I am trying to use a CrystalReportViewer control to display a report in a Visual Studio 2012 project. I am providing all information required to connect to the database, including server name, port number, database name, user name and password. When I run the program below, the control shows me a dialog that includes the correct connection string, database name and user, and prompts me for a password, even though I already gave it one. When I give it the correct password, a pop-up appears saying "Log-in failed. Try again." What am I doing wrong?
By the way, there are no subreports in this report. When I ran the program below, I put a breakpoint in the code that processes subreports, and it was never hit.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine;
using CrystalDecisions.Shared;
using CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms;
namespace Example
public partial class Form1 : Form
private string _serverName;
private string _databaseName;
private string _user;
private string _passwd;
private ReportDocument _report;
public Form1()
private void crystalReportViewer1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string reportFile = "C:\\Users\\rdrichardson\\OneDrive - Rad-Con\\CAPS Builds\\trunk\\Debug Crawfordsville\\Reports\\English\\allbases_no_subreports.rpt";
_report = new ReportDocument();
_serverName = "Provider=Provider=PostgreSQL OLE DB Provider;Data Source=localhost;Port=5432timeout=1000;";
// _serverName = "Driver={PostgreSQL};Server=IP address;Port=5432;Database=Algoma;Uid=caps;Pwd=asdlkjqp;";
// _serverName = "Driver={PostgreSQL};Server=IP address;Port=5432;";
_databaseName = "Algoma";
_user = "caps";
_passwd = "asdlkjqp";
crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = _report;
private void LogOnToTables()
string location;
ReportObjects crReportObjects;
SubreportObject crSubreportObject;
ReportDocument crSubreportDocument;
Database crDatabase;
Tables crTables;
TableLogOnInfo crTableLogOnInfo;
ConnectionInfo crConnectInfo = new ConnectionInfo();
if (_report == null) return;
// Setup the ODBC/ADO connect string
crConnectInfo.DatabaseName = _databaseName;
crConnectInfo.ServerName = _serverName;
crConnectInfo.Type = ConnectionInfoType.CRQE;
crConnectInfo.UserID = _user;
crConnectInfo.Password = _passwd;
_report.SetDatabaseLogon(_user, _passwd);
crDatabase = _report.Database;
crTables = crDatabase.Tables;
//loop through all the tables and pass in the connection info
foreach (Table crTable in crTables)
location = crTable.Location;
crTableLogOnInfo = crTable.LogOnInfo;
crTableLogOnInfo.ConnectionInfo = crConnectInfo;
// crTable.LogOnInfo.ConnectionInfo.DatabaseName = string.Empty;
//set the crSections object to the current report's sections
Sections crSections = _report.ReportDefinition.Sections;
//loop through all the sections to find all the report objects
foreach (Section crSection in crSections)
crReportObjects = crSection.ReportObjects;
//loop through all the report objects to find all the subreports
foreach (CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportObject crReportObject in crReportObjects)
if (crReportObject.Kind == ReportObjectKind.SubreportObject)
//you will need to typecast the reportobject to a subreport
//object once you find it
crSubreportObject = (SubreportObject)crReportObject;
//open the subreport object
crSubreportDocument = crSubreportObject.OpenSubreport(crSubreportObject.SubreportName);
//set the database and tables objects to work with the subreport
crDatabase = crSubreportDocument.Database;
crTables = crDatabase.Tables;
//loop through all the tables in the subreport and
//set up the connection info and apply it to the tables
foreach (Table crTable in crTables)
location = crTable.Location;
crTableLogOnInfo = crTable.LogOnInfo;
crTableLogOnInfo.ConnectionInfo = crConnectInfo;
_user = "caps";
_passwd = "asdlkjqp";
This value is hardcoded, Irrespective of your input, it will always take this password. Try giving actual user / password instead of asdlkjqp
I am having difficulty understanding the documentation for the Audit.NET Entity Framework Data Provider, to save Audit.NET WebAPI audit logs to my database.
