Keyboard overlaying action sheet in iOS 13.1 on CNContactViewController - swift

This seems to be specific to iOS 13.1, as it works as expected on iOS 13.0 and earlier versions to add a contact in CNContactViewController, if I 'Cancel', the action sheet is overlapping by keyboard. No actions getting performed and keyboard is not dismissing.

Kudos to #GxocT for the the great workaround! Helped my users immensely.
But I wanted to share my code based on #GxocT solution hoping it will help others in this scenario.
I needed my CNContactViewControllerDelegate contactViewController(_:didCompleteWith:) to be called on cancel (as well as done).
Also my code was not in a UIViewController so there is no self.navigationController
I also dont like using force unwraps when I can help it. I have been bitten in the past so I chained if lets in the setup
Here's what I did:
Extend CNContactViewController and place the swizzle function in
In my case in the swizzle function just call the
CNContactViewControllerDelegate delegate
contactViewController(_:didCompleteWith:) with self and object from the contact controller
In the setup code, make sure the swizzleMethod call to
class_getInstanceMethod specifies the CNContactViewController
class instead of self
And the Swift code:
class MyClass: CNContactViewControllerDelegate {
override func viewDidLoad() {
func changeCancelImplementation() {
let originalSelector = Selector(("editCancel:"))
let swizzledSelector = #selector(CNContactViewController.cancelHack)
if let originalMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(object_getClass(CNContactViewController()), originalSelector),
let swizzledMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(object_getClass(CNContactViewController()), swizzledSelector) {
method_exchangeImplementations(originalMethod, swizzledMethod)
func contactViewController(_ viewController: CNContactViewController, didCompleteWith contact: CNContact?) {
// dismiss the contacts controller as usual
viewController.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
// do other stuff when your contact is canceled or saved
extension CNContactViewController {
#objc func cancelHack() {
self.delegate?.contactViewController?(self, didCompleteWith:
The keyboard still shows momentarily but drops just after the Contacts controller dismisses.
Lets hope apple fixes this

I couldn't find a way to dismiss keyboard. But at least you can pop ViewController using my method.
Don't know why but it's impossible to dismiss keyboard in CNContactViewController. I tried endEditing:, make new UITextField firstResponder and so on. Nothing worked.
I tried to alter action for "Cancel" button. You can find this button in NavigationController stack, But it's action is changed every time you type something.
Finally I used method swizzling. I couldn't find a way to dismiss keyboard as I mentioned earlier, but at least you can dismiss CNContactViewController when "Cancel" button is pressed.
class ViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
#IBAction func userPressedButton(_ sender: Any) {
let controller = CNContactViewController(forNewContact: nil)
controller.delegate = self
navigationController?.pushViewController(controller, animated: true)
#objc func popController() {
self.navigationController?.popViewController(animated: true)
func changeImplementation() {
let originalSelector = Selector("editCancel:")
let swizzledSelector = #selector(self.popController)
if let originalMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(object_getClass(CNContactViewController()), originalSelector),
let swizzledMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(object_getClass(CNContactViewController()), swizzledSelector) {
method_exchangeImplementations(originalMethod, swizzledMethod)
PS: You can find additional info on reddit topic:

Fixed in iOS 13.4
Tested in Xcode Simulator

NOTE: This bug is now fixed. This question and answer were applicable only to some particular versions of iOS (a limited range of iOS 13 versions).
The user can in fact swipe down to dismiss the keyboard and then tap Cancel and see the action sheet. So this issue is regrettable and definitely a bug (and I have filed a bug report) but not fatal (though, to be sure, the workaround is not trivial for the user to discover).

Thanks, #GxocT for your workaround, however, the solution posted here is different from the one you posted on Reddit.
The one on Reddit works for me, this one doesn't so I want to repost it here.
The difference is on the line with swizzledMethod which should be:
let swizzledMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(object_getClass(self), swizzledSelector) {
The whole updated code is:
class MyClass: CNContactViewControllerDelegate {
override func viewDidLoad() {
func changeCancelImplementation() {
let originalSelector = Selector(("editCancel:"))
let swizzledSelector = #selector(CNContactViewController.cancelHack)
if let originalMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(object_getClass(CNContactViewController()), originalSelector),
let swizzledMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(object_getClass(self), swizzledSelector) {
method_exchangeImplementations(originalMethod, swizzledMethod)
func contactViewController(_ viewController: CNContactViewController, didCompleteWith contact: CNContact?) {
// dismiss the contacts controller as usual
viewController.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
// do other stuff when your contact is canceled or saved
extension CNContactViewController {
#objc func cancelHack() {
self.delegate?.contactViewController?(self, didCompleteWith:

