Retain white space in JSON keys - scala

White Space in scala keys are not retained
case class c1(
state :String,
`Card No`:String
Request payload
"state": "HH",
"Card No": "c1234",
"xxxx": "xxxx"
When used that case class in code after converting from gson to Json
it becomes

I haven't tried out gson for JSON processing. I use Play JSON play.api.libs.json framework.
The below works in play JSON:
import play.api.libs.json._
case class MyClass(State: String, `Card No`: String)
// Play can convert any case class into a JsValue, using macros.
// you will need an implicit `Writes` for `MyClass`
implicit private val MyClassWrites = Json.writes[MyClass]
val myobj = MyClass(State = "Bangalore", `Card No` = "Bl##1234")
val json = Json.toJson(myobj)
Gives the below JSON:
{"State":"Bangalore","Card No":"Bl##1234"}
Will update this once I checkout gson lib.
Update: With Gson
I would like you not having backquotes to define case class values, rather have it in the standard format - maybe as camel cases. This would help keep the code cleaner.
Like below:
case class MyClassA (state: String, cardNo: String)
and use the gson FieldNamingPolicy to get the right formatting while building the JSON.
You can create a gson builder and do something like this
val status = MyClassA(State = "Bangalore", cardNo = "Bl##1234")
val gson = new GsonBuilder()
FieldNamingPolicy.UPPER_CAMEL_CASE_WITH_SPACES will ensure that the first letter of the field name is capitalized when serialized to its JSON form and the words will be separated by a space.
above will produce the below JSON.
"State": "Bangalore",
"Card No": "Bl##1234"
Also, you can use #SerializedName annotation on any field name to specify the serialized name.
Using annotation
Using the SerializedName as below:
case class MyClassA (
State: String,
#(SerializedName #scala.annotation.meta.field)("card no")
cardNo: String
object Test {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val status = MyClassA(State = "Bangalore", CARD = "Bl##1234")
val gson = new GsonBuilder()
UPD: below is the library dependency I am using:
libraryDependencies += "" % "gson" % "2.8.6"
You need to use the meta-annotations in scala.annotation.meta. Refer this git issue


Map different value to the case class property during serialization and deserialization using Jackson

I am trying to deserialize this JSON using Jackson library -
"name": "abc",
"ageInInt": 30
To the case class Person
case class Person(name: String, #JsonProperty(value = "ageInInt")#JsonAlias(Array("ageInInt")) age: Int)
but I am getting -
No usable value for age
Did not find value which can be converted into int
org.json4s.package$MappingException: No usable value for age
Did not find value which can be converted into int
Basically, I want to deserialize the json with the different key fields ageInInt to age.
here is the complete code -
val json =
|"name": "Tausif",
|"ageInInt": 30
implicit val format = DefaultFormats
You need to register DefaultScalaModule to your JsonMapper.
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.json.JsonMapper
import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.DefaultScalaModule
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.`type`.TypeReference
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty
val mapper = JsonMapper.builder()
case class Person(name: String, #JsonProperty(value = "ageInInt") age: Int)
val json =
|"name": "Tausif",
|"ageInInt": 30
val person: Person = mapper.readValue(json, new TypeReference[Person]{})
println(person) // Prints Person(Tausif,30)

Convert prepareStament object to Json Scala

I'am trying to convert prepareStament(object uses for sending SQL statement to the database ) to Json with scala.
So far, I've discovered that the best way to convert an object to Json in scala is to do it with the net.liftweb library.
But when I tried it, I got an empty json.
this is the code
import java.sql.DriverManager
import net.liftweb.json._
import net.liftweb.json.Serialization.write
object Main {
def main (args: Array[String]): Unit = {
implicit val formats = DefaultFormats
val jdbcSqlConnStr = "sqlserverurl**"
val conn = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcSqlConnStr)
val statement = conn.prepareStatement("exec select_all")
val piedPierJSON2= write(statement)
this is the result
I used an object I created , and the conversion worked.
case class Person(name: String, address: Address)
case class Address(city: String, state: String)
val p = Person("Alvin Alexander", Address("Talkeetna", "AK"))
val piedPierJSON3 = write(p)
This is the result
{"name":"Alvin Alexander","address":{"city":"Talkeetna","state":"AK"}}
I understood where the problem was, PrepareStament is an interface, and none of its subtypes are serializable...
I'm going to try to wrap it up and put it in a different class.