This is how I have my Audit configuration set, just to test. I have a breakpoint inside the AuditEntityAction on entity.ChangeType = ev.EventType, but this never gets hit when I call an audited action on my controller.
.UseEntityFramework(x =>
x.AuditTypeMapper(t => typeof(AuditLog))
.AuditEntityAction<AuditLog>((ev, entry, entity) =>
entity.ChangeType = ev.EventType;
entity.ObjectType = entry.EntityType.Name;
entity.PrimaryKey = "test";
entity.TableName = "test";
entity.UserId = entry.CustomFields[UserIdField].ToString();
On my controller action, I have the decorator:
[AuditApi(EventTypeName = "Organisation:Create", IncludeRequestBody = true, IncludeResponseBody = true)]
Is this correct? I am not very clear on this, and I would appreciate some pointers.
The Entity Framework Data Provider is part of the library Audit.EntityFramework and was designed to exclusively store the audits that are generated by an audited Entity Framework DbContext.
So it will not work for WebApi events of any other kind of event.
Here you can see how the audit event is discarded if it's not an AuditEventEntityFramework
So you should create your own Custom Data Provider or maybe use the SQL Data Provider.
You can use Audit.NetWebApi package to get the WebApiAudit logs
public static void UseAudit(this IApplicationBuilder app, IHttpContextAccessor contextAccessor)
Audit.Core.Configuration.AddCustomAction(ActionType.OnScopeCreated, scope =>
var entityTrack = scope.Event.GetEntityFrameworkEvent();
var requestTrack = scope.Event.GetWebApiAuditAction();
if (entityTrack!=null)
foreach (var item in entityTrack.Entries)
scope.Event.CustomFields[Table] = item.Table;
scope.Event.CustomFields[Action] = item.Action;
else if(requestTrack!=null)
scope.Event.CustomFields[Action] = $"{requestTrack.ActionName}:{requestTrack.ActionName}";
scope.Event.CustomFields[RequestBody] = requestTrack.RequestBody.Value.ToString();
scope.Event.CustomFields[ResponseBody] = requestTrack.ResponseBody?.Value?.ToString()?? string.Empty;
scope.Event.CustomFields[Exception] = requestTrack.Exception?? string.Empty;
And then put this function in Startup.cs ConfigureApp
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, IHttpContextAccessor contextAccessor)
Constants used:
private const string Table = "Table";
private const string Action = "Action";
private const string RequestBody = "RequestBody";
private const string ResponseBody = "ResponseBody";
private const string Exception = "Exception";
I have the following collection navigation property on my entity:
public virtual ICollection<OrderIntegrationLogEntry> LogEntries { get; set; }
And the OrderIntegrationLogEntry entity has a little configuration:
this.HasKey(i => new {i.Id, i.IntegrationId});
this.HasRequired(i => i.Integration).WithMany(i => i.LogEntries).HasForeignKey(i => i.IntegrationId).WillCascadeOnDelete(true);
It seems that this line of code:
integration.LogEntries.Add(new OrderIntegrationLogEntry
Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
CreatedUtc = DateTime.UtcNow,
Message = message,
Level = level,
Detail = detail
...results in a query which loads the contents of the collection:
SELECT [Extent1].[Id] AS [Id], [Extent1].[IntegrationId] AS [IntegrationId],
[Extent1].[CreatedUtc] AS [CreatedUtc], [Extent1].[Level] AS [Level],
[Extent1].[Message] AS [Message], [Extent1].[Detail] AS [Detail]
FROM [dbo].[OrderIntegrationLogEntries] AS [Extent1]
WHERE [Extent1].[IntegrationId] = #EntityKeyValue1
I wasn't expecting this: shouldn't it just stage an add? Do I need to configure in some other way?
As noted by Ivan you've called the LogEntries getter, which causes Lazy Loading.
