Replace-function via EclipseLink on DB2 z/OS - db2

I am migrating an application from JPA 2.0 with OpenJPA on WebSphere 8.5 to JPA 2.1 with EclipseLink on WebSphere 9.0, using DB2 12 on z/OS. Generally it is working, but one rather complex query is failing. I could localize the problem to the usage of a custom DB2-function call within a criteria-query. The call looks something like this:
criteriaBuilder.function("REPLACE", String.class, fromMyEntity.get("myField"), criteriaBuilder.literal("a"), criteriaBuilder.literal("b"));
This produces the following error (had to translate some error texts, since WebSphere localizes them, and anonymize my field/table names, so labels/names might not be 100% exact):
Error: Exception [EclipseLink-4002] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.6.3.WAS-v20160414-bd51c70): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException
Internal Exception: DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-171, SQLSTATE=42815, SQLERRMC=2;REPLACE, DRIVER=3.72.44
Errorcode: -171
bind => [abc, def, %g%]
Query: ReportQuery(referenceClass=MyEntity sql="SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM MY_TABLE WHERE REPLACE(MYFIELD, ?, ?) LIKE ?").
What really confuses me, if I take the generated query, replace the placeholders with the given bound parameters, and execute that in a database client myself, it works without error.
The documentation states, the first parameter must not be empty (, and indeed if I use an empty string either as a literal in the query or in my database client, it will produce the above error. But none of the rows in the database contain an empty value. There are checks in place to prevent this in the old environment, but they don't appear to work with the new environment, so I disabled them while searching for the problem, and made sure myself no empty values exist. I can even use the primary key as the first parameter, and it will still fail, and that can't even contain an empty/null value.
Using other functions (like TRANSLATE) works, I also tried using "SYSIBM.REPLACE" as name, and different combinations of parameters, but as soon as I use a real column to replace data in, it fails. Anybody got any ideas what I am doing wrong here?
This is my table definition:


Stored procedure in db2 with cursor return type

I am developing a stored procedure (SP) in db2 which will return some data in the form of output cursor but field lengths for different field may vary. I am facing issues as I am not able to make SP compile for this requirement. Below is the code for reference
create table employee(id bigint,first_name varchar(128),last_name varchar(128));
create table employee_designation(id bigint, emp_id bigint,
designation varchar(128));
create type empRowType as row(first_name varchar(128),last_name varchar(128),
designation varchar(128));
create type empCursorType as empRowType cursor;
create procedure emp_designation_lookup(in p_last_name varchar(128), out emp_rec empCursorType)
result sets 0
language SQL
set emp_rec = cursor for select a.first_name,a.last_name,b.designation
from employee a, employee_designation b
and a.LAST_NAME = p_last_name;
the above SP compiles and return the result as intended. However if I change the row definition as below
create type empRowType as row(first_name varchar(120),last_name varchar(128),
designation varchar(128));
On recompiling the SP, I get the following error
BMS sample -- [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/NT64] SQL0408N A value is not compatible with the
data type of its assignment target. Target name is "EMP_REC". LINE NUMBER=5. SQLSTATE=42821
The error is coming as first_name defined in cursor is not of same length in the table employee(cursor has 120 whereas table has 128)
However for my actual work, I need the return values computed based on some logic and hence the length specified in the cursor will be different from what is there in the table. Also I have some new columns in the cursor which are not related with table's column (for example determining the bonus amount or should the employee be promoted etc).
I want to know if there is indeed some solution to such scenario specifically to db2. I am new to db2 and am using version 10.5.7. I also explored multiple articles in IBM docs but not able to find the exact resolution. Any help of pointers will be of great help.
When you use a strongly typed cursor, then any assignment involving that cursor must exactly match the relevant type. Otherwise the compiler will throw an exception, which is your symptom.
Db2 SQL PL also supports weak cursors, and an SQL PL procedure output parameter type can be a weak cursor. This means that a stored procedure declaration can use ...OUT p_cur CURSOR (so there is no preassigned user defined type linked to that cursor) , and then assign that output parameter from different queries ( set p_cur = CURSOR FOR SELECT ... ) . In my case the caller is always SQL (not jdbc), but you might experiment with jdbc as IBM gives an example in the Db2-LUW v11.5 documentation.
Most people use simple result-sets (instead of returned cursors) to harvest the output from queries in stored procedures. These result-sets are consumable by all kinds of client applications (jdbc, odbc, cli) and languages that uses those interfaces (java, .net, python, php, perl, javascript, command-line/scripting etc.). So the simple result sets offer more general purpose usability that returned cursor parameters.
IBM publishes various Db2 samples in different places (on github, in the samples directory-tree of your Db2 server instance directory, in the Knowledge Center etc.).