Raise exception while parsing JSON with the wrong schema on the Optional field

During JSON parsing, I want to catch an exception for optional sequential files which schema differed from my case class.
Let me elaborate
I have the following case class:
case class SimpleFeature(
column: String,
valueType: String,
nullValue: String,
func: Option[String])
case class TaskConfig(
taskInfo: TaskInfo,
inputType: String,
training: Table,
testing: Table,
eval: Table,
splitStrategy: SplitStrategy,
label: Label,
simpleFeatures: Option[List[SimpleFeature]],
model: Model,
evaluation: Evaluation,
output: Output)
And this is part of JSON file I want to point attention to:
"simpleFeatures": [
"column": "pcat_id",
"value": "categorical",
"nullValue": "DUMMY"
"column": "brand_code",
"valueType": "categorical",
"nullValue": "DUMMY"
As you can see the first element has an error in the schema and while parsing, I want to raise an error. At the same time, I want to keep optional behavior in case there is no object to parse.
One idea that I've been researching for a while - to create the custom serializer and manually check fields, but not sure I'm on the right track
object JSONSerializer extends CustomKeySerializer[SimpleFeatures](format => {
case jsonObj: JObject => {
case Some(simplFeatures (jsonObj \ "simpleFeatures")) => {
// Extraction logic goes here
I might be not quite proficient in Scala and json4s so any advice is appreciated.
json4s version
scala version
jdk version
I think you need to extend CustomSerializer class since CustomKeySerializer it is used to implement custom logic for JSON keys:
import org.json4s.{CustomSerializer, MappingException}
import org.json4s.JsonAST._
import org.json4s.JsonDSL._
import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods._
case class SimpleFeature(column: String,
valueType: String,
nullValue: String,
func: Option[String])
case class TaskConfig(simpleFeatures: Option[Seq[SimpleFeature]])
object Main extends App {
implicit val formats = new DefaultFormats {
override val strictOptionParsing: Boolean = true
} + new SimpleFeatureSerializer()
class SimpleFeatureSerializer extends CustomSerializer[SimpleFeature](_ => ( {
case jsonObj: JObject =>
val requiredKeys = Set[String]("column", "valueType", "nullValue")
val diff = requiredKeys.diff(jsonObj.values.keySet)
if (diff.nonEmpty)
throw new MappingException(s"Fields [${requiredKeys.mkString(",")}] are mandatory. Missing fields: [${diff.mkString(",")}]")
val column = (jsonObj \ "column").extract[String]
val valueType = (jsonObj \ "valueType").extract[String]
val nullValue = (jsonObj \ "nullValue").extract[String]
val func = (jsonObj \ "func").extract[Option[String]]
SimpleFeature(column, valueType, nullValue, func)
}, {
case sf: SimpleFeature =>
("column" -> sf.column) ~
("valueType" -> sf.valueType) ~
("nullValue" -> sf.nullValue) ~
("func" -> sf.func)
// case 1: Test single feature
val singleFeature = """
"column": "pcat_id",
"valueType": "categorical",
"nullValue": "DUMMY"
val singleFeatureValid = parse(singleFeature).extract[SimpleFeature]
// SimpleFeature(pcat_id,categorical,DUMMY,None)
// case 2: Test task config
val taskConfig = """{
"simpleFeatures": [
"column": "pcat_id",
"valueType": "categorical",
"nullValue": "DUMMY"
"column": "brand_code",
"valueType": "categorical",
"nullValue": "DUMMY"
val taskConfigValid = parse(taskConfig).extract[TaskConfig]
// TaskConfig(List(SimpleFeature(pcat_id,categorical,DUMMY,None), SimpleFeature(brand_code,categorical,DUMMY,None)))
// case 3: Invalid json
val invalidSingleFeature = """
"column": "pcat_id",
"value": "categorical",
"nullValue": "DUMMY"
val singleFeatureInvalid = parse(invalidSingleFeature).extract[SimpleFeature]
// throws MappingException
Analysis: the main question here is how to gain access to the keys of jsonObj in order to check whether there is an invalid or missing key, one way to achieve that is through jsonObj.values.keySet. For the implementation, first we assign the mandatory fields to the requiredKeys variable, then we compare the requiredKeys with the ones that are currently present with requiredKeys.diff(jsonObj.values.keySet). If the difference is not empty that means there is a missing mandatory field, in this case we throw an exception including the necessary information.
Note1: we should not forget to add the new serializer to the available formats.
Note2: we throw an instance of MappingException, which is already used by json4s internally when parsing JSON string.
In order to force validation of Option fields you need to set strictOptionParsing option to true by overriding the corresponding method:
implicit val formats = new DefaultFormats {
override val strictOptionParsing: Boolean = true
} + new SimpleFeatureSerializer()
You can try using play.api.libs.json
"" %% "play-json" % "2.7.2",
"net.liftweb" % "lift-json_2.11" % "2.6.2"
You just need to define case class and formatters.
case class Example(a: String, b: String)
implicit val formats: DefaultFormats.type = DefaultFormats
implicit val instancesFormat= Json.format[Example]
and then just do :
In case the above gives some errors: Try adding "net.liftweb" % "lift-json_2.11" % "2.6.2" too in your dependency.

