Showing a div hidden by default - toggle

I have a script that shows/hides a div. This is the code:
/* Toggle */
//localstorage values are always strings (no booleans)
if (localStorage.toggled != "with_toggle" ) {
$('#container2').toggleClass("with_toggle", true );
localStorage.toggled = "with_toggle";
} else {
$('#container2').toggleClass("with_toggle", false );
localStorage.toggled = "";
I want to hide the div by default. How can i modify it?

I can think of several answers, as your question is under-specified. Since you included local storage in the first place, I am going to assume that the with_toggle class will cause your div to be shown and that you simply need to apply your default toggled value (null) correctly.
function applyToggle() {
// JS uses "truthy" booleans - "" and null will be interpreted as false,
// and "with_toggle" will be interpreted as true.
$('#container2').toggleClass("with_toggle", localStorage.getItem('toggled'));
/* Toggle */
$('.bar-toggle').on('click', function() {
//localstorage values are always strings (no booleans)
localStorage.setItem('toggled', localStorage.getItem('toggled') ? "" : "with_toggle");
Generally speaking, it is a good idea to separate your model (data) from your view (rendering), as I did above. Spaghetti is hard to maintain.


Set selection to a string in codemirror

I'm trying to set a text selection in CodeMirror based on a predefined string, similar to a find without prompt (i.e. except not marking the value, but actually putting a selection on the range (which might be multi line, depending on the predefined string). I can't seem to figure out how to set a selection in this way. Any idea.
well, as it turns out the findNext() offered by searchwithoutdialog.js actually does what I need. effectively it's:
instance.on("change", function (cm, change) {
// other code snipped! //
var str = "my replacement";
var token = cm.getTokenAt(change.from, false);
cm.replaceRange(str, { ch: token.start, line: line }, { ch: token.end, line: line });
CodeMirror.commands.findNext(cm, str);

Why aren't these two functions toggling on click event?

I'm trying to toggle two functions. When user clicks the pause button, the input fields are disabled, the label is text is changed to grey and the button changes to a different image. I thought I could use .toggle(), but I can't get the two functions to work either -- only the first one function runs (pauseEmailChannel();), not both on toggle click. I found the even/odd clicks detection script here on SO, but that is not "toggling" these two functions on the click event. My code may be ugly code, but I'm still learning and wanted to show how I am thinking -- right or wrong. At any rate, can someone give me a solution to how to do this? I didn't think it would be too difficult but I'm stuck. Thanks.
var count = 0;
//even odd click detect
var isEven = function(num) {
return (num % 2 === 0) ? true : false;
// on odd clicks do this
if (isEven(count) === false) {
// on even clicks do this
else if (isEven(count) === true) {
// when user clicks pause button - gray out/disable
function pauseEmailChannel(){
$("#channel-email").css("color", "#b1b1b1");
$("#notify-via-email").attr("disabled", true);
// when user clicks cancel button - restore default
function restoreEmailChannel(){
$("#channel-email").css("color", "#000000");
$("#notify-email").attr("disabled", false);
try this code. It should work fine, except that I could make a mistake when it is even and when odd, but that should be easy to fix.
var oddClick = $(this).data("oddClick");
$(this).data("oddClick", !oddClick);
if(oddClick) {
else {
The count variable is initialized and set to 0 every time .btn_pause is clicked. You need to move the variable to a higher scope.
For example,
var count = 0;
In this way count is initialized only once and it is accessible in the click event handler.
As an alternative way you can also use:
var count = 0;
[restoreEmailChannel, pauseEmailChannel][count = 1 - count]();
If the previous construct was too abstract, a more verbose one will look like this:
/* Current element in the array to be executed */
var count = 0;
/* An array with references to Functions */
var fn = [pauseEmailChannel, restoreEmailChannel];
/* Get Function from the array and execute it */
/* Calculate next array element to be executed.
* Notice this expression will make "count" loop between the values 0 and 1.
count = 1 - count;

