How to import data from cloud firestore to the local emulator? - google-cloud-firestore

I want to be able to run cloud functions locally and debug against a copy from the production data.
Is there a way to copy the data that is online to the local firestore emulator?

This can be accomplished through a set of commands in terminal on the existing project:
1. Login to firebase and Gcloud:
firebase login
gcloud auth login
2. See a list of your projects and connect to one:
firebase projects:list
firebase use your-project-name
gcloud projects list
gcloud config set project your-project-name
3. Export your production data to gcloud bucket with chosen name:
gcloud firestore export gs://
4. Now copy this folder to your local machine, I do that in functions folder directly:
Note : Don't miss the dot ( . ) at the end of below command
cd functions
gsutil -m cp -r gs:// .
5. Now we just want to import this folder. This should work with the basic command, thanks to latest update from Firebase team
firebase emulators:start --import ./your-choosen-folder-name
Check out my article on Medium about it and a shorthanded script to do the job for you
Note: Its better to use a different bucket for it, as copying into your project bucket will result in the folder created in your firebase storage.
If you are interested in gsutil arguments like -m, you can see them described by executing gsutil --help.

My method is somewhat manual but it does the trick. I've shared it in this useful Github thread but I'll list the steps I did here if you find them useful:
Go to my local Firebase project path.
Start the emulators using: firebase emulators:start
Create manually some mockup data using the GUI at http://localhost:4000/firestore using the buttons provided: + Start Collection and + Add Document.
Export this data locally using: emulators:export ./mydirectory
About the project data located at Firebase Database / Cloud Firestore, I exported a single collection like this: gcloud firestore export gs:// --collection-ids=myCollection The export is now located under Firebase Storage in a folder with a timestamp as name (I didn't use a prefix for my test)
Download this folder to local drive with: gsutil cp -r gs:// ./production_data_export NOTE: I did this in a Windows environment... gsutil will throw this error: "OSError: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect" if the folder has invalid characters for a folder name in Windows (i.e. colons) or this error: "OSError: Invalid argument.9.0 B]" if an inner file in the folder has invalid characters too. To be able to download the export locally, rename these with a valid Windows name (i.e. removing the colons) like this: gsutil mv gs:// gs://
Once downloaded, imitate the local export structure renaming the folder to firestore_export and copying the firebase-export-metadata.json file from the local export folder. Just to be visual, here's the structure I got:
$ tree .
├── local_data_export
│ ├── firebase-export-metadata.json
│ └── firestore_export
│ ├── all_namespaces
│ │ └── all_kinds
│ │ ├── all_namespaces_all_kinds.export_metadata
│ │ └── output-0
│ └── firestore_export.overall_export_metadata
└── production_data_export
├── firebase-export-metadata.json
└── firestore_export
├── all_namespaces
│ └── kind_myCollection
│ ├── all_namespaces_kind_myCollection.export_metadata
│ ├── output-0
│ └── output-1
└── firestore_export.overall_export_metadata
8 directories, 9 files
Finally, start the local emulator pointing to this production data to be imported: firebase emulators:start --import=./mock_up_data/production_data_export/
You should see the imported data at: http://localhost:4000/firestore/
This should assist readers for now, while we await a more robust solution from the Firebase folks.

You can use the firestore-backup-restore to export and import your production data as JSON files.
I wrote a quick hack to allow for importing these JSON in the Firebase Simulator Firestore instance.
I proposed a pull request and made this npm module in the meantime.
You can use it this way:
const firestoreService = require('#crapougnax/firestore-export-import')
const path = require('path')
// list of JSON files generated with the export service
// Must be in the same folder as this script
const collections = ['languages', 'roles']
// Start your firestore emulator for (at least) firestore
// firebase emulators:start --only firestore
// Initiate Firebase Test App
const db = firestoreService.initializeTestApp('test', {
uid: 'john',
email: '',
// Start importing your data
let promises = []
try { =>
path.resolve(__dirname, `./${collection}.json`),
} catch (err) {
Obviously, since this data won't persist in the emulator, you'll typically inject them in the before() function of your test suite or even before every test.

