Kubernetes: validating update requests to custom resource - kubernetes

I created a custom resource definition (CRD) and its controller in my cluster, now I can create custom resources, but how do I validate update requests to the CR? e.g., only certain fields can be updated.

The Kubernetes docs on Custom Resources has a section on Advanced features and flexibility (never mind that validating requests should be considered a pretty basic feature 😉). For validation of CRDs, it says:
Most validation can be specified in the CRD using OpenAPI v3.0 validation. Any other validations supported by addition of a Validating Webhook.
The OpenAPI v3.0 validation won't help you accomplish what you're looking for, namely ensuring immutability of certain fields on your custom resource, it's only helpful for stateless validations where you're looking at one instance of an object and determining if it's valid or not, you can't compare it to a previous version of the resource and validate that nothing has changed.
You could use Validating Webhooks. It feels like a heavyweight solution, as you will need to implement a server that conforms to the Validating Webhook contract (responding to specific kinds of requests with specific kinds of responses), but you will have the required data at least to make the desired determination, e.g. knowing that it's an UPDATE request and knowing what the old object looked like. For more details, see here. I have not actually tried Validating Webhooks, but it feels like it could work.
An alternative approach I've used is to store the user-provided data within the Status subresource of the custom resource the first time it's created, and then always look at the data there. Any changes to the Spec are ignored, though your controller can notice discrepancies between what's in the Spec and what's in the Status, and embed a warning in the Status telling the user that they've mutated the object in an invalid way and their specified values are being ignored. You can see an example of that approach here and here. As per the relevant README section of that linked repo, this results in the following behaviour:
The AVAILABLE column will show false if the UAA client for the team has not been successfully created. The WARNING column will display a warning if you have mutated the Team spec after initial creation. The DIRECTOR column displays the originally provided value for spec.director and this is the value that this team will continue to use. If you do attempt to mutate the Team resource, you can see your (ignored) user-provided value with the -o wide flag:
$ kubectl get team --all-namespaces -owide
test test vbox-admin true vbox-admin
If we attempt to mutate the spec.director property, here's what we will see:
$ kubectl get team --all-namespaces -owide
test test vbox-admin true API resource has been mutated; all changes ignored bad-new-director-name


PowerShell Approved Verbs for "Archive" and "Unarchive" of Data Items

I have data that supports being Archived and Unarchived but none of the Approved Verbs for PowerShell Commands for data management or resource lifecycle seem to be a good fit.
Technically, the relevant data items are actually available over RESTful API and are referenced by ID. The Cmdlets I'm building speak to said API.
EDIT: These data items are more accurately described as records with the act of archiving being some form of recategorisation or relabelling of said records as being in an archived state.
Which verbs are most appropriate and what are some of the implementation factors and considerations that should be taken into account when choosing?
New-DataArchive and Remove-DataArchive
Not sure of the particulars of the underlying API, but often there's a POST (new) and a DELETE (remove).
I'm also a big fan of adding [Alias]s when there's not a great match. For example, I was recently working in a git domain where Fork is a well-known concept, so I picked the "closest" approved verb, but added an alias to provide clarity (aliases can be whatever you want)
function Copy-GithubProject {
I think this comes down to user-experience (user using said Cmdlets) versus actual-implementation. The Approved Verbs for PowerShell Commands article refers mostly to the actual-implementation when describing verbs, not so much the user-experience of those using Cmdlets. I think choosing PowerShell Verbs based on actual implementation, instead of abstracting that away and focusing on the common-sense user-experience, is the way the Approved PowerShell Verb list should be used.
Set (s): Replaces data on an existing resource or creates a resource that contains some data...
Get (g): Specifies an action that retrieves a resource. This verb is paired with Set.
Although the user maybe archiving something, they may only actually be changing a label or an archive-bit on the resource. In my case, the 'Archiving' is actually just a flag on a row on a backend database, meaning, it is replacing data on an existing resource, so Set-ArchiveState (or equivalent) as Seth suggested is the most appropriate here.
New vs. Set
Use the New verb to create a new resource. Use the Set verb to modify an existing resource, optionally creating it if it does not exist, such as the Set-Variable cmdlet.
New (n): Creates a resource. (The Set verb can also be used when creating a resource that includes data, such as the Set-Variable cmdlet.)
I think New would only be applicable if you are creating a new resource based off of the old ones, the new resource representing an archived copy. In my use-case, it's Archival of a resource is represented by a flag, I am changing data on an existing resource primarily, thus, New isn't suitable here.
Publish (pb): Makes a resource available to others. This verb is paired with Unpublish.
Unpublish (ub): Makes a resource unavailable to others. This verb is paired with Publish.
There is an argument to be made that, if Archiving/Unarchiving restricts availability of the resource, Publish/Unpublish would be appropriate but I think this negatively impacts the user-experience even more than Set/Get does by using terminology in an uncommon way.
Compress (cm): Compacts the data of a resource. Pairs with Expand.
Expand (en): Restores the data of a resource that has been compressed to its original state. This verb is paired with Compress.
This is quite implementation specific and I think would only be suitable if the main purpose of the Archive/Unarchive action is for data compression and not for resource lifecycle management.