Thanks #Gxoct for his excellent work around. I think this is very useful question & post for those who are working with CNContactViewController. I also had this problem (till now) but in objective c. I interpret the above Swift code into objective c.
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
Class class = [CNContactViewController class];
SEL originalSelector = #selector(editCancel:);
SEL swizzledSelector = #selector(dismiss); // we will gonna access this method & redirect the delegate via this method
Method originalMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(class, originalSelector);
Method swizzledMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(class, swizzledSelector);
BOOL didAddMethod =
if (didAddMethod) {
} else {
method_exchangeImplementations(originalMethod, swizzledMethod);
Creating a CNContactViewController category for accessing dismiss;
#implementation CNContactViewController (Test)
- (void) dismiss{
[self.delegate contactViewController:self];
Guys who are not so familiar with Swizzling you may try this post by matt

One thing to always take into account is that swizzler method is executed only once. Make sure that you implement changeCancelImplementation() in dispatch_once queue so that it is executed only once.
Check this link for description
Also this bug is found only in iOS 13.1, 13.2 and 13.3


How to get Stripe's STPPaymentCardTextField Data programmatically?

I've successfully set my first view controller to STPAddCardViewController. I now need to get the user information in the STPPaymentCardTextField. Problem is, I'm used to using the storyboard to make outlets. How do I detect the STPPaymentCardTextField programmatically?
I've tried:
class ViewController: STPAddCardViewController, STPPaymentCardTextFieldDelegate {
let paymentCardTextField = STPPaymentCardTextField()
func paymentCardTextFieldDidChange(_ textField: STPPaymentCardTextField) {
//ERROR: printing nil in the console
But I'm getting nil as an output. Any help?
You should use either STPAddCardViewController, or STPPaymentCardTextField, not both. The SDK's ViewControllers are not designed to be extended. The intended use is:
class MyVC : STPAddCardViewControllerDelegate {
override func viewDidLoad() {
let addCardView = STPAddCardViewController()
addCardView.delegate = self
// Start the addCardView
self.navigationController.pushViewController(addCardView, animated: true)
func addCardViewController(_ addCardViewController: STPAddCardViewController, didCreatePaymentMethod paymentMethod: STPPaymentMethod, completion: #escaping STPErrorBlock) {
// TODO: do something with paymentMethod
// Always call completion() to dismiss the view
func addCardViewControllerDidCancel(_ addCardViewController: STPAddCardViewController) {
// TODO: handle cancel
But rather than my partial example I'd recommend reading these docs and trying out this example iOS code. Best wishes!

How to add `toggleSidebar` NSToolbarItem in Catalyst?

