Android 8.1 REALLY Persistent Foreground Service Notification - persistence

I'm updating my Android app to work with 8.1 from 7. It's not mass-market it's the main alerting app for managed devices - so it NEEDS to stay on.
I have a "persistent" notification for my Foreground service, BUT now in 8+ there's a slider to mute my app notifications.
I can see that android system notifications and other apps remove this slider and display message:
"Notifications from this app can't be turned off".
How do I replicate this pattern?
I've read through notification, service, and channel documentation.
I'm already creating a channel with IMPORTANCE_DEFAULT, using setOngoing(true), and calling startForeground() on the service with the persistent notification:
Here's my Service create and start and channel creation to give you the gist:
public static final String CHANNEL_ID = "ForegroundWebsocketNotificationsServiceChannel";
public static final String CHANNEL_NAME = "WCMobility Notifications";
public static final String CHANNEL_DESCRIPTION = "Required notification and update alerts for WCMobility";
public void onCreate() {
noteMgr = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
String action = intent.getAction();
notificationBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this, CHANNEL_ID);
notificationBuilder.setContentTitle("Service Started");
notificationBuilder.setContentText("Not connected, not receiving messages! ");
int notificationIconID = getIconResId(ICON_FILENAME);
notificationIntent = new Intent(this, MainActivity.class);
try{ notificationIntent.putExtras(intent.getExtras());
}catch (Exception e){}
PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, notificationIntent, FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);
Notification notification =;
startForeground(NOTIFICATION_ID, notification);
private void createNotificationChannel(String channelId) {
// Create the NotificationChannel, but only on API 26+ because
// the NotificationChannel class is new and not in the support library
int importance = NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_DEFAULT;
NotificationChannel channel = new NotificationChannel(channelId, CHANNEL_NAME, importance);
// Register the channel with the system; you can't change the importance
// or other notification behaviors after this

We learned that you can't fully block the user from turning off notifications, at least not on consumer devices. Our clients use MDMs and Managed Devices where they restrict access to settings pages etc for end users, plus since the app is primary app used on the phone, user base is not inclined to disable it. This has worked out for us. I did have to add a line to my ForegroundService class code to make the notification dismissable when there was no active session:
and make it persistant again when session resumed.
startForeground(notificationHelper.NOTIFICATION_ID, notification);
This has worked out for us so far.


