Advantages of Templates ( ie infrastructure as code) over API calls - aws-cloudformation

I am trying to setup a module to deploy resources in the cloud (it could be any cloud provider). I don't see the advantages of using templates (ie. the deploy manager) over direct API calls :
Creation of VM using a template :
# deployment.yaml
- type: compute.v1.instance
name: quickstart-deployment-vm
zone: us-central1-f
machineType: f1-micro
# bash command to deploy yaml file
gcloud deployment-manager deployments create vm-deploy --config deployment.yaml
Creation of VM using a API call :
def addInstance(http, listOfHeaders):
url = "[PROJECT_ID]/zones/[ZONE]/instances"
body = {
"name": "quickstart-deployment-vm",
"zone": " us-central1-f",
"machineType": "f1-micro",
bodyContentURLEncoded = urllib.urlencode(bodyContent)
http.request(uri=url, method="POST", body=body)
Can someone explain to me what benefits I get using templates?

readability\easy of use\authentication handled for you\no need to be a coder\etc. There can be many advantages, it really depends on how you look at it. It depends on your background\tools you use.
It might be more beneficial to use python all the way for you specifically.

It's easier to use templates and you get a lot of builtin functionality such as running a validation on your template to scan for possible security vulnerabilities and similar. You can also easily delete your infra using the same template as you create it. FWIW, I've gone all the way with templates and do as much as I can with templates and in smaller units. It makes it easy to move out a part of the infra or duplicate it to another project, using a pipeline in GitLab to deploy it for example.

The reason to use templates over API calls is that templates can be used in use cases where a deterministic outcome is required.

Both Template and API call has its own benefits. There is always a tradeoff between the two options. If you want more flexibility in the deployment, then the API call suits you better. On the other hand, if the security and complete revision is your priority, then Template should be your choice. Details can be found in this online documentation.

When using a template, orchestration of the deployment is handled by the platform. When using API calls (or other imperative approaches) you need to handle orchestration.


Generate OAS3 API from AWS serverless YAML without deploying?

I am developing a moderately complex (for me) serverless infrastructure on AWS that consists of about 50 lambdas and would like to start fleshing out the API documentation but am finding it very tedious. Right now any time I want to make a minor schema change, documentation change, etc. in my YAML, I am re-deploying the whole Cloud Formation and then regenerating the OAS3 API with
sls deploy
aws apigateway get-export --parameters extensions='apigateway' \
--rest-api-id $API_ID --stage-name dev --export-type oas30 \
This is obviously pretty time consuming and I feel like there must be a better way. I poked around with with serverless-documentation plugin, but that still seems to require a redeploy (and only works with OAS2), and I've now started investigating serverless-offline (which I wish I knew about in the past), but before I go down that rabbit hole I wanted to see if there's a better way to do this.
I was ultimately able to do what I want using the serverless-openapi plugin (I'm actually using the pvdlg fork), which uses a custom:documentation style very similar to the OAS2 serverless-aws-documentation plugin from With that plugin installed I can then do sls openapi generate -f json -o oas3api.json to output swagger that's pretty close to fully documented, though I did have to write a small script to ingest the swagger, add in per-path security sections (which the plugin doesn't seem to support) and an info block for things like a contact name and TOS, and spit it back out again.
But at least it means no more waiting for AWS to update the CloudFormation just so I can update my docs!

What is the purpose of using a secret injector in k8s instead of coding in my software the stuff to handle my secrets in a vault like google SM

