Zapier Rest Hook Subscription - How to get target options? - rest

I am writing my first API integration with Zapier. I have created a trigger using a REST hook, and the trigger is firing correctly, but I am not sure how to determine what trigger option the user selected in Zapier. Specifically I allow them to choose a landing page, and unless I know WHICH landing page they want to activate the trigger I don't know how to handle it, but all I get back from Zapier on the subscription is this:
"subscription_url": "",
"target_url": "",
"event": "landing_page_submitted"
I know I am probably missing something. Should I expect to find the option selected in the trigger dropdown somewhere? Or do I need to configure something on the Zapier side to handle it?

David here, from the Zapier Platform team.
If I'm understanding you correctly, you just need to pass the data in from inputData.
In your hook subscription, there's a place to pass data (such as "event" above). You can add something like landing_page: bundle.inputData.landing_page. There's a more complete example here:
const subscribeHook = (z, bundle) => {
// bundle.targetUrl has the Hook URL this app should call when a recipe is created.
const data = {
url: bundle.targetUrl,
// You can build requests and our client will helpfully inject all the variables
// you need to complete. You can also register middleware to control this.
const options = {
url: '',
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify(data)
// You may return a promise or a normal data structure from any perform method.
return z.request(options)
.then((response) => JSON.parse(response.content));


Why Google Pay doesn't work from iPhone Safary after an ajax request?

I try to add a Googla Pay button on a website. I follow the Google Pay implementation tutorial (
There is a code:
var paymentsClient = getGooglePaymentsClient();
.then(function(response) {
.catch(function(err) {
I need to get some data from my server side before I call the above code so I do the http post request. Within success hanlder of my post request I call the above code. It works fine in my Android browser and my laptop browser. But it doesn't work from Safari. I get the "Unexpected developer error please try again later" error. If I call it without ajax request it works in Safari as well. Could someone suggest the solution?
Thanks for including the jsfiddle.
The reason that it's not working is because Google Pay tries to open a popup window when you call loadPaymentData in Safari. When a new window is triggered as the result of a click event (user initiated action), the popup window opens as expected. When it is triggered by a non-user initiated action, Google Pay gets loaded in the same window which ends up causing it to fail.
It looks like when you make an ajax request in the click handler and then call loadPaymentData, Safari considers it a non-user initiated action.
Check out the following example in Safari:
const ajaxButton = document.getElementById('ajax');
const nojaxButton = document.getElementById('nojax');
ajaxButton.addEventListener('click', event => {
$.get('/echo/json/', () => {'about:blank');
nojaxButton.addEventListener('click', event => {'about:blank');
I would recommend avoiding making any http calls on the button click event before loadPaymentData. If you can fetch the data before the button is clicked, then do so.
Out of interest, what kind of data are you fetching?

Is it possible to display data from SeatGeek API call on my Squarespace site?

