PowerShell Out-File - powershell

I am fairly new to PowerShell scripting. I have created a very simple script that pipes a couple of commands and displays on screen with different colors for different results.
I want to take the on screen data and put all of it into a txt file, which eventually I'll use for Zabbix alerts.
The script executes and creates the txt file, yet the txt file is empty.
Any assistance would be great!
Get-MailboxServer | Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus | ForEach {
if ($_.Status.ToString() -notmatch "Mounted" -or $_.ContentIndexState.ToString() -notmatch "Healthy") {
Write-Host "$($_.Name) - $($_.Status) - $($_.ContentIndexState) - OK" -ForegroundColor Green
} else {
Write-Host "$($_.Name) - $($_.Status) - $($_.ContentIndexState) - FAILED" -ForegroundColor Red
} | Set-Content | Out-File c:\scripts\exchangedb.log

General rule is that write-host, writes only to the host (PowerShell console) and cannot be sent to any other output!
If you would like to create an output and store it into a file, you may use write-output cmdlet ... option one.
Or Option 2: Use two operations: 1. Write-Host and then 2. output to file ..
Also another hint, no need to use match in this case.
You may try to use -eq (equal) or -ne (not equal), if you are looking for equality. Note: Those operators do not understand wildcards!
If you would like to use wildcards, then you may check: -like and -notlike.
And finally, there is -match, or -notmatch, which understands also Regular Expressions.
It is not wrong, but a bit of overhead.
You may check more, about comparison operators here:
And as you are new to PowerShell, also check any about_ section in PowerShell (or online). In PowerShell console run: get-help about_ and you will see a huge lists of conceptual topics which are reaaly well written with a great examples. Same could be found online.
Note: You may need to run update-help first to geth the full list (About 140+ topics).
And just to mention: Your script logic looks quite fine for a newbie, so keep it up! ;)
Hope it helps!
Best regards,


PowerShell $_ syntax

In this answer the author proposed the following snippet:
dir -Path C:\FolderName -Filter *.fileExtension -Recurse | %{$_.FullName}
I can understand the majority of it, but I'm unable to search documentation for the last part. The output of the search is piped | and used in %{} and as $_.
I have experimented around it, %{} is a for-each statement I believe, bing search was not effective. $_ is also somewhat magic: it is a variable, with no name and thus immediately consumed? I don't care much for the .FullName, that part I sorted out. Again, bing search was not effective, nor searching for those char sequences in PowerShell docs.
Can anybody explain it to me?
%{} is not "a thing" - it's two things: % and {}
% is an alias for the ForEach-Object cmdlet:
PS ~> Get-Alias '%'
CommandType Name Version Source
----------- ---- ------- ------
Alias % -> ForEach-Object
... so it resolves to:
... |ForEach-Object { $_.FullName }
ForEach-Object is basically PowerShell's map function - it takes input via the pipeline and applies the operation described in the {} block to each one of them.
$_ is an automatic reference to the current pipeline input item being processed
You can think of it a bit like a foreach($thing in $collection){} loop:
1..10 |ForEach-Object { $_ * 10 }
# produces the same output as
foreach($n in 1..10){
$n * 10
Except we can now stick our loop in the middle of a pipeline and have it produce output for immediate consumption:
1..10 |ForEach-Object { $_ * 10 } |Do-SomethingElse
ForEach-Object is not the only thing that makes use of the $_ automatic variable in PowerShell - it's also used for pipeline-binding expressions:
mkdir NewDirectory |cd -Path { $_.FullName }
... as well as property expressions, a type of dynamic property definition supported by a number of cmdlets like Sort-Object:
1..10 |Sort-Object { -$_ } # sort in descending order without specifying -Descending
... Group-Object:
1..10 |Group-Object { $_ % 3 } # group terms by modulo congruence
... and Select-Object:
1..10 |Select-Object #{Name='TimesTen';Expression={$_ * 10}} # Create synthetic properties based on dynamic value calculation over input
To complement Mathias' answer, which explains the specific constructs well, with how you could / couldn't have discovered this information yourself, using PowerShell's own help system:
Relevant help topics and use of the help system:
Note: To get an overview of all aspects of PowerShell's help system, simply run help.
% is a built-in alias for the ForEach-Object cmdlet:
Use Get-Help ForEach-Object to view the help topic in the terminal.
If no local topics are found, you must download them via the Update-Help cmdlet.
Add the -Online switch to open the (potentially more current) online version of the topic in your browser.
You can bootstrap your use of Get-Help with Get-Help Get-Help (or even help help):
Cmdlet-specific help comes in detail levels: terse (default, shows the syntax and overview description only), -Detailed (includes parameter descriptions and example commands) and -Full (additionally includes technical parameter information and extended notes).
-Examples can be used to show example commands only.
With keyword-based search (see below), you can limit results to topics of a certain category with the -Category parameter.
For convenience, you can also use the built-in help function, which wraps Get-Help calls with display paging (simply put: by piping the output to the more utility) and defaults to detail level -Full.
{...} is a script block literal, a block of arbitrary PowerShell code that can be invoked on demand:
help about_Script_Blocks shows the topic locally; the about_ prefix indicates that the topic is a conceptual help topic (rather than one covering a specific command); when you use Get-Help to search for a keyword (see below), you can (somewhat obscurely) limit the results to conceptual topics with -Category HelpFile.
Note: As of this writing, about_ topics can not yet be directly viewed online by adding -Online - see GitHub issue #13550 - but it's easy to google them by name.
$_ is a variable, as the $ sigil followed by an identifier implies, and is more specifically an automatic (built-in) variable:
help about_Variables covers variables in general.
help about_Automatic_Variables covers the automatic ones.
How the above can / cannot be discovered based on symbols and aliases alone:
Doing a web search for symbols is notoriously unhelpful.
As an aside: Running distinct syntax constructs such as % and { ... } together without whitespace between them (e.g. %{$_.FullName}) constitutes an additional barrier, and should therefore be avoided.
Narrowing your search by using only PowerShell's help system helps, but only to a limited degree:
Because Get-Help is aware of aliases, help % actually works fine and directly shows ForEach-Object's help topic.
help % -Examples shows example commands that include the use of script blocks and the automatic $_ variable.
Even though Get-Help supports keyword-based search, searching for symbol-based terms {} and $_ directly isn't helpful, because even when limiting the search to conceptual (about_-prefixed topics) with -Category HelpFile, there are either too many hits (help '$_' -Category HelpFile) or the relevant topic doesn't show at all (help '{}' -Category HelpFile)
$_ can be discovered indirectly, IF you already know that it is an instance of a variable:
help variables -Category HelpFile happens to take you directly to the relevant (local) about_Automatic_Variables topic,
whereas help variable -Category HelpFile lists the following matching topics about_Variable_Provider, ``, about_Automatic_Variables, about_Preference_Variables, about_Remote_Variables, about_Variables, and about_Environment_Variables
Note: Thanks to PowerShell's pervasive support for wildcard expressions, you could have performed the search also as follows: help about*variable* - be sure to enclose both sides of the search term in *.
$_ can be discovered indirectly, IF you already know that it is an instance of a script (code) block:
help about_*block* takes you directly to the relevant (local) about_Script_Blocks topic.
Potential future improvements:
It would be a great improvement if PowerShell's help system supported focused symbol-based searches.
Similarly, the ability to directly look up operators, such as -match, the regular-expression matching operator, would be helpful:
GitHub issue #11339 proposes just that.
On a related note, GitHub issue #11338 proposes adding the ability to look up documentation for .NET types (online).
This answer contains custom functions Show-OperatorHelp and Show-TypeHelp, which fill that gap for now (also available as Gists).