How to create a background service in .NET Maui

I'm new to mobile app development and am learning .NET Maui. The app I'm creating needs to listen for Accelerometer events, and send a notification to a web service if the events meet certain criteria. The bit I'm struggling with is how to have the app run in the background, i.e. with no UI visible, without going to sleep, as I'd want the user to close the UI completely. So I'm thinking the app needs to run as some kind of service, with the option to show a UI when needed - how can this be done?
i know it's beign a while but will post an answer for future users!
First we need to understand that background services depends on which platform we use.(thanks Jason) And i will focus on ANDROID, based on Xamarin Documentation (thanks Eli), adapted to Maui.
Since we are working with ANDROID, on MauiProgram we will add the following:
/// Add dependecy injection to main page
builder.Services.AddTransient<IServiceTest, DemoServices>();
And we create our Interface for DI which provides us the methods to start and stop the foreground service
public interface IServiceTest
void Start();
void Stop();
Then, before platform code we need to add Android Permissions on AndroidManifest.xml:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE" />
Android Main Activity
public class MainActivity : MauiAppCompatActivity
//set an activity on main application to get the reference on the service
public static MainActivity ActivityCurrent { get; set; }
public MainActivity()
ActivityCurrent = this;
And Finally we create our Android foreground service. Check Comments Below. Also on xamarin docs, they show the different properties for notification Builder.
public class DemoServices : Service, IServiceTest //we implement our service (IServiceTest) and use Android Native Service Class
public override IBinder OnBind(Intent intent)
throw new NotImplementedException();
[return: GeneratedEnum]//we catch the actions intents to know the state of the foreground service
public override StartCommandResult OnStartCommand(Intent intent, [GeneratedEnum] StartCommandFlags flags, int startId)
if (intent.Action == "START_SERVICE")
RegisterNotification();//Proceed to notify
else if (intent.Action == "STOP_SERVICE")
StopForeground(true);//Stop the service
return StartCommandResult.NotSticky;
//Start and Stop Intents, set the actions for the MainActivity to get the state of the foreground service
//Setting one action to start and one action to stop the foreground service
public void Start()
Intent startService = new Intent(MainActivity.ActivityCurrent, typeof(DemoServices));
public void Stop()
Intent stopIntent = new Intent(MainActivity.ActivityCurrent, this.Class);
private void RegisterNotification()
NotificationChannel channel = new NotificationChannel("ServiceChannel", "ServiceDemo", NotificationImportance.Max);
NotificationManager manager = (NotificationManager)MainActivity.ActivityCurrent.GetSystemService(Context.NotificationService);
Notification notification = new Notification.Builder(this, "ServiceChannel")
.SetContentTitle("Service Working")
StartForeground(100, notification);
Now we have our foreground Service working on Android, that show a notification ("Service Working"). Every time it starts. I make a show message foreground service to see it better while testing, in your case it suppose to close the app if that's what you want, but the functioning it's the same.
So having our background service working only left a way to call it so on our main page (as example) i will do the following:
Text="Welcome to .NET Multi-platform App UI"
HorizontalOptions="Center" />
Text="start Services"
HorizontalOptions="Center" />
<Button Text="Stop Service" Clicked="Button_Clicked"></Button>
public partial class MainPage : ContentPage
IServiceTest Services;
public MainPage(IServiceTest Services_)
Services = Services_;
//method to start manually foreground service
private void OnServiceStartClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
//method to stop manually foreground service
private void Button_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
//method to work with accelerometer
public void ToggleAccelerometer()
if (Accelerometer.Default.IsSupported)
if (!Accelerometer.Default.IsMonitoring)
Accelerometer.Default.ReadingChanged += Accelerometer_ReadingChanged;
Accelerometer.Default.ReadingChanged -= Accelerometer_ReadingChanged;
//on accelerometer property change we call our service and it would send a message
private void Accelerometer_ReadingChanged(object sender, AccelerometerChangedEventArgs e)
Services.Start(); //this will never stop until we made some logic here
It's a long Answer and it would be great to have more official documentation about this! Hope it helps! If anyone can provide more info about IOS, Windows, MacCatalyst would be awesome!

Google AdMob test ads not showing after building in Unity

I wanted to implement google ads into my unity app with the official package (version 5.4.0, unity version is 2019.4.14):
When I run the project in the editor, the test ad is displayed. But when I build the app and install it on my phone, it doesn't show anything (my WiFi connection is good and I have access to Google services).
My ad manager:
using System;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
using GoogleMobileAds.Api;
public class AdsManager : MonoBehaviour
private static readonly string appId = "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/3419835294";
private static readonly string bannerId = "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/6300978111";
private static readonly string interstitialId = "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/1033173712";
private static readonly string rewardedId = "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/5224354917";
private static readonly string rewardedInterstitialId = "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/5354046379";
private static readonly string nativeId = "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/2247696110";
private InterstitialAd interstitialAd;
void Start()
MobileAds.Initialize(InitializationStatus => {});
public AdRequest CreateAdRequest() {
return new AdRequest.Builder().Build();
public void RequestInterstitial() {
Debug.Log("Requesting interstitial ad");
if(this.interstitialAd != null) {
this.interstitialAd = new InterstitialAd(interstitialId);
this.interstitialAd.OnAdClosed += HandleOnInterstitialAdClosed;
public void ShowInterstitial() {
if(this.interstitialAd.IsLoaded()) {
} else {
public void HandleOnInterstitialAdClosed(object sender, EventArgs args)
Debug.Log("Closed interstitial ad");
I tried using the Android LogCat but it didn't find any mention of "Requesting interstitial ad". I get this log in the editor though and the test ad is shown. Any idea what is the issue?
1 - The editor always shows test ads, after all when you use the app on the editor, you are testing it.
2 - If you want to display test ads on the device where you have installed the app, there are two ways: the first is to define your device as a test device in AdMob, the second to use strings for test ad units (https: //
3 - If you want to view real ads instead (be careful, if you see too many ads that you publish yourself and / or click them, you may have invalid traffic problems, so it is always better to view them as test ads), the real ads come to the end of a process:
First you need to create the app with the official app ID and ad unit strings that you get from the AdMob page for your app. Then you have to upload the app to a supported store, then you have to connect the app of the store to the app on AdMob, then the AdMob team performs a review on your app to verify that you are in order at a legal and regulatory level. , and eventually you will have your real, monetizable ads.

