GeoServer Vector Tiles show tile boundary issue in Mapbox GL JS

I use GeoServer to provide Vector Tiles (based on the GeoServer Vector Tile Extension) of my biking trails as .pbf.
The data are added as vector source and visualized using Mapbox GL JS.
Additionally, I use the GeoServer perpendicularOffset to offset the lines (as I always have two directions of the biking trail).
A problem occurs when visualizing the data within Mapbox. The lines are cut at the tile edges, although they are visualized correctly using the layer preview on GeoServer.
The further I zoom in the map, the less the clipping of the lines happens and at a very detailed zoom, the lines are drawn correctly.
I already tried to use a large enough buffer and modify the tile size, as these were suggestions when researching the problem. Unfortunately, these settings had no effect.
I have another vector source layer for the base map, there I have no problems.
It seems to me, that offsetting the lines might be a problem.
Any idea what I can try?
the tile size of Geoserver's tile grid is 256x256 , but mapbox need 512x512, add a custom tile grid, set the tile size to 512x512, generate your vector tile with the custom tile grid should be ok.

Leaflet: Polygonmarker instead of circlemarker

I am looking for a way to display a polygonmarker instead of a circlemarker in leaflet.
I am not looking for a way to draw a polygon on the map, because I need it to be the same size independent of zoomlevel.
Drawing a polygon also requires multiple coordinates which I don't have.
example: There is a spot on a mountain that allows to start flying here in winddirections from North to Southwest.
I want to draw a cone in those directions.
Can this be done in leaflet? I've looked around but can't find a solution to this.
If not, any suggestions?

Vector layers with mapboxgl with no coordinates

Is there a way to draw a vector layer with CorelDraw for example and place it on napboxgl and use it as geojson layers?
For example
Are they using geojson or etc.? Or just some sort of vector format?
I can't use geojson as it is hard to draw with QGIS any straight lines or symmetrical objects. I just want to draw a lot of vector objects and use them as layers with mapboxGL(use mapbox as render method and interact with layers as with geojson)
Any suggestions how to do it? Or is there a way to draw with Corel and then place it on map with QGIS?
Now I am using Corel -> dxf export and then import it to QGIS, then save it as geojson. But have some glitches with displaying that geojson geometry in mapbox, so I have to draw another in QGIS over the imported(dxf) one.
Here is an example of the bug, should be just a green polygon like the gray one
UPDATE: my fault, I was using lines instead of polygons.
I think you can achieve this as follows:
Convert the Corel output to SVG
Create an HTML element containing the SVG (not necessarily added to DOM)
On your Mapbox map, add a Canvas source containing the canvas: see
Obviously you will need to determine the lat/lon of the corners of your image somehow.