Is it possible to connect to the SeatGeek API to display local event data on a Squarespace site?
The Squarespace API docs all seem directed towards commerce-related goals.
I am familiar with how to connect to the SeatGeek API in the context of a mobile application. But I don't know whether connecting to APIs (other than those listed for commerce) from within a Squarespace is doable.
SeatGeek would be an unofficial integration . I've posted on the squarespace forums with no response, so asking here to see if anyone out there knows about it.
Thanks very much for any help!
Squarespace websites above the "Personal" plan tier support the addition of custom JavaScript via Code Blocks and Code Injection.
Therefore, if SeatGeek supports using their API via JavaScript (and it appears that they do), then you can obtain the data from within your Squarespace website.
Where within your site the code is added and what initialization methods are used will vary on a case-by-case basis. For example, factors include: whether you are using Squarespace 7.0 or 7.1 and whether the template you're using supports AJAX Loading and has it enabled.
However, regardless of where the code is added and the initialization methods used, it looks to me, based on what I see here, that obtaining data from SeatGeek via JavaScript is possible. (Select "JavaScript > XMLHttpRequest" or "JavaScript > Fetch" from the upper-right "Code Snippet" panel where it says "(Node.js) Unirest" by default):
var data = null;
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.withCredentials = true;
xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange", function () {
if (this.readyState === this.DONE) {
});"GET", "");
xhr.setRequestHeader("x-rapidapi-host", "");
xhr.setRequestHeader("x-rapidapi-key", "SIGN-UP-FOR-KEY");
Or, via fetch:
fetch("", {
"method": "GET",
"headers": {
"x-rapidapi-host": "",
"x-rapidapi-key": "SIGN-UP-FOR-KEY"
.then(response => {
.catch(err => {
While it varies on a case-by-case basis, in most cases you'll want to use the sitewide code injection area vs. code blocks or page-level code injection. Then, on Squarespace 7.0 sites, you'll want to wrap your code in:
window.Squarespace.onInitialize(Y, function() {
// do stuff here
For Squarespace 7.1 sites on the other hand, one would usually wrap the code in:
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
// do stuff here
}, false);
Finally, you'll need to think about how you're outputting the data. You could either add HTML markup via a Code Block in the body of the target page, or add the markup to the page as part of your JavaScript.