In my app, I added a toggleSidebar item to the NSToolbar.
#if targetEnvironment(macCatalyst)
extension SceneDelegate: NSToolbarDelegate {
func toolbarDefaultItemIdentifiers(_ toolbar: NSToolbar) -> [NSToolbarItem.Identifier] {
return [NSToolbarItem.Identifier.toggleSidebar, NSToolbarItem.Identifier.flexibleSpace, AddRestaurantButtonToolbarIdentifier]
However, when I compile my app to Catalyst, the button is disabled. Does anybody know what else I need to do to hook it up?
If you look at the documentation for .toggleSidebar/NSToolbarToggleSidebarItemIdentifier you will see:
The standard toolbar item identifier for a sidebar. It sends toggleSidebar: to firstResponder.
Adding that method to your view controller will enable the button in the toolbar:
#objc func toggleSidebar(_ sender: Any) {
- (void)toggleSidebar:(id)sender {
Your implementation will need to do whatever you want to do when the user taps the button in the toolbar.
Normally, under a real macOS app using an NSSplitViewController, this method is handled automatically by the split view controller and you don't need to add your own implementation of toggleSidebar:.
The target needs changed to self, this is shown in this Apple sample where it is done for the print item but can easily be changed to the toggle split item as I did after the comment.
/** This is an optional delegate function, called when a new item is about to be added to the toolbar.
This is a good spot to set up initial state information for toolbar items, particularly items
that you don't directly control yourself (like with NSToolbarPrintItemIdentifier).
The notification's object is the toolbar, and the "item" key in the userInfo is the toolbar item
being added.
func toolbarWillAddItem(_ notification: Notification) {
let userInfo = notification.userInfo!
if let addedItem = userInfo["item"] as? NSToolbarItem {
let itemIdentifier = addedItem.itemIdentifier
if itemIdentifier == .print {
addedItem.toolTip = NSLocalizedString("print string", comment: "") = self
// added code
else if itemIdentifier == .toggleSidebar { = self
And then add the action to the scene delegate by adding the Swift equivalent of this:
- (IBAction)toggleSidebar:(id)sender{
UISplitViewController *splitViewController = (UISplitViewController *)self.window.rootViewController;
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.2 animations:^{
splitViewController.preferredDisplayMode = (splitViewController.preferredDisplayMode != UISplitViewControllerDisplayModePrimaryHidden ? UISplitViewControllerDisplayModePrimaryHidden : UISplitViewControllerDisplayModeAllVisible);
When configuring your UISplitViewController, set the primaryBackgroundStyle to .sidebar
let splitVC: UISplitViewController = //your application's split view controller
splitVC.primaryBackgroundStyle = .sidebar
This will enable your NSToolbarItem with the system identifier .toggleSidebar and it will work automatically with the UISplitViewController in Mac Catalyst without setting any target / action code.
This answer is mainly converting #malhal's answer to the latest Swift version
You will need to return [.toggleSidebar] in toolbarDefaultItemIdentifiers.
In toolbarWillAddItem you will write the following (just like the previous answer suggested):
func toolbarWillAddItem(_ notification: Notification) {
let userInfo = notification.userInfo!
if let addedItem = userInfo["item"] as? NSToolbarItem {
let itemIdentifier = addedItem.itemIdentifier
if itemIdentifier == .toggleSidebar { = self
addedItem.action = #selector(toggleSidebar)
Finally, you will add your toggleSidebar method.
#objc func toggleSidebar() {
let splitController = self.window?.rootViewController as? MainSplitController
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.2) {
splitController?.preferredDisplayMode = (splitController?.preferredDisplayMode != .primaryHidden ? .primaryHidden : .allVisible)
A few resources that might help:
Integrating a Toolbar and Touch Bar into Your App
Mac Catalyst: Adding a Toolbar
The easiest way to use the toggleSidebar toolbar item is to set primaryBackgroundStyle to .sidebar, as answered by #Craig Scrogie.
That has the side effect of enabling the toolbar item and hiding/showing the sidebar.
If you don't want to use the .sidebar background style, you have to implement toggling the sidebar and validating the toolbar item in methods on a class in your responder chain. I put these in a subclass of UISplitViewController.
#objc func toggleSidebar(_ sender: Any?) {
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.2, animations: {
self.preferredDisplayMode =
(self.displayMode == .secondaryOnly) ?
.oneBesideSecondary : .secondaryOnly
#objc func validateToolbarItem(_ item: NSToolbarItem)
-> Bool {
if item.action == #selector(toggleSidebar) {
return true
return false

Is it possible to observe changes in presentingViewController?

Is there any equivalent in Swift to RACObserve(self, presentingViewController)?
Or any other why to imitate this behaviour?
My issue is that I want to be notified whenever a view controller is "hidden" by another view controller. In objc what I'd do is to check if self.presentingViewController is nil.
Note that in this scenario there's no knowledge of which view controller is presented, so it's impossible to notify from within its viewDidAppear/viewDidDisappear.
As I understand your question: you need to to know which view controller is presented now and you need notification inviewDidAppear/viewDidDisappear.
So we can get this in several way.
The simple way is:
Get information of which is the top ViewController right now.
2.Call this method in your viewDidAppear/viewDidDisappear
Like this :
Get Which is The Top ViewController
func getTopViewController() -> UIViewController? {
if var topVC = UIApplication.shared.keyWindow?.rootViewController {
while let presentedViewController = topVC.presentedViewController {
topVC = presentedViewController
return topVC
return topVC
return nil
Call in viewDidAppear:
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
if let top = getTopViewController() {
print("topView Controller name \(top.title)")
top.view.backgroundColor = .red
Hope it will help you !

window.windowController is nil inside windowWillClose() but it isn't inside viewDidAppear()

