why does scala compile error on if else statement? - scala

this is a scala code:
def otpu (start : Int, end : Int) : List[Int] = {
// TODO: Provide definition here.
else if(start>end){
val list0:List[Int] = start::otpu(start-1,end)
else if(start==end){
val list:List[Int] = List(end)
It works like otpu(5,1)=> List(5,4,3,2,1)
But when I compile,
I get a compiler error type mismatch, found: unit,require:List[Int]" at "if(start==end)".
When I delete if(start==end) and there is just else then it works.
Why does it not work with if(start==end)?

Consider the following.
val result = if (conditionA) List(9)
This is incomplete. What if conditionA is false? What is the value of result in that case? The compiler resolves this problem by silently competing the statement.
val result = if (conditionA) List(9) else ()
But now there's a new problem. () is of type Unit. (It's the only value of that type.) Your otpu method promises to return a List[Int] but the silent else clause doesn't do that. Thus the error.

The compilation error is due to the return type mismatch in if,elseif & else condition. As in above code else is missing, therefore the compiler fails to returns the value if & elseif condition are not satisfied.
def otpu(start: Int, end: Int): List[Int] = {
// TODO: Provide definition here.
if (start < end)
else if (start > end) {
val list0: List[Int] = start :: otpu(start - 1, end)
else if (start == end) {
val list: List[Int] = List(end)
else Nil

As stated in the other answers you are missing the last else condition.
You can get that immediately if you convert the code to use pattern-matching, for instance:
def otpu (start : Int, end : Int) : List[Int] = {
start match {
case `end` => List(end)
case _ if start > end => start::otpu(start-1, end)
case _ => Nil
I noticed the tag recursion in the question and I thought you might want to end up with a recursive function for this. The way you implemented the recursive function is not really safe due to the fact that for a very (very) large list to be produced in output, you might incur in a stack overflow runtime error. To avoid that, Scala gives you the possibility of using tail-recursive functions. Here how it would look like:
def otpu(start: Int, end: Int) : List[Int] = {
import scala.annotation.tailrec
def f(e: Int, acc: List[Int]): List[Int] = {
start >= e match {
// base step
case false => acc
// recursive step
case true => f(e+1, e::acc)
// call the recursive function with the empty accumulator
f(end, Nil)


Why does Scala fail to compile this function as tail recursive?

If I replace the first line of the following recursive depth first search function with the lines commented out within the foreach block, it will fail to compile as a tail recursive function (due to the #tailrec annotation) even though the recursion is still clearly the last action of the function. Is there a legitimate reason for this behavior?
#tailrec def searchNodes(nodes: List[Node], visitedNodes: List[Node], end: String, currentLevel: Int) : Int = {
if (nodes.exists(n => n.id == end)) return currentLevel
val newVisitedNodes = visitedNodes ::: nodes
var nextNodes = List[Node]()
nodes.foreach(n => {
if (n.id == end){
return currentLevel
nextNodes = nextNodes ::: n.addAdjacentNodes(visitedNodes)
if (nextNodes.size == 0) return -1
return searchNodes(nextNodes, newVisitedNodes, end, currentLevel + 1)
As the other answer explains, using return in scala is a bad idea, and an anti-pattern. But what is even worse is using a return inside a lambda function (like your commented out code inside foreach): that actually throws an exception, that is then caught outside to make the main function exit.
As a result, the body of your function is compiled into something like:
def foo(nodes: List[Node]) = {
val handle = new AnyRef
try {
nodes.foreach { n =>
if(n.id == "foo") throw new NonLocalReturnControl(handle, currentLevel)
} catch {
case nlrc: NonLocalReturnControl[Int] if nlrc.key == handle => nlrc.value
As you can see, your recursive call is not in a tail position here, so compiler error is legit.
A more idiomatic way to write what you want would be to deconstruct the list, and use the recursion itself as the "engine" for the loop:
def searchNodes(nodes: List[Node], end: String) = {
#tailrec def doSearch(
nodes: List[(Node, Int)],
visited: List[Node],
end: String
) : Int = nodes match {
case Nil => -1
case (node, level) :: tail if node.id == end => level
case (node, level) :: tail =>
tail ::: node.addAdjacentNodes(visited).map(_ -> level+1),
node :: visited,
doSearch(nodes.map(_ -> 0), Nil, end)
I'm not sure exactly what the compiler is thinking, but I think all your return statements will be causing problems.
Using return is an antipattern in scala - you don't need to write it, and you shouldn't. To avoid it, you'll have to restructure your if ... return blocks as if ... value ... else ... other value blocks.
This shape is possible because everything is an expression (sort of). Your def has a value, which is defined by an if ... else block, where the if and the else both have values, and so on all the way down. If you want to ignore the value of something you can just put a new line after it, and the return value of a block is always the value of the last expression in it. You can do that to avoid having to rewrite your foreach, but it would be better to write it functionally, as a map.

