I'm using a PowerShell script:
Start-Process c:\test\window.exe
I'm trying to make it wait until window.exe becomes activate (window process appears in the screen) to continue the script. I have a 60s "timeout", but there is a chance that the process exceeds 60s.
$NumOfSecs = 60;
$n = $NumOfSecs;
Write-Host "Starting in " -NoNewLine;
do {
if ($n -lt $NumOfSecs) {
Write-Host ", " -NoNewLine
Write-Host $n -NoNewLine;
$n = $n - 1;
Start-Sleep 1
} while ($n -gt 0)
I have searched but apparently my google foo is weak. What I need is a way to prompt for user input in the console and have the request time out after a period of time and continue executing the script if no input comes in. As near as I can tell, Read-Host does not provide this functionality. Neither does $host.UI.PromptForChoice() nor does $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey(). Thanks in advance for any pointers.
EDIT: Much thanks to Lars Truijens for finding the answer. I have taken the code that he pointed out and encapsulated it into a function. Note that the way that I have implemented it means there could be up to one second of delay between when the user hits a key and when script execution continues.
function Pause-Host
$Delay = 1
$counter = 0;
While(!$host.UI.RawUI.KeyAvailable -and ($counter++ -lt $Delay))
Found something here:
$counter = 0
while(!$Host.UI.RawUI.KeyAvailable -and ($counter++ -lt 600))
[Threading.Thread]::Sleep( 1000 )
It's quite old now but how I solved it based on the same KeyAvailable method is here:
It waits for x seconds, displaying a . for each second that elapses up to the maximum wait time. If a key is pressed it returns $true, otherwise $false.
Function TimedPrompt($prompt,$secondsToWait){
Write-Host -NoNewline $prompt
$secondsCounter = 0
$subCounter = 0
While ( (!$host.ui.rawui.KeyAvailable) -and ($count -lt $secondsToWait) ){
start-sleep -m 10
$subCounter = $subCounter + 10
if($subCounter -eq 1000)
$subCounter = 0
Write-Host -NoNewline "."
If ($secondsCounter -eq $secondsToWait) {
Write-Host "`r`n"
return $false;
Write-Host "`r`n"
return $true;
And to use:
$val = TimedPrompt "Press key to cancel restore; will begin in 3 seconds" 3
Write-Host $val
For people who are looking for a modern age solution with an additional constraint for exiting a PowerShell script on a pre-defined key press, the following solution might help you:
Write-Host ("PowerShell Script to run a loop and exit on pressing 'q'!")
$sleepTimer=500 #in milliseconds
$QuitKey=81 #Character code for 'q' key.
while($count -le 100)
if($host.UI.RawUI.KeyAvailable) {
$key = $host.ui.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyUp")
if($key.VirtualKeyCode -eq $QuitKey) {
#For Key Combination: eg., press 'LeftCtrl + q' to quit.
#Use condition: (($key.VirtualKeyCode -eq $Qkey) -and ($key.ControlKeyState -match "LeftCtrlPressed"))
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow ("'q' is pressed! Stopping the script now.")
#Do your operations
Write-Host ("Count Incremented to - {0}" -f $count)
Write-Host ("Press 'q' to stop the script!")
Start-Sleep -m $sleepTimer
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green ("The script has stopped.")
Sample script output:
Refer Microsoft document on key states for handling more combinations.
Credits: Technet Link
Here is a keystroke utility function that accepts:
Validation character set (as a 1-character regex).
Optional message
Optional timeout in seconds
Only matching keystrokes are reflected to the screen.
$key = GetKeyPress '[ynq]' "Run step X ([y]/n/q)?" 5
if ($key -eq $null)
Write-Host "No key was pressed.";
Write-Host "The key was '$($key)'."
Function GetKeyPress([string]$regexPattern='[ynq]', [string]$message=$null, [int]$timeOutSeconds=0)
$key = $null
if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($message))
Write-Host -NoNewLine $message
$counter = $timeOutSeconds * 1000 / 250
while($key -eq $null -and ($timeOutSeconds -eq 0 -or $counter-- -gt 0))
if (($timeOutSeconds -eq 0) -or $Host.UI.RawUI.KeyAvailable)
$key_ = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown,IncludeKeyUp")
if ($key_.KeyDown -and $key_.Character -match $regexPattern)
$key = $key_
Start-Sleep -m 250 # Milliseconds
if (-not ($key -eq $null))
Write-Host -NoNewLine "$($key.Character)"
if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($message))
Write-Host "" # newline
return $(if ($key -eq $null) {$null} else {$key.Character})
timeout.exe 5
still works from powershell. Waits 5 seconds or until key press.
