I can not connect to monogdb with mongoose when authorization enabled - mongodb

I am trying to connect with MongoDB by mongoose. Everything was ok, when I was connecting with my local db where there is no authentication.
When I've tried to connect to other DB with set admin user and credentials, I've got error and I've tried various different options but without any positive result.
I use these versions:
"mongodb": "^3.3.2",
"mongoose": "^5.7.1"
And my server side technology is node.js
I've tried these options:
const connection = await mongoose.connect(`mongodb://${host}:${port}/${db}?authSource=admin`,
{ useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true });
then I've tried this:
let options = {
"auth": { "authSource":"admin"},
"user": "SVSAdmin",
"useUnifiedTopology": true,
"useNewUrlParser": true
const connection = await mongoose.connect(`mongodb://${host}:${port}/${db}, options);
and this:
and also this:
but it does not work. My credentials are ok.
The error message is:
name: 'MongoNetworkError',
errorLabels: [ 'TransientTransactionError' ],
[Symbol(mongoErrorContextSymbol)]: {}
Maybe important thing is that I'm connecting with db by ssh
I would be grateful for any help.

If u are using ur database remotly then u can use it via IP.
db = mongodb://


How can I set TLS for Mongoose connection

I'm trying to migrate my mongo database from Compose to IBM Cloud Databases for Mongo and in their documnetations (https://www.compose.com/articles/exporting-databases-from-compose-for-mongodb-to-ibm-cloud/): "With a new Databases for MongoDB deployment, you'll be provided with a replica set of two endpoints to connect to your database. Databases for MongoDB also uses a TLS certificate, so you'll need to configure your MongoDB application driver to accept two hosts and a TLS certificate"
How can I set the TLS certificate provided by IBM Cloud in Mongoose connection ?
Nothing I've tried worked :(
I can see my database if I'm using the IBM cli but from my node.js application I cannot connect to it
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
mongoose.Promise = Promise;
var uri="mongodb://admin:passSftgdsdfvrrdfs#host1-1231243242.databases.appdomain.cloud:32605,host2-1231243242,host1-1231243242/testDatabaseName?authSource=admin&replicaSet=replset"
myDb.db = mongoose.createConnection(uri, {
tls: true,
tlsCAFile:`076baeec-1337-11e9-8c9b-ae5t6r3d1b17` (this is the name of the certificate and is placed in the root)
// tlsCAFile: require('fs').readFileSync('041baeec-1272-11e9-8c9b-ae2e3a9c1b17') // I have also tried something like this
absolute nothing is working even the database is there
Please help me
I'm also facing same problem
this works for me
mongoose.connect(‘mongodb+srv://username:password#host/db_name?authSource=admin&replicaSet=repliasetname&tls=true&tlsCAFile=/root/ca-certificate.crt’,{some config})
Try the following:
var key = fs.readFileSync('/home/node/mongodb/mongodb.pem');
var ca = [fs.readFileSync('/home/node/mongodb/ca.pem')];
var o = {
server: {
ssl: true,
sslCA: ca,
sslKey: key,
user: '****',
pass: '****'
m.connect('mongodb://dbAddr/dbName', o)```
I did it locally, you need to install the tunnel first
$ ssh -i "IF YOU HAVE PEM.pem" -L <27017:YOUR_AMAZON_HOST:27017> <server_user_name#server_ip_OR_server_url> -N
I managed to implement it as follows
const CERTIFICATE_PATH = 'rds-combined-ca-bundle.pem'
const certificateCA = CERTIFICATE_PATH && [fs.readFileSync(CERTIFICATE_PATH)];
const sslOptions = certificateCA
? ({
ssl: true,
tlsAllowInvalidHostnames: true,
sslCA: certificateCA,
} as ConnectionOptions)
: {};
const options: ConnectionOptions = {
export const connectMongoDb = async (): Promise<void> => {
await mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/test', options);
console.log('📊 Successfully connected to the database');
You need to set

