How-To get the current keyboard layout on Alpine Linux? - alpine-linux

We work on many machines, direct or via SSH, not on all machines we are using the same keyboard layout. I found solutions for ArchLinux and Ubuntu (and Windows), but no solution works on Alpine-Linux.
How can I get the current keyboard-layout on Alpine-Linux? On Terminal (/bin/ash) or via script?
The layout can configured with setup-keymap us us but I found no solution to get the current layout back.

The currently used keymap is in the configuration file /etc/conf.d/loadkmap


VSCode on Linux Mint, integrated terminal not able to type anything

Hi I'm running Linux Mint 19 and I have just installed vscode using the snapd package manager. I've not used vscode on linux before as my usual editor is emacs. However, on a fresh new install of vscode, the integrated terminal does not work, there is just a non blinking cursor in the top left of the screen, but no prompt and no keyboard strokes are registering. This appears to be a common problem as there are a lot of posts about it if googled, but they are all for Windows versions and none of the solutions that I'm able to try do anything. I've tried to open a new terminal window, but the same thing happens I just get two terminal windows that I now cannot use. I've also tried checking the box that says Code-runner: Run In Terminal, but that does nothing either. What can I do to get this to work please, I looks to me like it is just not connected to either a bash or Zsh(which I normally use). Any help on this would be appreciated.
Instead of starting vscode with its default shell script (usually located on /usr/share/code/bin/code), the integrated terminal only works for me when starting it directly from the compiled binary (typically found on /usr/share/code/code, which is the same as the launcher created by the installer:
/usr/share/code/code --no-sandbox --unity-launch %F
While I searched for a solution in the past I've also noticed that lots of folks solved similar problems just by adding --disable-gpu flag, so might be worth checking out as well.

Spacemacs Setup Similar to AWS Cloud9 for Remote Development

I recently stumbled on AWS Cloud9 and Spacemacs and genuinely impressed with both of them.
The problem is I cannot make Spacemacs to work properly on remote environment development just like Cloud9, all this time I was using VSCode with Dropbox and sync with local folder.
I tried with ftp, X window, dired remote mode (and similar Remote VSCode in the VSCode extension), none is satisfactory. I need it for all the full-blown features, remote code listing, debugging, versioning (I use mercurial).
Spacemacs is more than ok in the local development and I think VSCode just need to take a liitle more steps to rule them all.
After trying numerous solution, Samba, NFS,etc, the closest thing to Cloud9 is OSXFuse, so you can use both Spacemacs or VSCode and get local development feels. But I haven't found solution for Windows, perhaps will be less complicated.

How can I enable file path autocompletion in the IPython console in PyCharm?

Note: The suboptimal autocompletion (not necessarily of file paths only, but autocompletion in general) is a known issue, and there seems to be no generic quality solution yet. Please see the researched links below.
Path autocompletion in the IPython console in PyCharm does not work well:
should autocomplete to:
cd c:/Users/
on my machine; instead, the best it manages is:
cd c:/UserWarning
which is plain wrong. IPython in the Anaconda prompt, however, behaves as it should.
My strong assumption (supported by a link, below) is that this is due to PyCharm not using the standard IPython configuration files.
I'm aware of the console starting script in PyCharm:
Settings->Build, Execution, Deployment->Console->Python console
and I've successfully used it to activate a simple magic command I've written.
So here my question: is there a code configuration snippet that could be inserted there, and that could just enable file path autocompletion? Or a pointer to a general description on how IPython configuration files "work", that would enable me to figure it out myself? That is, I imagine, the most doable hack that would solve the problem for the time being.
Alternatively, any experiences with writing your own autocompletion using the following libraries:
Is that doable? How much work can that be?
Thanks in advance!
My SW-Setup:
I use:
PyCharm Community Edition 2017.2.1
Anaconda 2 (Python 2.7), version 4.3.22 which contains
IPython 5.1.0
on Windows 7 Professional N
Links supporting claims in the question(s) above - just two, due to lack of StackOverflow-"reputation" :(
1) Autocompletion in IPython console in PyCharm not working as it should
JetBrains (creators of PyCharm) knows about this since, at least, two years (please Google it under "PyCharm Console tab completion" or similar, I'm allowed to add just a limited number of links here), and seems to have started working on it, but never finished it.
The discussion states " this is only the initial step to getting full IPython tab completions":, but the issue is closed since October 2016.
On StackOverflow there are three questions with similar wording, but not one substantial answer (no, using Ctrl+Space instead of Tab does not solve anything). Again, I can't add more links here.
_2) PyCharm not using to configure IPython Console:_
See the comment by JetBrains at the end of the page.