If you don't want to turn off Lazy Loading, then instead of adding the log entity to the navigation property of the parent, just set the IntegrationId of the new entitiy and SaveChanges(). eg
var entry = new OrderIntegrationLogEntry()
Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
IntegrationId = integration.Id,
CreatedUtc = DateTime.UtcNow,
Message = message,
Level = level,
Detail = detail
Also if this is SQL Server (and probably other platforms too) use sequential GUID generation. Inserting a row with a random guid as its leading key column is needlessly expensive. For SQL Server you can generate sequential GUIDs in the database with the NEWSEQUENTIALID() function as a default, or on the client
public class SQLGuidUtil
[DllImport("rpcrt4.dll", SetLastError = true)]
static extern int UuidCreateSequential(out Guid guid);
public static Guid NewSequentialId()
Guid guid;
UuidCreateSequential(out guid);
var s = guid.ToByteArray();
var t = new byte[16];
t[3] = s[0];
t[2] = s[1];
t[1] = s[2];
t[0] = s[3];
t[5] = s[4];
t[4] = s[5];
t[7] = s[6];
t[6] = s[7];
t[8] = s[8];
t[9] = s[9];
t[10] = s[10];
t[11] = s[11];
t[12] = s[12];
t[13] = s[13];
t[14] = s[14];
t[15] = s[15];
return new Guid(t);
How to Generate Sequential GUIDs for SQL Server in .NET
You should also consider flipping the order of your key columns if you expect the log entries to be accessed primarily on an Integration-by-Integration basis. That will store the log entries for an Integration together. EG
this.HasKey(i => new {i.IntegrationId, i.Id});
If you're not on Windows you can roll your own sequential GUID generator by starting from a random GUID and incrementing the 4 low-order bytes. The GUIDs would be sequential only within an AppDomain, but that shouldn't matter much.
Something like this:
namespace NewSequentialId
public class SQLGuidUtil
static object synclock = new object();
static uint seq = 0;
static byte[] seed = Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray();
public static Guid NewSequentialId()
uint nextVal;
byte[] buf;
lock (synclock)
nextVal = seq++;
buf = (byte[])seed.Clone();
if (nextVal == 0xFFFFFFFF)
seed = Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray();
seq = 0;
var seqbytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(nextVal);
if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
buf[0] = seqbytes[3];
buf[1] = seqbytes[2];
buf[2] = seqbytes[1];
buf[3] = seqbytes[0];
buf[0] = seqbytes[0];
buf[1] = seqbytes[1];
buf[2] = seqbytes[2];
buf[3] = seqbytes[3];
return new Guid(buf);
In order to enable lazy loading, EF creates proxy-classes derived from your model. In these classes it overrides the navigation properties to implement lazy loading. This is why your navigation properties should be defined virtual so EF can override them.
When you call integration.LogEntries.Add, the getter of your LogEntries property is being called which triggers lazy loading operation.
You can temporarily disable lazy loading using the following code:
context.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
So far I can pass the value to the other view but the problem is I don't know how to do this using MVVM. I tried the documentations and tutorial still no luck. How can I achieve this?
The flow of my project:
- The user will login, when the user provides the correct it will return a JSON array that contains the ContactID of the user.
- This ContactID now be pass to the other view. It will be used to synchronize the server to the local database and vice versa
My Questions are:
1. How can I pass the data to other view with MVVM?
2. How can I check if the data is passed correctly?
The Output of the HTTPWebRequest:
My Code:
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Input;
using TBSMobileApplication.Data;
using TBSMobileApplication.View;
using Xamarin.Essentials;
using Xamarin.Forms;
namespace TBSMobileApplication.ViewModel
public class LoginPageViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
void OnPropertyChanged(string PropertyName)
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(PropertyName));
public string username;
public string password;
public string Username
get { return username; }
username = value;
public string Password
get { return password; }
password = value;
public class LoggedInUser
public int ContactID { get; set; }
public ICommand LoginCommand { get; set; }
public LoginPageViewModel()
LoginCommand = new Command(OnLogin);
public void OnLogin()
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Username) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Password))
MessagingCenter.Send(this, "Login Alert", Username);
var current = Connectivity.NetworkAccess;
if (current == NetworkAccess.Internet)
var link = "" + Username + "&Password=" + Password;
var request = HttpWebRequest.Create(string.Format(#link));
request.ContentType = "application/json";
request.Method = "GET";
using (HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse)
if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
Console.Out.WriteLine("Error fetching data. Server returned status code: {0}", response.StatusCode);
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
var content = reader.ReadToEnd();
if (content.Equals("[]") || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(content) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(content))
MessagingCenter.Send(this, "Http", Username);
var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<LoggedInUser>>(content);
var contactId = result[0].ContactID;
Application.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(new DatabaseSyncPage(contactId), true);
MessagingCenter.Send(this, "Not Connected", Username);
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Xamarin.Forms;
using Xamarin.Forms.Xaml;
namespace TBSMobileApplication.View
public partial class DatabaseSyncPage : ContentPage
public DatabaseSyncPage (int contanctId)
InitializeComponent ();
If you are new to MVVM i would highly recommend using an MVVM helper framework such as Prism, MVVMCross or MVVMLight (there are even more).
I myself use Prism, I believe all of the frameworks are functionally very similar and it comes down more to preference here. I will show you how I pass data between views in my Prism based applications. Before we get started it would be worth to download the prism visual studio extensions and use the template pack to generate a prism project. I use the DryIoc container.
Imagine the scenario where we have ViewA (with ViewAViewModel) and ViewB (with ViewBViewModel). In View A we have an Entry and a Button, when the button is pressed the text from the entry in ViewA is passed to ViewB where it is displayed in a label.
You would first setup your prism project, creating a XAML fronted view for View A & B and then creating 2 class files and creating the relevant View Models (I'll show you how).
Firstly creating the following files:
ViewA (Xaml content page)
ViewB (Xaml content page)
ViewAViewModel (empty class)
ViewBViewModel (empty class)
In your app.cs register the views and view models:
//You must register these views with prism otherwise your app will crash!
protected override void RegisterTypes(IContainerRegistry containerRegistry)
containerRegistry.RegisterForNavigation<ViewA, ViewAViewModel>();
containerRegistry.RegisterForNavigation<ViewB, ViewBViewModel>();
Now format your view models by adding the following:
public class ViewAViewModel : ViewModelBase
INavigationService _navigationService;
public ViewAViewModel(INavigationService navigationService) : base(navigationService)
Title = "ViewA";
_navigationService = navigationService;
Repeat the above step for ViewBViewModel also (changing the relevant names).
Now in the views xaml lets add some stuff! Add the following to ViewA.xaml (inside <ContentPage.Content></ContentPage.Content>:
<Entry Placeholder="Type Here..." Text="{Binding ViewAText}"/>
<Button Text="Navigate" Command="{Binding OnNavigateCommand}"/>
and in ViewB.xaml:
`<Label Text="{Binding TextFromViewA}"/>`
Now I've already added the binding for you, so lets make the properties!
In View Model A add:
private string _viewAText;
public string ViewAText
get { return _viewAText; }
set { SetProperty(ref _viewAText, value); }
public DelegateCommand OnNavigateCommand { get; set; }
private void OnNavigate()
//Do Something
Now we have a bindable property and a command for our button press, add the following to the constructor:
public ViewAViewModel(INavigationService navigationService) : base(navigationService)
Title = "ViewA";
_navigationService = navigationService;
_viewAText = string.Empty;
OnNavigateCommand = new DelegateCommand(OnNavigate);
Now View A can bind text from the entry control and has an event handler for the command!
Lets hop into View B and wire that up!