Scala: Make sure braces are balanced

I am running a code to balance brackets in statement. I think i have gotten it correct but it is failing on one particular statement, i need to understand why?
This is the test in particular it is failing "())("
More than the coding i think i need to fix the algo, any pointers?
def balance(chars: List[Char]): Boolean = {
def find(c: Char, l: List[Char], i: Int): Int={
if( l.isEmpty ) {
else if(c==')')
else if (c=='(')
find(l.head, l.tail, i+1)
else if(c==')')
find(l.head,l.tail, i-1)
find(l.head,l.tail, i)
if(find(chars.head, chars.tail,0) ==0 )
balance("())(".toList) //passes when it should fail
balance("(if (zero? x) max (/ 1 x))".toList)
balance("I told him (that it's not (yet) done).\n(But he wasn't listening)".toList)
Here is a version:
def balance(chars: List[Char]): Boolean = {
def inner(c: List[Char], count: Int): Boolean = c match {
case Nil => count == 0 // Line 1
case ')' :: _ if count < 1 => false // Line 2
case ')' :: xs => inner(xs, count - 1) // Line 3
case '(' :: xs => inner(xs, count + 1) // Line 4
case _ :: xs => inner(xs, count) // Line 5
inner(chars, 0)
So in your code, I think you are missing the additional check for count < 1 when you encounter the right paranthesis! So you need an additional else if that checks for both the ')' and count < 1 (Line 2 in the example code above)
Using map:
def balance(chars: List[Char]): Boolean = {
chars.map(c =>
c match {
case '(' => 1
case ')' => -1
case _ => 0
).scanLeft(0)(_ + _).dropWhile(_ >= 0).isEmpty
You've made a very simple and completely understandable mistake. The parentheses in )( are balanced, by your current definition. It's just that they're not balanced in the way we would usually think. After the first character, you have -1 unclosed parentheses, and then after the second characte we're back to 0, so everything is fine. If the parenthesis count ever drops below zero, the parentheses cannot possibly be balanced.
Now there are two real ways to handle this. The quick and dirty solution is to throw an exception.
case object UnbalancedException extends Exception
if (i < 0)
throw UnbalancedException
then catch it and return false in balance.
try {
... // find() call goes in here
} catch {
case UnbalancedException => false
The more functional solution would be to have find return an Option[Int]. During the recursion, if you ever get a None result, then return None. Otherwise, behave as normally and return Some(n). If you ever encounter the case where i < 0 then return None to indicate failure. Then in balance, if the result is nonzero or the result is None, return false. This can be made prettier with for notation, but if you're just starting out then it can be very helpful to write it out by hand.
You can also use the property of Stack data structure to solve this problem. When you see open bracket, you push it into the stack. When you see close bracket, you pop from the stack (instead of Stack I'm using List, because immutable Stack is deprecated in Scala):
def isBalanced(chars: Seq[Char]): Boolean = {
import scala.annotation.tailrec
case class BracketInfo(c: Char, idx: Int)
def isOpen(c: Char): Boolean = c == '('
def isClose(c: Char): Boolean = c == ')'
def safePop[T](stack: List[T]): Option[T] = {
if (stack.length <= 1) stack.headOption
else stack.tail.headOption
def isBalanced(chars: Seq[Char], idx: Int, stack: List[BracketInfo]): Boolean = {
chars match {
case Seq(c, tail#_*) =>
val newStack = BracketInfo(c, idx) :: stack // Stack.push
if (isOpen(c)) isBalanced(tail, idx + 1, newStack)
else if (isClose(c)) {
safePop(stack) match {
case Some(b) => isBalanced(tail, idx + 1, stack.tail)
case None =>
println(s"Closed bracket '$c' at index $idx was not opened")
else isBalanced(tail, idx + 1, stack)
case Seq() =>
if (stack.nonEmpty) {
println("Stack is not empty => there are non-closed brackets at positions: ")
println(s"${stack.map(_.idx).mkString(" ")}")
isBalanced(chars, 0, List.empty[BracketInfo])

