Splitting Kafka into separate topic or single topic/multiple partitions - apache-kafka

As usual, it's bit confusing to see benefits of splitting methods over others.
I can't see the difference/Pros-Cons between having
Topic1 -> P0 and Topic 2 -> P0
over Topic 1 -> P0, P1
and a consumer pull from 2 topics or single topic/2 partitions, while P0 and P1 will hold different event types or entities.
Thee only benefit I can see if another consumer needs Topic 2 data then it's easy to consume
Regarding topic auto generation, any benefits behind that way or it will be out of hand after some time?

I would say this decision depends on multiple factors;
Logic/Separation of Concerns: You can decide whether to use multiple topics over multiple partitions based on the logic you are trying to implement. Normally, you need distinct topics for distinct entities. For example, say you want to stream users and companies. It doesn't make much sense to create a single topic with two partitions where the first partition holds users and the second one holds the companies. Also, having a single topic for multiple partitions won't allow you to implement e.g. message ordering for users that can only be achieved using keyed messages (message with the same key are placed in the same partition).
Host storage capabilities: A partition must fit in the storage of the host machine while a topic can be distributed across the whole Kafka Cluster by partitioning it across multiple partitions. Kafka Docs can shed some more light on this:
The partitions in the log serve several purposes. First, they allow
the log to scale beyond a size that will fit on a single server. Each
individual partition must fit on the servers that host it, but a topic
may have many partitions so it can handle an arbitrary amount of data.
Second they act as the unit of parallelism—more on that in a bit.
Throughput: If you have high throughput, it makes more sense to create different topics per entity and split them into multiple partitions so that multiple consumers can join the consumer group. Don't forget that the level of parallelism in Kafka is defined by the number of partitions (and obviously active consumers).
Retention Policy: Message retention in Kafka works on partition/segment level and you need to make sure that the partitioning you've made in conjunction with the desired retention policy you've picked will support your use case.
Coming to your second question now, I am not sure what is your requirement and how this question relates to the first one. When a producer attempts to write a message to a Kafka topic that does not exist, it will automatically create that topic when auto.create.topics.enable is set to true. Otherwise, the topic won't get created and your producer will fail.
auto.create.topics.enable: Enable auto creation of topic on the server
Again, this decision should be dependent on your requirements and the desired behaviour. Normally, auto.create.topics.enable should be set to false in production environments in order to mitigate any risks.

Just adding some things on top of Giorgos answer:
By choosing the second approach over the first one, you would lose a lot of features that Kafka offers. Some of the features may be: data balancing per brokers, removing topics, consumer groups, ACLs, joins with Kafka Streams, etc.
I think that this flag can be easily compared with automatically creating tables in your database. It's handy to do it in your dev environments but you never want it to happen in production.


Should I create more topics or more partitions?

Kafka gets orders from others countries.
I need to group these orders by countries. Should I create more topics with country name or about to have one topic with different partitions?
Another was it to have one topic and use strean Kafka that filters orders and sends to specific country topic?
What is better if anmount of countries is over 180?
I want distribute orders across executers who is placed in specific country/city.
So, order has data about country/city. Then Kafka must find executers in this country/city and send them the same order.
In your case, I would create one topic countries and use the country_id or country_name as the message key so that messages for the same country, are placed in the same partition. In this way, each partition will contain information for specific country (or countries - it depends).
I would say this decision depends on multiple factors;
Logic/Separation of Concerns: You can decide whether to use multiple topics over multiple partitions based on the logic you are trying to implement. Normally, you need distinct topics for distinct entities. For example, say you want to stream users and companies. It doesn't make much sense to create a single topic with two partitions where the first partition holds users and the second one holds the companies. Also, having a single topic for multiple partitions won't allow you to implement e.g. message ordering for users that can only be achieved using keyed messages (message with the same key are placed in the same partition).
Host storage capabilities: A partition must fit in the storage of the host machine while a topic can be distributed across the whole Kafka Cluster by partitioning it across multiple partitions. Kafka Docs can shed some more light on this:
The partitions in the log serve several purposes. First, they allow
the log to scale beyond a size that will fit on a single server. Each
individual partition must fit on the servers that host it, but a topic
may have many partitions so it can handle an arbitrary amount of data.
Second they act as the unit of parallelism—more on that in a bit.
Throughput: If you have high throughput, it makes more sense to create different topics per entity and split them into multiple partitions so that multiple consumers can join the consumer group. Don't forget that the level of parallelism in Kafka is defined by the number of partitions (and obviously active consumers).
Retention Policy: Message retention in Kafka works on partition/segment level and you need to make sure that the partitioning you've made in conjunction with the desired retention policy you've picked will support your use case.

