postgresql write a materialized view query to include base record and no of records matching - postgresql

I have two tables one is users and another is orders in postgresql.
users table
userid | username | usertype
1 | John | F
2 | Bob | P
orders table
userid | orderid | ordername
1 | 001 | Mobile
1 | 002 | TV
1 | 003 | Laptop
2 | 001 | Book
2 | 002 | Kindle
Now I want to write a query for postgresql materialized view it will give me output like below
userid | username | Base Order Name |No of Orders | User Type
1 | John | Mobile | 3 | F - Free
2 | Bob | Book | 2 | P- Premium
I have tried below query but it's giving five records as output instead of two records and didn't figure out how to show usertype F - Free / P - Premium
TABLESPACE pg_default
(select count(orderid) from orders where userid = u.userid)
as no_of_orders,
(select ordername from orders where orderid=1 and userid = u.userid)
as baseorder
FROM users u
INNER JOIN orders o ON u.userid = o.userid
It's giving result like below
userid | username | no_of_orders | baseorder
1 | John | 3 | Mobile
1 | John | 3 | Mobile
1 | John | 3 | Mobile
2 | Bob | 2 | Book
2 | Bob | 2 | Book
Assume base order id is always 001. In the final materialized view user type will return F - Free/ P - Premium by some mapping in query.

Use a group by and this becomes pretty trivial. The only slightly complex part is getting the base order name, but this can be accomplished using FILTER:
select users.userid,
max(ordername) FILTER (WHERE orderid='001') as "Base Order Name",
count(orderid) as "No of Orders",
CASE WHEN usertype = 'F' THEN 'F - Free'
WHEN usertype = 'P' THEN 'P- Premium'
END as "User Type"
FROM users
JOIN orders on users.userid = orders.userid
GROUP BY users.userid, users.username, users.usertype;


How to select rows based on properties of another row?

Had a question..
| a_id | name | r_id | message | date
| 1 | bob | 77 | bob here | 1-jan
| 1 | bob | 77 | bob here again | 2-jan
| 2 | jack | 77 | jack here. | 2-jan
| 1 | bob | 79 | in another room| 3-feb
| 3 | gill | 79 | gill here | 4-feb
These are basically accounts (a_id) chatting inside different rooms (r_id)
I'm trying to find the last chat message for every room that jack a_id = 2 is chatting in.
What i've tried so far is using distinct on (r_id) ... ORDER BY r_id, date DESC.
But this incorrectly gives me the last message in every room instead of only giving the last message in everyroom that jack belongs to.
| 2 | jack | 77 | jack here. | 2-jan
| 3 | gill | 79 | gill here | 4-feb
Is this a partition problem instead distinct on?
I would suggest :
to group the rows by r_id with a GROUP BY clause
to select only the groups where a_id = 2 is included with a HAVING clause which aggregates the a_id of each group : HAVING array_agg(a_id) #> array[2]
to select the latest message of each selected group by aggregating its rows in an array with ORDER BY date DESC and selecting the first element of the array : (array_agg(t.*))[1]
to convert the selected rows into a json object and then displaying the expected result by using the json_populate_record function
The full query is :
SELECT (json_populate_record(null :: my_table, (array_agg(to_json(t.*)))[1])).*
FROM my_table AS t
HAVING array_agg(a_id) #> array[2]
and the result is :
bob here
see dbfiddle
For last message in every chat room simply would be:
select a_id, name, r_id, to_char(max(date),'dd-mon') from chats
where a_id =2
group by r_id, a_id,name;
Or seeing messages
with last_message as (
select a_id, name, r_id, to_char(max(date),'dd-mon') date from chats
where a_id =1
group by r_id, a_id,name
select l.*, c.message
from last_message l
join chats c on (c.a_id= l.a_id and l.r_id=c.r_id and,'dd-mon'));
Though all this complication could by avoided with a primary key on your table.

Postgresql - How to use string_to_array on another column value

How can I use string_to_array or split_part on another column value.
I want do something like select * from tenants where id IN (select string_to_array(select ancestry from tenants where id = 39,'/'));
-[ RECORD 1 ]-------------+----------------------
id | 1
domain |
subdomain |
name | My Company
login_text |
logo_file_name |
logo_content_type |
logo_file_size |
logo_updated_at |
login_logo_file_name |
login_logo_content_type |
login_logo_file_size |
login_logo_updated_at |
ancestry |
divisible | t
description | Tenant for My Company
use_config_for_attributes | t
default_miq_group_id | 1
source_type |
source_id |
-[ RECORD 3 ]-------------+----------------------
id | 35
domain |
subdomain |
name | Tenant_2
login_text |
logo_file_name |
logo_content_type |
logo_file_size |
logo_updated_at |
login_logo_file_name |
login_logo_content_type |
login_logo_file_size |
login_logo_updated_at |
ancestry | 1
divisible | t
description | Tenant_2
use_config_for_attributes | f
default_miq_group_id | 36
source_type |
source_id |
-[ RECORD 7 ]-------------+----------------------
id | 39
domain |
subdomain |
name | Child_Teanant_202
login_text |
logo_file_name |
logo_content_type |
logo_file_size |
logo_updated_at |
login_logo_file_name |
login_logo_content_type |
login_logo_file_size |
login_logo_updated_at |
ancestry | 1/35
divisible | t
description | Child_Teanant_202
use_config_for_attributes | f
default_miq_group_id | 52
source_type |
source_id |
Use regex to enforce word boundaries:
select *
from tenants
where (select ancestry from tenants where id = 39)
~ ('\y' || id || '\y')
See live demo.
Without the word boundaries an id of 1 would match an ancestry of 123.
Note Postgres's unusual regex for word boundary \y, which elsewhere is \b.
There are two ways to solve this.
One is to simply unnest the elements of ancestry
select *
from tenants
where id in (select
from tenants t2
cross join unnest(string_to_array(t2.ancestry, '/')) as a(id)
where = 39);
Converting the string to an array in order to be able to use the = ANY() operator is a bit tricky, because you need two levels of parentheses plus a type cast to an integer array to make that work:
select *
from tenants
where id = any ((select string_to_array(t2.ancestry, '/')
from tenants t2
where = 39)::int[]);
Online example

