Serial OperationQueue with Operations synchronizing timer and sleep - swift

I have a serial OperationQueue whose operations call usleep. I do this because the operation execution block synchronizes with a Timer that needs to repeat until a designated time.
For example, 3 operations are added to a queue with a maxconcurrent set to 1. Each operations has a timer that repeats until 10 seconds into the future. Upon firing this timer of the first operation, the next line of code is usleep(10seconds). 10 seconds later the timer completes and the thread wakes up. The next operation begins. This is done by design and works, however, I'm concerns about the implications about a sleeping thread. Is it possible that the thread was handling some other code, context switches to handle the operation, then sleeps for a long time, pausing other executions. Does swift know to let the thread execute other blocks while the operation sleeps?

Does swift know to let the thread execute other blocks while the operation sleeps?
Maybe it’s just a wording issue, but the thread is blocked until the sleep (and subsequent tasks) finish, so it’s not going to be made available to do anything else. But, while the thread is sleeping, the core can switch contexts to let some other thread run even though the thread running the operation is tied up.
So using usleep (or I might use Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 10)) avoids the problem of blocking the core, but it still blocks the thread. And threads are rather limited (e.g. 64 at this point). So, especially if you might have a lot of these operations going on at any given time, thereby risking exhausting the limited threads, I might advise avoid blocking the thread, too. (Then again, if you’re using a maxConcurrentOperationCount of 1, as long as you aren’t doing other things that might tie up threads, it probably wouldn’t be too serious of a problem.)
For example, I might define an asynchronous Operation subclass, and rather than sleeping, I might just asyncAfter (or use a timer) the finishing of the operation to 10 seconds in the future. That way no thread is blocked, either. Or I might consider other patterns to solve the broader problem. It’s hard to say without knowing the broader problem that you’re trying to solve.


Delaying a queue for a finite time, conditionally

How could I delay a background queue's execution, without using sleep? Further, how could I interrupt that delay if needs be?
The docs for RunLoop suggest a while loop around the function run with a custom condition in the while loop. But how would I setup a timer to toggle the while loops execution?
You can suspend custom dispatch queues (but not global queues nor main queue). That stops new tasks from starting on that queue, but it does not affect things already running on that queue. You can resume to start running items that had previously been dispatched to the queue, but had not yet started.
GCD also provides a native mechanism to cancel a particular work item, and dispatch it again later when you want execution to resume. Note that cancel does not perform preemptive cancellation, but rather only sets a Boolean, isCancelled, which your dispatched task would need to periodically check and manually exit.
(If you want to cancel tasks on a queue, you might consider OperationQueue, as that has more graceful cancelation capabilities than dispatch queues. Or you might consider the “structured concurrency” of async-await of Swift concurrency, which also has cancelation built-in.)
Now, while GCD does not have a notion of “suspending” a task dispatched to a background thread, you might be able to jury-rig something something with a very careful use a semaphores. But the details would vary greatly based upon your implementation, so it is hard to advise further without more details.
You asked:
The docs for RunLoop suggest a while loop around the function run with a custom condition in the while loop.
As a general rule, anything that involves spinning in a while loop is to be avoided. It is s very inefficient pattern and is to be avoided. Many years ago (e.g. before GCD, before URLSession, etc.), this spin-on-run-loop pattern was not unheard of (e.g., it was the go-to technique for running NSURLConnection on a background thread), but it is an anachronism nowadays. It is an inefficient approach; an anti-pattern.

Difference between DispatchSourceTimer, Timer and asyncAfter?