Best Practice for Operators to Receive Secrets in custom resource

I'm not finding any answers to this on Google but I may just not know what terms to search for.
In a CRD, is there a way to define a field in the spec that is a secret (and therefore shouldn't be stored in plain text)? For example, if the custom resource needs to have an API token included in it, how do you define that in the CRD?
One thought I had was to just have the user create a Secret outside of the CRD and then provide the secret's name in a custom resource field so the operator can query it from the K8s API on demand when needed (and obviously associated RBAC needs to be configured so the operator has read access to the Secret). So the field in the CRD would just be a normal string that is the name of the target Secret.
But is there a better way? Any existing best practices around this?
You do indeed just store the value in an actual Secret and reference it. You'll find the same pattern all over k8s. Then in your controller code you get your custom object, find the ref, get that secret, and then you have your data.

Kubernetes - Using a particular ConfigMap versioning

I have couple of questions regarding the configMap versioning.
Is it possible to use a specific version of a configMap in the deployment file?
I dont see any API's to get list of versions. How to get the list of versions?
Is it possible to compare configMap b/w versions?
How to control the number of versions?
Is it possible to use a specific version of a configMap in the deployment file?
Not really.
The closest notion of a "version" is resourceVersion, but that is not for the user to directly act upon.
See API conventions: concurrency control and consistency:
Kubernetes leverages the concept of resource versions to achieve optimistic concurrency. All Kubernetes resources have a "resourceVersion" field as part of their metadata. This resourceVersion is a string that identifies the internal version of an object that can be used by clients to determine when objects have changed.
When a record is about to be updated, it's version is checked against a pre-saved value, and if it doesn't match, the update fails with a StatusConflict (HTTP status code 409).
The resourceVersion is changed by the server every time an object is modified. If resourceVersion is included with the PUT operation the system will verify that there have not been other successful mutations to the resource during a read/modify/write cycle, by verifying that the current value of resourceVersion matches the specified value.
The resourceVersion is currently backed by etcd's modifiedIndex.
However, it's important to note that the application should not rely on the implementation details of the versioning system maintained by Kubernetes. We may change the implementation of resourceVersion in the future, such as to change it to a timestamp or per-object counter.
The only way for a client to know the expected value of resourceVersion is to have received it from the server in response to a prior operation, typically a GET. This value MUST be treated as opaque by clients and passed unmodified back to the server.
Clients should not assume that the resource version has meaning across namespaces, different kinds of resources, or different servers.
Currently, the value of resourceVersion is set to match etcd's sequencer. You could think of it as a logical clock the API server can use to order requests.
However, we expect the implementation of resourceVersion to change in the future, such as in the case we shard the state by kind and/or namespace, or port to another storage system.
In the case of a conflict, the correct client action at this point is to GET the resource again, apply the changes afresh, and try submitting again.
This mechanism can be used to prevent races like the following:
Client #1 Client #2
Set Foo.Bar = "one" Set Foo.Baz = "two"
When these sequences occur in parallel, either the change to Foo.Bar or the change to Foo.Baz can be lost.
On the other hand, when specifying the resourceVersion, one of the PUTs will fail, since whichever write succeeds changes the resourceVersion for Foo.
resourceVersion may be used as a precondition for other operations (e.g., GET, DELETE) in the future, such as for read-after-write consistency in the presence of caching.
"Watch" operations specify resourceVersion using a query parameter. It is used to specify the point at which to begin watching the specified resources.
This may be used to ensure that no mutations are missed between a GET of a resource (or list of resources) and a subsequent Watch, even if the current version of the resource is more recent.
This is currently the main reason that list operations (GET on a collection) return resourceVersion.