Kafka Topology Best Practice

I have 4 machines where a Kafka Cluster is configured with topology that
each machine has one zookeeper and two broker.
With this configuration what do you advice for maximum topic&partition for best performance?
Replication Factor 3:
using kafka 0.10.XX
Each topic is restricted to 100,000 partitions no matter how many nodes (as of July 2017)
As to the number of topics that depends on how large the smallest RAM is across the machines. This is due to Zookeeper keeping everything in memory for quick access (also it doesnt shard the znodes, just replicates across ZK nodes upon write). This effectively means once you exhaust one machines memory that ZK will fail to add more topics. You will most likely run out of file handles before reaching this limit on the Kafka broker nodes.
To quote the KAFKA docs on their site (6.1 Basic Kafka Operations https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/#basic_ops_add_topic):
Each sharded partition log is placed into its own folder under the Kafka log directory. The name of such folders consists of the topic name, appended by a dash (-) and the partition id. Since a typical folder name can not be over 255 characters long, there will be a limitation on the length of topic names. We assume the number of partitions will not ever be above 100,000. Therefore, topic names cannot be longer than 249 characters. This leaves just enough room in the folder name for a dash and a potentially 5 digit long partition id.
To quote the Zookeeper docs (https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/trunk/zookeeperOver.html):
The replicated database is an in-memory database containing the entire data tree. Updates are logged to disk for recoverability, and writes are serialized to disk before they are applied to the in-memory database.
Depending on your publishing and consumption semantics the topic-partition finity will change. The following are a set of questions you should ask yourself to gain insight into a potential solution (your question is very open ended):
Is the data I am publishing mission critical (i.e. cannot lose it, must be sure I published it, must have exactly once consumption)?
Should I make the producer.send() call as synchronous as possible or continue to use the asynchronous method with batching (do I trade-off publishing guarantees for speed)?
Are the messages I am publishing dependent on one another? Does message A have to be consumed before message B (implies A published before B)?
How do I choose which partition to send my message to?
Should I: assign the message to a partition (extra producer logic), let the cluster decide in a round robin fashion, or assign a key which will hash to one of the partitions for the topic (need to come up with an evenly distributed hash to get good load balancing across partitions)
How many topics should you have? How is this connected to the semantics of your data? Will auto-creating topics for many distinct logical data domains be efficient (think of the effect on Zookeeper and administrative pain to delete stale topics)?
Partitions provide parallelism (more consumers possible) and possibly increased positive load balancing effects (if producer publishes correctly). Would you want to assign parts of your problem domain elements to specific partitions (when publishing send data for client A to partition 1)? What side-effects does this have (think refactorability and maintainability)?
Will you want to make more partitions than you need so you can scale up if needed with more brokers/consumers? How realistic is automatic scaling of a KAFKA cluster given your expertise? Will this be done manually? Is manual scaling viable for your problem domain (are you building KAFKA around a fixed system with well known characteristics or are you required to be able to handle severe spikes in messages)?
How will my consumers subscribe to topics? Will they use pre-configured configurations or use a regex to consume many topics? Are the messages between topics dependent or prioritized (need extra logic on consumer to implement priority)?
Should you use different network interfaces for replication between brokers (i.e. port 9092 for producers/consumers and 9093 for replication traffic)?
Good Links:

Desigining Kafka Topics - Many Topics vs One Big Topic

Considering a stream of different events the recommended way would be
one big topic containing all events
multiple topics for different types of events
Which option would be better?
I understand that messages not being in the same partition of a topic it means there are no order guarantee, but are there any other factors to be considered when making this decision?
A topic is a logical abstraction and should contain message of the same type. Let's say, you monitor a website and capture click stream events and on the other hand you have a database that populates it's changes into a changelog topics. You should have two different topics because click stream events are not related to you database changelog.
This has multiple advantages:
your data will have different format und you will need different (de)serializers to write read the data (using a single topic you would need a hybrid serializer and you will not get type safety when reading data)
you will have different consumer application and one application might be interested in click stream events only, while a second application is only interested in the database changelog and a third application is interested in both. If you have multiple topics, application one and two only subscribe to the topics they are interesting in -- if you have a single topic, application one an two need to read everything and filter the stuff they are not interested in increasing broker, network, can client load
As #Matthias J. Sax told before there is not a golden bullet over here. But we have to take different topics into account.
The conditioner: ordered deliveries
If you application needs guarantee order delivery, you need to work with only one topic, plus same keys for those messages which need to guarantee it.
If ordering is not mandatory, the game starts...
Does the schema same for all messages?
Would be consumers interested in the same type of different events?
What is gonna happen at the consumer side?, do we are reducing or increasing complexity in terms of implementation, maintainability, error handling...?
Does horizontal scalability important for us? More topics often means more partitions available, which means more horizontal scalability capacity. Also it allows more accurate scalability configuration at the broker side, because we can choose what number of partitions to increase per event type. or at the consumer side, what number of consumers stand up per event type.
Does makes sense parallelising consumption per message type?
Technically speaking, if we allow consumers to fine tune those type of events to be consumed we're potentially reducing the network bandwidth required to send undesired messages from the broker to the consumer, plus the number deserialisations for all of them (cpu used, which makes along time more free resources, energy cost reduction...).
Also is worthy to remember that splitting different type of messages in different topics doesn't mean have to consume them with different Kafka consumers because they allow consumption from different topics at the same time.
Well, there's not a clear answer for this question, but I have the feeling that with Kafka, because multiple features, if ordered deliveries are not needed we should split our messages per type in different topics.

