TYPO3 how to modify TCA? - typo3

TYPO3 9, but is probably independent of TYPO3 version
I have installed news and eventnews. eventnews adds a field location_simple to the table tx_news_domain_model_news. In the backend this is of type input. I want it to be of type text. Therefore I added a file Configuration/TCA/Overrides/tx_news_domain_model_news.php to my sitepackage:
if( !defined('TYPO3_MODE') ) {
die ('Access denied.');
// Modify location simple
$GLOBALS['TCA']['tx_news_domain_model_news']['columns']['location_simple']['config']['type'] = 'text';
But this has no effect.
My sitepackage is included at last position, so it should be able to overwrite the TCA of eventnews. What is correct the magic for this?

This worked for me: rename my site package extension so that it has an extension key alphabetically after 'e'.
It seems as if the files in /Configuration/TCA/Overrides are read alphabetically. In my case I wanted to override eventnews. So my site package extension key had to begin with a letter in [f-z].


TYPO3 selectMultipleSideBySide translate "Available Items" per record type

I want to override the label strings "Available Items" and "Selected Items" in a selectMultipleSideBySide form because it is too generic. I have multiple record types using this form template so I cannot change the strings globally.
I tried to change it in the TCA of my custom record type without success. I only see the label for the entire relation.
I am using TYPO3 8.7
Does anyone know an extension which accomplished this or does anyone know the config path to there?
In the class typo3/sysext/backend/Classes/Form/Element/SelectMultipleSideBySideElement.php at line 393 I found the translation path hard-coded. So I need to inherit from this class and register it as my new selectMultipleSideBySide in the TCA.
I copied the class TYPO3.CMS/typo3/sysext/backend/Classes/Form/Element/SelectMultipleSideBySideElement.php to my extension in Classes/From/Element/SelectTagCloudElement.php
I adapted namespace to my extensions.
I add a use-directive of use TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Form\Element\SelectMultipleSideBySideElement;.
I adapt the translation string like in line 221 to my custom records translation xml file.
I found on https://docs.typo3.org/m/typo3/reference-coreapi/8.7/en-us/ApiOverview/FormEngine/Rendering/Index.html a snippet to register an new NodeType (the class I extended previously) using:
// Add new field type to NodeFactory
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['formEngine']['nodeRegistry'][1487112284] = [
'nodeName' => 'selectTagCloud',
'priority' => '70',
'class' => \MyVendor\CoolTagCloud\Form\Element\SelectTagCloudElement::class,
in ext_localconf.php
Now I can use selectTagCloud instead of selectMultipleSideBySide in the TCA.
"Dump Autoload Information" in the Install Tool

TYPO3: Upload files to FAL with powermail

I am using powermail to allow a FE-User to edit a couple of fields of his own User-Record. Works fine, no hassle.
Now I would also like to allow the upload of a file. Is there a way to save the file to FAL with powermail? Unfortunately I have found no resources on this whatsoever. Maybe it is possible to implement a userfunc when saving to DB that would generate the required DB entries? When using powermails "upload"-field-type the file gets written to uploads/tx_powermail. I have access to that files path in my db_entry step in typoscript and could pass it on to a userfunc - which in return should
generate the sys_file entry
delete a possiblibly already existing sys_file_reference
generate the new sys_file_reference
Am I missing something?
Any ideas on this? Has anyone done something like this before?
Or is my only alternative to switch from powermail to a custom extbase extension?
System: TYPO3 7.6.16, Powermail 3.17
I have same problems in powermail and i use powermail Finisher class like below.
plugin.tx_powermail.settings.setup {
finishers {
1 {
class = Vendor\Ext\Finisher\AddImageFinisher
config {
# set pid.
pid = TEXT
pid.value = 79 // Here
#set powermail fields title
field_name = Name
field_place = Place
field_email = E-Mail
field_message = Message
Please reffere this link. AddImageFinisher Class file
At the moment powermail don't uses FAL relations. If you need something like this, you have to add an own finisher that does the upload stuff - see https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/extensions/powermail/ForDevelopers/AddFinisherClasses/Index.html
Just for the record. TYPO3 8 core ships a new form extension which allows both. With the save to database finisher you can easily edit fe_user data. Furthermore, all image uploads are handled as FAL. We will document this use case and release a small extension which does the job (soon).

