make a custom error message and prevent duplicate mail id from inserting in db - codeigniter-3

I have checked email unique in codeigniter. In else past I diplayed error. But the system error is not convenient. how to customise error...
i have tried giveng javascript alert instead of that error message... but after that alert the data are storing in database.. Actually the data should not store in database if the email is not unique..
public function add_applicants() {
// $field_name=$this->input->post('photo');
$data = $this->input->post();
$mobile = $this->db->get_where('applicants',array('mobile_number'=>$this->input->post('mobile_number')));
throw new Exception("Mobile Number Already Registered");
$email = $this->db->get_where('applicants',array('email_id'=>$this->input->post('email_id')));
throw new Exception("Email_id Already Registered");
$school_id= $this->input->post('school_code');
$name_of_exam= $this->input->post('name_of_exam');
$name= $this->input->post('name_candiadte');
case '1':
case '2':
$school_code = $this->Welcome_Model->getschoolData($school_id);
if (isset($_FILES['photo']) == 1) {
$config['upload_path'] = FCPATH . 'uploads/'. $school_code->name_of_the_school.'/'. $exam ;
$this->upload_path = $config['upload_path'];
if ($this->validate_upload_path() == TRUE) {
$config['upload_path'] = $this->upload_path;
// print_r($this->upload_path) ;
// die();
$config['allowed_types'] = 'jpg';
$config['max_size'] = 2000;
$config['remove_spaces'] = TRUE;
$config['overwrite'] = true;
$config['file_name'] = $name.'-'.date('Ymdhis') . '.jpg';
$file_name = $config['file_name'];
$this->load->library('upload', $config);
if (!$this->upload->do_upload('photo')) {
$data['photo'] = $file_name;
$insetapplicants = $this->Welcome_Model->insertApplicants($data);
if ($insetapplicants == 'Success') {
echo "<script>
alert('New Applicants Added Successfully');
// window.location.href='dashboard';


MYSQLI UPDATE not working but no errors on log or shown on screen

i have a little problem and i have no clue on how to solve it, i´ve tried everything i could and i have no idea where the problem is, the thing is that after the ipn listener insert the transaction data into the ipn_data_tbl, i want to update the record with the same value as $custom, but is not working, is the only thing i need, everything else but this is working as expected, this is my code:
$tokens = explode("\r\n\r\n", trim($res));
$res = trim(end($tokens));
if (strcmp($res, "VERIFIED") == 0 || strcasecmp($res, "VERIFIED") == 0) {
//Payment data
$item_name = $_POST['item_name'];
$txn_id = $_POST['txn_id'];
$payment_gross = $_POST['mc_gross'];
$currency_code = $_POST['mc_currency'];
$payment_status = $_POST['payment_status'];
$create_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$payment_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$payer_email = $_POST['payer_email'];
$txn_type = $_POST['txn_type'];
$custom = $_POST['custom'];
//Check if payment data exists with the same TXN ID.
$prevPayment = $con->query("SELECT UID FROM ipn_data_tbl WHERE txn_id = '".$txn_id."'");
if($prevPayment->num_rows > 0){
//Insert tansaction data into the database
$insert = $con->query("INSERT INTO ipn_data_tbl(item_name,txn_id,amount,currency,payment_status,create_date,payment_date,payer_email,txn_type,UID) VALUES('".$item_name."','".$txn_id."','".$payment_gross."','".$currency_code."','".$payment_status."','".$create_date."', '".$payment_date."','".$payer_email."','".$txn_type."','".$custom."')");
if ($con->query($insert) === TRUE) {
echo $update = $con->query("UPDATE `transportation` SET `paypal_status`='$payment_status' WHERE `id`='$custom'");
else {
$delete = $con->query("DELETE FROM transportation WHERE txn_id = '".$txn_id."'");
I'm sorry, the only thing i had to change was this:
if ($con->query($insert) === TRUE) {
echo $update = $con->query("UPDATE `transportation` SET `paypal_status`='$payment_status' WHERE `id`='$custom'");
else {
$delete = $con->query("DELETE FROM transportation WHERE txn_id = '".$txn_id."'");
to this
if ($insert) === TRUE) {
echo $update = $con->query("UPDATE `transportation` SET `paypal_status`='$payment_status' WHERE `id`='$custom'");
else {
$delete = $con->query("DELETE FROM transportation WHERE txn_id = '".$txn_id."'");