PowerShell Log Function Readability

Currently my log function spits out the information in a single column and is hard to read. Is there a way to make it split up into different columns which each (DisplayName, PoolName, PoolSnapshot, and DesktopSVIVmSnapshot) and its respective information is put correctly?
function log ([string]$entry) {
Write-Output $entry | Out-File -Append "C:\logs\SNAPSHOT.csv"
Add-PSSnapin Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement
$date = Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy"
$time = Get-Date -Format "hh:mm:sstt"
# begin log
log $(Get-Date)
log "The below Desktops are not using the correct Snapshot."
if (#($DesktopExceptions).Count -lt 1) {
Write-Output "All desktops in $pool are currently using the correct snapshots." |
Out-File -Append "C:\logs\SNAPSHOT.csv"
} else {
Write-Output $DesktopExceptions |
Select-Object DisplayName,PoolName,PoolSnapshot,DesktopSVIVmSnapshot |
sort DisplayName |
Out-File -Append "C:\logs\SNAPSHOT.csv"
log $(Get-Date)
09/11/2017 12:16:17
DisplayName PoolName PoolSnapshot DesktopSVIVmSnapshot
----------- -------- ------------ --------------------
xxxc-13v xxxc-xxx /8-11-2017/09-07-2017 /8-11-2017
xxxc-15v xxxc-xxx /8-11-2017/09-07-2017 /8-11-2017
xxxc-1v xxxc-xxx /8-11-2017/09-07-2017 /8-11-2017
xxxc-20v xxxc-xxx /8-11-2017/09-07-2017 /8-11-2017
Note: I removed parts of the log for in the hopes to not make the post long.
CSV files require uniform lines: a header line with column names, followed by data lines containing column values.
By writing the output from Get-Date first - a single date/time string - followed by another single-string output, followed by multi-column output from your $DesktopExceptions | Select-Object ... call, you're by definition not creating a valid CSV file.
If you still want to create such a file:
log (Get-Date) # With a single command, you don't need $(...) - (...) will do.
log "The below Desktops are not using the correct Snapshot."
If ($DesktopExceptions) # a non-empty array / non-$null object
log ($DesktopExceptions |
Select-Object DisplayName,PoolName,PoolSnapshot,DesktopSVIVmSnapshot |
Sort-Object DisplayName |
ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation)
log "All desktops in $pool are currently using the correct snapshots."
log (Get-Date)
By defining your log() function's parameter as type [string], you're effectively forcing stringification of whatever object you pass to it. This stringification is the same you get when you embed a variable reference or command inside "..." (string expansion / interpolation) - but it is not the same as what you get by default, when you print to the console.
Out-File, by contrast, does result in the same output you get when printing to the console, which, however, is a format for human consumption, not for machine parsing (as CSV is, for instance).
To get CSV-formatted output, you must either use Export-Csv - to write directly to a file - or ConvertTo-Csv- to get a string representation.
Also note that there's typically no reason to use Write-Output explicitly - any command / expression's output that is not explicitly assigned to a variable / redirected (to a file or $null) is implicitly sent to PowerShell's [success] output stream; e.g., Write-Output Get-Date is the same as just Get-Date.
It looks like you're just writing an object, and taking the default PowerShell formatter behavior.
A better thing to do is make your log only responsible for one thing - writing messages to a file (no formatting). Here's an example of what you might try:
function Write-LogMessage {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "The text-content to write to the log file.",
ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
Process {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green $Text
Set-Alias log Write-LogMessage
Note: This example writes directly to the PowerShell console, but you would in practice need to direct output to a file (using Out-File or one of the redirection operators - see Get-Help about_Operators).
To use it, you would write something like this:
"This is a message that would be written" | Write-LogMessage
For your specific example, you could just format the message inline, and pipe it:
Write-Output $DesktopExceptions | Select-Object DisplayName,PoolName,PoolSnapshot,DesktopSVIVmSnapshot | sort DisplayName | ForEach-Object { "{0}: Host = {1}, Pool = {2}, Pool SN = {3}, SVIV Snapshot = {4}" -f (Get-Date), $_.DisplayName, $_.PoolName, $_.PoolSnapshot, $_.DesktopSVIVmSnapshot } | log
Note that you don't need the log statement: just add formatting before piping to the Out-File cmdlet, and you'll get what you're after.
Edit: The OP asked in the original post how to format columns (tabular output). To achieve this, you can use either the ConvertTo-Csv or Export-Csv cmdlets (generally, you would use the -NoTypeInformation switch parameter with these commands, to avoid the first line of the output being a type definition). An example of this is:
$DesktopExceptions | Select-Object DisplayName,PoolName,PoolSnapshot,DesktopSVIVmSnapshot | sort DisplayName | Export-Csv C:\Temp\Datum.csv -NoTypeInformation
As pointed out in another answer, using Write-Output is not required, because PowerShell automatically writes all output to the output stream unless otherwise directed (using file redirection, a redirection operator, or the Out-Null cmdlet).
Please read my answer as part solution and part advice.
The "problem" with PowerShell is that it doesn't capture only the output of your code. It will capture output from other scripts, modules and executables. In other words, any attempt to make logging behave like it's generated by e.g. C# with NLOG, has an inherent problem.
I looked into this subject myself for a complex continuous delivery pipeline I'm building. I understood that a structured log will not be 100% possible and therefore I accepted the purpose of PowerShell transcription (Start-Transcript). But still I wanted to avoid creating functions like Write-Log and if possible provide an enhanced output for all code that uses Write-Debug, Write-Verbose functionality.
I ended up creating XWrite PowerShell module which works very well, even to my own suprize. I use it because it enhances the produced trace message by the caller's name (cmdlet or script) and a timestamp. The caller's name helps a lot with troubleshooting and the timestamp I use to implicitly benchmark. here are a couple of example
DEBUG: Test-MyXWrite.ps1: Hello
DEBUG: Script: Test-MyXWrite.ps1: 20170804: 10:57:27.845: Hello
There are some limitations though. Any binary's code trace output will not be enhanced. Also if a cmllet refers explicitly to the Write-* using their full namespace it will not work. To capture line by line all trace and output requires some very deep into the .net types of PowerShell implementation hooking. There is a guy who has done this, but I don't want to get influence the PowerShell process's behavior that aggresively. And at this moment I believe that to be the role of the transcription.
If you like the idea, install the module from XWrite
At some point, I would like to extend the module with a redirection to telemetry services, but I've still not decided I want to do that, because I will not capture the above mentioned exceptions and other executable. It will just offer me visible progress as the script is executing.