kafka topics and partitions decisions

I need to understand something about kafka:
When I have a single kafka broker on a single host - is there any sense to have it have more than one partition for the topics? I means even if my data can be distinguished with some key (say tenant id) - what is the benefit of doing it on a single kafka broker? does this give any parallelism , if so how?
When a key is used, is this means that each key is mapped to a given partition? Does the number of partitions for a topic must be equal to the number of possible values for the key I specified? OR is this just a hash and so the number of partitions doesnt have to be equal?
From what I read, topics are created due to types of messages to be places in kafka. But in my case, i have 2 topics I have created since I have 2 types of consumption: one for reading one by one message. the second in case of a bulk of messages comes into the queue (application reasons) and then it is being entered into the second topic. Is that a good design although the messages type is the same? any other practice for such a scansion?
Yes, it definitely makes sense to have more than one partition for a topic even when you have a single Kafka broker. A scenario when you can benefit from this is pretty simple:
you need to guarantee in-order processing by tenant id
processing logic for each message is rather complex and takes some time. Especially the case when the Kafka message itself is simple, but the logic behind processing this message takes time (simple example - message is an URL, and the processing logic is downloading the file from there and doing some processing)
Given these 2 conditions you may get into a situation where one consumer is not able to keep up processing all the messages if all the data goes to a single partition. Remember, you can process one partition with exactly one consumer (well, you can use 2 consumers if using different consumer groups, but that's not your case), so you'll start getting behind over time. But if you have more than one partition you'll either be able to use one consumer and process data in parallel (this could help to speed things up in some cases) or just add more consumers.
By default, Kafka uses hash-based partitioning. This is configurable by providing a custom Partitioner, for example you can use random partitioning if you don't care what partition your message ends up in.
It's totally up to you what purposes you have topics for
UPD, answers to questions in the comment:
Adding more consumers is usually done for adding more computing power, not for achieving desired parallelism. To add parallelism add partitions. Most consumer implementations process different partitions on different threads, so if you have enough computing power, you might just have a single consumer processing multiple partitions in parallel. Then, if you start bumping into situations where one consumer is not enough, you just add more consumers.
When you create a topic you just specify the number of partitions (and replication factor for this topic, but that's a different thing). The key and partition to send is completely up to producer. In fact, you could configure your producer to use random partitioner and it won't even care about keys, just pick the partition randomly. There's no direct relation between key -> partition, it's just convenient to benefit from having things setup like this.
Can you elaborate on this one? Not sure I understand this, but I guess your question is whether you can send just a value and Kafka will infer a key somehow itself. If so, then the answer is no - Kafka does not apply any transformation to messages and stores them as is, so if you want your message to contain a key, the producer must explicitly send the key.

Does the number of consumer groups impact Kafka performance

While trying to get a deep understanding of the Kafka distribution model, one sentence here from StackOverflow got me buzzing, and I can't get a confirmation nor deny.
So, the more subscriber groups you have, the lower the performance is, as kafka needs to replicate the messages to all those groups and guarantee the total order.
As far as I understood from the Kafka docs, multiple consumer groups act similarly to singular consumers. There is no replicating done within the brokers, since each consumer has it's own offset for a certain partition. The number of groups should, then, not put any significant overhead, all of the data is on one place, only the offset is different. Is that correct?
If this is correct, then there is no way of actually introducing multiple disjoint consumers without impacting throughput, since all consumers always query all of the partitions, and some kind of copying is introduced. Note that this is not related to the number of consumer threads, threads only improve consumer performance, they don't interfere with broker operations as far as I conclude.
I've found an answer myself, it's located within the new consumer API docs for Kafka 0.9 and after:
Conceptually you can think of a consumer group as being a single logical subscriber that happens to be made up of multiple processes. As a multi-subscriber system, Kafka naturally supports having any number of consumer groups for a given topic without duplicating data (additional consumers are actually quite cheap).
Bottom line: no, multiple consumer groups do not decrease performance, at least not significantly.
It does not effect kafka process's performance, but since 2 or more consumer groups means, 2 or more times more read from kafka servers, it effects network utilization in outgoing traffic if you have lots of consumer groups. Besides that data is read from mostly memory and does not effect performance, because ram is way faster then network communication.