Unity IAP Unavaliable Product Google Play Store

I am having trouble with Unity IAP. I have an alpha release of my project in play store. I have setup iap on the store and have activated unity iap through the services on the editor by providing the correct service API key. The problem is that I cannot initialize the iap on my android build.
My IAP setup on the developer console:
Error I get on logcat:
Code for initialization:
void Start() {
if (!IsInitialized()) {
var builder = ConfigurationBuilder.Instance(StandardPurchasingModule.Instance());
builder.AddProduct("test_product", ProductType.Consumable);
UnityPurchasing.Initialize(this, builder);
public void OnInitialized(IStoreController controller, IExtensionProvider extensions) {
Debug.Log("OnInitialized: PASS");
storeController = controller;
storeExtension = extensions;
public void OnInitializeFailed(InitializationFailureReason error) {
Debug.LogError("OnInitializeFailed InitializationFailureReason: " + error);

How to give a user the option to select bsckground of a linearlayout from DxsettingsActivity that targets the MainActivity?

I want the user to be able to go into settings of my app and select from the images provided or select a photo from their internal or external storage to be applied to the background of the MainActivity. Also I want this image to stay even after the app has been killed until the user decides to change the background again. I have tried multiple codes and I run into errors every time and the main problem I'm having is sending this intent from one Activity to another. I have used code that allow me to apply an image to an ImageView within the same Activity but I cannot take that code and get it to send across to another Activity.
LinearLayout - backgroundtop (MainActivity)
Imageview(onClick) - gallery (DxsettingsActivity)
Imageview(onClick) - dx (DxsettingsActivity)
"Gallery" and "dx" are in a customview dialog.
When "gallery" is clicked internal/external storage is opened to select background resource of "backgroundtop" and save that image until user changes it again.
When "dx" is clicked it opens DxWallpaperActivity which will have the images to be selected and saved as the background of "backgroundtop".
I hope I have explain well enough. I'll provide more info if needed. Thank you in advance. I have been struggling with this for days to no avail.
Update: I have managed to accomplish setting and saving images from in-app images to the background. I have tried everything under the sun to pull image from gallery and do the same. I have managed to open gallery and select an image but I can't figure out onActivityResult then send that to the background. Please help.
This is the only code I've got to work but it doesn't have shared preferences and it for an imageview. How can I change it for backgroundresource on linearlayout?
private static final String STATE_IMAGE_URI =
private Uri imageUri;
public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle state) {
if (imageUri != null ) {
state.putParcelable(STATE_IMAGE_URI, imageUri);
public void onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle state) {
if(state == null || !state.containsKey(STATE_IMAGE_URI))
setImage((Uri) state.getParcelable(STATE_IMAGE_URI));
private static final int IMAGE_REQUEST_CODE = 9;
private void chooseImage() {
Intent intent = new Intent();
"Select picture"), IMAGE_REQUEST_CODE);
public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int.
resultCode, Intent data) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
if (requestCode != IMAGE_REQUEST_CODE) {
if (resultCode != Activity.RESULT_OK) {
private void setImage(Uri uri) {
imageUri = uri;
private void nothing() {
And for the button clicked