Knockout.js text binding - multiple spaces collapsed

It seems that when using Knockout's text binding, multiple spaces become collapsed into one. For example:
<textarea data-bind="value: Notes"></textarea>
<p data-bind="text: Notes"></p>
function VM() {
this.Notes = ko.observable();
var vm = new VM();
Here is a fiddle to demonstrate this:
I am finding that in jsfiddle, the spaces are compacted in Firefox, Chrome and IE9. Strangely though within my app IE9 does not compact them, but the others do.
My understanding is that Knockout uses an HTML text node to render the value. I found this related question on preserving spaces when creating a text node:
Should Knockout handle transforming spaces appropriately? I don't really want to use a custom binding handler for this.
I actually came across this in the context of the display text within a select, and only discovered that it also relates to a simple text binding while debugging that issue. I presume the select issue is the same.
What you are observing is normal behavior. When rendered in certain elements, the whitespace is trimmed. Knockout shouldn't be doing any automatic replacements, if I wanted to send a string to a server with leading/trailing spaces using knockout, it better make it there with those spaces.
You should create a binding handler to replace the spaces with no-breaking spaces so it can be rendered that way.
ko.bindingHandlers.spacedtext = {
replaceSpace: function (str) {
return new Array(str.length + 1).join('\xA0');
init: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext) {
var spacedValue = ko.computed(function () {
var value = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor()),
text = value && value.toString();
return text && text.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/gm, ko.bindingHandlers.spacedtext.replaceSpace);
ko.applyBindingsToNode(element, { text: spacedValue });

gtkentry focus behaviour

Is there any existing mechanism for a GtkEntry to simply position the cursor at the end of the text when focused, rather than selecting its contents to be overwritten by the next key? It seems odd to have to add a signal handler to do something this basic, but I can't find anything in the properties.
Edit: The signal handler doesn't work; whatever I do the default behaviour gets triggered after my handler runs. Here's my gtkd code; note that I am appending some text in the focus-in-event handler, and the appended text gets selected as well:
class NoteView : Entry
this(string text) {
if (text) {
addOnFocusIn(delegate bool(GdkEventFocus* f, Widget w) {
// clear selection
selectRegion(0, 0);
// test to see whether the appended text gets selected too
// don't let any other handlers run
return 1;
}, ConnectFlags.AFTER);
The addOnFocusIn method is in the gtkd Gtk.Widget api; it calls g_signal_connect_data internally, which should in theory be honouring the G_CONNECT_AFTER flag I'm passing it, but doesn't seem to be.
Edit2: Solved - the grab-focus handler was doing the text selection, and being handled after focus-in-event
Turns out GtkEntry was selecting the text on the grab-focus signal, not focus-in-event. Working code:
class NoteView : Entry
this(string text) {
if (text) {
addOnGrabFocus(delegate void(Widget w) {
selectRegion(0, 0);
}, ConnectFlags.AFTER);
Can't find anything in the docs.
I guess they figured that diverging from the default behavior is that uncommon that they just let people do it with signals, rather than provide a property for it.
Consider creating a subclass of GtkEntry that exhibits the behavior you require.

How to handle calling a function without oEvent

I have a CheckBox with a handler attached to the select event. In this function is the code to dynamically populate/ display few fields. If I come on the screen and the data brings in a value which makes the checkbox selected already, then those fields are not displayed (because they become visible only when I select the checkbox).
I want to ensure that if the CheckBox is auto selected, still I should be able to process the logic in the function, which has oEvent as an input parameter. But the issue is that if I call this function from another method, that function does not work as it has many statements like oEvent().getSource() which I do not pass.
onCheckBoxSelect: function(oEvent) {
var cells = sap.ui.getCore().byId("cell");
var material= sap.ui.getCore().byId("abc");
var isSelected = oEvent.getParameters("selected").selected;
if (isSelected) {
// ...
someFunction : function(){
// want to call onCheckBoxSelect here
// ...
If you assign an ID to your checkbox, you can get the checkbox in any function you want as long as it is known in the view. By doing that you won't need the oEvent which is only available when an event on the checkbox is executed.
var cb = this.byId('checkboxId');
if(cb.getProperty('selected')) {
// execute code
} else {
// do something else
Decouple the handler body into a separate function so that other functions can call the decoupled function with the right arguments. For example:
onCheckBoxSelect: function(oEvent) {
const bSelected = oEvent.getParameter("selected");
this.doIt(bSelected); // Instead of "doing it" all here
someFunction: function(){
if (/*Something truthy*/) {
const checkBox = this.byId("myCheckBox");
const bSelected = checkBox.getSelected();
doIt(bSelected); // passing the same argument as in onCheckBoxSelect
// ...
doIt: function(bSelected) { // decoupled from onCheckBoxSelect
// ...
if (bSelected) {
// ...
<CheckBox id="myCheckBox"
Or since 1.56:
<CheckBox id="myCheckBox"
Docu: Handling Events in XML Views
By that, you can have a pure, decoupled function that can be called from anywhere.
I would suggest a different approach. Use the same property that you have used in your checkbox binding, to determine the visibility of the other fields, i.e. bind the visible property of each relevant field to that property in your model.
If there is additional post-processing required in populating the fields, you can either use expression binding or custom formatter for field-specific processing, or model binding events if you need to do a bit more "staging" work (in which case you would probably store the resultant data in a client model and bind to that for populating your fields).