What is nis_enabled in SELINUX? - centos

What exactly does command sudo setsebool -P nis_enabled 1 ? It seems to fixed strange access denied errors when running rabbitmq on Centos 7. All I know is that it i somehow related to SELINUX (what is for me black magic and often the reason why various programs mysteriously does not run).

I Guess NIS=Network Information Service


Stuck in starting meteor

This is really frustrating me. I have a DO VPS with ubuntu 14.04 (64) installed.
I installed VestaCP as control panel on that and have hosted some PHP based personal project.
I also installed meteor on it but never used, now when I am trying to create a project and run it ('meteor create rt' then 'cd rt' then 'meteor')
It is giving the following error :
[[[[[ /home/admin/code/rt ]]]]]
=> Started proxy.
Unexpected mongo exit code 1. Restarting.
Unexpected mongo exit code 1. Restarting.
Unexpected mongo exit code 1. Restarting.
Can't start Mongo server.
Could anyone please help? Please ask me for more informations if required.
**** EDIT ****
I created a fresh DigitalOcean server and it is giving the same error on that. Some issue with Digital Ocean? File System of Digital Ocean? I am confused. I am trying it on different flavours of Linux and same result. All are fresh linux installations.
I finally got the solution. Posting it here for others.
This was the problem as a few environment variables which mongodb looks for while starting was not set
Set the variables LC_ALL and LANG and it works fine (mostly setting LC_ALL will do)
first, type locale command and see the output, you will see that it will say something about LC_ALL not set.
Now, add these two lines in /etc/environment and it worked.
This solution is for Ubuntu 12.04 +
Other variants may require similar work.
Unexpected mongo exit code 1 is still an uncaught exception as far as i think.
You can try by updating your c/c++ compilers uptodate. Have a look here.
It says :
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gcc-4.6
sudo apt-get install g++-4.6
All the best!
So we have narrowed the issue down to meteor's mongo installation on your box (though I think we were pretty sure of this all along). Let's attempt to debug that a bit. The way I have done this in the past is to try to open meteor's mongo with the mongod provided by meteor. You will perform these procedures without running the meteor server. This should give you the warning that is causing Mongo to exit. First you need to find this. In my instance installed on Mint (which should be similar to Ubuntu) it is at:
You can look at that location on your Ubuntu box or you can run something like this to get the location:
find ~/.meteor/ -name mongod
Once you find the location then go to the directory of your meteor project you are attempting to run and in that directory you should find this location:
<your meteor project>/.meteor/local
cd into that directory and run the following command:
~/.meteor/packages/meteor-tool/. --dbpath ./
From there you can analyze the output (or update the question so we can see the output) and this should show you the mongo error you are receiving on startup and allow you to fix it.
I've got the same issues trying to start a meteor app and exactly the mongodb server is being terminated in an unexpectly manner. Generally the virtual linux server from some dealers like the one you mentioned are coming without a swap partition (check in /etc/fstab file) so if you have not enough memory to allocate MongoDB server then meteor app can't be started. You can create a swap partition or instal swapspace
sudo apt-get install swapspace
After that I was able to start the meteor app... Just be patient as swap memory is not as faster as RAM.
Since due some "smart" StackExchange policy I cannot up-vote or comment to working solution...)
Quoted answer works also on Digital Ocean on CentOS 7 x64 vmlinuz-3.10.0-123.8.1.el7.x86_64
first, type locale command and see the output, you will see that it will say something about LC_ALL not set.
Now, add these two lines in /etc/environment and it worked.
I changed the locale setting to match my needs.
Fixed on my Debian 8 with the following bash command, (use sudo if needed)
localedef -i en_US -f UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8

Connecting to remote Emacs with X forwarding

I have a desktop always running at work with Emacs open. I'd like to remotely connect to the process on my computer at work, and am able to do that with ssh and emacsclient. But I can't cleanly exit without causing the original process to crash. I'm doing the following to connect to an emacs frame with a server name of 'foo':
$ ssh -XC ej#tower
$ emacsclient -s foo -e "(make-frame-on-display \"$DISPLAY\")"
This works, however I can't find any way to kill the ssh connection without crashing the original process. It seems like some background process is still connected, and killing it (which occurs after killing the remote connection) brings down everything. Does anyone know a better way to do this or a way ?
I know what you're talking about, and rather curiously I can't recreate it on my current system. I'm not sure why that is. However...
The classic workaround to avoid this is to start processes in a sub-shell:
$ (emacs &)
rather than:
$ emacs &
There are also things like nohup and disown which you may or may not have available, but the sub-shell approach is simple and has always been reliable for me.
You could also start the processes from the local side of the connection:
$ ssh -XC ej#tower -f emacs --daemon=foo
$ ssh -XC ej#tower -f emacsclient -s foo -c
The issue I was running into stemmed from a Gtk+ bug which caused Emacs to crash when an X11 connection was unexpectedly lost.
Recompiling to use a different X toolkit solved the issue.
./configure --with-x-toolkit=lucid

On CentOS, how do you make the exception for x-debug permanent

I'm not sure if this is more of a sysadmin question but in order to use x-debug, I have to run the following from my terminal everytime I boot up the machine.
setsebool httpd_can_network_connect=1
Does anyone know how I can make this permanent so that I don't have to run this command everytime I start my machine?
Thank you.
setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect=1
Now I can debug as soon as the machine boots thanks to Ulrich Schmidt-Goertz
Try running the command with the -P flag. That should make the setting permanent.

