Problem after generating released apk file in flutter - flutter

I generated the released apk file in flutter using android studio. But after generating the file it was installed in real time mobile but not working. It shows host name error in the console. How to resolve this error?

Make sure you added
< uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
to your Manifest.xml file android/app/src/main, because flutter do this only for development version


flutter pubspec.yaml deleted after updating

Hello experts I am facing very big issue I am made application in 2021 on flutter my application is still live on play store now I need update it, problem is that I updated my android studio flutter version 3.0. Now opening my old project which was made in 2021 after opening it my pubspec.yaml file is missing in the project, I don't no how to recover that file or repair it. They have a lot of dependencies included there is pubspec.lock file available but not pubspec.yaml please please help me i am in big check screen shot below
if i use flutter create command i am getting this errors
You can create a pubspec.yaml file on root directory or open the bottom terminal and try flutter create . it will provide default structure. Now to get pub package, check the import section and add on pubspec.yaml
If you have a backup then paste the pubspec.yaml file from it. Else take a backup of the project. Run flutter create . in the root directory. It will create the pubspec file in the project. Click on configure dart and add the flutter path then run the project. It will throw errors for the packages used manually enter packages in pubspec or you can try flutter pub add <packagename>

Executoin faild for task ':app:processDebugResources'

I am using Android Studio as SDK Platforms and SDK Tools. Currently, I have a problem when running the android emulator using Visual Studio. I have checked flutter doctor and no issues has been found. However, it shows an error as below.
As i run flutter run --verbose to search for the problems, it shows more details of the error as below
Just for sharing. Since I installed android studio, visual studio and flutter in my device using windows 11 pro, it doesn't work. However, I solved this problem by downgrading the Windows version into Windows 10 Home and it solved this particular problem. Anyone who face the same issue might try this in your current device.
This look like gradle compatibility issue.
Step to solve.
create new flutter project. try to compile the prject, if it work fine.
compare the android folder with yours and replace what is missing with the new flutter project you created.
sync your project after.
flutter clean
flutter pub get
flutter run
you should be fine
To solve your error you have to update your compileSDKversion to the newest version which is currently 31.
You can find the compileSDKversion inside android > app > build.gradle
android {
compileSdkVersion 31
Note: you have to close and open android studio again

After flutter new project creation I can't locate the main dart file to start programming

I have installed Android Studio and flutter successfully. When I run flutter doctor in command prompt it gives me [all green ticks in these brackets].
The question is that after the creation of a new flutter project on the right-hand side of the screen under the project I am unable to see/locate any dart main file to write code. For further clarification, you can see the attached image below.
Unable to locate the dart file to write code in the project hierarchy:
I have 0 ideas what is still missing in the configuration of Flutter / Android Studio
Well, I figured out why pubspec.yaml and main.dart was not in my project due to the older version of flutter. I downloaded the latest version flutter_windows_2.2.2-stable, created a new flutter project, and included the flutter SDK path of flutter_windows_2.2.2-stable which resolved all my problems. Kindly, make sure whoever wants to start Mobile Application development in Android Studio + Flutter + Dart always download the latest version of everything.
Recent Experiment:
After downloading the latest version of Flutter still, I was unable to get the pubspec.yaml and main.dart files in my Android Studio Project, so the solution is below:
where you have extracted your flutter_windows_2.2.2-stable remember the directory path like E:\src\flutter_windows_2.2.2-stable which is in my scenario.
******************* CMD WORK *******************
Open cmd(Command Prompt) by default you will be in the directory like C:\Users\UserName\
Now go to the path E:\src and to navigate write E: hit enter, now you will be in the E: directory. Write cd E:\src hit enter.
type flutter create project_name ( make sure whenever you withe the name of the project it should be like this my_first_app in this format you name the projects with proper naming convention in flutter [word_word_word_word] ) then hit enter, wait for a while it will create a new flutter project for you including pubspec.yaml and main.dart files + necessary files to be imported.
Reference for naming convention in flutter ('t%20have%20a,letters%20and%20underscores%20between%20words.&text=When%20naming%20folders%2C%20you%20want,them%20very%20direct%20and%20clear.)
Right now after the creation of a project(Flutter) in Android Studio you are unable to see/locate the pubspec.yaml and main.dart files use cmd for the project creation which worked in my scenario.

