gRPC repeated field vs stream - service

Hi im currently looking into grpc and im curious about the use usage of a repeated field vs a stream.
For example let's say i want to implement a reservation service for movie seats. The issue im facing is, that i want to inform the service for which movie i want to reserve the seats for.
I can think of 2 solutions, first:
I send the id of the movie with every seat i want to reserve, or with oneof at the beginning of the stream
like this:
rpc ReserveSeatsForShowing(stream SeatReservationRequest) returns(Reservation);
message SeatReservationRequest{
oneof reservationOneOf{
int32 showingId = 1;
SeatReservation seatReservation = 2;
Or using a repeated field like this
rpc ReserveSeatsForShowing(SeatReservationRequest) returns(Reservation);
message SeatReservationRequest{
int32 showingId = 1;
repeated SeatReservation seatReservation = 2;
Since i haven't really worked with grpc before im not quite sure which option to choose or if other options are available.
Looking forward for your recommendations

For the seat reservation, I think it would make sense to use repeated field. Just like real world scenario, the request is like "I want seat A, B, C for movie X", which is more like repeated manner than streaming. thus, the payload is very small. Also, this way should use less server resource since it is a batch process.


in web-audio api how to obtain an array(eg. FLOAT32 array) from a stream (eg a microphone stream) for several seconds

I would like to fill an array from a stream for around ten seconds.{I wish to do some processing on the data)So far I can:
(a) obtain the microphone stream using mediaRecorder
(b) use analyser and analyser.getFloatTimeDomainData(dataArray) to obtain an array but it is size limited to only a little over half a second of data.I can also successfully output the data after processing back onto a stream and to outDestination.
(c) I have also experimented with obtaining a 'chunks' array from mediaRecorder directly but the problem then is that I can't find any mime type that would give me a simple array of values - ie an uncompressed sample by sample single channel set of value - ie a longer version of 'dataArray' in (b).
I am wondering if I am missing a simple way round this problem?
Solutions I have seen tend to use step (b) and do regular polls then reassemble a longer array - however it seems the timing is a bit tricky ..
I'v also seen suggestions to use audio workouts - I might have to do this but would prefer a simpler solution!
Or again, if someone knows how to drive mediaRecorder to output the chunks array in a simple array format FLOAT32.of one channel.That would do the trick.
Or maybe I'm missing something simpler?
I have code showing those steps that have been successful and will upload if anyone requests.

Late data handling | Apache Beam

Late data which has missed the window and .withAllowedLateness period is dropped off from the pipeline as documented here
I have a few questions on this behavior:
How to handle late data which is dropped off from the pipeline? Can we add default behavior? Say all late data should be logged somewhere like catch-all bucket?
Can we have a Metric(Google Dataflow Metrics/Beam) to say how many of these messages are dropped off from pipeline due to huge latency?
In general we define late data as elements that, by the time they arrive, we just prefer to drop them and do not want to process any further. As far as I know, adding extra functionality to handle those messages would require substantial effort to modify the Java SDK. However, if you just want to log them this is done by the LateDataDroppingDoFnRunner code, which is responsible for dropping data from expired windows:
for (WindowedValue<InputT> input : concatElements) {
BoundedWindow window = Iterables.getOnlyElement(input.getWindows());
if (canDropDueToExpiredWindow(window)) {
// The element is too late for this window.;
"{}: Dropping element at {} for key:{}; window:{} "
+ "since too far behind inputWatermark:{}; outputWatermark:{}",
Note that the log has DEBUG level so you might not see it. As explained here, to override the level in Dataflow, you can use --defaultWorkerLogLevel=DEBUG or, even better, specify a particular class such as --workerLogLevelOverrides={"org.apache.beam.sdk.util.WindowTracing":"DEBUG"}. Choosing your keys wisely can help expose information to identify the dropped message (i.e. data lineage).
As can be seen in the previous snippet, droppedDueToLateness is a Counter metric that is incremented each time we drop an element:;. You can monitor it using Stackdriver with resource type dataflow_job and metric