I've tried, without success, respond to events such as windowWillClose() and windowShouldClose() inside NSWindowController (yes conforming to NSWindowDelegate).
Later, to my surprise, I was able to receive those events if I make my contentViewController (NSViewController) conform to NSWindowDelegate.
Unfortunately, later on, found out that view.window?.windowController is nil inside windowWillClose() or windowShouldClose(), code:
override func viewDidAppear() {
self.view.window?.delegate = self
self.view.window?.windowController // not nil!
func windowWillClose(_ notification: Notification) {
self.view.window?.windowController // nil!!
func windowShouldClose(_ sender: NSWindow) -> Bool {
self.view.window?.windowController // nil!!
return true
After realizing that view.window?.windowController is not nil inside viewDidAppear() the next thing I thought was that Swift garbage collected the controller, so I changed viewDidAppear() in a way that creates another reference of windowController thus preventing garbage collection on said object, code:
var windowController: NSWindowController?
override func viewDidAppear() {
self.view.window?.delegate = self
windowController = view.window?.windowController
func windowWillClose(_ notification: Notification) {
self.view.window?.windowController // NOT nil
func windowShouldClose(_ sender: NSWindow) -> Bool {
self.view.window?.windowController // NOT nil
return true
My hypothesis turned out to be correct (I think).
Is this the same issue that is preventing me from receiving those events inside NSWindowController?
Is there another way I can achieve the same thing without creating more object references?
In order to post code, I use the Answer option even though it is more of a comment.
I added in NSViewController:
override func viewDidAppear() {
parentWindowController = self.view.window!.windowController
self.view.window!.delegate = self.view.window!.windowController as! S1W2WC. // The NSWC class, which conforms to NSWindowDelegate
print(#function, "windowController", self.view.window!, self.view.window!.windowController)
I get print log:
viewDidAppear() windowController Optional()
and notification is passed.
But if I change to
override func viewDidAppear() {
// parentWindowController = self.view.window!.windowController
self.view.window!.delegate = self.view.window!.windowController as! S1W2WC
print(#function, "windowController", self.view.window!, self.view.window!.windowController)
by commenting out parentWindowController, notification don't go anymore to the WindowController…
Edited: I declared in ViewController:
var parentWindowController: NSWindowController? // Helps keep a reference to the controller
The proposed solutions are, in my opinion, hacks that can cause serious problems with memory management by creating circular references. You definitely can make instances of NSWindowController work as the window’s delegate. The proper way is to wire it up correctly in either code or in Interface Builder in Xcode. An example of how to do it properly is offered here.
If the delegate methods are not called is because the wiring up is not done correctly.
Another thing that must be done in Swift is when you add the name of the NSWindowController subclass in Interface Builder in Xcode is to check the checkbox of Inherits from Module. If you fail to do this, none of your subclass methods will be called.

Xcode "po" command retains value

I've been debugging my code and found that my manager was deinitialised (that was cause of my bug - not calling delegate methods).
What's strange, that during debugging process I've used "po" command after setting the manager's delegate (weak) and it prevented it from being deinitialised (delegate methods were called).
Why is that? Is it proper behaviour?
Xcode 8.3, swift 3.1
//a tap starts everything :)
#IBAction func shareButtonPressed(_ sender: Any) {
let requestManager = FacebookPostRouteRequest() //bug fixed by changing to instance variable
requestManager.delegate = self
requestManager.showShareBadgeDialog(self.badge!, onViewController: self)
//in FacebookPostRouteRequest
final weak var delegate: FacebookPostRouteRequestDelegate?
func showShareBadgeDialog(_ badge: Badge, onViewController viewController: UIViewController) {
let dialog = self.initDialog(onViewController: viewController)
guard let imageURL = badge.imageURL else {
self.delegate?.facebookPostRouteRequest(self, didCompleteWithResult: false)
dialog.shareContent = self.generateImageShareContent(imageURL)
private func show(_ dialog: FBSDKShareDialog) {
OperationQueue.main.addOperation {
dialog.delegate = self //when printed out dialog.delegate delegate methods were called! Deinit of FacebookPostRouteRequest is not called.
let showResult =
extension FacebookPostRouteRequest: FBSDKSharingDelegate {
func sharer(_ sharer: FBSDKSharing!, didCompleteWithResults results: [AnyHashable : Any]!) {
//other delegate methods implemented as well
Your problem is here:
#IBAction func shareButtonPressed(_ sender: Any) {
let requestManager = FacebookPostRouteRequest()
requestManager.delegate = self
requestManager.showShareBadgeDialog(self.badge!, onViewController: self)
After the last line, the requestManager object will be disposed because it's no longer referenced and will not call any of the delegate methods.
Make requestManager an instance variable:
let requestManager = FacebookPostRouteRequest()
#IBAction func shareButtonPressed(_ sender: Any) {
requestManager.delegate = self
requestManager.showShareBadgeDialog(self.badge!, onViewController: self)
Your issues with the debugger are probably race conditions for stopping the main thread.