Add the property:
private string _textFromViewA;
public string TextFromViewA
get { return _textFromViewA; }
set { SetProperty(ref _textFromViewA, value); }
and in the constructor:
public ViewBViewModel(INavigationService navigationService) : base(navigationService)
Title = "ViewB";
TextFromViewA = string.Empty;
Now the label we added in ViewB is hooked up to the view model. Lets now pass the text from the entry in A to B!
Back in View A add the following to the OnNavigate method:
private void OnNavigate()
NavigationParameters navParams = new NavigationParameters();
navParams.Add("PassedValue", _viewAText);
_navigationService.NavigateAsync("ViewB", navParams);
The navigation service is incredibly powerful and allows you to pass a dictionary between views (NavigationParameters). In this code we have created some NavigationParameter, added the value of the text in our entry to them and then asked the navigationService (which handles all navigation from viewmodels in Prism) to navigate to ViewB, passing the parameters to it.
In View B we can listen for these parameters using some built in methods provided by Prism. If you type override in ViewBViewModel you will see the methods:
In this case we want to use OnNavigatingTo (which is fired during the transition between the views). Pull that method in and the following:
public override void OnNavigatingTo(NavigationParameters parameters)
if (parameters.ContainsKey("PassedValue"))
_textFromViewA = (string)parameters["PassedValue"];
Here we check if the parameters contain the value we added (by searching for the dictionary key) and then retrieve the value (casting it to a string since the dictionary is ). We then set the property the label is bound to = to the passed value and then use a prism method, RaisePropertyChanged() to raise a property changed event so that the label's binded value updates!
Below is a gif of the results!
This might be alot to take in. I would advise you start using an MVVM framework asap, they are really easy to use and I would consider them essential to making testable, decoupled MVVM xamarin apps!
For more on how prism works, I'd suggest to go read the docs and watch Brian Lagunas' appearance on the Xamarin Show!
Good Luck!
i had implemented the same and hope this helps you.
i have create a loginViewModel
public class LoginVerificationVM : BaseViewModel // INotifyPropertyChanged
private INavigation _navigation;
private string usermobileno;
public string UserMobileNo
{ get { return usermobileno; }set { usermobileno = value;
OnPropertyChanged("UserMobileNo"); }
public LoginVerificationVM(INavigation navigation, string mobileno)
UserMobileNo = mobileno;
_navigation = navigation;
public Command Login
return new Command(async () =>
bool status = await WebApi.CheckNetWorkStatus();
if (status == false)
MessageClass.messagesWindow("Check Ur Connectivity");
this.Isvisible = false;
Isvisible = true;
UserAuth ud = new UserAuth();
ud.username = UserMobileNo; // UserMobileNo;
ud.password = Password; // Password
ud.grant_type = "password"; //GrantType
Isvisible = true;
// IsBusy = false;
await Task.Delay(100);
var json = Task.Run(() => WebApi.GetUserAuth(ud)).Result;
// IsBusy = false;
if (json.ErrorMessage == "true")
Application.Current.MainPage = new MasterPages.MasterPage(json.access_token); //or use _navigation.PushAsync(new ForgotPasswordOTP(UserMobileNo));
Isvisible = false;
Xaml Code
<Entry x:Name="PasswordEntry" Grid.Row="2" IsPassword="True" Placeholder="******" HorizontalTextAlignment="Center" FontAttributes="Bold" TextColor="Black" WidthRequest="150" HeightRequest="35" FontSize="13" Text="{Binding Password, Mode=TwoWay}" >
<Button x:Name="Login" Grid.Row="3" HorizontalOptions="Center" BorderRadius="8" Text="Login" WidthRequest="100" BackgroundColor="#f7941d" TextColor="White" Command="{Binding Login}" IsEnabled="{Binding Active,Mode=TwoWay}">
here is implementation to get data on navigated page view model
public ForgotPasswordOTP(string Ph)
BindingContext = new ForgotPasswordOTPViewModel(this.Navigation,Ph);
and the last thing you need to do is bind your view with your viewmodel
** BindingContext = new LoginVerificationVM(this.Navigation);**
And the answer for the last question is you need to deserialize json in c#
which can be done in following way
var userData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<YourObject>(result);
My goal is to create user using microstrategy SDK and assign filters and groups to the user.