Query insists on quoted columns

I have a local copy of Postgres running, and I'm working on a C# .Net Core 2.1 app using nHibernate as an ORM.
It's started throwing an exception: PostgresException: 42703: column this_.datasetname does not exist
When I copy the SQL and run in pgAdmin I get a similar error.
This is a short version of the SQL which gives the same error:
SELECT this_.datasetName FROM orders this_
ERROR: column this_.datasetname does not exist LINE 1: SELECT
this_.datasetName FROM orders this_
^ HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "this_.datasetName". SQL state: 42703 Character: 8
If I add quotes around the column name (but not around _this. as suggested) it works, but obviously I can't tell nHibernate to do that.
SELECT this_."datasetName" FROM orders this_
The following also works fine:
SELECT "datasetName" FROM orders
Why would it insist on adding the quotes? It never used to.
That's because this column was created with the surrounding double quotes in the first place - this makes the identifier case-sensitive, while by default it isn't. Since the identifier contains mixed case, you are stucked: the identifier needs to be quoted everywhere you use it.
If you look at the definition of the table, you will see something like:
create table orders (
"datasetName" text,
I would strongly suggest fixing your schema. Quoted identifiers add no value in general, while on the other hand they make things unnecessary complicated. Camel case does not fill well for database identifiers, snake case is better, since case is not meaningful:
create table orders (
dataset_name text,

Postgres bytea error when binding null to prepared statements

I am working with a Java application which uses JPA and a Postgres database, and I am trying to create a flexible prepared statement which can handle a variable number of input parameters. An example query would best explain this:
FROM my_table
(string_col = :param1 OR :param1 IS NULL) AND
(double_col = :param2 OR :param2 IS NULL);
The idea behind this "trick" is that if a user specifies only one parameter, say :param1, we can just bind null to :param2, and the WHERE clause would then behave as if only the first parameter were even being checked. This approach lets us handle, in theory, any number of input parameters using a single prepared statement, instead of needing to maintain many different statements.
I have gotten a simple POC working locally using pure JDBC prepared statements. However, doing so required casting the parameter before comparing it to NULL, e.g.
WHERE (double_col = ? OR ?::numeric IS NULL)
^^ does not work without cast
However, my actual application is using JPA, and I keep getting the following persistent error:
Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: operator does not exist: double precision = bytea
Hint: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts.
The problem does not occur with string/text columns, but only with columns which are double precision in my Postgres table. I have tried all combinations of casting, and nothing works:
(double_col = :param2 OR CAST(:param2 AS double precision) IS NULL);
(CAST(double_col AS double precision) = :param2 OR :param2 IS NULL);
(CAST(double_col AS double precision) = :param2 OR CAST(:param2 AS double precision) IS NULL);
The error seems to be saying that JDBC is sending Postgres a bytea type for the double columns, and then Postgres is rolling over because it can't find a way to cast byte to double precision.
The Java code looks something like:
Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sqlString, MyEntity.class);
query.setParameter("param1", "some value");
// bind other parameters here
List<MyEntity> = query.getResultList();
For reference, here are the versions of everything I am using:
Hibernate version | 4.3.7.Final
Spring data JPA vesion | 1.7.1.RELEASE
Postgres driver version | 42.2.2
Postgres database version | 9.6.10
Java version | 1.8.0_171
Not having received any feedback in the form of answers or even a comment, I was getting ready to give up, when I stumbled onto this excellent blog post:
How to bind custom Hibernate parameter types to JPA queries
The post gives two options for controlling the types which JPA passes through the driver to Postgres (or whatever the underlying database actually is). I went with the approach using TypedParameterValue. Here is what my code looks like continuing with the example given above:
Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sqlString, MyEntity.class);
query.setParameter("param1", new TypedParameterValue(StringType.INSTANCE, null));
query.setParameter("param2", new TypedParameterValue(DoubleType.INSTANCE, null));
List<MyEntity> = query.getResultList();
Of course, it is trivial to be passing null for every parameter in the query, but I am doing this mainly to show the syntax for the text and double columns. In practice, we would expect at least a few of the parameters to be non null, but the above syntax handles all values, null or otherwise.
If you want to keep using plain queries with automatic parameter binding, you could try the following.
This seems to satisfy the PostgreSQL driver's type checks as well as yielding the correct results. I haven't done much testing, but the performance hit seems minimal because the CASTs happen on a constant value rather than rows from the database.