Powershell script works on Powershell window line-by-line, but not in script

I have a script I'm using to loop through a bunch of domains and get dates from whois.exe. This works line-by-line, but when run as a script, it'll freeze. Here is where it gets stuck:
ForEach ($domain in $domains)
$domainname = $domain.Name
Write-Host "Processing $domainname..."
# WhoIsCL responds with different information depending on if it's a .org or something else.
if($domainname -like "*.org" -and $domainname)
$date = .\WhoIs.exe -v "$domainname" | Select-String -Pattern "Registry Expiry Date: " -AllMatches
Write-Host "Domain is a .org" -ForegroundColor "Yellow"
When I CTRL+C to cancel the command, I can verify that $domain is the correct variable. I can then write this:
if($domainname -like "*.org" -and $domainname)
... and "Test" appears in the command line. I then run:
$date = .\WhoIs.exe -v "$domainname" | Select-String -Pattern "Registry Expiry Date: " -AllMatches
Upon checking the date, it comes out right and I get the appropriate date. Given it freezes right as it says "Processing $domainname..." and right before "Domain is a .org", I can only assume WhoIs.exe is freezing. So, why does this happen as the script is being run, but not directly from the Powershell window?
Lastly, I did a final test by simply copying and pasting the entire script into a Powershell window (which is just silly, but it appears to function) and get the same result. It freezes at whois.exe.
My best guess is that whois.exe needs to be run differently to be reliable in Powershell in my for-loop. However, I don't seem to have a way to test using it in a Start-Process and get string output.
Anyways, advise would be great. I've definitely hit a wall.
If your script is running through lots of domains, it could be that you're being throttled. Here is a quote from the Nominet AUP:
The maximum query rate is 5 queries per second with a maximum of 1,000
queries per rolling 24 hours. If you exceed the query limits a block
will be imposed. For further details regarding blocks please see the
detailed instructions for use page. These limits are not per IP
address, they are per user.
Different registrars may behave differently, but I'd expect some sort of rate limit. This would explain why a script (with high volume) behaves differently to ad-hoc manual lookups.
Proposed solution from the comments below is to add Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 to the loop between each Whois lookup.