Inelegant perhaps. But easy.
From the Powershell_ISE it pops up a new command prompt window, and returns immediately, so it doesnt wait (From the powershell console it uses that console and does wait). You can make it wait from the ISE with a little more work (still pops up its own window tho):
if ($psISE) {
start -Wait timeout.exe 5
} else {
timeout.exe 5
Another option: you can use choice shell command which comes with every Windows version since Windows 2000
Choice /C yn /D n /t 5 /m "Are you sure? You have 5 seconds to decide"
if ($LASTEXITCODE -eq "1") # 1 for "yes" 2 for "no"
# do stuff
# don't do stuff
Stackoverflow syntax higlighting doesn't work for powershell, # means "comment" here
function ReadKeyWithDefault($prompt, $defaultKey, [int]$timeoutInSecond = 5 ) {
$counter = $timeoutInSecond * 10
$remainingSeconds = [math]::floor($counter / 10)
Write-Host "`r$prompt (default $defaultKey in $remainingSeconds seconds): " -NoNewline
$key = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("IncludeKeyUp")
return $key
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100
}while($counter-- -gt 0)
Write-Host $defaultKey
return $defaultKey
$readKey = ReadKeyWithDefault "If error auto exit( y/n )" 'y' 5
To optionally pause the script before it exits (useful for running headless scripts and pausing on error output), I appended nathanchere's answer with:
if ([Console]::KeyAvailable) { $pressedKey = [Console]::ReadKey($true); read-host; break; }
elseif ($secondsCounter -gt $secondsToWait) {
Write-Host "`r`n"
return $false;
The $Host.UI.RawUI.KeyAvailable seems to be buggy so I had more luck using [Console]::KeyAvailable:
function keypress_wait {
param (
[int]$seconds = 10
$loops = $seconds*10
Write-Host "Press any key within $seconds seconds to continue"
for ($i = 0; $i -le $loops; $i++){
if ([Console]::KeyAvailable) { break; }
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100
if ([Console]::KeyAvailable) { return [Console]::ReadKey($true); }
else { return $null ;}
I'm working on a process to start up some services across remote servers, however server 2 can't start up until a message is found in server1 logs, server 3 can't start until same message in server 2, etc.
My question is, is it possible to read the file in a "loop" and not proceed with my initial loop until that message is found (and then move forward)? I was thinking I could do below, however while it does recognize that the string in the log file is found, it just repeats that it found it until the timer built in finishes and then moves forward.
So, the process would look like "read this file, if string is found, move forward. If string is not found, wait 30 seconds and rescan the file. If found, move forward, if not found, wait an additional 30 seconds and rescan (I'm fine with a continuous repeat) < do this until string is found.
Example: enter image description here
Any advice would be much appreciated as I think I might be approaching this from the wrong angle...
-- I left out the majority of the script prior to this script and only included the If/Else statement as this is where it checks the files.
$SEL = Select-String -Path \\$Server\$RootDir\folder\anotherfolder\A-Log-File.log -Pattern "Switching to status: STARTED"
if ($SEL -ne $null)
Write-Host "FOUND: Switching to status: STARTED" -ForegroundColor Yellow -BackgroundColor DarkGreen
Write-Host **** Waiting 60 seconds for cache to build ****
[int]$Time = 60
$Lenght = $Time / 100
For ($Time; $Time -gt 0; $Time--) {
$min = [int](([string]($Time/60)).split('.')[0])
$text = " " + $min + " minutes " + ($Time % 60) + " seconds left"
Write-Progress -Activity "Waiting for Started Message" -Status $Text -PercentComplete ($Time / $Lenght)
Start-Sleep 1
$SEL = Select-String -Path \\$Server\$RootDir\folder\anotherfolder\A-Log-File.log -Pattern "Switching to status: STARTED"
if ($SEL -ne $null)
Write-Host "FOUND: Switching to status: STARTED" -ForegroundColor Yellow -BackgroundColor DarkGreen
Write-Host **** A-Log-File.log Log does NOT contain a started message **** -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Yellow
Write-Host **** Investigate further or increase the int-time time on Line 54 to 180 seconds **** -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Yellow ##This part goes away once action can be taken based on reading contents of the file
You don't need a loop, just use Get-Content -Wait:
$null = Get-Content "\\$Server\$RootDir\folder\anotherfolder\A-Log-File.log" -Wait |Where-Object { $_ -match 'Switching to status: STARTED' } |Select -First 1
Get-Content -Wait will continue outputting new lines written to the file until it's interrupted - luckily we can use Select -First 1 to stop the pipeline once we observe the string
You said "loop" so why aren't you using a loop?
