How do you run the server to use/test the JSON format? - rule-engine

The Reference Manuak at says that I can assert facts like this:
curl -H "content-type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"subject": "Tweety", "predicate": "eats", "object": "worms"}' http://localhost:5000/animal/facts
But how I run the server at port 5000? Does durable_rules comes with a built in HTTP Server?

thanks for asking the question. The JSON doc is outdated. durable_rules V2, no longer starts an http server (which gives you the flexibility to choose how you want to host your rulesets). You can provide a JSON document as follows:
from durable.lang import *
def callback(c):
print('risk7 fraud detected')
get_host().set_rulesets({ 'risk7': {
'suspect': {
'run': callback,
'all': [
{'first': {'t': 'purchase'}},
{'second': {'$neq': {'location': {'first': 'location'}}}}
post('risk7', {'t': 'purchase', 'location': 'US'});
post('risk7', {'t': 'purchase', 'location': 'CA'});


OpenSearch 1.2 - Index pattern programmatically

I am trying to create an index_pattern for dashboard in Opensearch programmatically.
Due to the fact that I didn't found anything related to it on Opensearch documentation, I tried the elastic search saved_objects api:
POST /api/saved_objects/index-pattern/my_index_pattern
"title": "my_index"
But when I call it I got the following error:
"error" : "no handler found for uri [/api/saved_objects/index-pattern/my_index_pattern?pretty=true] and method [POST]"
How can I solve it? Are there a different call for Opensearch to create an index_pattern?
curl -k -X POST http://<host>:5601/api/saved_objects/index-pattern/logs-* -H "osd-xsrf:true" -H "content-type:application/json" -d '
"attributes": {
"title": "logs-*",
"timeFieldName": "#timestamp"
this works for me

Request body matching with XML declaration in Wiremock-standalone

I have a stub described in the ./mappings/*.json file.
"request": {
"method": "POST",
"url": "/some/thing",
"bodyPatterns" : [ {
"matchesXPath" : {
"expression": "//nodeA/text()",
"contains": "999"
} ]
Wiremock (ver.2.26.2) is started in standalone mode.
When I call the service like this:
curl -d "<request><nodeA>999</nodeA></request>" -X POST http://localhost:8888/some/thing
I am getting the response from stub as expected. The problem is that the request has to be sent with XML declaration tag , e.g.
curl -d "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><request><nodeA>999</nodeA></request>" -X POST http://localhost:8888/some/thing
and in this case the request isn't matched. I tried to find smth in the documentation regarding it, but so far no luck
I found out that the problem was with curl that I used. It was malformed since I used same double quotes in XML declaration. Now I load the request body from file and everything works just fine
curl -H "Content-Type: application/xml" -d "#path_to_request_file" -X POST http://localhost:8888/some/thing

What is the format of the JSON for a Jenkins REST buildWithParameters to override the default parameters values