I have a java class CreateUser & SSOESM from SDK. Do I have to create a plugin of the create user class and deploy it in microstrategy intelligence server.
public class CreateUser {
public static WebIServerSession sessionInfo;
public static final String loginName = "NewUser";
public static final String password= "";
public static final String fullName= "New User";
public static final String description="New User Created Programattically";
/* The following information is required to login and manipulate the User management API */
/* iServerName is the IServer we are connecting to */
public static final String iServerName = "localhost";
/* projectName is the project name we are connecting to */
public static final String projectName = "";
/* loginName is the user name we use to login the project */
public static final String adminLoginName = "administrator";
/* loginPasswd is the password we use to login the project */
public static final String adminLoginPasswd = "";
public static void main(String[] args) {
sessionInfo = getServerSession(iServerName, projectName, adminLoginName, adminLoginPasswd);
UserBean user = null;
try {
//Instantiate a new user
user = (UserBean)BeanFactory.getInstance().newBean("UserBean");
//Fetch properties for the user
WebUser ua = (WebUser) user.getUserEntityObject();
WebStandardLoginInfo loginInfo = ua.getStandardLoginInfo();
//Set basic user information
//Set other properties
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.set(2012, 11, 21);
Date d = cal.getTime();
loginInfo.setPasswordExpirationDate(d); //Password expires on November 21, 2012
loginInfo.setPasswordExpirationFrequency(90); //90 days to expire
loginInfo.setPasswordExpiresAutomatically(true); //If set to false, password never expires
loginInfo.setStandardAuthAllowed(true); //The user can log in using standard auth
} catch (WebBeanException ex) {
System.out.println("Error creating a user: " + ex.getMessage());
public static WebIServerSession getServerSession(String serverName, String Project, String loginName, String password) {
WebIServerSession sessionInfo = null;
try {
WebObjectsFactory woFact = WebObjectsFactory.getInstance();
sessionInfo = woFact.getIServerSession();
//Create a new session
} catch (WebObjectsException ex) {
System.out.println("Error creating a sesion");
return sessionInfo;
My goal is when a user try to logon the user should be created on the fly using the sdk classes.
I have to create a plugin and configure the plugin to use the java class you have created as an ESM.
With that said its important to understand that the actions you are performing are very expensive. They may degrade the user experience if you are attempting to provide a fast SSO experience. Depending on the implementation you have it may be better to create a custom task, which can be fired when the user authenticates with the third party application. This task can perform all the actions you are describing, and then return a session state. Which can be used in any subsequent connections to MicroStrategy Web.
This is the first time I've used flash builder (I usually just use flash itself for all my AS stuff). I've got a bunch of non static classes and one of them has an issue passing a parameter from a constructor to a private var.
private function init():void
var keys:Primes = new Primes();
var keyArray:Array = [["kdc",keys.getRandomPrime()],["client",keys.getRandomPrime()],["server",keys.getRandomPrime()]];
kdc = new KeyDistCentre(keyArray);
client = new Client(keyArray[1][1]);
server = new Server(keyArray[2][1]);
It's the kdc = new line which is causing an issue, when I pass keyArray into it it has a problem assigning the value to the private var in the class.
public class KeyDistCentre extends Client
private var keyList:Array = new Array();
public function KeyDistCentre(keys:Array)
keyList = keys; **ERROR**
public function generateTicket():Ticket
return null;
The weird thing is even when I comment out all the problematic lines, the exact same error with line reference occurs...