Ok.. so, we have Google Secret Manager on GCP, AWS Secret Manager in AWS, Key Vault in Azure... and so on.
Those services give you libs so you can code the way your software will access the secrets there. They all look straightforward and sort of easy to implement. Right?
For instance, using Google SM you can like:
from import secretmanager
client = secretmanager.SecretManagerServiceClient()
request = {"name": f"projects/<proj-id>/secrets/mysecret/versions/1"}
response = client.access_secret_version(request)
payload ="UTF-8")
and you're done.
I mean, if we talk about K8S, you can improve the code above by reading the vars from a configmap where you may have all the resources of your secrets, like:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: myms
namespace: myns
DBPASS: projects/<proj-id>/secrets/mysecretdb/versions/1
APIKEY: projects/<proj-id>/secrets/myapikey/versions/1
DIRTYSECRET: projects/<proj-id>/secrets/mydirtysecret/versions/1
And then use part of the code above to load the vars and get the secrets from the SM.
So, when I was looking the interwebs for best practices and examples, I found projects like the below:
But those projects don't clearly explain what's the point of mounting my secrets as files or env_vars..
I got really confused, maybe I'm too newbie on the K8S and cloud world... and that's why I'm here asking, maybe, a really really dumb questions. Sorry :/
My questions are:
Are the projects, mentioned above, recommended for old code that I do not want to touch? I mean, let's say that my code already use a env var called DBPASS=mypass and I would like to workaround it so the value from the DBPASS env would be hackinjected by a value from a SM.
The implementation to handle a secret manager is very hard. So it is recommended to use one of the solutions above?
What are the advantages of such injection approach?
Thx a lot!
There are many possible motivations why you may want to use an abstraction (such as the CSI driver or sidecar injector) over a native integration:
Portability - If you're multi-cloud or multi-target, you may have multiple secret management solutions. Or you might have a different secret manager target for local development versus production. Projecting secrets onto a virtual filesystem or into environment variables provides a "least common denominator" approach that decouples the application from its secrets management provider.
Local development - Similar to the previous point on portability, it's common to have "fake" or fakeish data for local development. For local dev, secrets might all be fake and not need to connect to a real secret manager. Moving to an abstraction avoids error-prone spaghetti code like:
let secret;
if (process.env.RAILS_ENV === 'production') {
secret = secretmanager.access('...')
} else {
secret = 'abcd1234'
De-risking - By avoiding a tight coupling, you can de-risk upstream API changes in an abstraction layer. This is conceptual similar to the benefits of microservices. As a platform team, you make a guarantee to your developers that their secret will live at process.env.FOO, and it doesn't matter how it gets there, so long as you continue to fulfill that API contract.
Separate of duties - In some organizations, the platform team (k8s team) is separate from the security team, is separate from development teams. It might not be realistic for a developer to ever have direct access to a secret manager.
Preserving identities - Depending on the implementation, it's possible that the actor which accesses the secret varies. Sometimes it's the k8s cluster, sometimes it's the individual pod. They both had trade-offs.
Why might you not want this abstraction? Well, it adds additional security concerns. Exposing secrets via environment variables or via the filesystem makes you subject to a generic series of supply chain attacks. Using a secret manager client library or API directly doesn't entirely prevent this, but it forces a more targeted attack (e.g. core dump) instead of a more generic path traversal or env-dump-to-pastebin attack.

Google Cloud Compute, using environment variables

I have found lots of information on how to use environment variables in Google App Engine projects.
However I am yet to find some best practice on what to do with environment variables on compute engine.
Is it possible to use Google Cloud Deployment Manager to achieve this? My main goal is to simplify deployment between prod/stag/dev.
Right now I am moving towards using dotenv files.
Stack is webpack 4, express, node 10, vuejs 2.
For Compute Engine instances I'd suggest to use custom metadata. You can find detailed documentation about this here. From within your instance, you can access your custom metadata by performing an empty request to the instance().get method, for example:
Now, to set your custom metadata, you can indeed use the Google Cloud Deployment Manager. As per the doc here, you just need to add the metadata property and the relevant metadata keys and values for your VM resource, for example:
- name: my-first-vm-template
type: compute.v1.instance
zone: us-central1-a
- key: custom-key
value: "custom-value"

How to run multiple Kubernetes jobs in sequence?

I would like to run a sequence of Kubernetes jobs one after another. It's okay if they are run on different nodes, but it's important that each one run to completion before the next one starts. Is there anything built into Kubernetes to facilitate this? Other architecture recommendations also welcome!
This requirement to add control flow, even if it's a simple sequential flow, is outside the scope of Kubernetes native entities as far as I know.
There are many workflow engine implementations for Kubernetes, most of them are focusing on solving CI/CD but are generic enough for you to use however you want.
Added a custom resource deginition in Kubernetes entity for Workflow
Takes a more serverless like approach and is built on Javascript which is very flexible
Has a unique approach where you can use the SaaS to easily get started without complicated installation and maintenance, and you can point Codefresh at your Kubernetes nodes to run the workflow on.
Feel free to Google for "Kubernetes Workflow", and discover the right platform for yourself.
Disclaimer: I work at Codefresh
I would try to use cronjobs and set the concurrency policy to forbid so it doesn't run concurrent jobs.
I have worked on IBM TWS (Workload Automation) which is a scheduler similar to cronjob where you can mention the dependencies of the jobs.
You can specify a job to run only after it's dependencies has run using follows keyword.

Convert Terraform Templates to Cloudformation Templates

I want to convert the existing terraform templates(hcl) to aws cloudformation templates(json/yaml).
I basically want to find security issues with these templates through CFN_NAG.
An approach that I have already tried was converting HCL to JSON and then passing the template to CFN_NAG but I received a failure since both the templates have different structure.
Can anyone please provide any suggestions here?
A rather convoluted way of achieving this is to use Terraform to stand-up actual AWS environments, and then to use AWS’s CloudFormer to extract CloudFormation templates (JSON or YAML) from what Terraform has built. At which point you can use cfn-nag.
CloudFormer has some limitations, in that not all AWS resources are currently supported (RDS Security Groups for example) , but it will get you all the basic AWS resources.
Don't forget to remove all the environments, including CloudFormer's, to minimise the cost.
You want to use static code analysis to find security issues in your Terraform setup.
Trying to converting Terraform to CloudFormation to later use cfn-nag is one way. However, there exist tools now that directly operate on the Terraform setup.
I would recommend to take a look at terrascan. It is built on terraform_validate. runs security scanning for both terraform and cloudformation