Flutter oAuth : how to get started with OAuth and Stripe connect

I am trying to implement stripe connect in my flutter app. Here are the steps I need to implement. Can anyone please navigate me on how I could achieve this in Flutter?
I am able to create a button with the endpointUrl but that's all..
I found out this myself using firebase cloud functions:
first you create an https function in the firebase cloud function
then you add the link created by the function to your stripe dashboard
then you write the following logic to your function
obtain the the authorisation code
fetch data from stripe
save the response somewhere (in my case in realtime database)
Here is the function
exports.connectStripeStandardAccount = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
let authCode = req.query.code;
return stripe.oauth.token({
grant_type: 'authorization_code',
code: authCode,
}).then(async response => {
await admin.database()
return res.send("Well done, account integration is completed. You can now close the window and go back to the app");
The answer selected is not completely correct:
If you dont assign the account_id to a user then it's of no use.
The only way to pass the user_id (fUser.uid) is to pass it using the state parameter.
exports.StripePI = functions.https.onRequest(async (req, res) => {
// console.log('accountIdq ' + req.query.error);
// console.log('accountIdq ' + req.query.state);
// return;
// if(!req.query.code)
// return res.send("An Error has occured please try again");
const response = await stripe.oauth.token({
grant_type: 'authorization_code',
code: req.query.code,
}).then(async response => {
var connected_account_id = response.stripe_user_id;
await admin.firestore().collection('Registration').doc(req.query.state)
.update({customer_id : connected_account_id});
return res.send("Well done, account integration is completed. You can now close the window and go back to the app");
If you want to create an in-app stripe connect account registration with flutter you will need these:
A server or service to complete the OAuth like Firebase Functions or Integromat (I used Integromat)
A link that will redirect to your app (I used Firebase Dynamic Link)
I decided to use Integromat instead of Firebase Functions because is easier to set up, doesn't need any code, and decreases my server load.
If you want to create it on Firebase Functions you will need to have a Blaze Plan
If you don't know it, Integromat will automate processes that you currently handle manually, via webhooks. It is not only capable of connecting apps (like GoogleCloud, Facebook, AWS...) but can also transfer and transform data.
Create a new scenario and add a Custom Webhook. Click on it and click on add, name it, and save it. It will now create a custom link to your webhook.
Close and click on the semi-sphere next to the webhook, to add the new module.
Select HTTP and Make a Request.
In the URL section insert
Method POST.
Body Type Application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
Create now those fields :
Key client_secret - value your stripe client secret You can find it on your stripe dashboard. I advise you to first use the test mode and after that, change the value to the live key.
Key grant_type - value authorization_code
Key code - leave the value blank. We will add it later.
Save and close
For Firebase Functions you can create a new HTTPS function (I didn't test this)
var stripe = require("stripe")(*your stripe client secret*);
exports.connectStripeStandardAccount = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) =>{
let authCode = req.query.code;
return stripe.oauth.token({
grant_type: 'authorization_code',
code: authCode,
Remember to install stripe package npm install stripe
If you are in the test mode go to this link
If you are in the live mode go to this link
Go on the bottom and activate oAuth for standard accounts or for Express Account.
Click on Add URI and add the webhook link of Integromat that you created or the link related to your Firebase function.
If you used Firebase add this link https://us-central1-<project-id>
For Integromat you will need to create the structure. To do this click on Test OAuth, copy the link, and open it in incognito mode. Open your Integromat scenario and click on your webhook. Now click on Re-determine data structure.
Return to your stripe registration page and click on Ignore account form at the top.
Return on Integromat and select the HTTPS request, modify the field code, and insert the variable code (will open a dialog with all queries from the webhook). Confirm and save.
Now click on the play button and reopen the stripe registration link in incognito mode and click on Ignore account form. Return in Integromat and add a JSON module after the HTTPS request. In the JSON string insert the Data variable and save. Create a Webhook Response module after the JSON module.
In the status put 301, then click on Ok.
It's time to set up the redirect link that will return the user to our flutter app or on our website if the user hasn't it installed.
I used Firebase Dynamic Link You can follow this tutorial for set up.
Go to the dashboard and create a new Link prefix and a new dynamic link, remember to select to redirect your users to the right app.
Click on the three dots in your dynamic link row and click on Link Details. Copy the extended link.
Open Integromat and select the last module you created (Webhook Response). Click on Show advanced settings and on the Header add :
Key Location - value the extended dynamic link that you copied.
If you want your app to elaborate data from the stripe OAuth response you can modify the extended dynamic link by adding ? on the link parameter: link={{14.stripe_user_id}}
And select the variable parsed from the JSON module. Remember to click on the save icon to save your scenario.
On Firebase Functions you can do this when the function stripe.oauth.token finish (I didn't test it):
res.setHeader('Location', your dynamic link);
Remember to deploy it.
The code here is very simple. To initialize the connect account registration you only need to set up a button that will launch the stripe connect URL. You can use launch(url);
You can find that URL here. Remember to be logged in to your stripe account to get the right stripe client id. You can easily get it in the same section you added the webhook link in your stripe connect settings.
Delete &redirect_uri= on the URL.
Now you can test your app and will see that when you complete your stripe connect registration/login you will be redirected to your app.
If you want to have an in-app web view you can use this package
To handle the response, you need to have installed the package firebase_dynamic_links
Set your Main widget Stateful and on the initState run the method getDynamic() :
void getDynamic() {
FirebaseDynamicLinks.instance.getInitialLink().then((value) {
if (value != null) {
FirebaseDynamicLinks.instance.onLink(onSuccess: (value) async {
if (value != null) {
}, onError: (error) async {
debugPrint('DynamicLinks onError $error');
void _connect(value) {
Uri deepLink =;
print("Link :" + deepLink.path);
print("Query :" + deepLink.queryParameters.toString());
String stripeUserId = deepLink.queryParameters["stripe_user_id"];
You need to have both of them to handle dynamic links when your app is running and when it's closed.

how to respond to user using google assistant after the conversation is ended?

