How to get rid of extra Postgres databases shown in pgAmin? - postgresql

I am having a Postgres database deployed. When I connect to it using pgAdmin I see so many databases that I don't have access to and I haven't created at all.
The picture shows some of them. My actual database is one of them.
What are these database and why are they here? How can get rid of them? Can I just delete them without any problem?

If this is your database, then you better know what databases you have and why you have them.
One possibility is that you have lost control of your database, probably to cryptomining hackers (they do create databases with gibberish names).
You can delete the extra's, but the hackers will just keep on getting back in if you don't fix the underlying problem. You need to give good passwords to all your superuser accounts (and all non-superuser accounts too), block access to your database to all but white-listed hosts in pg_hba.conf, maybe block super-user access from all but localhost, as well as blocking access to 5432 on your firewall to all but trusted hosts. Any one of these might be sufficient, but you will be better off to do all 4 of these things.

I faced the same issue using Heroku Postgres addon...
The solution was setting DB Restriction in Advanced options.
Setting your database there you will only see your DB and not the other.


How to ensure data security even if postgres data can be accessed

I am installing postgres along side a intranet application. The data folder of postgres can be accessed by the user. I have seen here how one can reset the postgres user password and thus compromising data security.
Am I correct in understanding pg_hba.conf is data specific?
Is it possible to lock down modifications to pg_hba.conf or hard code the configuration somewhere so that one cant follow the steps described to the question linked above?

Can someone explain how Postgresql roles, Postgresql users and Linux users relate to each other?

I am trying to setup Postgres 9.3 on an Ubuntu 14 server, and I'm feeling pretty demoralised at this point. I've previously used MySQL, so I'm happy with general database concepts, as well as client/server models etc.
I start with two users - 'root' and 'sam' (me). As 'sam' I install postgresql using apt-get. This also creates a third user called 'postgres'.
I'm told that to use postgres you must be logged in as the postgres user, so I switch to that account. Apparently this comes with a postgres admin role (I think I'm fine with the concept of roles per se), and apparently all roles have an associated database of the same name (?). So now I have a Linux account called postgres, a role called postgres, and a database called postgres? This all seems needless but I'm assuming it's useful for reasons I don't know about (not meant sarcastically - this is usually the case when things seem overly complicated at first).
So, to create a database, do I login to the server as postgres, start postgres by typing 'psql' (which doesn't ask for a password - why doesn't the postgres account have a password?) and proceed from there? Or should I create a new role? Does that role need its own Linux user? Should the role be the same name as the database I want to create?
I appreciate this is a bit of a jumble, but my confusion is such that I'm not even sure I understand the fundamentals here. I miss MySQL.
I've been mainly using the DigitalOcean tutorial for this - which are usually very good - but it didn't really make any of this clear. I also read the postgres docs (specifically the installation and users/roles sections) which didn't help, and the google results for this are even less helpful.
This is my last hope before I go back to the safety blanket of MySQL. Any suggestions for making this click?
OS usernames and Postgres DB usernames are not related; they live in seperate universes.
one exception: if you connect from the same machine via the unix-domain socket, and you don't explicitely specify a username, your OS name is assumed to be your DB-username, too. (which in most cases is not correct)
second exception: the "postgres" username is used both as an OS-username (owner of the files, uid of the running processes) and as the DBMS superuser.
Note: "root" is a bad name for a DB-user.

Running Heroku Postgres with least privilege

Can I connect to a Heroku Postgres database via an web/application without the risk of dropping a table?
I'm building a Heroku application for a third party which uses Heroku Postgres for the backend. The third party are very security sensitive so I'm looking at applying "Layered security" throughout the application. So for example checking for SQL injection attacks at the web/application layer. Applying a "Layered security" approach I should also secure the database in case a potential SQL injection attack is missed, which might drop a database table.
In other systems I have built there would be a minimum of two users in the database. Firstly the database administrator who creates/drops tables, index, triggers, etc and the application user who would run with less privileges than the database administrator who could only insert and update records for example.
Within the Heroku Postgres setup there doesn't appear to be a way to create another user with less privileges (without the “drop table” option). So the application must connect with the default Heroku Postgres user and therefore the risk of a “drop table” might exist.
I'm running the Heroku Postgres Crane add-on.
Has anyone come up against this or got any creative work arounds for this scenario?
With Heroku Postgres you do only have a single account to connect with. One option that does exist for this type of functionality is to create a follower on Heroku Postgres. A follower is asynchronously kept up to date (usually only a second or so behind) and is read only. This would allow you to grant access to the follower to those that need it while not providing them with the details for the leader db.

How can I disable a superuser in postgres

On a server I have two databases ( say db1 and db2 ). I have a superuser called user1.
My requirement is to disable user1(super user) for database db1.
So that using user1 I can only connect to db2 and not to db1.
How can this be done.
Note : postgres version is 8.0 and both the databases are on same database cluster.
Remove their superuser rights entirely. Make them the owner of db2 (ALTER DATABASE db2 OWNER TO whatever_user), so they can do anything to db2 except limited superuser-only operations like loading C extensions.
You cannot restrict superusers. That's the point. Superuser-only operations are ones that break through the usual access control rules. For example, loading a user-defined C function allows you to write and load a function that opens pg_hba.conf and rewrites it, or just manipulates the system catalogs directly. Similarly, the adminpack functions let you do direct file system access, so they're superuser-only.
If they're a superuser, they can just read pg_hba.conf, see that your user ID has the right to log in to db1, then change your password then log in as you.
Asking to limit a superuser to one DB is like asking if you can make a user root, but only for one subdirectory. (OK, so with SELinux you can kind-of do that, but it's complicated).
If you truly must do this, the only way to do it is to split db1 and db2 into different PostgreSQL servers running under different unpriveleged system user IDs. Each has its own separate shared_buffers, data directory, listening (ip-address, port) combo, WAL, user IDs, database lists, etc. Since they're running under different system users they don't have the right to read or write each others' data directories, so they are isolated. They must listen on different ports and/or different IP addresses, though you can use PgBouncer to make them appear to be the same server to external clients.

MAMP, One computer, two users, shared database

Two developers often share the same system, and both have local copies of the project and try to connect to a local database. Both users can see the database, but tables and their data are only visible to the database's original author.
We've tried giving all permissions to both users, but it seems the only thing that works is to duplicate the database.
Is there a way around this?
Thanks in advance!
You would probably be better off hosting a separate MySQL instance on it's own machine, and then configure your code to connect to that database instead of the MAMP-hosted one. That being said, you will need to open the port on the firewall of the MAMP(0) for the MAMP-MySQL (usually port 8889). Then, the script on the MAMP(1) needs to be configured to connect to MAMP(0) database on the newly opened port.
You will also need to GRANT privileges for user(1) on the MAMP-host(0) database.
A connect string from MAMP(1) would look like:
$db_url = 'mysqli://user:password#mamp0.local:8889/es_forms_drupal';
Hopefully that makes some sense.