while ($true) {
# (re)try
$SEL = Select-String -Path "\\$Server\$RootDir\folder\anotherfolder\A-Log-File.log" -Pattern "Switching to status: STARTED"
if ($SEL -ne $null)
Write-Host "FOUND: Switching to status: STARTED" -ForegroundColor Yellow -BackgroundColor DarkGreen
# exit the loop
# wait
Write-Host "**** Waiting 60 seconds for cache to build ****"
Start-Sleep 1
#marsze, I meant to come back to this and update. I ended up using your suggestion and also wanted to add in that I was able to build in a timer. I wanted to provide the example for anyone that stumbles upon this.
while ($true) {
# (re)try
$SEL = Select-String -Path "\\$Server\$SomeRoot\A.Folder\b.folder2\ThisFileToParse.log" -Pattern "Message Here"
if ($SEL -ne $null)
Write-Host "FOUND: Message Here" -ForegroundColor Yellow -BackgroundColor DarkGreen
# exit the loop
# wait
Write-Host "**** File Does NOT contain a Message Here message ****" -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "**** Waiting 30 seconds, will loop until message is found ****" -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Yellow
#Start-Sleep 1
[int]$Time = 30
$Lenght = $Time / 100
For ($Time; $Time -gt 0; $Time--) {
$min = [int](([string]($Time/60)).split('.')[0])
$text = " " + $min + " minutes " + ($Time % 60) + " seconds left"
Write-Progress -Activity "Waiting for ThisFileToParse.log to update showing Message Here... " -Status $Text -PercentComplete ($Time / $Lenght)
Start-Sleep 1
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force;
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072;
iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://community.chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))
# Step 2) define the array of packages you are offering
$Packages = 'googlechrome',
# Step 3) define the Show-Menu function
function Show-Menu
Write-Host "**********************************************"
# write the options using the array of packages
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Packages.Count; $i++)
# {0,10} means right align with spaces to max 2 characters
Write-Host ('{0,10}. {1}' -f ($i + 1), $Packages[$i])
Write-Host " q. Exit the script"
Write-Host "*************************************************"
# Step 4) enter an endless loop you only exit if the user enters 'q'
while ($true)
# $UserInput = Read-Host "Enter the software number to be installed"
$UserInput = Read-Host "Select the softwares number(s) to be installed"
$ok = $UserInput -match '[123456789101112131415]+$'
if( -not $ok)
write-host "Invalid selection"
sleep 2
write-host ""
until ($ok)
switch -Regex ($UserInput)
"1" {googlechrome}
"2" {firefox}
"3" {codeblocks}
"4" {windbg}
"5" {nasm}
"6" {explorersuite}
"7" {pestudio}
"8" {vscode}
"9" {sysinternals}
"10" {python}
"11" {ccleaner}
"12" {anaconda3}
"13" {wireshark}
"14" {sublimetext3}
"15" {notepadplusplus}
} until ($ok)
# test if the user wants to quit and if so, break the loop
if ($UserInput -eq 'q') { break }
# test if the user entered a number between 1 and the total number of packages (inclusive)
if ([int]::TryParse($UserInput,[ref]$null) -and 1..$Packages.Count -contains [int]$UserInput)
# here you install the chosen package using the array index number (= user input number minus 1)
$packageIndex = [int]$UserInput - 1
Write-Host "Installing $($Packages[$packageIndex])"
# Choco install $Packages[$packageIndex] -y
Choco install $Packages[$packageIndex] -y --ignore-checksums
$availableOptions = 1..$Packages.Count -join ','
Write-Host "Error in selection, choose $availableOptions or q" -Foreground Color Red
$null = Read-Host "Press Enter to continue"
I have written the script which is working when the user select the number then that corresponding software will be downloaded and installed. Now instead of selecting one option the user selects multiple options from the menu list then that software's will be downloaded and installed parallely so, I have modified my script for selecting multiple options but the script is not working so, please tell me how to achieve this functionality. Thanks in Advance
I've removed the parts which (for me) made no sense or produced errors in my environment - removed the option 'Exit' from $Packages and added the foreach part. So now the user can enter several numbers space separated so that $UserInput contains e.g. 1 2. this is then split an iterated in the foreach part.