Appropriate Status Code for Incorrect Requested Type

If you have a REST API that can be used to access a unique owner and then one registered pet - what kind of status code would be most appropriate to signify that a Pet exists, but is not found at the current URL?
/Owner/{id} -- Get operation to access Owner Object (Which includes a reference to any complicated nested objects.
/Owner/{id}/Dog -- Get Operation to access a Dog.
/Owner/{id}/Cat -- Get Operation to access a Cat.
If the requested Owner has a Dog, what kind of response should /Owner/{id}/Cat return?
It feels like this should return some kind of reference that says there is a Pet, which points the caller to /Owner/{id}/Dog.
I don't think a 404 would be correct because it doesn't make the API very discover-able (likewise with 5xx status codes), though no 2xx status codes seem to give me what I want either, 3xx status codes seem to infer infrastructure changes rather than the resource is found at a different location.
[edit: Shortly after posting this question I discovered the 303 - See Other Status code. Would this be the better way to go?]
What do you think is the best Status Code to return in this instance?
For some background
This is a generic example of what it is I want to achieve - in practice I am actually storing/accessing authentication information (I.e. OAuth2, PAT etc) which is too different to condense onto a flat object without having lots of fields that won't be relevant to other types.
Code Generation is really important - This API is being made available via an internal micro service which can only be accessed via a GraphQL endpoint (which acts as an API Gateway). This makes it relatively undesirable to have a single endpoint that returns multiple different types (I.e. owner/{id}/pet which would return either a Dog, Cat, or Fish based on the type you happened to own).
That being said, if offering multiple different endpoints instead of one is not the way you would go about doing this I am open to other options (obviously taking into consideration point 1 on this list).
Preferably, I would like this to be Swagger Compliant if that is at all possible.
Just after posting this question I discovered the 303 - See Other Status Code, which appears to be appropriate in this instance.
P.S. I've updated the question with this information, and will leave the question open because I'm still interested to find out if someone else things there is a more appropriate solution and/or best practice.

Should Odata(V4) actions be invoked only with POST?