How to enable header_position in TYPO3 7.6

In versions prior to TYPO3 7.6 you could select a position for your header within your content element (left, middle, right as far as I remember).
The field which has been used for storing that information in tt_content header_position is still available.
However, it will not appear in the backend.
I'm also using fluid_styled_content for rendering my content, and the Header partial doesn't contain any reference to the position, but only to the layout field.
My question is: How can I reenable that field and use it to position my headers?
You have to build a quick extension of yours which can reenable the field. You need to create folders and a file like following:
the contents of that file are:
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility;
'header_position' => [
'exclude' => 1,
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:your_ext/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf:tt_content.header_position',
'config' => [
'type' => 'select',
'renderType' => 'selectSingle',
'items' => [
['LLL:EXT:your_ext/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf:tt_content.header_position.left', 'left'],
['LLL:EXT:your_ext/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf:tt_content.header_position.right', 'right'],
['LLL:EXT:your_ext/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf:tt_content.header_position.center', 'center']
ExtensionManagementUtility::addFieldsToPalette('tt_content', 'header', '--linebreak--,header_position', 'after:header_layout');
ExtensionManagementUtility::addFieldsToPalette('tt_content', 'headers', '--linebreak--,header_position', 'after:header_layout');
Now the field should be back in the backend, because you've added it to the TCA via addTCAColumns to the tt_content configuration and added it via addFieldsToPalette to the header and headers palettes of tt_content, which are used by the types textmedia and header.
You can find out more about this by using the Configuration module in the TYPO3 backend. You can see it, when you are logged in as admin. Also a good place to look and learn about the TCA is the TCA reference: https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/TCAReference/
Now you need to alter the fluid_styled_content templates. You need to create template overrides for the header partial of fluid_styled_content.
First create a folder: your_ext/Configuration/TypoScript and add a setup.txt and a constants.txt file.
In setup.txt add the following lines:
10 = {$plugin.your_ext.view.fluid_styled_content.templateRootPath}
10 = {$plugin.your_ext.view.fluid_styled_content.partialRootPath}
10 = {$plugin.your_ext.view.fluid_styled_content.layoutRootPath}
In constants.txt do:
templateRootPath = EXT:your_ext/Resources/Private/FluidStyledContent/Templates/
partialRootPath = EXT:your_ext/Resources/Private/FluidStyledContent/Partials/
layoutRootPath = EXT:your_ext/Resources/Private/FluidStyledContent/Layouts/
To enable your TypoScript, you need to add a ext_tables.php in your your_ext folder and give it the following one-liner:
TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::addStaticFile($_EXTKEY,'Configuration/TypoScript', 'Your Ext Template');
You need to include your static TypoScript to your page via the Template module to enable the change to fluid_styled_content
Now you can copy the templates you need from
into your extensions folders you need to create:
Now you can alter the templates. For your header_position field, you probably just need to copy
and add your selected value as {data.header_position} to a div class and style that.
Keep in mind you do not need to copy all of the templates, because with the TypoScript you just defined another location for fluid to search for templates and take them, if they are available. If not, fluid will walk back the chain and take the templates that are defined at position 9 and lower. You can look into the TypoScript Object Browser by the Template module and look into the TypoScript variable lib.FluidContent to see, if your TypoScript include has worked.
Hope this helped a bit ;)
The database field header_position is only included in the TYPO3 core extension css_styled_content. If you don't have that extension installed the field in the database is probably there because it was installed sometime before.
It is not advised to install css_styled_content and fluid_styled_content installed in parallel as some options can conflict.
If you want to use fluid_styled_content and have the header_position field available the best way to go would be to create a very small TYPO3 extension yourself that includes the necessary SQL definition for the column header_position, the appropriate TCA configuration for that column and a few bits of TypoScript to extend/override the „Partial” paths of fluid_styled_content.