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force;
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072;
iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://community.chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))
# Step 2) define the array of packages you are offering
$Packages = 'googlechrome',
# Step 3) define the Show-Menu function
function Show-Menu
Write-Host "**********************************************"
# write the options using the array of packages
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Packages.Count; $i++)
# {0,10} means right align with spaces to max 2 characters
Write-Host ('{0,10}. {1}' -f ($i + 1), $Packages[$i])
Write-Host " q. Exit the script"
Write-Host "*************************************************"
# Step 4) enter an endless loop you only exit if the user enters 'q'
while ($true)
$UserInput = Read-Host "Select the softwares number(s) to be installed (space separated)"
# test if the user wants to quit and if so, break the loop
if ($UserInput -eq 'q') { break }
foreach($input in $UserInput.Split(' ')) {
# test if the user entered a number between 1 and the total number of packages (inclusive)
if ([int]::TryParse($input,[ref]$null) -and 1..$Packages.Count -contains [int]$input)
# here you install the chosen package using the array index number (= user input number minus 1)
$packageIndex = [int]$input - 1
Write-Host "Installing $($Packages[$packageIndex])"
Choco install $Packages[$packageIndex] -y --ignore-checksums
} else {
$availableOptions = 1..$Packages.Count -join ','
Write-Host "Error in selection, choose $availableOptions or q" -Foreground Color Red
$null = Read-Host "Press Enter to continue"
I have a question about the following loop that im trying to run on powershell
if($activity.id.count -eq 1) {
$activity2 = $activity.countID
elseif($activity.id.count -eq 0) {
write-host "ALERT . Activity did not start yet"
$number = 20
$i = $activity
do {
write-host " $i"
if ($i.id.count -eq 1) { write-host 'go to next step'; break;
write-host 'Waiting for' $i
Start-Sleep 10
while ($i -le $number)
Wait-Job $activity
It waits until activity has an Id, which correspond to activityID set count= 1. If it does not have an Id, count = 0 ; meaning activity did not start yet.
My loops keeps running - getting the following message : ' Waiting for' but it does not exit when the count =1 (the activity started)
What am i missing ?
I have searched but apparently my google foo is weak. What I need is a way to prompt for user input in the console and have the request time out after a period of time and continue executing the script if no input comes in. As near as I can tell, Read-Host does not provide this functionality. Neither does $host.UI.PromptForChoice() nor does $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey(). Thanks in advance for any pointers.
EDIT: Much thanks to Lars Truijens for finding the answer. I have taken the code that he pointed out and encapsulated it into a function. Note that the way that I have implemented it means there could be up to one second of delay between when the user hits a key and when script execution continues.
function Pause-Host
$Delay = 1
$counter = 0;
While(!$host.UI.RawUI.KeyAvailable -and ($counter++ -lt $Delay))
Found something here:
$counter = 0
while(!$Host.UI.RawUI.KeyAvailable -and ($counter++ -lt 600))
[Threading.Thread]::Sleep( 1000 )
It's quite old now but how I solved it based on the same KeyAvailable method is here:
It waits for x seconds, displaying a . for each second that elapses up to the maximum wait time. If a key is pressed it returns $true, otherwise $false.
Function TimedPrompt($prompt,$secondsToWait){
Write-Host -NoNewline $prompt
$secondsCounter = 0
$subCounter = 0
While ( (!$host.ui.rawui.KeyAvailable) -and ($count -lt $secondsToWait) ){
start-sleep -m 10
$subCounter = $subCounter + 10
if($subCounter -eq 1000)
$subCounter = 0
Write-Host -NoNewline "."
If ($secondsCounter -eq $secondsToWait) {
Write-Host "`r`n"
return $false;
Write-Host "`r`n"
return $true;
And to use:
$val = TimedPrompt "Press key to cancel restore; will begin in 3 seconds" 3
Write-Host $val
For people who are looking for a modern age solution with an additional constraint for exiting a PowerShell script on a pre-defined key press, the following solution might help you:
Write-Host ("PowerShell Script to run a loop and exit on pressing 'q'!")