OpenJpa how to find length of string in JPQL

I am using
length(ze.string)>2 in openJpa query. but i am getting
SQLCODE=-440, SQLSTATE=42884, SQLERRMC=CHAR_LENGTH;FUNCTION, DRIVER=3.53.95 {prepstmnt 1776269692 SELECT t0.f1, t0.f2, t0.f3, t0.f4, t0.f5, t0.f6, t0.f7, t0.f8, t0.f9, t0.f10, t0.f11, t0.f12, t0.f13, t0.f14, t0.f15, t0.f16, t0.f17 FROM table t0 WHERE (t0.f1 = ? AND CHAR_LENGTH(?) > ? AND .....
In plain query when i do length operation i am getting record but using jpa its not working. I looked Here used size it doesn't work. and the field is varchar and db2. trying from past 1 hour.
DB2 requires use of the SQL function LENGTH, yet OpenJPA seems to be incorrectly converting your JPQL to use SQL function CHAR_LENGTH (hence the error message - not that DB2 gives out clear messages saying what is wrong, who knows what SQLCODE=-440 is without having to search!!).
Raise a bug on your JPA provider.
You would need to give more details about your entity, persistence.xml, and query to get to the bottom or this. However, I do not see how OpenJPA would use CHAR_LENGTH instead of LENGTH for DB2. Let me explain. If you look at DBDictionary here:
You can see it defines something called "stringLengthFunction" as follows:
public String stringLengthFunction = "CHAR_LENGTH({0})";
This is the string length function which should be used for each individual dictionary (i.e. Database config). However, for DB2, the AbstractDB2Dictionary, see here:
overrides this as follows:
stringLengthFunction = "LENGTH({0})";
Given this, for DB2, LENGTH should be used. I took the following simple query:
"select from MyEntity me where length(>2"
And executed it on OpenJPA using DB2, and I got this:
Heath Thomann

django.db.utils.DatabaseError: ORA-12704: character set mismatch

i faced a strange issue, trying to store a list of items (of length ~30) into database via bulk_insert, i get
django.db.utils.DatabaseError: ORA-12704: character set mismatch
but inserting items one by one via save is OK, even putting a few items into bulk_insert works.
I faced the same issue recently. The sql django orm generated for bulk_create() is like this:
Insert into table_name (column_name1, column_name2) select a1,a2 from dual union all select a3, a4 from dual.
Djano orm will convert all values into unicode before executing the statement. In cx_Oralce, None will be treated as VARCHAR2, unicode will be treated as NVARCHAR2, so if we will have ORA-12704 if a1 is None and a2 is not None.
If we insert the items one by one, Django orm will use another sql so we won't have this problem.