I am able to build a Jenkins job with its parameters' default values by sending a POST call to
and I can override the default parameters "product", "suites" and "markers by sending to this URL:
But I saw examples were the parameters can be override by sending a JSON body with new values. I am trying to do that by sending the following json bodies. Neither of them works for me.
'product': 'ALL',
'suites': 'ALL',
'markers': 'ALL'
"parameter": [
"name": "product",
"value": "ALL"
"name": "suites",
"value": "ALL"
"name": "markers",
"value": "ALL"
What JSON to send if I want to override the values of parameters "product", "suites" & "markers"?
I'll leave the original question as is and elaborate here on the various API calls to trigger parameterized builds. These are the calls options that I used.
Additional documentation:
The job contains 3 parameters named: product, suites, markers
Send the parameters as URL query parameters to /buildWithParameters:
Send the parameters as JSON data\payload to /build:
The JSON data\payload is not sent as the call's json_body (which is what confused me), but rater in the data payload as:
"parameter": [
{"name":"product", "value":"123"},
{"name":"suites", "value":"high"},
{"name":"markers", "value":"Hello"}
And here are the CURL commands for each of the above calls:
curl -X POST -H "Jenkins-Crumb:2e11fc9...0ed4883a14a" http://jenkins:8080/view/Orion_phase_2/job/test_remote_api_triggerring/build --user "raameeil:228366f31...f655eb82058ad12d" --form json='{"parameter": [{"name":"product", "value":"123"}, {"name":"suites", "value":"high"}, {"name":"markers", "value":"Hello"}]}'
curl -X POST \
'http://jenkins:8080/view/Orion_phase_2/job/test_remote_api_triggerring/buildWithParameters?product=234&suites=333&markers=555' \
-H 'authorization: Basic c2hsb21pb...ODRlNjU1ZWI4MjAyOGFkMTJk' \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-H 'jenkins-crumb: 0bed4c7...9031c735a' \
-H 'postman-token: 0fb2ef51-...-...-...-6430e9263c3b'
What to send to Python's requests
In order to send the above calls in Python you will need to pass:
headers = jenkins-crumb
auth = tuple of your (user_name, user_auth_token)
data = dictionary type { 'json' : json string of {"parameter":[....]} }
curl -v POST http://user:token#host:port/job/my-job/build --data-urlencode json='{"parameter": [{"name":"xx", "value":"xxx"}]}
or use Python request:
import requests
import json
url = " http://user:token#host:port/job/my-job/build "
pyload = {"parameter": [
{"name":"xx", "value":"xxx"},
data = {'json': json.dumps(pyload)}
rep =, data)

How to enable Javascript in Druid

I have been using Druid for the past week and wanted to enable javascript for some postAggregations.
I think I followed the outlined steps and updated the file in ../con f/druid/_common/ to include druid.javascript.enabled=true. I then stopped the current processes and re-ran the Quickstart procedures, but it still says that JavaScript is disabled:
"error" : "Unknown exception",
"errorMessage" : "Instantiation of [simple type, class] value failed: JavaScript is disabled. (through reference chain: java.util.ArrayList[0])",
"errorClass" : "com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException",
"host" : null
I am currently running it in the 'Quickstart' configuration - single local machine. Any pointers? Thanks!
JavaScript Query For druid Aggregation. Save the file as .body and hit the curl request.
This is a sample query for Average value.
curl -X POST "http://localhost:8082/druid/v2/?pretty" \ -H
'content-type: application/json' -d #query.body
{"name":"TargetDOS","type":"doubleSum","fieldName":"Target DOS"}],"postAggregations":[
"type": "javascript",
"name": "Target DOS Average",
"fieldNames": ["TargetDOS", "rows"],
"function": "function(TargetDOS, rows) { return Math.abs(TargetDOS) / rows; }"
}], "intervals":[ "2006-01-01T00:00:00.000Z/2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z" ]}
The part you are missing is likely that the quickstart reads configs from conf-quickstart rather than conf. So try editing conf-quickstart/druid/_common/

How to access execution_date in SimpleHttpOperator in Airflow

I am trying automate a call I make using a REST API with the SimpleHttpOperator.
Here is an example of the call I can make and is working great.
curl -u username:password
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d '{"job_id":10,"date":{"year":"2016","month":"10"}}'
Now, formatting this to be generated by the SimpleHttpOperator looks like this and also works great:
t2 = SimpleHttpOperator(
headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"},
data=json.dumps({"job_id":10, "date": { "year": "2016" , "month": "10" }}),
I now am trying to access execution_date, a variable set by Airflow which lets an Operator know the time it was suppose to be called. This normally is accessible using a jinga template for BashOperator or PythonOperator but not SimpleHttpOperator:
e.g. """echo {{execution_date}}"""
This variable is not available to the SimpleHttpOperator and it is very much needed. If you know any work arounds or a way to access it within the SimpleHttpOperator, please let me know.
The date field in SimpleHttpOperator accepts jinja template:
t2 = SimpleHttpOperator(
headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"},
data="""{"job_id":"10", "date": { "year": {{code}}, "month": {{code}}{{'}}'}}""",