I am struggling to understand the key differences between DispatchSourceTimer, Timer and asyncAfter (in my case for scheduling a task that needs to be ran every X seconds, although understanding the differences in timers can be useful to) (Or is there another (more efficient) scheduling mechanism in Swift besides the listed timers?).
A Timer needs an active run loop on the current queue it was started on. A DispatchSourceTimer does not need that. A Timer keeps the CPU from going into the idle state. Does this apply to DispatchSourceTimer/asyncAfter as well?
In what situation a Timer is preferred over a DispatchSourceTimer/asyncAfter? And of course the difference between all of them?
I want to schedule work every 15 seconds in my application on a private queue. This means I have to use DispatchSourceTimer because I am on a queue that is not the main thread (or add a runloop to the queue and use Timer). However, I do not see any benefit of even using a Timer in the first place. Maybe there is another operation that I can use that schedule work every X seconds on a private queue that is more efficient than a DispatchSourceTimer, but I did not came across a better solution.
Is a DispatchSourceTimer more efficient than a Timer? Or should I go on a self-calling method with asyncAfter?
This is the code to create the timers.
asyncAfter .now() + .seconds(2)) {
// Code
Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 1, repeats: false) { (_) in
// Code
let timer = DispatchSource.makeTimerSource()
timer.schedule(deadline: .now() + .seconds(1))
timer.setEventHandler {
// Code
Whats are the cons and pros of all the timers? When should I use one above the other? What timer way is the most efficient? I came up with the following:
Can be invalidated
No reference needed
Can be stopped while it is scheduled.
Prevents CPU to go idle
Needs to be run on a queue with a run loop (else nothing happens, even no assertion trigger...)
Can be cancelled
No run loop needed
Needs a strong reference else it gets deallocated instantly
- No run loop needed
- Can not be cancelled (I think)
Are there even more timers? Why are there so many timers? I expected some real difference across all the different timers, but I couldn't find them.
Alot of questions here as you can read. The main question is: what timers are available and what timers should I use in what case and why?
Timer is a Swift bridge of NSTimer, which goes back to NeXTSTEP, long, long before Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) and things like DispatchSourceTimer, which didn't come along until 10.6 (in the form of dispatch_source_set_timer) and dispatchAfter (in the form of dispatch_after).
NSTimer is based on the run loop, which was the primary way that concurrency was done until GCD. It's a cooperative concurrency system, designed primary to run on a single thread on a single core (though it can be expanded to multi-threaded environments).
While the run loop is still very important in Cocoa, it is no longer the primary, or even preferred, way to manage concurrency. Since 10.6, GCD has been the increasingly preferred approach (though adding a block-based NSTimer API in the 10.12 timeframe was a welcome modernization).
On the scale of 15 seconds, the efficiency differences are pretty irrelevant. That said, I don't understand your comment "A Timer keeps the CPU from going into the idle state." I don't believe that's true. The CPU will definitely still go into the idle state when waiting on an NSTimer to fire.
I would not set up a run loop just to run an NSTimer. You would be much better off scheduling it on the main runloop and then using DispatchQueue.async to do the actual work on some other queue.
As a broad rule, I use the highest-level tool that meets the need. Those are the ones that Apple is likely to optimize the best over time with me making the fewest changes. For example, NSTimer fire dates are automatically adjusted to improve energy efficiency. With DispatchSourceTimer, you get control over the leeway setting to get the same benefit, but it's up to you to set it (the default is zero, which has the worst energy impact). Of course, the reverse is also true. DispatchSourceTimer is the lowest level and gives you the most control, so if that's what you need, that's the one to use.
For your example, I'd personally probably use a Timer and just dispatch to the private queue as part of the block. But a DispatchSourceTimer would be completely appropriate.
asyncAfter is really a different thing, since it's always a one-shot. That's great if you want a one-shot, but it changes things if you want to repeat. If you just call asyncAfter in the block to repeat, it's going to be 15 seconds after the last time you finished, rather than being spaced 15 seconds apart. The former will tend to drift a bit late over time. The design question is this: if for some reason your task took 5 seconds to complete, would you want the next fire event to happen 15 seconds from the end of that, or would you want a constant 15 seconds between each fire event? Your choice there will determine which tool is correct.
As a slight note there, NSTimer events are always a little later than they are scheduled. GCD events with a leeway setting can be a little early or a little late. As a practical matter, there's no such thing as being "on time" (that's a period of zero length; you're not going to hit it). So the question is always whether you are promised to be late like NSTimer, or you might be early like GCD with leeway.

