Want to change a logo with an if/then condition - typo3

I want to select a logo depending on a check box of a page property I have added via extension. The variable selectcompany is shown correctly when dumping the variables.
I am running Typo3 8 LTS.
obj.logo {
<f:if condition="{field:selectcompany}==1">
file = fileadmin/template/private/images/Logo1.png
file = fileadmin/template/private/images/Logo0.png
Although the variable is set correctly, always Logo0.png is displayed. When the variable is set to 1, I expected Logo1.png.

If this is a TypoScript snippet, you can not fill in a Fluid condition there, but have to make use of the TypoScript variant of an if condition.

On TypoScript, it is possible to use a condition (TYPO3 9.5.x syntax):
[page["selectcompany"] == 1]
obj.logo.file= fileadmin/Images/logo1.png
Else, you could solve with fluid templating; it should be just:
<f:if condition="{data.selectcompany}">
<f:image src="fileadmin/template/private/images/Logo1.png" alt="" />
<f:image src="fileadmin/template/private/images/Logo0.png" alt="" />
I used <f:image> but I guess you could also go with a plain <img> tag, too.


How do I solve a strange problem with VHS ViewHelper v:replace?

I have an array ('db-titles') whose items are strings composed in the form 'TextA*TextB'.
I want to create the following HTML structure from these array items: <span>TextA</span><span>TextB</span>
For this I use the following fluid script:
{namespace v=FluidTYPO3\Vhs\ViewHelpers}
<f:if condition="{db-titles -> f:count()} > 1">
<!-- This works as expected, the html code will be rendered correctly -->
<v:iterator.for from="0" to="{db-titles -> f:count()}" iteration="i">
<span><v:format.replace content="{db-titles.{i.index}}" substring="*" replacement="</span><span>"/></span>
<!-- This strangely does not work, although I - instead of running through all values of the array - just want to output the first value of it.... -->
<span><v:format.replace content="{v:iterator.first(haystack: db-titles)}" substring="*" replacement="</span><span>"/></span>
As I commented in the source code, everything works as it should under '<f:then>', but under '<f:else>', where I only want to use the first value of the array, the replaced part ('*' to </span><span>) is strangely rendered as text instead of HTML: <span>TextA</span><span>TextB</span>
How can this be?
Let me mention that I use the app "PHPStorm" for programming - is it possible that the program renders the source code wrong?
Thanks in advance for any help!
Without having found an explanation for the strange behaviour, I have found an solution: wrapping <v:format.replace ... /> with <f:format.raw> ... </> prevents that the tags converted to strings.
<f:if condition="{db-titles -> f:count()} > 1">
<v:iterator.for from="0" to="{db-titles -> f:count()}" iteration="i">
<span><f:format.raw><v:format.replace content="{db-titles.{i.index}}" substring="*" replacement="</span><span>"/></f:format.raw></span>
<span><f:format.raw><v:format.replace content="{v:iterator.first(haystack: db-titles)}" substring="*" replacement="</span><span>"/></(f:format.raw></span>

In a TYPO3 template, v:variable.set works... but f:variable doesn't

The problem
I have customized something in a file overriding this news extension file Templates/Styles/Twb/Templates/News/List.html. This was working...
<v:variable.set name="special.category" value="1" />
<f:if condition="{special.category}">
Do something for the special category when the variable's boolean value is 1
Otherwise do something else
But when I tried to change it to this, it no longer works...
<f:variable name="special.category" value="1" />
<f:if condition="{special.category}">
Do something for the special category when the variable's boolean value is 1
Otherwise do something else
Some documentation
My platform
I am using TYPO3 9.5.3 but would also like to know the answer for 8.7.
I think its the dot in the variable name. Maybe vhs:variable is implemented different in this case. Maybe <f:variable name="special" value="{category: 1}"/> this works?

How to negate f:if condition in TYPO3 6.2?

I have a TYPO3 6.2 instance ... yes I know it's obsolete, I work parallel on a migration ;)
I have this if statement
<f:if condition="{v:var.get(name: 'access', useRawKeys: 1)}">
Is there a way to negate this statement in TYPO3 6.2.31?
Thanks in advance
Condition evaluation is very basic in TYPO3 6 and 7: there is no not.
Also there is no build in not-Viewhelper, you might write it yourself.
But you could easily use the <f:else> viewhelper, a <f:then> is not necessary:
<f:if condition="{v:var.get(name: 'access', useRawKeys: 1)}">
: do anything if condition is false
Do you mean, if there is no "access" parameter?
<f:if condition="{v:var.get(name: 'access', useRawKeys: 1)}">
###your code if there is no access in the URL##

Fluid condition with ContainsViewHelper

i use this condition in my fluid template:
<f:if condition="{settings.image.className} == 'lightbox'">
....do something
<f:if condition="{settings.image.className} !== 'lightbox'">
....do something else
It works fine but if $settings.image.className" is something like "lightbox container" instead of just "lightbox" it does not work of course.
Unfortunately i do not know how write a condtion that checks if $settings.image.className contains "lightbox" or not.
The only instructions i found are here:
ViewHelper Reference .However i do not know how to apply that.
add this to the top of the partial/content Element
{namespace v=FluidTYPO3\Vhs\ViewHelpers}
and change the logic like this
<v:condition.string.contains haystack="{settings.image.className}" needle="lightbox">
....do something
....do something else

Clean way to switch between typo3 fluid page and action link

Is there a more clean way to switch between a page or a action link in fluid based on a var?
Now i used the if then statement but this increases a lot of double code lines. See example:
<f:if condition="{var}">
<f:link.page pageUid="{PageId}">
// a lot of code lines
<f:link.action pluginName="Name" controller="Cont">
// the same a lot of code lines again
You can extract the code within the links into a partial.
For this, first create a partial template. Inside an Extbase extension, they are placed in Resources/Private/Partials by convention (you can change this by using the setPartialsRootPath() method on the template object, but usually that shouldn't be necessary).
# Resources/Private/Partials/LinkContent.html
<!-- Insert your shared code lines here -->
Then reference the partial in your template:
<f:if condition="{var}">
<f:link.page pageUid="{PageId}">
<f:render partial="LinkContent" />
<f:link.action pluginName="Name" controller="Cont">
<f:render partial="LinkContent" />
Note that you will have to pass variables explicitly into the partial from the parent template:
<!-- Assuming there's a variable "foo" in your template -->
<f:render partial="LinkContent" arguments="{foo: foo}" />
Alternatively, you can import the entire scope into the partial:
<f:render partial="LinkContent" arguments="{_all}" />