Powershell: Write-Output -NoEnumerate not suppressing output to console

I'm writing a function in PowerShell that I want to be called via other PowerShell functions as well as be used as a standalone function.
With that objective in mind, I want to send a message down the pipeline using Write-Output to these other functions.
However, I don't want Write-Output to write to the PowerShell console. The TechNet page for Write-Output states:
Sends the specified objects to the next command in the pipeline. If the command is the last command in the pipeline, the objects are displayed in the console.
By default, the Write-Output cmdlet always enumerates its output. The NoEnumerate parameter suppresses the default behavior, and prevents Write-Output from enumerating output. The NoEnumerate parameter has no effect on collections that were created by wrapping commands in parentheses, because the parentheses force enumeration.
For some reason, this -NoEnumerate switch will not work for me in either the PowerShell ISE or the PowerShell CLI. I always get output to my screen.
$data = "Text to suppress"
Write-Output -InputObject $data -NoEnumerate
This will always return 'Text to suppress' (no quotes).
I've seen people suggest to pipe to Out-Null like this:
$data = "Text to suppress"
Write-Output -InputObject $data -NoEnumerate | Out-Null
This suppresses screen output, but when I use $_ I have nothing in my pipeline afterwards which defeats the purpose of me using Write-Output in the first place.
System is Windows 2012 with PowerShell 4.0
Any help is appreciated.
Write-Output doesn't write to the console unless it's the last command in the pipeline. In your first example, Write-Output is the only command in the pipeline, so its output is being dumped to the console. To keep that from happening, you need to send the output somewhere. For example:
Write-Output 5
will send "5" to the console, because Write-Output is the last and only command in the pipeline. However:
Write-Output 5 | Start-Sleep
no longer does that because Start-Sleep is now the next command in the pipeline, and has therefore become the recipient of Write-Output's data.
Try this:
Write your function as you have written it with Write-Output as the last command in the pipeline. This should send the output up the line to the invoker of the function. It's here that the invoker can use the output, and at the same time suppress writing to the console.
MyFunction blah, blah, blah | % {do something with each object in the output}
I haven't tried this, so I don't know if it works. But it seems plausible.
My question is not the greatest.
First of all Write-Output -NoEnumerate doesn't suppress output on Write-Output.
Secondly, Write-Output is supposed to write its output. Trying to make it stop is a silly goal.
Thirdly, piping Write-Output to Out-Null or Out-File means that the value you gave Write-Output will not continue down the pipeline which was the only reason I was using it.
Fourth, $suppress = Write-Output "String to Suppress" also doesn't pass the value down the pipeline.
So I'm answering my question by realizing if it prints out to the screen that's really not a terrible thing and moving on. Thank you for your help and suggestions.
Explicitly storing the output in a variable would be more prudent than trying to use an implicit automatic variable. As soon as another command is run, that implicit variable will lose the prior output stored in it. No automatic variable exists to do what you're asking.
If you want to type out a set of commands without storing everything in temporary variables along the way, you can write a scriptblock at the command line as well, and make use of the $_ automatic variable you've indicated you're trying to use.
You just need to start a new line using shift + enter and write the code block as you would in a normal scriptblock - in which you could use the $_ automatic variable as part of a pipeline.

What's the difference between "Write-Host", "Write-Output", or "[console]::WriteLine"?