Order of Constants TS in Template Analyzer

i'm struggeling with the order of typoscript in constants. I've a provider extension holding all the templates and files for the site. Typoscript ist used in external files, i don't want to store typoscript in the database. I use typo3_forum ext and want to modify the templates to customize it. But when i put the ts for the view like:
plugin.tx_typo3forum {
view {
templateRootPath = EXT:provider/Resources/Private/Templates/Forum/Standard/
partialRootPath = EXT:provider/Resources/Private/Partials/Forum/Standard/
layoutRootPath = EXT:provider/Resources/Private/Layouts/Forum/Standard/
these values will be overwritten by the typo3_forum ext itself, cause the constants of typo3_forum ext stands in the templateAnalyser hirachy under my provider extension.
Sure storing the above ts in the constants field of my roottemplate solves the problem but is there no solution for external fiels to sort?
I've tried:
plugin.tx_typo3forum.view.templateRootPaths.100 = EXT:provider/Resources/Private/Templates/Forum/Standard/
but this doens't work, the ext uses the default template in that case.
Thanks for your help!
Cheers Mark
Put your line
plugin.tx_typo3forum.view.templateRootPaths.100 = EXT:provider/Resources/Private/Templates/Forum/Standard/
in the setup, not in constants.
You can move the path to constants like
plugin.tx_typo3forum.view.myTemplateRootPath = EXT:provider/Resources/Private/Templates/Forum/Standard/
plugin.tx_typo3forum.view.templateRootPaths.100 = {$plugin.tx_typo3forum.view.myTemplateRootPath}
If using TYPO3 version 8, take a look at https://forge.typo3.org/issues/75862. There is a bug regarding the fallback for template paths. The issue has been solved already and is targeted for version 8.4
The order of TS appearing in the template analyser simply reflects the order in which the files are loaded.
If you are already using a provider extension for your TypoScript and don't put any TS statements in the database (which is a good practice) you can go one step further and put no extension TS in the database at all (not even include static templates in the template record).
Just include the TypoScript files that you need in your provider extension with <INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT and you have complete control of the order of things.
In the database you have to put just one line in constants and one in setup, each of the including from your provider extension. This will also make you less dependent of the database because if you include a new file it is just loaded and no actions are needed in the actual template record in the backend.

Change label of flexform select item in TYPO3 extension tx_news

I want to add a new sorting option to the flexform in the frontend plugin of the TYPO3 extension tx_news. This works fine so far with these additions:
ext_tables.php of my theme extension:
$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EXT']['news']['orderByNews'] .= ',archive';
TypoScript configuration within my theme extension:
plugin.tx_news.settings.orderByAllowed := addToList(archive)
What I miss now is the possibility to change the label of the new item archive in the select field Sort by of the flexform.
I assume it is done via page TSconfig and TCEFORM.tt_content.pi_flexform.news_pi1.sDEF.settings.orderBy but I can't figure out exactly how.
TYPO3 version is 6.2
This did the trick for me:
TCEFORM.tt_content.pi_flexform.news_pi1.sDEF.settings\.orderBy.altLabels.archive = LLL:EXT:my_theme/pathto.xlf:archive
It's important to escape the dot before the fieldname!
I never tried to use pageTS to localize (only template TS), so I don't know if it is actually possible. I would however suggest localizing the label using the locallang files, in this case creating locallang_db.xlf in appropriate path in typo3conf/l10n/ with localization for tx_news_domain_model_news.archive label.
More info here: https://wiki.typo3.org/Translations#Translation_internals.2C_how_does_it_work.3F