How do you print an integer value within an object in scala?

object perMissing {
def solution(A: Array[Int]): Int = {
def findMissing(i: Int, L: List[Int]): Int = {
if (L.isEmpty || L.head != i+1) {
else findMissing(i+1, L.tail)
if (A.length == 0) 1
else findMissing(0, A.toList.sorted)
I'm new to the world of Scala. I come from Python and C world.
How do we print an integer value, eg. for debugging? For instance, if I want to see the value of i in every iteration.
I compile my code using scalac and run it using scala.
According to the signature of your findMissing function, it should return an Int. However, if you look at the implementation of that function, only one of the code paths (namely the else part) returns an Int - the if part on the other hand does not return anything (besides Unit), since the call to println is the last line of that particular code block. To fix this issue, just return the increased value by putting it at the end of the block:
def findMissing(i: Int, l: List[Int]): Int = {
val inc = i + 1
if (l.isEmpty || l.head != inc) {
else findMissing(inc, l.tail)
Since findMissing is tail recursive, you could additionally annotate it with #tailrec to ensure it will be compiled with tail call optimization.

Scala Do While Loop Not Ending

I'm new to scala and i'm trying to implement a do while loop but I cannot seem to get it to stop. Im not sure what i'm doing wrong. If someone could help me out that would be great. Its not the best loop I know that but I am new to the language.
Here is my code below:
def mnuQuestionLast(f: (String) => (String, Int)) ={
var dataInput = true
do {
print("Enter 1 to Add Another 0 to Exit > ")
var dataInput1 = f(readLine)
if (dataInput1 == 0){
dataInput == false
} else {
println{"Do the work"}
} while(dataInput == true)
You're comparing a tuple type (Tuple2[String, Int] in this case) to 0, which works because == is defined on AnyRef, but doesn't make much sense when you think about it. You should be looking at the second element of the tuple:
if (dataInput1._2 == 0)
Or if you want to enhance readability a bit, you can deconstruct the tuple:
val (line, num) = f(readLine)
if (num == 0)
Also, you're comparing dataInput with false (dataInput == false) instead of assigning false:
dataInput = false
Your code did not pass the functional conventions.
The value that the f returns is a tuple and you should check it's second value of your tuple by dataInput1._2==0
so you should change your if to if(dataInput1._2==0)
You can reconstruct your code in a better way:
import util.control.Breaks._
def mnuQuestionLast(f: (String) => (String, Int)) = {
breakable {
while (true) {
print("Enter 1 to Add Another 0 to Exit > ")
f(readLine) match {
case (_, 0) => break()
case (_,1) => println( the work"
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException

getting error while trying to use scala extractors without case classes

I'm new to scala and just learning to code . can someone tell me what am i doing wrong here
class ForExtractor(val i : Int , j:Int){
//def unapply(i:Int) = true
object ForExtractor{
def unapply(i:Int ):Option[(Int , Int)] = if(i>2)Some(1,2) else None
def extractorTest(obj : ForExtractor) = {
obj match {
case ForExtractor(4,2)=> true ;
case e => false
The error that i see on case line is
pattern type is incompatible with expected type ; found:Int ,
What i can guess is that you want to test whether the val i
in your ForExtractor is bigger that 2 or not, and in this case return Some((1,2)) (notice your error here you're returning Some(1,2)).
your unapply method should take as argument a ForExtractor, so in the end the unapply method would look like this:
def unapply(forex: ForExtractor):Option[(Int , Int)] =
if(forex.i > 2)Some((1,2)) else None
then we get:
scala> extractorTest(new ForExtractor(1, 2))
res1: Boolean = false