Return rows which have the same values in two columns, but different values in another

I have a table that looks like this:
id | name | address | code
101 | joe smith | 1 long road | SC1
102 | joe smith | 6 long road | SC1
103 | amy hughes | 5 hillside lane | SC5
104 | amy hughes | 5 hillside lane | SC5
I want to return the rows that are duplications based on name and code but have different address fields.
I had something like this originally (which looked for duplications across the name, address and code columns:
SELECT name, address, code, count(*)
FROM table_name
GROUP BY 1,2,3
HAVING count(*) >1;
Is there a way I can expand on the above to only return rows that have the same name and code but different address fields?
In my example data above, I would only want to return:
id | name | address | code
101 | joe smith | 1 long road | SC1
102 | joe smith | 6 long road | SC1
Remove address from the select list and GROUP BY and use count(DISTINCT):
SELECT name, code, count(DISTINCT address)
FROM table_name
GROUP BY name, code
HAVING count(DISTINCT address) > 1;

Duplicate row after left join

I am trying to write a query which as follow:
select distinct as bsgId,
s.system_id as sysId,
g.code_no as gameNo,
u.user_name as nameOfUser,
s.score_code as scoreId, as cityOfGame
from score s
join scoreGr sg on = s.scoreGr_id
join bigScoreGr bsg on sg.bigScoreGr_id =
join game g on bsg.fld_case_id =
join user u on s.user_id =
join system_number sn on = sn.game_id
join system_doc sd on sd.system_number_id =
left join parameter p on sd.city_id =
Until I have joined with parameter table, result is as expected. The result seems like below:
bsgId| sysId | gameNo | nameOfUser | scoreId
1234 | abcde | G-12 | admin | G-12/1/1
1235 | abcdf | G-15 | admin | G-15/1/3
1234 | abcdf | G-12 | user1 | G-12/1/8
1237 | abcdf | G-16 | user1 | G-16/2/4
However, parameter table is something big and system_doc has some null values in its city_id column. When I add the left join part of my query, it becomes like that:
bsgId| sysId | gameNo | nameOfUser | scoreId | city
1234 | abcde | G-12 | admin | G-12/1/1 | city1
1235 | abcdf | G-15 | admin | G-15/1/3 | city5
1235 | abcdf | G-15 | admin | G-15/1/3 |
1234 | abcdg | G-12 | user1 | G-12/1/8 | city4
1234 | abcdg | G-12 | user1 | G-12/1/8 |
1237 | abcdf | G-16 | user1 | G-16/2/4 |
I do not want rows like 3rd and 5th ones. To avoid these rows which has null in their city columns and "has the exact same data except city field" (I mean city can be null actually,as in the last row, but having row #2 makes row #3 useless, so I only want row #2) I have used distinct on(scoreId), but it did not worked since I have lost row #2 but not row #3.
How could I eliminate those duplicate rows which has null in their city fields? I hope my question is clear.
It's a postgresql bug.
left join parameter p on sd.city_id =
Try this
left join parameter p on =
WHERE sd.city_id =
(I have answered this so anyone looking for will now know about this bug)
It seems like you have a composite key. Try to mention all columns of composite key i.e. if you have primary key(pk1, pk2) then select * from table1 left join table2 on table1.pk1=table2.pk1 and table2.pk2=table2.pk2

Resolve many to many relationship in SQL

I'm using Postgresql. Let's say I have 3 tables:
id | name
1 | Biology
2 | Math
id | name
1 | John
2 | Jane
id | student_id | class_id | registration_token
1 | 1 | 1 | abc
2 | 1 | 2 | def
3 | 2 | 1 | zxc
I want to obtain a result set like this:
student_name | biology | math
John | abc | def
Jane | zxc | NULL
I can get this result set with this query:
SELECT as student_name,
biology.registration_token as biology,
math.registration_token as math
SELECT registration_token FROM Student_Classes WHERE class_id = (
SELECT id FROM Classes WHERE name = 'Biology'
) AS biology
ON = biology.student_id
SELECT registration_token FROM Student_Classes WHERE class_id = (
SELECT id FROM Classes WHERE name = 'Math'
) AS math
ON = math.student_id
Is there a way to get this same result set without having a join statement for each class? With this solution, if I want to add a class, I need to add another join statement.
You can do this via postgresql tablefunc extension crosstab but such presentation requirements may be handled better outside of sql.