Android Activity and Service communication: how to keep the UI up-to-date

I have an Activity A (not the main Activity) that launches a Service S that does some stuff in the background and, in the meanwhile, should made some changes to the UI of A.
Let's just say that S count from 0 to 100 and A should display this count in Real-Time. Since the real job of S is quite more complicated and CPU-consuming, I do not want to use AsyncTask for it (indeed "AsyncTasks should ideally be used for short operations (a few seconds at the most.) [...]") but just a regular Service started in a new Thread (an IntentService would be fine as well).
This is my Activity A:
public class A extends Activity {
private static final String TAG = "Activity";
private TextView countTextView; // TextView that shows the number
Button startButton; // Button to start the count
BResultReceiver resultReceiver;
* Receive the result from the Service B.
class BResultReceiver extends ResultReceiver {
public BResultReceiver(Handler handler) {
protected void onReceiveResult(int resultCode, Bundle resultData) {
switch ( resultCode ) {
String curCount = resultData.getString(B.RESULT_KEY_COUNT);
Log.d(TAG, "ResultReceived: " + curCount + "\n");
runOnUiThread( new UpdateUI(curCount) ); // NOT WORKING AFTER onResume()!!!
* Runnable class to update the UI.
class UpdateUI implements Runnable {
String updateString;
public UpdateUI(String updateString) {
this.updateString = updateString;
public void run() {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
countTextView = (TextView) findViewById(;
startButton = (Button) findViewById(;
resultReceiver = new BResultReceiver(null);
public void startCounting(View view) {
//Start the B Service:
Intent intent = new Intent(this, B.class);
intent.putExtra("receiver", resultReceiver);
And this is my Service B:
public class B extends Service {
private static final String TAG = "Service";
private Looper serviceLooper;
private ServiceHandler serviceHandler;
private ResultReceiver resultReceiver;
private Integer count;
static final int RESULT_CODE_COUNT = 100;
static final String RESULT_KEY_COUNT = "Count";
* Handler that receives messages from the thread.
private final class ServiceHandler extends Handler {
public ServiceHandler(Looper looper) {
public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
while ( count < 100 ) {
sendMessageToActivity(RESULT_CODE_COUNT, RESULT_KEY_COUNT, count.toString());
//Stop the service (using the startId to avoid stopping the service in the middle of handling another job...):
public void onCreate() {
//Start up the thread running the service:
HandlerThread thread = new HandlerThread("ServiceStartArguments", Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND);
this.count = 0;
//Get the HandlerThread's Looper and use it for our Handler
serviceLooper = thread.getLooper();
serviceHandler = new ServiceHandler(serviceLooper);
public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
this.resultReceiver = intent.getParcelableExtra("receiver");
//For each start request, send a message to start a job and deliver the start ID so we know which request we're stopping when we finish the job:
Message msg = serviceHandler.obtainMessage();
msg.arg1 = startId;
//If we get killed, after returning from here, restart:
public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
return null;
* Send a message from to the activity.
protected void sendMessageToActivity(Integer code, String name, String text) {
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putString(name, text);
//Send the message:
resultReceiver.send(code, bundle);
Everything works fine but if I click the back button (or the home button) and then I re-open the Activity A then the UI of A is not updated anymore (it just shows the initial configuration of A - i.e. the "startButton" is still clickable and the count is not showed - it seems runOnUiThread(...) is not working anymore). However, the Service B is still running in the background and the I can see the correct count is passed to the Activity A in the Log.d(...). Finally, if I click on the "startButton" again, the counting does not start from the beginning (0) but from where B has been arrived (I've double checked it by showing it in the notification bar).
How can I fix this behaviour? I would like that, when I re-open the Activity A, it automatically continues to receive and update the data from the Service B. Or, in other words, that the Service keeps the UI of the Activity A up-to-date.
Please give me some hints, links or piece of code. Thanks!
When you click back button your Activity is destroyed. When you start the Activity again you get a new Activity. That also happen when you rotate the device. This is Android lifecycle event
The Activity is not good for heavy Business Logic only to show stuff/control stuf.
What you have to do is create a simple MVC, Model View Controller. The view (Activity) should only be used for showing results and controlling the eventflow.
The Service can hold an Array of the count and when your Activity start it will onBind() your Service that is running (or if not running will start the Service since you bind to it) Let the Activity(View) get the Array of results and show it. This simple setup exclude the (M)Model Business Logic.
Following up a bit read this it's Android official docs and perfect start since it do kind of what you asking. As you see in the example in the onStart() the Activity establish a connection with the service and in the onStop() the connection is removed. There's no point having a connection after on onStop(). Just like you asking for. I would go with this setup and not let the Service continuously sending data because that would drain resources and the Activity is not always listening because it will stop when in the background.
Here's an activity that binds to LocalService and calls getRandomNumber() when a button is clicked: