save dropped duplicates in pyspark RDD - pyspark

From here, Removing duplicates from rows based on specific columns in an RDD/Spark DataFrame, we learned how to drop duplicated observations based on some specific variables. What if I want to save those duplicate observations in form of RDD, how shall I do? I guess rdd.substract() may be not efficient if RDD contains billions of observations. So besides using rdd.substract(), is there any other way I can use?

If you need both the datasets, one having only the distinct values and the other having the duplicates, you should use subtract. That will provide an accurate result. In case you need only the duplicates, you can use sql to get that.
df2 = spark.sql("select *,row_number() over(partition by <<list of columns used to identify duplicates>> order by <<any column/s not used to identify duplicates>>) as row_num from mydf having row_num>1").drop('row_num')


`set_sorted` when a dataframe is sorted on multiple columns

I have some panel data in polars. The dataframe is sorted by its id column and then its date column (basically it's a bunch of time series concatenated together).
I've seen that polars has a .set_sorted method for working with expressions. I can of course set pl.col("id").set_sorted() but I want it to be aware that it's actually sorted in both id and date columns. In pandas I know the Index has an .is_monotonic_increasing property that is aware of whether all the columns of the Index are sorted but is there a way to do something similar with polars?
Have you tried
to see if they're each already known to be sorted?
For instance if I do:
df=pl.DataFrame({'a':[1,1,2,2], 'b':[1,2,3,4]})
Then I get 2 Trues even though I haven't ever told it that the columns are sorted.
In general, I don't think you want to be manually setting columns as sorted. Just sort them and it'll keep track of the fact that they're sorted.
If you do:
df=pl.DataFrame({'a':[1,2,1,2], 'b':[1,3,2,4]})
then you get False twice, as you'd hope. If you then do df=df.sort(['a','b']) and follow it up by checking the sortedness of a and b again then you see that it knows they're sorted

Does `pl.concat([lazyframe1, lazyframe2])` strictly preserve the order of the input dataframes?

Suppose I create a polars Lazyframe from a list of csv files using pl.concat():
df = pl.concat([pl.scan_csv(file) for file in ['file1.csv', 'file2.csv']])
Is the data in the resulting dataframe guaranteed to have the exact order of the input files, or could there be a scenario where the query optimizer would mix things up?
The order is maintained. The engine may execute them in a different order, but the final result will always have the same order as the lazy computations provided by the caller.

Polars: return dataframe with all unique values of N columns

I have a dataframe that has many rows per combination of the 'PROGRAM', 'VERSION' and 'RELEASE_DATE' columns. I want to get a dataframe with all of the combinations of just those three columns. Would this be a job for groupby or distinct?
Since you are not aggregating anything, use unique['PROGRAM','VERSION','RELEASE_DATE']).unique()
If you are not using the Lazy functionality of Polars, this can also be written as:

Spark: group only part of the rows in a DataFrame

From a given DataFrame, I'dl like to group only few rows together, and keep the other rows in the same dataframe.
My current solution is:
val aggregated = mydf.filter(col("check").equalTo("do_aggregate")).groupBy(...).agg()
val finalDF = aggregated.unionByName(mydf.filter(col("check").notEqual("do_aggregate")))
However I'd like to find a more eleguant and performant way.
Use a derived column to group by, depending on the check.
mydf.groupBy(when(col("check").equalTo("do_aggregate"), ...).otherwise(monotonically_increasing_id)).agg(...)
If you have a unique key in the dataframe, use that instead of monotonically_increasing_id.

How to pass a group of RelationalGroupedDataset to a function?

I am reading a csv as a Data Frame by below:
val df ="com.databricks.spark.csv").option("header", "true").load("D:/ModelData.csv")
Then I group by three columns as below which returns a RelationalGroupedDataset
df.groupBy("col1", "col2","col3")
And I want each grouped data frame to be send through the below function
def ModelFunction(daf: DataFrame) = {
//do some calculation
For example if I have col1 having 2 unique (0,1) values and col2 having 2 unique values(1,2) and col3 having 3 unique values(1,2,3) Then i would like to pass each combination grouping to the Model function Like for col1=0 ,col2=1,col3=1 I will havea dataframe and I want to pass that to the ModelFunction and so on for each combination of the three columns.
I tried
df.groupBy("col1", "col2","col3").ModelFunction();
But it throw an error.
Any help is appreciated.
The short answer is that you cannot do that. You can only do aggregate functions on RelationalGroupedDataset (either ones you write as UDAF or built in ones in org.apache.spark.sql.functions)
The way I see it you have several options:
Option 1: The amount of data for each unique combination is small enough and not skewed too much compared to other combinations.
In this case you can do:
val grouped = df.groupBy("col1", "col2","col3").agg(collect_list(struct(all other columns)))[some case class to represent the data including the combination].map[your own logistic regression function).
Option 2: If the total number of combinations is small enough you can do:
val values:"col1", "col2", "col3").distinct().collect()
and then loop through them creating a new dataframe from each combination by doing a filter.
Option 3: Write your own UDAF
This would probably not be good enough as the data comes in a stream without the ability to do iteration, however, if you have an implemenation of logistic regression which matches you can try to write a UDAF to do this. See for example: How to define and use a User-Defined Aggregate Function in Spark SQL?