Flutter build release apk with no sound null safety?

Debug apk works fine, release apk not working..
Tried flutter build apk --no-sound-null-safety it builds release apk but does not works.
Issue Solved!!
Actually, the problem was with 'http' as SSL certificate was not included for the admin panel hence, app showed
Bad state: Insecure HTTP is not allowed by platform error in some devices while it was running in my Mi note4 mobile phone.
android:usesCleartextTraffic="true" line in
AndroidManifest.xml file inside
<manifest <application android:usesCleartextTraffic="true""> </application> </manifest> tag
The ability to mix language versions frees package maintainers to migrate their code, with the knowledge that even legacy users can get new bug fixes and other improvements. However, mixed-version programs don’t get all the advantages that null safety can bring. Read here
Code for building APK:
flutter build apk --no-sound-null-safety

Flutter SDK Is Not Found In The Specified Location

I'm extremely frustrated right now after I updated Android Studio to have the latest Flutter and Dart Plugins. Now it tells me "No FLutter SDK configured" and when I give it the SKD path it just says, "Flutter SDK Is Not Found In The Specified Location." The Dart plugin works fine.
I have looked for an answer for hours and nothing works. I've downloaded the NDK, flutter doctor works perfectly, and I've tried set the SDK path to pretty much every file inside my flutter folder (inside /Documents).
Any tips?
Go to - Configure -> Tools > SDK Manager > Android SDK > SDK Tools, and search for flutter. You will get flutter SDK for Android.
If you are using Visual studio, also install plugins for flutter in Visual Studio.
» Steps:
Download Flutter SDK: Here
Extract Flutter:
tar xf ~/Downloads/flutter_linux_v1.7.8+hotfix.4-stable.tar.xz
Path export for particular terminal:
export PATH="$PATH:`pwd`/flutter/bin"
Permanent Path export:
Open bashrc file: Go to home directory terminal -> nano ~/.bashrc
Write at end of file:
export PATH=" [PATH_Where_Flutter SDK Extracted] /flutter/bin:$PATH"
example: export PATH="/home/sid/0_aaa_iauro/Flutter/s/flutter/bin:$PATH"
Run the following command to see if there are any dependencies you need to
install to complete setup:
flutter doctor -v
Add Flutter extension to vs-code.
Locate Flutter SDK.
Make New project in flutter:
flutter create Project_name
» Important Links:
Linux Install
Getting Started with Flutter on Linux for Android [Beginner Tutorial]
How To Install And Setup Flutter On Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS (Bionic Beaver)
Part 2-A: Install Flutter in Windows – Step by Step Guide
Check for path variable (bashrc file):
Flutter – Step by Step Installation on Linux – Ubuntu
If you are using a fresh new Android Studio install as me, try installing missing packages for SDK support in Android Studio as described here:
Go to Menu > Tools > SDK Manager > Android SDK (left side of the dialog) > SDK Tools (tab).
Select 'Support Repository' and 'NDK' checkboxes.
Click OK.
It will prompt you to install some dependencies. Install them.
What happen to me was because there is a space in my android sdk path (which is my username). I copy to C:\android\sdk and problem gone. Probably the space cause issue to NDK thus affect to Flutter sdk.
in my case, it was caused by local changes to the flutter git repo. On command line, everything worked, but in Android Studio it failed to detected the flutter sdk which caused all flutter commands to fail (even though flutter bin dir is in my path). The local changes were probably caused by trying out the beta version of flutter and returning to stable afterwards.
solution: delete flutter dir and redownload (I actually reverted all changes using the git clean command)