Figure out when a context switch is happening in Swift

To be honest, I don't know if there might be a solution to my question but I'd like to catch, in Swift, when a context switch is happening.
I was imaging a func which takes a long time in order to be completed such as a write operation on a remote server and I was thinking if there might be a way to understand when (which line at least) the thread which is executing that task is performing a context switch because another task waiting for a long time has to be executed.
Sorry if for you might seem a stupid question or if I made mistakes whilst trying to explain the above
I'm talking about context switches that are happening automatically requested by the scheduler.. So imagine again we are in the middle of this long function which does tons of operations and the scheduler gave this task an amount of seconds, for example 10 seconds in order to make it complete. If the process runs out of time and doesnt end the task, it will be suspended and for example the thread will execute another task of another process. When it ends, scheduler might think to give another try to the suspended job and the execution will be resumed starting where it has been suspended ( so will read the value from PC register and will keep going on )
You can absolutely get what you've asked for, but I have a feeling it's going to be much less useful to you than you may believe. The vast (vast, vast!) majority of context switches are going to occur at points that you probably would think of as "uninteresting." lstat64(), mach_vm_map_trap(), mach_msg_trap(), mach_port_insert_member_trap(), kevent_id(), the list goes on. Most threads spend most of their time deep in the OS stack. "A write operation on a remote server" isn't going to block after it takes some long period of time. It's going to proactively block itself because it knows it's going to take a (mind-bogglingly) long period of time.
Even so, you can certainly explore this with Instruments. Just choose the System Trace profile and it'll show you all the threads and the system cores and how your threads and all the other threads on the device are getting scheduled, every system call, etc etc etc. It's a huge amount of information, so you usually only profile for a few seconds at a time. But it'll look something like this:
This is useful information if you're at the point where context switches are a major bottleneck. This might happen if you're dealing with excessive lock contention, or if you're thrashing your L1 cache because you keep getting interrupted by some other thread. So if you have some thread that you expect to stay running pretty continuously, and it's getting blocked, this is really valuable information. Or if you have two threads that you think should work back and forth smoothly, but they seem to be fighting (switching rapidly), then that's something you could work on. (But this is rarely one of the first places you'd look for performance tuning unless you're working on quite low-level code.)
From your description, I think you may have the wrong idea about the scheduler. Nothing in the scheduler is going to be on the order of 10 seconds. In the scheduler world, milliseconds are a lot of time. You should be thinking about things that take microseconds and even nanoseconds. If you're working on code that assumes fetching data from RAM is free, then you're on the wrong time scale. A network call is so ludicrously slow that you can basically estimate it as "forever." At the context-switch level you're looking at events like:
00:00.770.247 Virtual memory Zero Fill took 10.50 µs small_free_list_add_ptr ← (31 other frames)
I think its a kinda cool question but not clear.The answer is all about my understanding on your question. Normally if you implement C++ or C program for context switching, consider you write code with mutexes or semaphores.In these sections processes or threads work in critical section and sometimes there executing the context switching manually or interruption way. In iOS there are same identical implementation on concurrency such as DispatchSemaphore.(Actually mutex is a Semaphore that working with lock system.) You can read the documentation from here.
For starting to this, this is the Semaphore class definition in Swift.
class DispatchSemaphore : DispatchObject
You can init it with int value such as
let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: intValue)
And if you want to use mutex variant you can easily use lock variable. Such as
var lock = Lock()
When you lock the thread with correct implementation, you will be in critical section and you can switch it with unlock or etc.
It's obviously look similar with POSIX pthread_lock_t
You can handle the context switching within the lock or semaphore critical section like that
// critical section
// handle the calculation, if its longer unlock, or let it do its job
semaphore.wait(timeout: DispatchTime.distantFuture)
// critical section
// handle the calculation, if its too long signal to exit it in here, or let it do its job
// if it is a normal job, it will be signal for exit already.
The handled answer is contains context switching in threads.
Addition to my question, when you ask about the context switching, its natural means is that changing the threads or processes basically. So when you get the data from background thread and then implement it for the UITableView' you probably will do reloadData method call in DispatchQueue.main.async . Its a common usage of context switching.

NSRunLoops in Cocoa?

Let's say I have 2 threads, one is the main thread and another one, a secondary thread. The main thread is being used the most, but sometimes (rarely) I want the secondary thread to do some work based on calls from the main thread. Most of the time the secondary thread should sleep. Now after some searching I understand the way to do this is to use runLoops. So I tried to read apple's docs (
but it looks to me very complex and I'm having some hard time there. Is there an elegant and simple way to achieve what I described? Any similar runLoop code examples out there that I can run and play with?
Each thread has a run loop.
Each run loop has a list of things that need to be done. These things are said to be “scheduled” on the run loop, although not all of them are scheduled for a specific date and time:
Timers are.
Sources aren't. They generally wait for something to come knocking at a Mach kernel port or a file descriptor.
When the run loop is running, it's usually not running—that is, the thread is sleeping, not consuming any CPU cycles. (If you sample it, you'll find the process appearing to be stuck in mach_msg_trap. This is the “wait-for-something-to-happen” system call.) The kernel wakes up the thread (which thereby returns from mach_msg_trap) when something happens that the thread's run loop needs to take care of.
The way to do exactly what you described is to implement a run loop source. You schedule the source on the secondary thread's run loop, implement it by doing work, and signal it from the primary thread when there's work to be done.
However, NSOperation is almost certainly a better solution, as it's designed for the case you described: Discrete units of work that need to be done serially, up to N (which you choose and is at least 1) at a time.
Note that NSOperationQueue reuses threads, so it does not necessarily create a new thread for every operation. Indeed, not doing that is part of the point: It creates the threads lazily, and uses any that it already has that aren't doing anything.
This sounds like just the sort of thing NSOperation/NSOperationQueue was made for. If you only have the occasional "units of work", why not make them an operation, then monitor it for completion and update your UI accordingly?
Matt Gallagher has a nice blog article comparing the secondary thread approach with other ways of getting background work done.
In your case, you don't have to be concerned with thread-creation overhead. But Matt's code examples might provide some insight into managing the secondary thread's runloop.
All that said, I would go with Joshua's advice and just use an NSOperationQueue and an NSOperation to do the background work. If the work could be encapsulated in an NSInvocation, you can use an NSInvocationOperation and avoid an NSOperation subclass.