I am making a google action.I have one scenario where calculation requires some time in cloud fulfillment but i don't want to keep user waiting for answer.
I want to respond to user whenever my answer is ready even when conversation with user is ended i want to send my answer in notification or something like that.
I just found this on google actions documents.
Is this possible in google actions and how?
What you mean here is notifications. You can use it but please pay attention to the warning at the top of the link you provided: "Updates and notifications are currently in Developer Preview. You can build apps using the features described in this article, but you can't currently publish them".
As for the steps to crated a daily notification:
Navigate to your actions.intent.CONFIGURE_UPDATES intent.
Under Responses, go to the Google Assistant tab, click Add Message Content, and select Custom Payload.
In the "Custom Payload" box, add the following code to call the AskToRegisterDailyUpdate helper. Swap INTENT_NAME to the intent that you want to be invoked when the user interacts with your notification.
"google": {
"system_intent": {
"intent": "actions.intent.REGISTER_UPDATE",
"data": {"#type": "",
"intent": "INTENT_NAME",
"triggerContext": {
"timeContext": { "frequency": "DAILY" }
If using a webhook, you can call this API directly via the client library:
appMap.set('setup_update', function(app) {
Add one more intent called "finish_update_setup" and enter actions_intent_REGISTER_UPDATE as its Event.
Set the intent's Action to "finish_update_setup" as well.
In your webhook, open index.js and add the following. Replace Ok, I'll start giving you daily updates and Ok, I won't give you daily updates. with whatever response you want to give the user:
appMap.set('finish_update_setup', function(app)) {
if (app.isUpdateRegistered()) {
app.tell("Ok, I'll start giving you daily updates.");
} else {
app.tell("Ok, I won't give you daily updates.");
Deploy the webhook to Firebase Functions and enable webhook fulfillment in Dialogflow.
If you want to see how to create a simple notification (not daily one) - please check this doc on push notifications.
If you don't have an immediate reply to send but expect one soon-ish what you do is return a "promise". When you are in a position to reply, "fulfilling" the promise causes your reply to be delivered. I don't know what the actual timeout is but in my case I'm pretty sure at least a few second delay is allowed.
As for the updates or notifications, the API is there but the docs say you can't deploy an Action to production using them. There is a slightly cryptic comment to "contact support" if you need them.
One of these days I might try.

Redirect after user has logged in

I'm pretty new to Angular, and right now I'm just trying to get all my routes set up and working as I'd like.
When a user navigates to certain pages (/settings for this example) the app should check if there is a user already logged in. If there is continue as usual. Otherwise the user should go to the login page (/login).
What I'd like:
After the user has successfully logged in they should go to the page they were originally trying to get to (/settings)
My question:
Is there an "Angular way" to remember where the user was trying to go to?
Relevant code:
.when('/settings', {
templateUrl: '/views/auth/settings.html',
controller: 'SettingsCtrl',
resolve: {
currentUser: function($q, $location, Auth) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
var noUser = function() {
//remember where the user was trying to go
Auth.checkLogin(function() {
if (Auth.currentUser()) {
} else {
return deferred.promise;
$scope.submit = function() {
if(!$scope.logInForm.$invalid) {
Auth.login($scope.login, $scope.password, $scope.remember_me)
//go to the page the user was trying to get to
Much thanks to John Lindquist for the video which got me this far.
First off, you do not want to redirect the user to a login page.
An ideal flow in a single page web app is as follows:
A user visits a web site. The web site replies with the static assets for the
angular app at the specific route (e.g. /profile/edit).
The controller (for the given route) makes a call to an API using $http, $route, or other mechanism (e.g. to pre-fill the Edit Profile form with details from the logged in user's account via a GET to /api/v1/users/profile)
If/while the client receives a 401 from the API, show a modal to
login, and replay the API call.
The API call succeeds (in this case, the user can view a pre-filled Edit Profile form for their account.)
How can you do #3? The answer is $http Response Interceptors.
For purposes of global error handling, authentication or any kind of
synchronous or asynchronous preprocessing of received responses, it is
desirable to be able to intercept responses for http requests before
they are handed over to the application code that initiated these
requests. The response interceptors leverage the promise apis to
fulfil this need for both synchronous and asynchronous preprocessing.$http
Now that we know what the ideal user experience should be, how do we do it?
There is an example here:
The example is based on this article:
Good luck and happy Angularing!