GitHub for website development

OK< I know I can use Eclipse for Java programming and such but I work using WAMP for editing PHP, XHTML, JavaScript files... what IDE is best to edit the files and use GitHub? Because I don't know want to go to localhost and then copy my files to my local GitHub repo...
Cloud9 IDE might be what you are looking for! It's an online IDE with out-of-the-box intergration with GitHub, heroku etc. and gives you the ability to share workspaces as well.
Eclipse has the egit plugin that is really nice. You can use aptana which is based around eclipse but includes all the web views. It can basically edit everything you mentioned and really well, while providing a nice wrapper for your git repos
well is not an IDE but vim with some git plugins is the best for me.
Eclipse should have some git plugins also, I think.
The best way to learn git is yo use it from command line!
Emacs + tramp + the command line ?
Update: magit is reported to support tramp
My experience: I have a distant linux server running a rails app. and private git repositories / apache (using several VirtualHosts with or without ssl). That server runs a ssh server. I use bare ssh session for command line usage (git, nominal admin.) and emacs + tramp to remotely edit the files presents on that server. I you are not rebuked by anti-eye candies tools (as for not-at-all drag'n'drop stuff), I would suggest you to give emacs a try (see EmacsW32 and nXhtml if you are under Windows). I assume you can install a ssh server on your WAMP machineā€¦ If this is the case, you could open your file from emacs just by using the following syntax (assuming you would edit the /home/renaud/.bashrc on the distant server):
With putty on windows: see that and this posts.
It works the same for directories. You shall be prompted for your password once, and then edit the file/directory as if it is just on your machine. For the git part, I have verified myself since I do the git stuff directly from a ssh terminal, but latest magit
is reported to support tramp (i.e. remote git plumbering from my understanding).
If you have never used emacs before, it will not be easy. You will have to learn emacs basics first and customize it to fit you needs. My opinion is that's worth to give it a try. I could help you with basic configuration if needed.
(I use myself emacs almost for everything on my linux box from simple text editing to Java programming.)
After some testing, magit works very well remotely (tested on linux)! A new mode added to my configuration thanks to your question!

Using emacs across many hosts

On a daily basis I:
use multiple workstations running either Linux, Windows, or MacOS X
edit files on additional Linux hosts that are not any of the workstations mentioned above
The only common element here is that the internet connects all of these hosts: workstations and servers. I can keep all of the config files in sync on my workstations too and can run an X server on all of them. What's the right way of running emacs? I don't want to sacrifice any features.
In my ideal world I can type 'emacs foo.txt' on a remote host and some magic happens via X forwarding to display the file in my workstation's existing emacs session.
tramp: when I'm manipulating a remote host an editor is just part of my workflow. I need a terminal open so I can run other commands quickly. tramp is all wrong for this.
ncurses emacs: sucks, I want the graphical kind
If you don't have a positive answer to my question, please don't just guess. Thanks.
Have you tried tramp with eshell? You can "cd /" and edit files from there, and if you type a non-built-in, it fires up a ssh pipe to run it. Quite slick.
I fail to see why tramp is not a solution. You can edit using tramp, and do whatever you need in a terminal using xterm+ssh.
Well, if you can setup X clients on your Windows and OSX boxes, you should be able to run an X version of emacs on any of those platforms and set the display back to your workstation. That would give you your nice WIMP interface.
However there are a couple of solutions to keeping a terminal open to the same box. One is to just telnet into it twice. Once for your emacs session, and once for a shell.
The other option of course is to use meta-x shell to bring up a shell buffer inside of emacs. A true emacs guru prefers to run their OS inside of emacs, rather than the other way around. :-)
The approach I use is based on source controlling the Emacs scripts and important common files (using Git). This gives me a consistent code base so I don't have to remember which host has which script or file (or version of what I'm looking for). Git is particularly well suited to supporting this mechanism and I've pretty much got in the habit of updating the master origin repo daily. Within the scripts (both Emacs and bash shell scripts) I use machine tailored code to handle local requirements. This system has been in place now for well over a year and I find it to be quite effective. This is a technique I've seen recommended for some number of years. I found it clunky with CVS and Subversion but git feels tailored for the job. That said, I like the solution you selected as a complimentary tool and look forward to adding that to the mix.