json4s, how to deserialize json with FullTypeHints w/o explicitly setting TypeHints

I do specify FullTypeHints before deserialization
def serialize(definition: Definition): String = {
val hints =
implicit val formats = Serialization.formats(FullTypeHints(hints))
It produces json with type hints, great!
"name": "My definition",
"tasks": [
"jsonClass": "com.soft.RootTask",
"name": "Root"
Deserialization doesn't work, it ignores "jsonClass" field with type hint
def deserialize(jsonString: String): Definition = {
implicit val formats = DefaultFormats.withTypeHintFieldName("jsonClass")
Why should I repeat typeHints using Serialization.formats(FullTypeHints(hints)) for deserialization if hints are in json string?
Can json4s infer them from json?
The deserialiser is not ignoring the type hint field name, it just does not have anything to map it with. This is where the hints come in. Thus, you have to declare and assign your hints list object once again and pass it to the DefaultFormats object either by using the withHints method or by overriding the value when creating a new instance of DefaultFormats. Here's an example using the latter approach.
val hints =
implicit val formats: Formats = new DefaultFormats {
outer =>
override val typeHintFieldName = "jsonClass"
override val typeHints = hints
I did it this way since I have contract:
withTypeHintFieldName is known in advance
withTypeHintFieldName contains fully qualified class name and it's always case class
def deserialize(jsonString: String): Definition = {
import org.json4s._
import org.json4s.native.JsonMethods._
import org.json4s.JsonDSL._
val json = parse(jsonString)
val classNames: List[String] = (json \\ $$definitionTypes$$ \\ classOf[JString])
val hints: List[Class[_]] = => Try(Class.forName(clz)).getOrElse(throw new RuntimeException(s"Can't get class for $clz")))
implicit val formats = Serialization.formats(FullTypeHints(hints)).withTypeHintFieldName($$definitionTypes$$)

Extracting a field from a Json string using jackson mapper in Scala

I have a json string:
val message = "{\"me\":\"a\",
\"message_metadata\": \"{
I want to extract the value of the field event_type from this json string.
I have used below code to extract the value:
val mapper = new ObjectMapper
val root = mapper.readTree(message)
val metadata"/message_metadata").asText()
val root1 = mapper.readTree(metadata)
val event_type"/event_type").asText()
print("eventType:" + event_type.toString) //UpdateName
This works fine and I get the value as UpdateName. But I when I want to get the event type in a single line as below:
val mapper = new ObjectMapper
val root = mapper.readTree(message)
val event_type"/message_metadata/event_type").asText()
print("eventType:" + event_type.toString) //Empty string
Here event type returns a empty sting. This might be because of the message_metadata has Json object as a string value. Is there a way I can get the value of event_type in a single line?
The problem is that your JSON message contains an object who's message_metadata field itself contains JSON, so it must be decoded separately. I'd suggest that you don't put JSON into JSON but only encode the data structure once.
val message = "{\"me\":\"a\",
\"message_metadata\": {
You can parse your JSON using case classes and then get your event_type field from there.
case class Json(me: String, version: String, message_metadata: Message)
case class Message(event_type: String, start_date: String)
object Mapping {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper
import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.DefaultScalaModule
import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.experimental.ScalaObjectMapper
val objectMapper = new ObjectMapper() with ScalaObjectMapper
val str = "{\n \"me\": \"a\",\n \"version\": \"1.0\",\n \"message_metadata\": {\n \"event_type\": \"UpdateName\",\n \"start_date\": \"1515\"\n }\n}"
val json = objectMapper.readValue(str, classOf[Json])
//to print event_type
//output: UpdateName
You can even convert a JSON to Scala Case Class and then get the particular field from the case class.
Please find a working and detailed answer which I have provided using generics here.