GMAP.NET left drag, hide overlap, and more -

I have GMAP.Net.Windows version 1.93 by Jurgen De Leon Rodriquez. Does anyone know if this is the best version to use? If not, what is a better version?
I'm having some issues and I was wondering if perhaps I have a "less than par" version.
For instance, I want the left mouse button to be able to drag the map. When I use this code:
myMap.DragButton = MouseButton.Left
All it does is disable the right button for dragging, but does not enable the left button.
I was also trying to create a toggle for an overlay, but my code produces an error:
myMap.Overlays("markers").IsVisibile = False
The error is: System.InvalidCastException: 'Conversion from string "markers" to type 'Integer' is not valid.'
I'd appreciate your help.

Finally figured this out.
For Overlays, I had to set a variable as an overlay and set that. I would think I wouldn't HAVE to, but it's how I got it to work.
ScheduledOverlay.IsVisibile = True
As for the Mouse button, this was simple to:
myMap.DragButton = MouseButtons.Left
It's MouseButtons not Mousebutton. Not sure why there are two...


I need to create a Script in Unity 3D that change the text when I click a key button (1,2,3,4), then the text change

Example: A NPC greet you, and you have multiple choises that are questions for the NPC and if you want to know one answer of this questions, you click one button (1,2,3,4). Then the text change and give you the answer of the question.
I'm going to assume you have already set up your GUI and NPC Script.
Getting when a key is pressed is pretty simple in Unity: Use UnityEngine.Input
Example of use:
if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha1)) {
//do something
This is a basic example.
Input.GetKeyDown returns true only when the key is pressed at that specific moment of checking (the frame). KeyCode.Alpha1 is the key for '1' at the top of alphanumeric keyboards.
To get when the key is held down, for jumping or running, use Input.GetKey instead. This will be true if the key is held down at that instance, instead of only one at the beginning.
To get when the key is released, use 'Input.GetKeyUp'. This only runs once the key is let go.
For setting the color of a Textbox, use yourTextBox.color. I believe it works with both legacy Textboxes and TextMeshPro.
The way to do what you have is this:
In the Update call, check if an NPC is talking with the player.
If so, then check if the player has pressed 1 ,2, 3, or 4, using Input.GetKeyDown. (To make it nicer looking, have each option in a list and use the index of the result. KeyCode is an enum, so you can save it like any other variable.)
Call some function that returns the response to the answer. Return a string or something.
Override the text in the Textbox with the answer, and use yourTextBox.color to set the color as you wish.
This should cover it. I may have some typos or errors, but the basic principals should work. Also, make sure you implement it in a way that makes it easier to edit later. You don't want to write code that can't be added on later, trust me...

Unity editor - How to stop field from turning blue when its edited

I am making a tool in Unity to build your project for muliple platforms when you press a button.
I started with the preferences window for the tool, and came up with an anoying thing. Whenever I change the enum value of the EnumPopup field, the field turns blue in the editor window. Is there a way to disable this?
See how in the 2nd picture the field is not blue, and in the 3rd picture the field has changed to blue? How do I prevent this from happening?
Thanks in advance!
Difficult to help without having the rest of your code.
This is Unity built-in behaviour. I tried a lot of stuff see here to disable / overwrite the built-in coloring of prefix labels but had no luck so far.
A workarround however might be to instead use an independent EditorGUI.LabelField which will not be affected by the EnumPopup together with the EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth:
var LabelRect = new Rect(
// use the current label width
var EnumRect = new Rect(
FILEMANAGEMENT_ENUMFIELD_RECT.width - EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth,
EditorGUI.LabelField(LabelRect, "File relative to");
QuickBuilder.Settings.Relation = (QuickBuilder.Settings.PathRelation)EditorGUI.EnumPopup(EnumRect, QuickBuilder.Settings.Relation);
As you can see the label is not turned blue while the width keeps being flexible
Instead of setting values via edito scripts directly like
QuickBuilder.Settings.Relation = you should always try and use the proper SerializedProperty. It handles things like Undo/Redo and also marks the according objects and scenes as dirty.
Is there also a special reason why you use EditorGUI instead of EditorGUILayout? In the latter you don't need to setup Rects.
EditorGUILayout.LabelField("File relative to", GUILayout.Width(EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth));
QuickBuilder.Settings.Relation = (QuickBuilder.Settings.PathRelation)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(QuickBuilder.Settings.Relation);

Change dragging state for all markers

I'm using Leaflet.markercluster 1.0.1
I'm trying to add button on my map, so users can enter in 'edit mode'. On click on that button it should toggle dragging state for all markers. I don't really know how to implement that correctly, but I wrote that code
var drag = false;
$('#button').on('click', function () {
drag = !drag;
markers.eachLayer(function (marker) {
marker.options.draggable = drag;
if (marker.dragging) {
drag ? marker.dragging.enable() : marker.dragging.disable();
It works for some time, but then I get Exception on .enable()
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'classList' of null
Is anyone know any correct way to do that?
Thanks in advance!
It seems that the logic for the forEach method in MarkerClusterGroup iterates through markers not visible on the map after dragging a spiderified marker. Then the logic for enabling dragging fails, as the marker does not have an icon instance, because it has been removed from the map.
I've cleaned up the reproducible example a bit, and left a copy at,output - I strongly suggest that you turn this into a good bug report in the Leaflet.MarkerCluster.
You may also check if each of the markers has a marker._map private property to check if they are on the map, and skip those which are not, but this may lead to other issues down the road.

Click-through markers and polylines in Leaflet

In Leaflet, is it possible to define a marker or polyline with {clickable:false}, so that a click is passed through to whatever lies beneath - be it the map or a clickable geometry object?
At the moment I solve this problem by making the marker/polyline clickable and passing the event onwards myself. But this leads to the mouse cursor always showing as the hand symbol. Ideally, the mouse cursor should look like the normal pointer or the hand, depending on whether what is beneath the marker/polyline is clickable.
This may not be the answer you are looking for, but you can use featureGroups to have all of your clickable polylines come to the front so that the actions are surfaced.
var lg_noclick = new L.FeatureGroup().addTo(map);
var lg_click = new L.FeatureGroup().addTo(map);
// Add lines
updated fiddle
Also if you can afford to know your lines before hand, correct ordering of when you add the lines it will work as well.
I know this is not ideal but it suited my situation just fine, so it might be good for you as well.
This hides the icon and brings it back after a second using mouseenter and mouseleave events:
$('.leaflet-marker-icon').mouseenter(function() {
$('.leaflet-marker-icon').mouseleave(function() {

Hide cursor or have custom cursor in Windows 8 Metro

I want to know if there is a way to hide cursor in Windows 8 Metro mode. I found
this answer, but then I don't know how to obtain the
"unique resource id" for the second parameter of the cursor constructor (below).
Window.Current.CoreWindow.PointerCursor =
new Windows.UI.Core.CoreCursor(Windows.UI.Core.CoreCursorType.Custom, 1);
EDIT: Forgot to mention that I need to handle mouse events normally so the answer below of setting cursor to null will not suffice.
Set the cursor to a custom cursor but make it just be blank...this allows you to track it like being a normal cursor.
You can set the PointerCursor object to NULL. As soon as you move over something like a text box, it will reset it back though. So you probably need to handle mouse over events on various controls, to hide it. This all depends on your complete scenario tough.
Also, before setting it to NULL, you can save the value of the property (PointerCursor) and then when you're done, set it back.