There are a number of different ways to output messages. What is the effective difference between outputting something via Write-Host, Write-Output, or [console]::WriteLine?
I also notice that if I use:
write-host "count=" + $count
The + gets included in the output. Why's that? Shouldn't the expression be evaluated to produce a single concatenated string before it gets written out?
Write-Output should be used when you want to send data on in the pipe line, but not necessarily want to display it on screen. The pipeline will eventually write it to out-default if nothing else uses it first.
Write-Host should be used when you want to do the opposite.
[console]::WriteLine is essentially what Write-Host is doing behind the scenes.
Run this demonstration code and examine the result.
function Test-Output {
Write-Output "Hello World"
function Test-Output2 {
Write-Host "Hello World" -foreground Green
function Receive-Output {
process { Write-Host $_ -foreground Yellow }
#Output piped to another function, not displayed in first.
Test-Output | Receive-Output
#Output not piped to 2nd function, only displayed in first.
Test-Output2 | Receive-Output
#Pipeline sends to Out-Default at the end.
You'll need to enclose the concatenation operation in parentheses, so that PowerShell processes the concatenation before tokenizing the parameter list for Write-Host, or use string interpolation
write-host ("count=" + $count)
# or
write-host "count=$count"
BTW - Watch this video of Jeffrey Snover explaining how the pipeline works. Back when I started learning PowerShell I found this to be the most useful explanation of how the pipeline works.
Apart from what Andy mentioned, there is another difference which could be important - write-host directly writes to the host and return nothing, meaning that you can't redirect the output, e.g., to a file.
---- script a.ps1 ----
write-host "hello"
Now run in PowerShell:
PS> .\a.ps1 > someFile.txt
PS> type someFile.txt
As seen, you can't redirect them into a file. This maybe surprising for someone who are not careful.
But if switched to use write-output instead, you'll get redirection working as expected.
Here's another way to accomplish the equivalent of Write-Output. Just put your string in quotes:
You can make sure this works the same as Write-Output by running this experiment:
"blah blah" > out.txt
Write-Output "blah blah" > out.txt
Write-Host "blah blah" > out.txt
The first two will output "blah blah" to out.txt, but the third one won't.
"help Write-Output" gives a hint of this behavior:
This cmdlet is typically used in scripts to display strings and other
objects on the console. However, because the default behavior is to
display the objects at the end of a pipeline, it is generally not
necessary to use the cmdlet.
In this case, the string itself "count=$count" is the object at the end of a pipeline, and is displayed.
For usages of Write-Host, PSScriptAnalyzer produces the following diagnostic:
Avoid using Write-Host because it might not work in all hosts, does not work when there is no host, and (prior to PS 5.0) cannot be suppressed, captured, or redirected. Instead, use Write-Output, Write-Verbose, or Write-Information.
See the documentation behind that rule for more information. Excerpts for posterity:
The use of Write-Host is greatly discouraged unless in the use of commands with the Show verb. The Show verb explicitly means "show on the screen, with no other possibilities".
Commands with the Show verb do not have this check applied.
Jeffrey Snover has a blog post Write-Host Considered Harmful in which he claims Write-Host is almost always the wrong thing to do because it interferes with automation and provides more explanation behind the diagnostic, however the above is a good summary.
From my testing Write-Output and [Console]::WriteLine() perform much better than Write-Host.
Depending on how much text you need to write out this may be important.
Below if the result of 5 tests each for Write-Host, Write-Output and [Console]::WriteLine().
In my limited experience, I've found when working with any sort of real world data I need to abandon the cmdlets and go straight for the lower level commands to get any decent performance out of my scripts.
measure-command {$count = 0; while ($count -lt 1000) { Write-Host "hello"; $count++ }}
measure-command { $count = 0; while ($count -lt 1000) { Write-Output "hello"; $count++ }}
measure-command { $count = 0; while ($count -lt 1000) { [console]::WriteLine("hello"); $count++ }}
Regarding [Console]::WriteLine() - you should use it if you are going to use pipelines in CMD (not in powershell). Say you want your ps1 to stream a lot of data to stdout, and some other utility to consume/transform it. If you use Write-Host in the script it will be much slower.