There is no built-in way to copy data from a cloud project to the local emulator. Since the emulator doesn't persist any data, you will have to re-generate the initial data set on every run.

I was able to make some npm scripts to import from remote to local emulator and vice-versa.
"serve": "yarn build && firebase emulators:start --only functions,firestore --import=./firestore_export",
"db:update-local-from-remote": "yarn db:backup-remote && gsutil -m cp -r gs:// .",
"db:update-remote-from-local": "yarn db:backup-local && yarn db:backup-remote && gsutil -m cp -r ./firestore_export gs:// && yarn run db:import-remote",
"db:import-remote": "gcloud firestore import gs://",
"db:backup-local": "firebase emulators:export --force .",
"db:rename-remote-backup-folder": "gsutil mv gs:// gs://$(date +%d-%m-%Y-%H-%M)",
"db:backup-remote": "yarn db:rename-remote-backup-folder && gcloud firestore export gs://"
So you can export the local Firestore data to remote with:
npm db:update-remote-from-local
Or to update your local Firestore data with remote one, do:
npm db:update-local-from-remote
These operations will backup the remote Firestore data, making a copy of it and storing it on Firebase Storage.

I was about to go add a cli option to firebase-tools but pretty happy with the node-firestore-import-export package.
yarn add -D node-firestore-import-export
"scripts": {
"db:export": "firestore-export -a ./serviceAccountKey.json -b ./data/firestore.json",
"db:import": "firestore-import -a ./serviceAccountKey.json -b ./data/firestore.json",
"db:emulator:export": "export FIRESTORE_EMULATOR_HOST=localhost:8080 && yarn db:export",
"db:emulator:import": "export FIRESTORE_EMULATOR_HOST=localhost:8080 && yarn db:import",
"db:backup": "cp ./data/firestore.json ./data/firestore-$(date +%d-%m-%Y-%H-%M).json",
"dev": "firebase emulators:start --import=./data --export-on-exit=./data",
You will need to create a service account in the firebase console.
You can replace the GCLOUD_PROJECT environment variable with hard coded values.
mv ~/Downloads/myProjectHecticKeyName.json ./serviceAccountKey.json
That being said the gcloud tools are definitely the way to go in production, as you will need s3 backups anyway.

you can use fire-import npm package. for importing both firestore and firebase storage

There is also a way to import data to local storage from Google Cloud Storage without any commands:
export Firestore to Google cloud storage bucket by clicking More in google cloud
choose your desired file in google cloud storage bucket
open terminal (Google terminal shell near the search bar)
in terminal click Open editor
right click on desired file in online VSCode and click download.
You shoud start downloading of .tar file which is in fact your exported data from firestore.
Create a folder in your root (as example you may call it 'firestore-local-data')
Copy paste (or unarchive data) to this folder from archive file .tar
run firebase emulators:start --import ./firestore-local-data
This should do the trick

I wrote a little script to able to do that:
const db = admin.firestore();
const collections = ['albums', 'artists'];
let rawData: any;
for (const i in collections) {
rawData = fs.readFileSync(`./${collections[i]}.json`);
const arr = JSON.parse(rawData);
for (const j in arr) {
.then(val => console.log(val))
.catch(err => console.log('ERRO: ', err))


connect to kdb+ DB from a .q file

I am using kdb+ & nodeJS. I need to send queries from node to the db.
when I cd to the "db" directory and type q db I have candles set.
I created inside "db" folder a file called startServer.q:
\p 8080
h:hopen `:localhost:8080:user:pass
When I run startServer.q it opens but it seems that the candles variable is not set.
How can I access this table from that file? didn't find anything on the internet.
When you cd into the db folder and run q startServer.q the variable candles will not be set because it has not been loaded in, you just need to do:
q) \l /path/to/db
after you do q startServer.q and it will load in the table(s) in the db folder.
It would be a good idea to have startServer.q and db folder at the same level in your directory, i.e.
├── parent-directory
│ ├── db
│ └── startServer.q
then you could add the line
system["l db"];
to your startServer.q file and it would load in when you do q startServer.q.

Yocto: Install different config files based on MACHINE type or target image

I've got a couple of HW platforms (same cpu, etc.) that require different asound.conf files.
The way that I'm controlling the target platform is via the MACHINE variable and target image (i.e., MACHINE=machine_1 nice bitbake machine-1-bringup-image)
Normally, if just replacing the conf file I'd just create an alsa-state.bbappend and create a do_install_append function to replace it.
However since the different HW platforms require differ conf files I'm unsure how to handle it.
I've tried putting some logic into the append file do_install_append function but it's not working out. It's not always picking up the correct file (like it thinks that nothing has changed so that it uses the previous cached conf?)
Here's an example of one of the append files that I've tried:
FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
SRC_URI += " \ file://asound_MACHINE1.conf \
file://asound_MACHINE2.conf \ "
do_install_append() {
echo " alsa-state.bbappend MACHINE: ${MACHINE}"
if [ "${MACHINE}" = "machine_1" ]; then
echo " machine_1"
echo " installing ${WORKDIR}/asound_MACHINE1.conf to ${D}${sysconfdir}/asound.conf"
install -m 644 ${WORKDIR}/asound_MACHINE1.conf {D}${sysconfdir}/asound.conf
echo " installing ${WORKDIR}/asound_MACHINE2.conf to ${D}${sysconfdir}/asound.conf"
install -m 644 ${WORKDIR}/asound_MACHINE2.conf ${D}${sysconfdir}/asound.conf
I can see the correct echoes in the logs per the logic.
At any rate I don't think that the path I'm going down is the best way to deal with this.
Is there a 'standard' way to have different files installed based on either the target image or MACHINE variable?
do_install_append () {
// install common things here
do_install_append_machine-1 () {
// install machine-1 specific things here
do_install_append_machine-2 () {
// install machine-2 specific things here
The value of MACHINE is automatically added to OVERRIDES, which can be used at the end of a function append to have a MACHINE-specific addition to a function.
Maybe useful:
You can have configuration files in machine specific directories in your particular case (just a specific configuration file for each machine). OpenEmbedded will fetch the most specific one. The directory structure in your recipe directory will look like:
And your alsa-state.bbappend will contain just one line (you don't need to change do_install because already installs asound.conf):
FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
BTW: We are using that setup to have specific asound.state file per machine in our project.
Moreover, OpenEmbedded will detect that SRC_URI contains machine specific file and change the PACKAGE_ARCH accordingly, see:
Few more words on machine, distro or arch specific files: OE is trying to fetch the most specific file in file:// fetcher. It searches also in the directories named by distro (e.g files/<distro>/asound.conf) and architecture (e.g. armv7a, arm). It might be useful if you want to have file specific for some set of devices. More information: and also (section "Place Machine-Specific Files in Machine-Specific Locations")
The above answer by clsulliv worked better than advertised. For future reference below is the append file I used:
SRC_URI += " \
file://machine1_asound.conf \
file://machine2_asound.conf \
do_install_append_machine1() {
echo " machine1"
echo " installing ${WORKDIR}/machine1_asound.conf to ${D}${sysconfdir}/asound.conf"
install -m 644 ${WORKDIR}/machine1_asound.conf ${D}${sysconfdir}/asound.conf
do_install_append_machine2() {
echo " machine2"
echo " installing ${WORKDIR}/machine2_asound.conf to ${D}${sysconfdir}/asound.conf"
install -m 644 ${WORKDIR}/machine2_asound.conf ${D}${sysconfdir}/asound.conf
Thanks for the help!

Yocto recipe to update /etc/fstab

I'm having trouble updating the /etc/fstab of my Linux distribution, when building it with Yocto. I'm pretty new to Yocto, so maybe I'm off my rocker.
My latest attempt is to add a recipe named base-files_%.bbappend.
mount_smackfs () {
cat >> ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/etc/fstab <<EOF
# Generated from smack-userspace
smackfs /smack smackfs smackfsdefault=* 0 0
But, the output /etc/fstab on the distribution hasn't changed. So the questions are:
Is there a better way to do this?
How can I tell if my .bbappend file was actually executed?
ROOTFS_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND is handled in image recipes and not in package recipes. You have 2 possibilities.
Update your fstab in base-files_%.bbappend:
do_install_append () {
cat >> ${D}${sysconfdir}/fstab <<EOF
# Generated from smack-userspace
smackfs /smack smackfs smackfsdefault=* 0 0
Update the fstab in your image's recipe: In this case, you just append
what you wrote above (in your post) in the image's recipe.
Create a new layer using
yocto-layer create mylayer
inside it, create a folder called recipes-core and inside this folder
create another folder called base-files.
Inside this folder create a file called base-files_%.bbappend, with the following content:
Create another folder called base-files, inside which you should put a file called fstab with your configurations.
Make sure to enable your new layer in the bblayers.conf and it will work correctly, no need to create any append recipe or thing.
I had this issue and solved it using this method today.
Given the following directory structure:
└── recipes-core/
└── base-files/
├── base-files/
│ └── fstab
└── base-files_%.bbappend
and the following content for the recipe base-files_%.bbappend in question
DESCRIPTION = "Allows to customize the fstab"
PR = "r0"
SRC_URI += " \
file://fstab \
install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/fstab ${D}${sysconfdir}/
You can specify the fstab you want in that file and include this in your own custom layer. Once the compilation is finished you will have the custom fstab on the target system.

Post-install script on Yocto-built linux

I need to run a script on a target OS built by Yocto.
This script needs to be ran as part of the install and thus must be ran only once (either after the entire OS install or on the first boot). It cannot be ran on the host system, as it depends on the hardware IO which exists only on the target.
An additional, minor, constraint is that the rootfs is mounted as read only, but I guess that can be avoided by having the script re-mount as rw and again remount as r after the execution or something along those lines.
Any help is appreciated.
I ended up doing what shibley had written. Here's a detailed howto:
Create a new layer
Put the desired layer wherever your other layers are. Mine are in stuff directory, next to the build directory.
Make the following files/directories:
├── conf
│   └── layer.conf
└── recipes-core
└── mylayer-initscript
└── files
├── initscript.service
meta_mylayer is the name of your new layer.
Let's define the layer in conf/layer.conf and tell it where to search for the recipes:
BBFILES += "${LAYERDIR}/recipes-*/*/*.bb ${LAYERDIR}/recipes-*/*/*.bbappend"
BBFILE_COLLECTIONS += "meta-mylayer"
BBFILE_PATTERN_meta-mylayer := "^${LAYERDIR}/"
BBFILE_PRIORITY_meta-mylayer = "99"
The recipes are defined by the name of the .bb file. This layer only has one recipe, named initscript. contains the recipe information. The following recipe will add our initscript service and put the actual install script,, into /usr/sbin/
SUMMARY = "Initial boot script"
DESCRIPTION = "Script to do any first boot init, started as a systemd service which removes itself once finished"
PR = "r3"
SRC_URI = " \
file:// \
file://initscript.service \
do_compile () {
do_install () {
install -d ${D}/${sbindir}
install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/ ${D}/${sbindir}
install -d ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/
install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/initscript.service ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system
SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN} = "initscript.service"
inherit allarch systemd
install -d will create any directories needed for the specified path, while install -m 0644 will copy the specified file with 644 permissions. ${D} is the destination directory, by default it's ${WORKDIR}/image
Create the systemd service definition
I won't go into much details about how systemd works, but will rather paste the service definition:
Description=start initscript upon first boot
ExecStart=/bin/sh -c 'sleep 5 ; /usr/sbin/'
Do note the script location at /usr/sbin/ - that's where it will be copied by the last line of our do_install function above.
Lastly, our script itself:
logger "starting initscript"
# do some work here. Mount rootfs as rw if needed.
logger "initscript work done"
#job done, remove it from systemd services
systemctl disable initscript.service
logger "initscript disabled"
Register the layer
We need to register our new layer, so that bitbake knows it's there.
Edit the build/conf/bblayers.conf file and add the following line to the BASELAYERS variable:
${TOPDIR}/../stuff/meta-mylayer \
Now that the bitbake recognizes our layer, we need to add our recipe to the image.
Edit the build/conf/local.conf and add the initscript recipe to the IMAGE_INSTALL_append variable. Here's how it looks like when added next to the python.
IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " python initscript"
Run the build
Run the build like you usually do. For example:
bitbake angstrom-lxde-image
After you install the build and boot for the first time, your will be executed.
The basic approach is to write a systemd service. The service can be enabled by default as defined in the yocto recipe systemd configuration. The script or application evoked by the service will disable the service when the script/application completes - ie. systemctl disable foo. Therefore, the service will not run in future boots.
As you mentioned, the rootfs will require mounting as rw for this to work.
Thanks, this helped out. I needed to add
to the initscript.service to get it working
A simple solution is to use a package post/install script that stops itself running at rootfs time (exit 1 if $D is set). This will result in it running at first boot. Yes, the script will need to remount the root fs.
Besides, I don't know how to address the issue that rootfs is mounted as read-only, you can use pkg_postinst_ontarget_${PN}
Add this to one of your recipes:
pkg_postinst_ontarget_${PN}() {
// bash script you want to run
echo Post Install Script Test > /dev/ttyS1
${PN} will be replaced with the package name the recipes corresponds to.
The script will be run only once, on the first boot on the target machine as a post-install script of the package.

How can I run SQL on PostgreSQL RDS from Lambda function in Node.js?

I have this code in Lambda funcion:
sql="SELECT ...";
var pg = require('pg');
var connectionString = 'postgres://...';
var client = new pg.Client(connectionString);
var query = client.query(sql);
query.on('end', function() { client.end(); });
When I run from EC2, it works fine. When I run from Lambda I get Error: Cannot find module 'pg'
I am a super noob in Node JS, but I really wanted to try AWS Lambda. Here are the steps I took. I used a Ubuntu 14.04.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nodejs
sudo apt-get install npm
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node
mkdir the_function && cd the_function
mkdir node_modules
npm install pg
******Now create a file index.js and paste the content of your funcion.
console.log('Loading S2 Function');
var pg = require("pg");
exports.handler = function(event, context) {
var conn = "pg://user:password#host:5432/bd_name";
var client = new pg.Client(conn);
var query = client.query("SELECT * FROM BLA WHERE ID = 1");
query.on("row", function (row, result) {
query.on("end", function (result) {
var jsonString = JSON.stringify(result.rows);
var jsonObj = JSON.parse(jsonString);
******Now zip the contents of the_function folder (not the_function folder itself)
You can check the official sample from this AWS link:
You can import easily only predifined libs to your lambda. For example You can use just boto3 and core for python, for java You can use just core.
You cannot import any additional libs in simple way.
You can try to use "hard way".
In this case You should save all necessary libraries to s3(or other place which You can access from lambda) and then copy to lambda environment (/tmp) and import it with the help of reflection.
Error: Cannot find module 'pg'
In my case I was just uploading index.js. We need to package 3rd party node modules as well.
create index.js (name may vary based on your handler name)
run npm install package
It is better you create package.json will all dependencies you need and run mpn install
Confirm node_modules folder is created in same directory.
Zip these contents (index.js and node_modules folder) and upload the zip.
You can upload directly or use S3.
For more details read their offcial doc - Creating a Deployment Package (Node.js)
Now I get: Unable to import module 'index': Error . Is my function must be called index.js
In my case I was zipping the entire directory instead of it's contents. So you need to really do -
zip -r ./*
instead of
zip -r folder