Fetching LogBook descriptors in custom firmware

I'm looking to fetch recorded data using LogBook in a custom Movesense firmware. How do I get the correct byte stream offset for the next GET call when receiving HTTP_CONTINUE?
I'm trying to implement these steps as described in
### /Logbook usage ###
To get recording from the Movesense sensors EEPROM storage, you need to:
1. Do **GET** on */Logbook/Entries*. This returns a list of LogEntry objects. If the status was HTTP_OK, the list is complete. If the result code is HTTP_CONTINUE, you must GET again with the parameter StartAfterId set to the Id of the last entry you received and you'll get the next entries.
2. Choose the Log that you are interested in and notice the Id of it.
3. Fetch the descriptors with **GET** to */Logbook/byId/<Id>/Descriptors*. This returns a bytestream with the similar HTTP_CONTINUE handling as above. However you **must** keep re-requesting the **GET** until you get error or HTTP_OK, or the Logbook service will stay "in the middle of the stream" (we hope to remove this limitation in the future).
4. Fetch the data with **GET** to */Logbook/byId/<Id>/Data*. This returns also a bytestream (just like the */Logbook/Descriptors* above).
5. Convert the data using the converter tools or classes. (To Be Continued...)
The problem is basically the same for step 3 and 4. I receive a whiteboard::ByteStream object in the onGetResult callback function but I don't know how to get the correct offset information from it.
I've found a number of different methods seemingly concerning different aspects of number of bytes in ByteStream.h (length, fullSize, transmitted, payloadSize and serializationLength) but I just can't get it working properly.
Basically I would like to do something like this in onGetResult:
if (resultCode == whiteboard::HTTP_CODE_CONTINUE) {
const whiteboard::ByteStream &byteStream = rResultData.convertTo<const whiteboard::ByteStream &>();
currentEntryOffset += byteStream.length();
asyncGet(WB_RES::LOCAL::MEM_LOGBOOK_BYID_LOGID_DESCRIPTORS(), AsyncRequestOptions::Empty, currentEntryIdToFetch, currentEntryOffset);
The basic idea is to do the same call again.
So if you do:
asyncGet(WB_RES::LOCAL::MEM_LOGBOOK_BYID_LOGID_DESCRIPTORS(),AsyncRequestOptions::Empty, currentEntryIdToFetch);
and get the response HTTP_CONTINUE, do:
asyncGet(WB_RES::LOCAL::MEM_LOGBOOK_BYID_LOGID_DESCRIPTORS(),AsyncRequestOptions::Empty, currentEntryIdToFetch);
Until you get HTTP_CONTINUE or an error.
If the result code is HTTP_CONTINUE, you must GET again with the parameter StartAfterId set to the Id of the last entry you received and you'll get the next entries.
Might be a bit cryptic but do another asyncGet to the exact same resource until you get HTTP_OK or an http error code.
Also, note that you need to decode the data, a python script can be found here in this answer