$sleepTimer=500 #in milliseconds
$QuitKey=81 #Character code for 'q' key.
while($count -le 100)
if($host.UI.RawUI.KeyAvailable) {
$key = $host.ui.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyUp")
if($key.VirtualKeyCode -eq $QuitKey) {
#For Key Combination: eg., press 'LeftCtrl + q' to quit.
#Use condition: (($key.VirtualKeyCode -eq $Qkey) -and ($key.ControlKeyState -match "LeftCtrlPressed"))
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow ("'q' is pressed! Stopping the script now.")
#Do your operations
Write-Host ("Count Incremented to - {0}" -f $count)
Write-Host ("Press 'q' to stop the script!")
Start-Sleep -m $sleepTimer
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green ("The script has stopped.")
Sample script output:
Refer Microsoft document on key states for handling more combinations.
Credits: Technet Link
Here is a keystroke utility function that accepts:
Validation character set (as a 1-character regex).
Optional message
Optional timeout in seconds
Only matching keystrokes are reflected to the screen.
$key = GetKeyPress '[ynq]' "Run step X ([y]/n/q)?" 5
if ($key -eq $null)
Write-Host "No key was pressed.";
Write-Host "The key was '$($key)'."
Function GetKeyPress([string]$regexPattern='[ynq]', [string]$message=$null, [int]$timeOutSeconds=0)
$key = $null
if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($message))
Write-Host -NoNewLine $message
$counter = $timeOutSeconds * 1000 / 250
while($key -eq $null -and ($timeOutSeconds -eq 0 -or $counter-- -gt 0))
if (($timeOutSeconds -eq 0) -or $Host.UI.RawUI.KeyAvailable)
$key_ = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown,IncludeKeyUp")
if ($key_.KeyDown -and $key_.Character -match $regexPattern)
$key = $key_
Start-Sleep -m 250 # Milliseconds
if (-not ($key -eq $null))
Write-Host -NoNewLine "$($key.Character)"
if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($message))
Write-Host "" # newline
return $(if ($key -eq $null) {$null} else {$key.Character})
timeout.exe 5
still works from powershell. Waits 5 seconds or until key press.
Inelegant perhaps. But easy.
From the Powershell_ISE it pops up a new command prompt window, and returns immediately, so it doesnt wait (From the powershell console it uses that console and does wait). You can make it wait from the ISE with a little more work (still pops up its own window tho):
if ($psISE) {
start -Wait timeout.exe 5
} else {
timeout.exe 5
Another option: you can use choice shell command which comes with every Windows version since Windows 2000
Choice /C yn /D n /t 5 /m "Are you sure? You have 5 seconds to decide"
if ($LASTEXITCODE -eq "1") # 1 for "yes" 2 for "no"
# do stuff
# don't do stuff
Stackoverflow syntax higlighting doesn't work for powershell, # means "comment" here
function ReadKeyWithDefault($prompt, $defaultKey, [int]$timeoutInSecond = 5 ) {
$counter = $timeoutInSecond * 10
$remainingSeconds = [math]::floor($counter / 10)
Write-Host "`r$prompt (default $defaultKey in $remainingSeconds seconds): " -NoNewline
$key = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("IncludeKeyUp")
return $key
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100
}while($counter-- -gt 0)
Write-Host $defaultKey
return $defaultKey
$readKey = ReadKeyWithDefault "If error auto exit( y/n )" 'y' 5
To optionally pause the script before it exits (useful for running headless scripts and pausing on error output), I appended nathanchere's answer with:
if ([Console]::KeyAvailable) { $pressedKey = [Console]::ReadKey($true); read-host; break; }
elseif ($secondsCounter -gt $secondsToWait) {
Write-Host "`r`n"
return $false;
The $Host.UI.RawUI.KeyAvailable seems to be buggy so I had more luck using [Console]::KeyAvailable:
function keypress_wait {
param (
[int]$seconds = 10
$loops = $seconds*10
Write-Host "Press any key within $seconds seconds to continue"
for ($i = 0; $i -le $loops; $i++){
if ([Console]::KeyAvailable) { break; }
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100
if ([Console]::KeyAvailable) { return [Console]::ReadKey($true); }
else { return $null ;}