NSThreading for speed

I'm working on a game sim and want to speed up the match simulation bit. On a given date there may be 50+ matches that need simulating. Currently I loop through each and tell them to simulate themselves, but this can take forever. I was hoping
1) Overlay a 'busy' screen
2) Launch a thread for each
3) When the last thread exits, remove the overlay.
Now I can do 1 & 2, but I cannot figure out how to tell when the last thread is finished, because the last thread I detach may not be the last thread finished. What's the best way to do that?
Also, usually threads are used so that work can be done in the background while the user does other stuff, I'm using it slightly different. My app is a core-data app and I want to avoid the user touching the store in other ways while i'm simulating the matches. So I want single-threading most of the time, but then multithreading for this situation because of how long the sim engine takes. If someone has other ideas for this approach I'm open.
Likely you want to use NSOperation and NOT 50 threads - 50 threads is not healthy on an iPhone, and NSOperations are easier to boot. It may be that you are killing performance (it would be my guess) by trying to run 50 at once. NSOperation is designed for exactly this problem. Plus its easy to code.
My only problem with NSOperation is that they don't have a standard way to tell the caller that they are done.
You could periodically poll the NSOperationQueue - when its count is 0 there are none left. You could also make each operation increment some counter - when the count is 50 you are done. Or each operation could post a notification using performSelectorOnMainThread on the main thread that its done.
You should see a boost in performance with even a single core - there are lots of times that the main thread is blocked waiting for user input/graphics drawing/etc. Plus multicore phones and iPads will likely be out within a year (total guess - but they are coming).
Also make sure you look at the operation with Instruments. It may be that you can speed the calculations up be a factor of 2 or even 10x!
You're on a single core, so threading probably won't help much, and the overhead may even slow things down.
The first thing to do is use Instruments to profile your code and see what can be sped up. Once you've done that you can look at some specific optimizations for the bottle necks.
One simple approach (if you can use GCD) is dispatch_apply(), which'll let you loop over your matches, automatically thread them in the best manner for your hardware, and doesn't return until all are complete.
Most straightforward solution would be to have all your threads 'performSelectorOnMainThread' to a particular method that decrements a counter, before they exit. And let the method remove the overlay screen when the counter it decremented reaches zero.
Simulating all the matches concurrently may not necessarily improve performance though.
You may get the solution for your specific question from #drowntoge, but generally, I want to give you advice about multithreading:
1/ It is not always speed up your program like Graham said. Your iPhone only has single core.
2/ If your program has some big IO, database or networking process that takes time, then you may consider multithreading because now data processing does not take all the time, it needs to wait for loading data. In this case, multithreading will significantly boost up your performance. But you still need to be careful because thread switching has overhead.
Maybe you only need 1 thread for IO processing and then has a cache layer to share the images/data. Then, you only need the main thread to loop and do simulation
3/ If you want 50 simulation seems to happen at the same time for user to watch, multithreading is also required:)
If you use threading, you won't know in what order the CPU is doing your tasks, and you could potentially be consuming a lot of thread scheduling resources. Better to use an NSOperationQueue and signal completion of each task using performSelectorOnMainThread. Decrementing a counter has already been mentioned, which may be useful for displaying a progress bar. But you could also maintain an array of 50 busy flags and clear them on completion, which might help debugging whether any particular task is slow or stuck if you mark completion with a time stamp.