Odata V4 Spec says that Actions MAY have observable side effects and should be invoked using HTTP POST. But we do have scenarios where we need to use actions which just modifies some status.
For example :
1.You might want to mark status of a document identified by a id as locked
Endpoint - .../Documents({id})/lock().
Since I am doing a partial update here, In my opinion PATCH is more suitable.2. You might want to offer two ways of deleting a document
a) Just Hide Endpoint - ...../Documents({id}) This is with HTTP DELETE (no disputes)
b) Delete PermanentlyEndpoint - ...../Documents({id})/permanentDelete() This as an ODATA action. In my opinion, HTTP Delete would be more appropriate here instead of HTTP POST.
What is the recommended way to do this from Odata standpoint? Any help here is much appreciated.
Below is the information from SPEC.
11.5.4 Actions
Actions are operations exposed by an OData service that MAY have side effects when invoked. Actions MAY return data but MUST NOT be further composed with additional path segments. Invoking an Action
To invoke an action bound to a resource, the client issues a POST request to an action URL. An action URL may be obtained from a previously returned entity representation or constructed by appending the namespace- or alias-qualified action name to a URL that identifies a resource whose type is the same as, or derives from, the type of the binding parameter of the action. The value for the binding parameter is the value of the resource identified by the URL prior to appending the action name, and any non-binding parameter values are passed in the request body according to the particular format.
Thanks in advance
From an OData standpoint, you always have to invoke an action with a POST, with any other verb, it won't work.
Both of your examples are things that I personally don't think are well suited to an action as there are already ways to do these things with OData and they use the verbs that you are mentioning.Updating a property is supported with a PATCH and deleting an object is supported with a DELETE. You mention that you have two different types of delete operations, this is more difficult but you could use a custom header to distinguish between them.
An action tends to be something that doesn't fit into the normal CRUD operations so it isn't always clear which HTTP verb should be used for this.
In your examples, it does feel right to want to use DELETE and PATCH. However, the problem comes because we need to have a standard to follow, bear in mind that OData actions are all discoverable through the metadata so could be consumed by a client with no knowledge of what the actions actually do and in this case, we need to have something defined. Since we know that actions affect the server in some way, to me, it seems like POST is the least bad option that is consistent for all actions.
At the end of the day, as the author, your API is yours to command. Just as we shouldn't use properties in C# class design that cause side affects in other properties, that doesn't mean we cant, and it can be pretty common.
From an OData standpoint, PATCH is analogous to using property accessors and actions or POST is for accessing methods.
Making the decision between PATCH or POST to affect change is therefor the same design decision between using property mutators (making them writable) or forcing the caller to set their values through related methods.
You might want to mark status of a document identified by a id as locked
Endpoint - .../Documents({id})/lock().
Since I am doing a partial update here, In my opinion PATCH is more suitable.
If your resource has a property called Locked, and your current lock() Action only sets the Locked property to true, then you could simply use PATCH to update just that Locked field.
Some common reasons to use an Action specifically for a lock process:
You want to execute specific logic when lock() is called and you want to maintain this logic in it's own method, rather than having complex conditional logic inside your patch handler.
You don't want the reverse logic, unlock() to be available to everyone, when a resource is locked, presumably only the user who locked it can release the lock or other conditions need to be satisfied.
as with the first point, this sort of logic is generally easier to maintain in its own method, and therefore Action.
You want to use Security Attributes to restrict access to lock() to certain security groups, yet you want all users to have read access the the Locked state field.
When a resource is locked other fields are also set, like LockedBy and perhaps DateLocked.
While all of that logic could be managed in your single PATCH endpoint logic for the controller, I can't stress enough how this can easily make your solution unmanageable over time or as the complexity of your resource increases.
More importantly: the documented and accepted convention is that PATCH will NOT have side effects, and as such there is no need to execute a GET after a PATCH because the same change on the client has been accepted on the server. Conversely, because a POST MAY have side effects, it is reasonable for the client to expect to execute a GET to get all the related changes if the response from the POST does not contain the updated resource.
In the case of Delete vs PermanentlyDelete now things become personal / opinionated...
By convention, the expectation of DELETE is two fold:
After a delete the resource should no longer appear in collection query results from a GET
After a delete the resource should no longer appear in item requests via GET
From a server point of view, if my resource has a soft delete, that simply sets a flag, and a permanent delete that deletes the record from the underlying store, then by convention I would use an Action called Delete() for the soft delete, and the permanent delete should use the DELETE http verb.
The general reasoning for this is the same as for the discussion about locked().
However, if the intention of soft vs permanent delete is to intercept the client's standard delete workflow, such that the permanent delete concept is hidden or otherwise abstracted in a way that it is not part of the usual workflow (the user has to go somewhere different, like the recycle bin to view deleted records and restore or permanently delete), in that scenario, use the HTTP verb DELETE for soft delete, and make a specific, perhaps collection bound Action to accept the request for permanent delete
This action may have to be unbound, or bound to the collection depending on how you implement your filtering, if we have deleted record 'xyz' such the GET: ~/document('xyz') returns NOT-FOUND then we can't really expect POST: ~/document('xyz')/delete() to execute...