ZMQ socket - disconnect when all request are served

I am trying to implement ZMQ REQ/REP model in Java
I have a Server-role, running on post 5564, which acts as Replier
ZMQ.Socket repSock = context.socket(ZMQ.REP);
I have a Client-role, running on post 5563
ZMQ.Socket syncclient = context.socket(ZMQ.REQ);
I have a proxy-server in middle, which passes request and response
ZMQ.proxy(reqSocket, repSocket, null);
Good thing about having a proxy is I can add multiple Servers
repSocket.connect("tcp://" + addr.getHostAddress() + ":" + port);
Which is working fine .
Now, when I remove a Server node from Proxy
repSocket.disconnect("tcp://" + addr.getHostAddress() + ":" + port);
Client gets stuck, as an request has being made and the REQ-socket waits for a response.
So the process stucks at syncclient.recvStr()
for (int request_nbr = 0; request_nbr < (request_nbr + 1); request_nbr++) {
System.out.println("Send Dataaaa....... " );
String data = syncclient.recvStr(Charset.defaultCharset());
System.out.println(" here.. " +data);
I searched and couldn't find a way to track the REQ-socket
I need any one of 2 things:
A way to keep track on a Socket-instance, which I am about to disconnect, wait till all messages are processed, so that syncclient.recvStr() will not be blocked
A way to reset the syncclient-socket, so that I can keep getting REQ/REP respond without an interruption
In real-world scenarios, rather avoid using a blocking-mode of the ZeroMQ .send() / .recv() methods and better use .poll().
While this may require a bit more SLOCs of code, the results are leaving you in a control, whereas a blocking SLOC takes all the control from your code and you cannot do much about that until ( if at all ) a next message gets delivered. That's a very wrong design practice and except the most simplistic schoolbook examples, that are actually sort of anti-patterns for the real-world.
So, do not expect Question 2 to become somehow magically solved, this is not a part of ZeroMQ API ( for many rather aloud evangelisated reasons ). Better decide between .setsockopt( ZMQ.REQ_RELAXED, 1 ), if API version and context of use permits, or do not use the trivial REQ/REP pattern at all ( due it's known risk of falling into an unsalvageable mutual dead-lock ( ref. other my posts on this very subject, where this phenomenon was both illustrated and countless times explained ) ).
In a similar manner, asking Question 1 seems reasonable in cases you have never read the ZeroMQ specifications and/or documentation and ZeroMQ "Best Practices". Having spent some time in this, your options would be crystal-clear. There are none such tools for doing this built-in. One can add some add-on, if in a need to add any similar non-core logic for her/his own need. The only setting that indirectly influences the behaviour on aSocket.close() is available in .setsockopt( ZMQ.LINGER, 0 ), which may help to prevent a system from a transition into an effective hangup-state, once aSocket waits infinitely for a state that will never happen in cases, when a message-queue is still non-empty ( messages still waiting for getting delivered ).
Going into Distributed-Systems design is like entering a new world. No sequences are guarranteed ( non-serial code execution paths happen ). No means of any local control of remote entities, their states, their failures, their presence at all, their actual ZeroMQ API version.
Indeed a challenging world to enter into.
You might already know, that one can .connect() aSocket-instance ( better an Access Point to aSocket-instance ) to more than one remote ends without using the proxy. With some additional .setsockopt() tuning ZMQ.IMMEDIATE to a value of 1, will help better manage the round-robin distribution policy, irrespective of the transport-classes used for the actual message delivery ( { tcp:// | ipc:// | vmci:// | pgm:// | epgm:// | inproc:// } ). All that at your fingertips.

Debug missing messages in akka

I have the following architecture at the moment:
Load(Play app with basic interface for load tests) -> Gateway(Spray application with REST interface for incoming messages) -> Processor(akka app that works with MongoDB) -> MongoDB
Everything works fine as long as number of messages I am pushing through is low. However when I try to push 10000 events, that will eventully end up at MongoDB as documents, it stops at random places, for example on 742 message or 982 message and does nothing after.
What would be the best way to debug such situations? On the load side I am just pushing hard into the REST service:
for (i ← 0 until users) workerRouter ! Load(server, i)
and then in the workerRouter
WS.url(server + "/track/message").post(Json.toJson(newUser)).map { response =>
On the spray side:
pathPrefix("track") {
path("message") {
post {
entity(as[TrackObj]) { msg =>
processors ! msg
On the processor side it's just basically an insert into a collection. Any suggestions on where to start from?
I tried to move the logic of creating messages to the Gatewat, did a cycle of 1 to 10000 and it works just fine. However if spray and play are involed in a pipeline it interrupts and random places. Any suggestions on how to debug in this case?
In a distributed and parallel environment it is next to impossible to create a system that work reliably. Whatever debugging method you use it will only allow you to find a few bugs that will happen during the debug session.
Once our team spent 3 months(!) while tuning an application for a robust 24/7 working. And still there were bugs. Then we applied a method of Model checking (Spin). Within a couple of weeks we implemented a model that allowed us to get a robust application. However, model checking requires a bit different way of thinking and it can be difficult to start.
I moved the load test app to Spray framework and now it works like a charm. So I suppose the problem was somewhere in the way that I used WS API in Play framework:
WS.url(server + "/track/message").post(Json.toJson(newUser)).map { response =>
The problem is resovled but not solved, won't work on a solution based on Play.