How to provide rest api configuration or manifest as swagger json for soap ui to parse rest endpoints? - rest

I am trying to implement Soap ui for automating testing of my Rest web service. I found out that we have to either provide the service url or provide a manifest file like swagger.json to soap ui.
My requirement is i want Soap Ui to get all of my rest endpoints without supplying it one by one. Now my question is, Is json file like swagger.json the only option for supplying endpoints config to Soap Ui.
In short, I want to know the enterprise level approach for soap ui implementations for automation testing of Restful web services.


Should I be using REST or SOAP UI for testing?

I am testing a new webservice that is receiving messages from an application and responding with messages with specific information. The webservice then uses this information to create new messages for downstream systems. I need to know the best way I can test this using the Ready API tool, we just got a pro license. Is it SOAP or REST I need to use. Ideally I want to simply copy my application messages in to the tool, call the webservice and get the response, which I can then check is the correct response for the test
To find your web-service is SOAP or REST.
Please check whether your web service has WSDL to verify it has SOAP web-service, you can get your web-service's WSDL by post-fixing WSDL with your web service url.
Eg: http://{yourservice-url/path1}?WSDL
If your service don't provide WSDL from the above URL, then your web-service is REST.

How to make a REST API call from SOAP

I would like to know the best practices of calling a REST API from SOAP.
We have a SOAP-based web service that is already consuming by many applications. we would like to rewrite the SOAP API with Rest(basically a Spring boot application), but we want to call the rest from SOAP to support the existing applications.
The one way I know is we can call the Rest Api from the SOAP server implementation class
EX: Consider EmployeeService;java is a SOAP implementation class
Calling new Rest Api
Existing app1 ---->SOAP --> REST API
Existing app2 ---->SOAP --> REST API
new app1 --> REST API.
Please let me know is there any best way\alternate way to handle it.
You can use boomerang soap client.
Detail here

Azure Logic App Custom Connector - SOAP to REST - Pass HTTP header from REST to SOAP request

In Azure I am able to create a Logic App Custom Connector to a SOAP API endpoint using Call Mode: SOAP to REST.
This SOAP Web Service needs an HTTP Header named Cookie with the value LoginCert=.
When modifying the Request of this connector I cannot find a way to add the Cookie HTTP header in the REST request and have that same Cookie be added to the SOAP request. Does anyone know how or if it is even possible to have HTTP headers from the REST request forwarded to the SOAP request made by the custom connector?
PS: This is possible in Azure via the API Management tool's REST to SOAP using the same WSDL, and then using the newly created REST endpoints inside of a Logic App Flow but this is not the solution.
TLDR: How can one add a HTTP header in an SOAP to REST Azure Logic App Custom Connector so the header is forwarded to the SOAP endpoint?
This is not currently supported by the SOAP to REST WSDL generated custom connectors for SOAP. You need indeed to either escape to APIM or you need to form the request payloads via LIQUID action then use the HTTP request action's advanced option to specify the cookie.

SalesForce to integrate with external RESTful service

Being new to SalesForce Integration, I am trying to understand the capability of SalesForce to integrate with external RESTful service (WADL file) and execute to extract data to use in SalesForce UI functionality.
I understand that SalesForce is able to execute SOAP over HTTP (WSDL file) service to integrate but I see there is no solid documents online to explore whether SalesForce can also execute external WADL file.
Please advice me.
There's no built in feature to consume a WADL. You can however, just write your own Apex code to make restful callouts.
Apex Restful Callouts Trailhead
Invoking HTTP Callouts

What is the benefit of RESTful Web Service Vs Using Just a simple Servlet?

Regardless of whether I create a RESTful Web service to be consumed by Ajax in my own pages, or by any user, I can provide the same functionality (data) to the application or user using a simple servlet.
I mean the user or application don't see any different between response provided by a simple servlet or respone provided by a RESTful web service. So, I'm guessing that the benefit is on the server side and to the developers. Can someone please tell me what are the benefits of using RESTful web services.
I appreciate any respone
By definition a webservice is intended to be consumed by any client granted access. If the client you are developing is the only application that you will ever need or want to access the resource then there is little benefit to creating a webservice. However, if you want to make the resource available as a service endpoint for more than just this application in a way that is implementation agnostic then a Restful webservice is a great way of doing it.