Login Page Hash issue UPDATE

I am having a issue with my login page reading a function to login
on my register page which I'm proud to say works perfect
this is my password hash code
$password = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_BCRYPT);
my login page has 2 fields
email &
I have re cleaned my code and solved the issue some what
functions are working
when I enter email and password it triggers
Warning! Email or Password Incorrect
plus an error at the top
Notice: Undefined index: password in C:\Program Files (x86)\Zend\Apache2\htdocs\CMS\functions\functions.php on line 249
this is line 249
$db_password = $row['password'];
/* Validate Login */
function validate_login()
$errors = [];
$email = clean($_POST['email']);
$password = clean($_POST['password']);
if (empty($email)) {
$errors[] = "Email Required";
if (empty($password)) {
$errors[] = "Password Required";
if (! empty($errors)) {
foreach ($errors as $error) {
echo validation_errors($error);
} else {
if (login_user($email, $password)) {
} else {
echo validation_errors("Email or Password Incorrect");
} // End Function
/* User Login */
function login_user($email, $password)
$sql = "SELECT user_pwd, uid FROM userss WHERE user_email = '" . escape($email) . "'";
$result = query($sql);
if (row_count($result) == 1) {
$row = fetch_array($result);
$db_password = $row['password'];
if (hash_algos($password) == $db_password) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
}// End Function
It looks like you are missing a closing bracket for your validate_login() function so it is defining the login_user() function only after the first function is called. Therefore as you progress through your validate_login() function you call the login_user() function before it is created since it is created after the if statement completes.
OK I just figured out the issue
if (hash_algos($password) == $db_password) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
changed it to this
if(password_verify($password, $db_password)){
return true;
} else {
return false;

EnvelopeID Changed after correction?

I have 2 signature document and the first signer already signed. The document is still in process. So I went to correct the second signer. I realised the envelopeID changed after the correction.
What will it happen to the old envelope? Voided?
function getDocuments($pdfbytes) {
$documents = array();
$id = 1;
$d = new Document();
$d->PDFBytes = $pdfbytes;
$d->Name = "Demo Document";
$d->ID = $id++;;
$d->FileExtension = "pdf";
array_push($documents, $d);
return $documents;
function buildEnvelope($pdfbytes) {
$envelope = new Envelope();
$envelope->Subject = $_SESSION["Taskmaster"];
$envelope->EmailBlurb = "Please Sign by logining ";
$envelope->AccountId = $_SESSION["AccountID"];
$envelope->Recipients = constructRecipients();
$envelope->Tabs = addTabs(count($envelope->Recipients));
$envelope = processOptions($envelope);
$envelope->Documents = getDocuments($pdfbytes);
return $envelope;
function constructRecipients() {
$recipients = array();
$r = new Recipient();
$r->UserName =$_SESSION["Secretaryname"];
$r->Email = $_SESSION["Secretaryemail"];
$r->RequireIDLookup = false;
$r->ID = 1;
$r->Type = RecipientTypeCode::Signer;
$r->RoutingOrder = "2";
// if(!isset($_POST['RecipientInviteToggle'][$i])){
$r->CaptiveInfo = new RecipientCaptiveInfo();
$r->CaptiveInfo->ClientUserId = 2;
// }
array_push($recipients, $r);
$_SESSION["errorMessage"] = "You must include at least 1 Recipient";
//header("Location: error.php");
return $recipients;
function sendNow($envelope) {
$api = getAPI();
$csParams = new CreateAndSendEnvelope();
$csParams->Envelope = $envelope;
try {
$status = $api->CreateAndSendEnvelope($csParams)->CreateAndSendEnvelopeResult;
//echo "Result for Create and Send <br>";
if ($status->Status == EnvelopeStatusCode::Sent) {
$correct = new Correction;
$correct->EnvelopeID = $status->EnvelopeID;
$correct->RecipientCorrections = addRecipientCorrection();
$correctparams = new CorrectAndResendEnvelope();
$correctparams->Correction = $correct;
$response = $api->CorrectAndResendEnvelope($correctparams);
header("Location: getstatusanddocs.php?envelopid=" . $status->EnvelopeID .
"&accountID=" . $envelope->AccountId . "&source=Document");
} catch (SoapFault $e) {
$_SESSION["errorMessage"] = $e;
header("Location: error.php");
function addRecipientCorrection(){
$correction = new RecipientCorrection();
$correction->PreviousUserName = "xxxxxx";
$correction->PreviousEmail = "xxxxxxx";
$correction->PreviousSignerName = $correction->PreviousUserName;
$correction->PreviousRoutingOrder = "2";
$correction->CorrectedUserName = $_SESSION["Secretaryname"];
$correction->CorrectedEmail = $_SESSION["Secretaryemail"];
$correction->CorrectedSignerName = $correction->CorrectedUserName;
return $correction;
// Main
$api = getAPI();
$RequestPDFParam = new RequestPDF();
$RequestPDFParam->EnvelopeID = $_SESSION["EnvelopeID"];
$result = $api->RequestPDF($RequestPDFParam);
$envPDF = $result->RequestPDFResult;
//file_put_contents("./Cert/".$_SESSION["EnvelopeID"].".pdf", $envPDF->PDFBytes);
//echo "Stop here";
$envelope = buildEnvelope($envPDF->PDFBytes);
echo "You have no power";
EnvelopeId does not change after correction. The envelopeID never changes. New envelopes can be created, but the original GUID that was used will keep living in the system.

