how to write mongoldb query for search/filter - mongodb

I want to filter input text from database and show that shown in below I have tried these query $text query giving this working for text values but how to filter query for numeric fields like id or date.
find({$text :{$search:<input text>, $caseSensitive: false}})
I want output data which match with input text/value(which can be text, date,number).

MongoDB provides text indexes to support text search queries on string content. text indexes can include any field whose value is a string or an array of string elements.
To perform text search queries, you must have a text index on your collection
db.stores.createIndex( { name: "text", description: "text" } )
You can use your search string with $search parameter :
db.stores.find( { $text: { $search: "coffee",$caseSensitive: false, } } )
Full documentation is available here :


How to nested query in mongodb?

How to index nested objects in Pymongo so that I can perform full text search. For example I've the collection object like this...
"_id":"ObjectId(" "5e8b0fa1c869790699efdb2d" ")",
"xmlfileid": "334355343343223567",
"#reference": rits_dbx_1
"#reference": rits_dbx_2
"namedAnchor":"{' ': 'NORP', 'Ho': 'PERSON', 'Lets': 'PERSON', 'Boris Johnson': 'PERSON', 'Britain': 'GPE'}",
"#text":"rits_dbx_1 said hello this is a good site."
"#text":"rits_dbx_1 said ho ho."
"#text":"rits_dbx_1 said lets put some meaningful stuff here."
I've placed search box in my website and when user types the #text in search box I want to display the #text and class and the xmlfileid
So far I've created index using below command. And I don't know it's the right way to get the result and also please help with query too.
db.xml_collection.createIndex({"threads.thread.selectedText.fragment": "text"})
In my python code I've this but that prints nothing
result = collection.find({"$text": {"$search": "ho ho"}})
Your index is wrong.
MongoDB provides text indexes to support text search queries on string content. text indexes can include any field whose value is a string or an array of string elements.
If you want to index only #text field, change your index to this:
db.xml_collection.createIndex({"threads.thread.selectedText.fragment.#text": "text"})
Also, you may create Wildcard text index and MongoDB will index all key:value pairs (where value is string / array of string)
db.xml_collection.createIndex({"$**": "text"})
Note: You need to drop any previous text indexes for this collection

How to find all the documents that contains “Amazon” in any field as a value? MongoDB

how can I find all the documents that contains “Amazon” in any field as a value in MongoDB?.
Also, is it possible to search for the field and not the value? I heard you could do that but I am not sure how.
Thanks for the help.
You can use text index created on all string fields. You can create such index by using wildcard as below.
db.collection.createIndex( { "$**": "text" } )
In order to search the desired string, you can use
db.collection.find( { $text: { $search: "Amazon" } } )

MongoDb Indexing full text search

I have a document named "posts", it is like this :
"_id" : ObjectId("5afc22290c06a67f081fa463"),
"title" : "Cool",
"description" : "this is amazing"
And I have putted index on title and description :
db.posts.createIndex( { title: "text", description: "text" } )
The problem is when I search and type for example "amaz" it return the data with "this is amazing" above, while it should return data only when I type "amazing"
db.posts.find({ $text: { $search: 'amaz' } }, (err, results) => {
return res.json(results);
Credit to #amenadiel for the original data here:
From the MongoDB docs:
Index Entries
text index tokenizes and stems the terms in the indexed fields for the index entries. text index stores one index entry for each unique stemmed term in each indexed field for each document in the collection. The index uses simple language-specific suffix stemming.
This is to allow you to search partial "stem" terms in the index, and have the database return all related results. In your specific scenario, amaz is a bit of an odd token as it is a bit irregular compared to other words such as talking, which is tokenized to the word talk, or talked to talk. Similarly walking and walked to walk.
In your case, the word amazing in your text will be tokenized as amaz. If your column contained data such as amazed, it would receive the same amaz token as well. And those results would also be returned from a search of amaz.

mongodb query to get time stamp

currently I am learning mongodb.
I have a collection called listings and I want to search a "text" from description field. I want my query to show only text not all the information in the document.
I have created a text index for description field with following command
db.listings.ensureIndex( { description: "text" } )
when I search string "marketing" I am getting all the information in the document. but want to get just marketing word and time stamp with that for analytical purpose. I can count how many time it is been used but how can I know time stamp with that word "marketing"
db.listings.find( { $text: { $search: "marketing" } } ).count()
db.listings.find({$text: {$search: "marketting"}}, {text:1, timestamp: 1}).pretty()

mongoDB text index on subdocuments

I have a collection that looks something like this
{ "text1" : "text",
"url" : "http:....",
"title" : "the title",
"search_metadata" : { "tags" : [ "tag1", "tag2", "tag3" ],
"title" : "the title",
"topcis": [ "topic1", "topic2"]
I want to be able to add a text index to search_metadata and all it's subdocuments.
ensureIndex({search_metadata:"text"}) Gives me no results
ensureIndex({"$**":"text"}) will give me irrelevant data
How can I make it happen?
From the text indexes page:
text indexes can include any field whose value is a string or an array
of string elements. To perform queries that access the text index, use
the $text query operator
Your search_metadata field is a series of sub-documents, not a string or an array of strings, so it basically is not in the right format to make use of a text index in MongoDB as it is currently structured.
Now, embedded in search_metadata you have both strings and arrays of strings, so you could use a text index on those, so an index on {search_metadata.tags : "text"} for example fits the criteria and should work just fine.
Hence, it's a choice between restructuring the field to meet the text index criteria, or a matter of indexing the relevant sub-fields. If you take the latter approach you may find that you don't need text indexes on each of the fields and a simpler (and far smaller) index may serve you just as well (using a normal index on tags and then $elemMatch for example).