Not able to convert from PScustomobject to Arraylist - powershell

I am trying to get all the list of patches from multiple servers. I am using invoke command with -asjob parameter to get the patch list from all servers. Running the below code.
I am getting the below error. I have tried with
Get-CIMInstance -Class Win32_QuickFixEngineering
and with
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_QuickFixEngineering
but keep getting same error.
$Servers = Get-Content "C:\Users\Suman.Ghosh\Servers.txt"
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$All_Jobs = #()
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$Updated_Servers_List = #()
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$Jobs_Output = #()
$Patches_to_lookfor = #(
foreach ($S in $Servers) {
if (Test-Connection -ComputerName $S -Count 1 -Quiet) {
$Updated_Servers_List += $S
$All_Jobs += Invoke-Command -ComputerName $S -ScriptBlock {Get-HotFix} -AsJob
} else {
Write-Warning "Computer $S is not running"
Write-Host "below Jobs are running" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Write-Host "waiting for jobs to finish" -ForegroundColor Cyan
$All_Jobs | Wait-Job
$temp = #()
$flag = $false
foreach ($job in $All_Jobs) {
$Jobs_Output += Get-Job $job.Id | Receive-Job | Select HotFixID, CSNAME
foreach ($Job_output in $Jobs_Output) {
Write-Host $Job_output -ForegroundColor Green
### DO some stuff
Cannot convert value "#{HotFixID=KB4020449; CSName=mit1epxa2}" to type
Error: "Cannot convert the "#{HotFixID=KB4020449; CSName=mit1epxa2}" value
of type "Selected.System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject" to type
At line:1 char:10
+ foreach ($Job_output in $Jobs_Output) {
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : MetadataError: (:) [], ArgumentTransformationMetadataException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : RuntimeException

Ok, let's see if my second answer gets deleted (with no notification) by people who don't know the topic. I believe you have run a command like this on $job_output (no "s"):
[collections.arraylist]$job_output = #()
Then in the loop at the bottom, an exception is created because a pscustomobject can't be cast to a collections.arraylist with the $job_output variable. $jobs_output (with the "s") is an arraylist of [pscustomobjects]'s created by select.
foreach ($Job_output in $Jobs_Output) {
Write-Host $Job_output -ForegroundColor Green
### DO some stuff


Argument Passed into ScriptBlock Doesn't Work on Last Iteration

I'm using the following script to run through all of the servers in a specified Active Directory OU and log out the specified user. This runs perfectly well for the first 35 servers but always errors out on the very last server it iterates through. The error is:
Program 'quser.exe' failed to run: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. At line:6 char:24
+ $result = (quser $userAccount)
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.
At \\path\to\script.ps1:79 char:5
+ invoke-command -ComputerName $server -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock -A ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : OperationStopped: (Program 'quser....~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.:String) [], RuntimeException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Program 'quser.exe' failed to run: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.At line:6 char:24
+ $result = (quser $userAccount)
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.
My reading of the error is that it thinks $userAccount has no value. Is that correct and, if so, can anyone point at what I'm missing? Thank you in advance!
Write-Host " "
Write-Host "This script will log out all active sessions for the specified user. Proceed with caution." -ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor Yellow
Write-Host " "
$servers = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
foreach ($server in (Get-ADComputer -SearchBase "OU=FictionalDepartment,DC=Company,DC=net" -Filter "OperatingSystem -like 'Windows Server*'" -Properties Name | select -ExpandProperty name))
$servers.add($server) | Out-Null
$userAccount = Read-Host "Enter account to log out"
Write-Host " "
foreach ($server in $servers)
$scriptBlock = {
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
$result = (quser $userAccount)
$session = ((quser $userAccount)[1] -split "\s+")[2]
logoff $session
Write-Host " The user was logged into session #$session. They have been LOGGED OFF." -ForegroundColor Yellow
if ($_.Exception.Message -match 'No user exists')
Write-Host " User is not logged in." -ForegroundColor Green
throw $_.Exception.Message
Write-Host "$server"
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $server -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock -ArgumentList $userAccount
$session = $null
Based on feedback, I modified the script so that it no longer uses Invoke-Command, but parses the active sessions by running quser <user> /SERVER:<server> as follows:
Write-Host "Will log specified user out of all servers..." -ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor Yellow
Write-Host " "
$servers = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
foreach ($server in (Get-ADComputer -SearchBase "OU=Fictional,DC=Company,DC=net" -Filter "OperatingSystem -like 'Windows Server*'" -Properties Name | select -ExpandProperty name))
$servers.add($server) | Out-Null
$userAccount = Read-Host "Enter account to scan for"
Write-Host ""
foreach ($server in $servers)
Write-Host "$server"
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
$session = ((quser $userAccount /SERVER:$server)[1] -split "\s+")[3]
logoff /SERVER:$server $session
Write-Host " The user was logged into session #$session. They have been LOGGED OFF." -ForegroundColor Yellow
if ($_.Exception.Message -match 'No user exists')
Write-Host " User is not logged in." -ForegroundColor Green

PowerShell - How do you get the latest windows updates from a list of servers? Array/For Each problem

I think the issue is in the $computer and foreach sections. When I run this nothing returns. What am I missing please?
$computer = #('server1', 'server2')
ForEach ($COMPUTER in (Get-ADComputer -Filter ('Name -like "{0}"' -f $computer)))
{if(!(Test-Connection -Cn $computer -BufferSize 16 -Count 1 -ea 0 -quiet))
{write-host "cannot reach $computer" -f red}
else {
$key = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update\Results\Install"
$keytype = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryHive]::LocalMachine
$RemoteBase = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey($keytype,$Server)
$regKey = $RemoteBase.OpenSubKey($key)
$KeyValue = $regkey.GetValue("LastSuccessTime"”)
$System = (Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss")
if ($KeyValue -lt $System)
Write-Host " "
Write-Host $computer "Last time updates were installed was: " $KeyValue
Thanks for your help.
i think this should work. But at the moment i have no possibility to test it.
Some explanations:
name var ADComputer instead of COMPUTER
$COMPUTER and $coMpUTeR and $COMputer and $computer are all the same because of powershell's case-insensitivity
create var outside the loop, if you don't change them in it
if ($KeyValue -lt $System) makes no sense it will always be true, because the last successfull installation will always be in the past
Keep it simple, you can easily get the remote's registry value with the Invoke-Command, which allows you to "invoke" a script block on a remote host and returns its output. Also it is simpler to call the registry with the Get-ItemPropertyValue cmdlet.
# create array computer
$computer = #('server1', 'server2')
# store Registry key
$key = “HKLM:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update\Results\Install”
# iterate through computers
# Get Computer from AD
$ADComputer = Get-ADComputer $_
# Test if server is not reachable and report it
if(!(Test-Connection -Cn $ADComputer.DNSHostName -BufferSize 16 -Count 1 -ea 0 -quiet)){
Write-Host ("cannot reach {0} " -f $_) -ForegroundColor Red
# Get remote computers registry entry
$KeyValue = Invoke-Command { (Get-ItemProperty -Path $args[0] -Name "LastSuccessTime") } -ComputerName $ADComputer.DNSHostName -ArgumentList $key
Write-Host " "
# write LastSuccessTime to host
Write-Host ("{0}: Last time updates were installed was: {1}" -f $ADComputer.Name, $KeyValue)

Powershell: Retrieving LogonDate in Active Directory

I've a list of computers, I'm checking if they are connected, if they aren't check with AD and "spit out" the one that aren't connecting for more than 3 months.
If it's connected then check if a services is installed.
Here's my code:
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$datecutoff = (Get-Date).AddDays(-90)
Get-Content "C:\powershell\pc.txt" |
foreach {
if (-not (Test-Connection -comp $_ -quiet)){
Write-host "$_ is down" -ForegroundColor Red
$LastLog = Get-ADComputer -Identity $_ | Select LastLogonDate
if($LastLog -lt $datecutoff){
Write-host "$_ is offline for more than 3 months" -ForegroundColor Yellow
} Else {
$service = get-service -name masvc -ComputerName $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($service ){
write-host "$_ Installed"
} else {
Write-host "$_ Not Installed"
When it finds a disconnected computer it gives me the following error:
Cannot compare "#{LastLogonDate=}" to "2020.04.16 18:49:19" because the objects are not the same type or the object "#{LastLogonDate=}" does not implement "IComparable".
At line:10 char:20
+ if($LastLog -lt $datecutoff){
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [], ExtendedTypeSystemException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : PSObjectCompareTo
I know the error happens because my variable is saving wrong info, but I cannot find a way to only select the date in the AD.
Is there anyway to do this?
Thanks in advance.
You have a couple of issues. You'll need to request that LastLogonDate is returned with Get-ADComputer as its not by default. You'll need to use the dotted notation method of selecting property LastLogonDate from the $LastLog object so your compare works.
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$datecutoff = (Get-Date).AddDays(-90)
Get-Content "C:\powershell\pc.txt" |
foreach {
if (-not (Test-Connection -comp $_ -Quiet)) {
Write-Host "$_ is down" -ForegroundColor Red
$LastLog = Get-ADComputer -Identity $_ -Properties LastLogonDate
if ($LastLog.LastLogonDate -lt $datecutoff) {
Write-Host "$_ is offline for more than 3 months" -ForegroundColor Yellow
} Else {
$service = Get-Service -Name masvc -ComputerName $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($service ) {
Write-Host "$_ Installed"
} else {
Write-Host "$_ Not Installed"
Welcome to stackoverflow, please read
Side note. You can filter for aged computers like this Get-ADComputer -Filter 'LastLogonDate -lt $datecutoff'

Accessible a powershell variable inside a function / workflow

I am working on a Powershell script with a function and a Workflow. Unfortunately, I was unable to access variables inside the function. Here is an example :
$location = "c:\temp"
function PingComputer
$res = Test-Connection -ComputerName $ip -quiet -Count 1
If ($res -eq "true")
#Some tasks if pings are ok
#For example : copy-item -path $location -destination $dest -force -recurse
#Catch exceptions
#Ping fail
workflow parallelPingCOmputer {
foreach -parallel($ip in $ips)
$count = $ips.Count
InlineScript {
#write-host "$using:i : " $using:ips.count " : $using:ips "
Write-Progress -Activity "Poste : $using:ip" -Status "Postes effectués : $using:i sur $using:count" -PercentComplete (($using:i / $using:Count) * 100)
sleep -s 1
$request = parallelPingComputer -ips $ip_list | Select-object date, computer, result | out-gridview
This is a simplified version of my current script. But, as you can see, the variable $location can't be accessed inside my function PingComputer. I tried to modify its scope as global or script, but nothing works.
The message I get with the copy-item is "path is null"... How can I make my variable accessible ?
If you want to reuse the function, just copy the function inside the workflow and keep it outside. Else, copy the function inside the workflow and remove the one outside like the code below. It could solve your problem without using a function inside the workflow.
I made an example on my Github :
Workflow Get-Ping{
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string[]]$Computers
Foreach -Parallel ($computer in $Computers){
$ping = $null
$version = $null
if(Test-Connection -ComputerName $computer -Count 1 -Quiet){
$ping = "Online"
$version = Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\cimv2" -Class "Win32_OperatingSystem" -PSComputerName $computer | select Version
$ping = "Offline"
#if no gwmi use -ComputerName $computer
$arrayResults = New-Object -Type PSObject -Property #{
Hostname = $computer
Ping = $ping
Version = $version.Version
$computers = Get-Content ".\Computers.txt"
Write-Host "$($computers.Count) computers found" -ForegroundColor Green
Get-Ping -Computers $computers | Select-Object Hostname, Ping, Version | Sort-Object Hostname | Out-GridView -Title "Powershell Workflow - Ping"

Is there any Faster method to do WMI query from Powershell ..?

Wrote a small script to find the number Multipaths from the windows servers using WMI query. It works well for the servers which can connect directly without any issue. But if one server is pingable but not able to reach through WMI script, it takes long time to return the error ( for example if a linux server hostname is present in the servers.txt list).. Can somebody help me to do the same in a faster way..?
$Servers = Get-Content .\Servers.txt
$ErrorActionPreference = ‘SilentlyContinue’
FOREACH ($Server in $Servers) {
Write-Host $Server -nonewline
if (test-connection -computername $Server -Count 1 -quiet) {
$Name = $null
$NoPath =$null
$MPIODisks =$null
$MPIODisks = Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\wmi -Class mpio_disk_info -ComputerName "$Server" |Select-Object "DriveInfo"
if ($MPIODisks -eq $Null) {
write-host "`t - Unable to connect" -fore "RED"
} else {
write-host ""
write-host "Drive Name `tNo.Path" -fore "yellow"
Foreach ($Disk in $MPIODisks) {
$mpiodrives = $disk.DriveInfo
foreach ($Drive in $mpiodrives) {
$Name = $Drive.Name
$NoPath = $Drive.Numberpaths
If ($NoPath -lt 4) {
Write-Host $Name `t -nonewline
write-host $NoPath -fore "Red"
} else {
Write-Host $Name `t -nonewline
write-host $NoPath -fore "Green"
write-host ""
} else {
write-host "`t- Unknown Host" -fore "Red"
write-host ""
There is a connect item for Get-WmiObject to add a timeout parameter. A workaround noted in that item is to just pipe your WMI command to Wait-Job and specify a timeout period in seconds.
As long as your on PS version 3.0 or higher, this should work for you:
Get-WmiObject win32_computersystem -ComputerName <hostname> -AsJob | Wait-Job -Timeout 10 | Receive-Job
As an alternative, you could ask all servers for the result at once by passing them all into the query and avoiding the slow loop querying one server at a time. I don't have any MPIO drives to test with, but it could look something like this (using Get-Ciminstance which takes a timeout parameter):
$servers = Get-Content .\Servers.txt
# Get data from all servers with timeout
$servers_ok = Get-CimInstance -computername $servers -Namespace root\wmi -Class mpio_disk_info -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -OperationTimeoutSec 1 | group pscomputername
# Output which servers gave no result back
foreach($no_result in $($servers | where { $_ -NotIn $servers_ok.Name })) {
write-host "No result for $no_result" -ForegroundColor Red
# Loop over the results and output
foreach($server in $servers_ok) {
Write-Host $server.Name
foreach($mpiodisk in $  {
$mpiodrives = $mpiodisk.DriveInfo
foreach ($mpiodrive in $mpiodrives) {
$name = $mpiodrive.Name
$noPath = $mpiodrive.NumberPaths
If ($NoPath -lt 4) {
write-host $name `t -nonewline
write-host $noPath -fore "Red"
} else {
write-host $name `t -nonewline
write-host $noPath -fore "Green"