How to get my zend script picture filename into a hidden field

OK, I am stumped here. I'm using a Zend script that helps me to upload pictures. It works great, but I am trying to capture the pictures name into a hidden field for a form. I'd like to note that the name changes, so I'd need to get whichever it ends up being put into the hidden field. Here is the Zend script:
if (isset($_POST['upload'])) {
try {
$destination = 'xxxxxxxx';
$uploader = new Zend_File_Transfer_Adapter_Http();
$filename = $uploader->getFileName(NULL, FALSE);
$uploader->addValidator('Size', FALSE, '90kB');
$uploader->addValidator('ImageSize', FALSE, array('minheight' => 100, 'minwidth' => 100));
if (!$uploader->isValid()) {
$messages = $uploader->getMessages();
} else {
$no_spaces = str_replace(' ', '_', $filename, $renamed);
$uploader->addValidator('Extension', FALSE, 'gif, png, jpg');
$recognized = FALSE;
if ($uploader->isValid()) {
$recognized = TRUE;
} else {
$mime = $uploader->getMimeType();
$acceptable = array('jpg' => 'image/jpeg',
'png' => 'image/png',
'gif' => 'image/gif');
$key = array_search($mime, $acceptable);
if (!$key) {
$messages[] = 'Unrecognized image type';
} else {
$no_spaces = "$no_spaces.$key";
$recognized = TRUE;
$renamed = TRUE;
if ($recognized) {
$existing = scandir($destination);
if (in_array($no_spaces, $existing)) {
$dot = strrpos($no_spaces, '.');
$base = substr($no_spaces, 0, $dot);
$extension = substr($no_spaces, $dot);
$i = 1;
do {
$no_spaces = $base . '_' . $i++ . $extension;
} while (in_array($no_spaces, $existing));
$renamed = TRUE;
$uploader->addFilter('Rename', array('target' => $no_spaces));
$success = $uploader->receive();
if (!$success) {
$messages = $uploader->getMessages();
} else {
$uploaded = "$filename uploaded successfully";
$pic = $filename;
if ($renamed) {
$uploaded .= " and renamed $no_spaces";
$messages[] = "$uploaded";
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
Here I am trying to make the $pic variable not to throw an error for now (on the form page)
if (isset($_POST['upload'])) { } else { $pic = "unknown";}
The $pic variable is what I was trying to have the filename from the zend script copied into. Any feedback is greaaaatly appreciated :)

Zend Gdata Calendar Event Update Not Sending Email Notification

Although the following code snippet does successfully add additional guests to a google calendar event, it is not sending them email notifications of the event. Can someone tell me if it's possible to also send an email to the new guests?
$service = Zend_Gdata_Calendar::AUTH_SERVICE_NAME; // predefined service name for calendar
$client = Zend_Gdata_ClientLogin::getHttpClient($user, $pass, $service);
function sendInvite($eventId, $email)
$gdataCal = new Zend_Gdata_Calendar($client);
if($eventOld = $this->getEvent($eventId))
$who = $gdataCal->newwho();
$eventOld->setWho(array_merge(array($who), $eventOld->getWho()));
} catch(Zend_Gdata_App_Exception $e)
return false;
return true;
} else
return false;
function getEvent($eventId)
$gdataCal = new Zend_Gdata_Calendar($client);
$query = $gdataCal->newEventQuery();
$eventEntry = $gdataCal->getCalendarEventEntry($query);
return $eventEntry;
} catch(Zend_Gdata_App_Exception $e)
return null;
Finally figured it out.
public function sendInvite($eventId, $email)
$gdataCal = new Zend_Gdata_Calendar($this->client);
if($eventOld = $this->getEvent($eventId))
$SendEventNotifications = new Zend_Gdata_Calendar_Extension_SendEventNotifications();
$eventOld->SendEventNotifications = $SendEventNotifications;
$who = $gdataCal->newwho();
$eventOld->setWho(array_merge(array($who), $eventOld->getWho()));
} catch(Zend_Gdata_App_Exception $e)
return false;
return true;
} else
return false;