Cannot SSH into new computer running CentOS 6.3 from Fedora 16

I just installed CentOS 6.3 on a new computer and am unable to SSH to it from our computer running Fedora 16. They are both on the same network.
Some facts:
- I can ping it from the Fedora machine.
- I can SSH to the CentOS computer to itself on the CentOS computer.
- I have looked into hosts allow and deny, I have set selinux to be permissive, I tried with iptables disabled on the Fedora computer
I am fresh out of ideas...
Do you have fail2ban running?
Do you have denyhosts running?
Do you have iptables allowing TCP 22?
Do you have a line in your sshd_config that refers to "AllowUsers"? (most dont but some do, and if yours does, you need your account listed on that line)
Can you run this command tail -f /var/log/secure on that machine at the same time while trying to login from the second machine and spot the issue? If not, paste the output from that log here for me to comment on.
A long shot, but you might try service sshd restart and try again to see if that helps. Go ahead and run tail /varlog/messages while restarting that daemon to see if you spot anything unusual while doing that. If you spot the issue great, if you dont, post the output here for me to comment on.
Last, do this cp /etc/ssh/sshd_config /etc/ssh/sshd_config.back and then take a good known working sshd_config from another machine and place it over the top of yours and then restart the daemon again & try again.
My money is on seeing something that helps us in /var/log/secure.

Starman and MovableType 5.2

MovableType 5.2 has builtin PSGI support (via a mt.psgi in the main directory) and I've been trying to take advantage of it using starman/plackup.
Starman w/ MT fires up, but I get odd Not Founds and a silent hang & fail when I run mt-upgrade.cgi.
How I am running starman:
cd /home/ec2-user/mysite/perl/components/movabletype
plackup -s Starman --port 8045 --error-log /home/ec2-user/mysite/perl/logs/starman.log --pid /home/ec2-user/mysite/perl/var/starman.pid -a mt.psgi
Mystery 1: My browser returns "Not Found" for index.html, but mt-static and mt.cgi is reachable.
X http://mysite:8045/mt/index.html ... Not Found
✓ http://mysite:8045/mt-static ... listing of static assets
✓ http://mysite:8045/mt/mt.cgi ... redirects to ...
X http://mysite:8045/mt/mt-upgrade.cgi?__mode=install ... fails
Mystery 2: Due to the redirect I believe that MT code is running. But it is mostly silent in the starman log even though I have tried different MT debug options. Worse, the mt-upgrade.cgi seems to be reached then fails with this lone message to the starman log:
[mypid] Bootstrap CGI script in non-buffering mode: /home/ec2-user/mysite/perl/components/movabletype/mt-upgrade.cgi
This non-buffering message seems informational and normal, and is coming from the MT codebase.
I have also run directly under starman and get the same result.
Any ideas or help would be appreciated!
linux AMI on an amazon ec2.
perl-5.16.0 under perlbrew.
CPAN modules:
cpanm starman
cpanm CGI::PSGI
cpanm CGI::Parse::PSGI
cpanm CGI::Compile
yum install expat-devel
cpanm XML::Parser
cpanm SOAP::Lite
cpanm SOAP::Transport::HTTP
cpanm XMLRPC::Transport::HTTP::Plack
cpanm DBI
sudo yum install postgresql9-devel
cpanm DBD::Pg
cpanm Task::Plack
MT config:
CGIPath http://mysite:8045/mt
StaticWebPath http://mysite:8045/mt-static
PIDFilePath /home/ec2-user/mysite/perl/var/starman.pid
DebugMode 1
ObjectDriver DBI::postgres
Database db
DBUser dbuser
DBPassword dbpass
DBHost dbhost.mysite
I'm Yuji Takayama, lead engineer of Movable Type. I did try to reproduce your steps but I was not able to reproduce this. (this means I got initial install screen)
So, Can you try with mysql? also can you try "tools/upgrade" script? I think you can get error messages when some errors occurs.
cd MT_HOME; perl -Ilib -Iextlib tools/upgrade --username --password --nickname --email --preferred_language --site_name --site_url --site_path --site_theme --site_timezone
And, I have answer about "index.html was not found".
Reason: MT will never mount MT_HOME as static files directory like a mt_static, because we think that MT_HOME must not be possible to list.
If you are trying to run Movable Type under Starman, I would seriously recommend running the upgrade script that comes with Movable Type using the command-line equivalent of your choice. There is no good reason for mt-upgrade.cgi to become persistent in the manner that Starman and Plack permit.
Try to change your paths in mt-config.cgi to relative paths, not URLs. Like so:
CGIPath /mt/
StaticWebPath /mt-static/
Just curious: although it does work now, are you aware that PG isn't supported and that you're taking a risk that a future version of MT might break with it?
P.S. also don't forget the PIDFilePath directive mentioned in the documentation.
BTW, a 404 on http://mysite:8045/mt/index.html looks quite normal. You're not supposed to have your site index at the same level than MT (you could, but that's not the recommended setup and it won't work in a stock MT install that assumes that MT and the produced sites are clearly separated).