deno connect to mongodb

I've tried to follow this tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VF38U2qd27Q, but to no avail.
I realised that the syntax in the video already obsolete for example connectWithUri to become connect.
but when I tried to connect to mongo using deno_mongo with the latest docs, it still not working.
import { MongoClient } from "https://deno.land/x/mongo#v0.20.1/mod.ts";
const dbString = `mongodb://${mongoUser}:${mongoPass}#${mongoHost}:${mongoPort}`;
const client = new MongoClient();
const db = client.database(mongoDB)
this.users = db.collection<UserSchema>("users");
Then I found another library denodb but again can't connect to mongodb:
import { Database } from 'https://deno.land/x/denodb/mod.ts';
const dbString = `mongodb://${mongoUser}:${mongoPass}#${mongoHost}:${mongoPort}`;
this.db = new Database('mongo', {
uri: dbString,
database: mongoDB
the error message:
error: Uncaught AssertionError
deno | throw new AssertionError(msg);
deno | ^
deno | at assert (asserts.ts:152:11)
deno | at MongoClient.database (client.ts:48:5)
deno | at new connectDB (connectDB.ts:35:23)
which part is wrong?
Looking at the deno_mongo README on GitHub.
For a local database you should use
//Connecting to a Local Database
await client.connect("mongodb://localhost:27017");
And if you are connecting to Mongo Atlas Database (and probably any other remote database) you should use:
//Connecting to a Mongo Atlas Database
await client.connect({
db: "<db_name>",
tls: true,
servers: [
host: "<db_cluster_url>",
port: 27017,
credential: {
username: "<username>",
password: "<password>",
db: "<db_name>",
mechanism: "SCRAM-SHA-1",
If you are using Mongo Atlas make sure to split up the connection string you get from 'Connection Wizard' in the Mongo Atlas dashboard over 3 (or how many replicas you have) entries in the server array. Like this:
servers: [
host: this.dbUrl1, // e.g. <name-of-cluster>-00-00.fbnrc.mongodb.net
port: 27017,
host: this.dbUrl2, // e.g. <name-of-cluster>-00-01.fbnrc.mongodb.net
port: 27017,
host: this.dbUrl3, // e.g. <name-of-cluster>-00-02.fbnrc.mongodb.net
port: 27017,
You get the connection string by:
Click 'Clusters' under Data storage (left side of the screen)
Click 'Connect' button
Click 'Connect to Application'
Select Driver: 'Node.js' and Version: '2.2.12 or later'
Connection string is displayed below. The servers are listed in a comma separated manner like this:
Make sure the master replica is listed first in the server array. Because if you want to do insertions into the database the master replica should be targeted. For me this was the 2nd mongo url, therefore the following server array worked for me:
servers: [
host: this.dbUrl2,
port: 27017,
host: this.dbUrl1,
port: 27017,
host: this.dbUrl3,
port: 27017,
the below code is working for me.
import { DataTypes, Database, Model } from 'https://deno.land/x/denodb/mod.ts';
const db = new Database('mongo', {
host: 'mongodb://localhost:27017',
username: '',
password: '',
database: 'DBMYAPP',
I also faced the same issue while updating deno_mongo to the latest version. Use await to resolve client.connect method
Try this:
import { MongoClient } from "https://deno.land/x/mongo#v0.20.1/mod.ts";
const dbString = `mongodb://${mongoUser}:${mongoPass}#${mongoHost}:${mongoPort}`;
const client = new MongoClient();
await client.connect(dbString);
const db = client.database(mongoDB)
this.users = db.collection<UserSchema>("users");
I had the same problem on windows 10, so try this
on your local mongodb:
await client.connect("mongodb://");

Unhandled promise rejection: Error: URL malformed, cannot be parsed

I am new to aws and mongodb at the same time, so I'm stuck at a very basic point in trying to connect to my mongo databse, hosted on an amazon linux ec2 instance. The reason is, I'm not able to build the path to my database.
Here is what I'm trying to use:
mongoose.connect('mongod://ec2-user#ec2-XX-XX-XXX-XXX-XX.compute-1.amazonaws.com:27017/test' )
And here is the result of my test lambda function:
UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 2): Error: URL malformed, cannot be parsed
I'm using mongodb 3.6.5.
Mongoose 5.x supports following syntax for authorization and also make sure you have not used any special character in url like #,-,+,>
mongoose.connect(MONGO_URL, {
auth: {
Or if you want to remove deprication warning Avoid “current URL string parser is deprecated"
Add option useNewUrlParser
mongoose.connect(MONGO_URL, {
auth: {
{ useNewUrlParser: true }
My issue was a more simple URI issue. Since there was an # character in the mongod address.
I had to use this:
return mongoose.connect(encodeURI(process.env.DB_CONNECT)); //added ');'
If you used the following URI in your environment file for example
Make sure your password inMONGOD_URI does not have a special character like #. I had used # as part of my password character and was getting the error. After I removed special characters from my DB Password, all worked as expected.
In my case the below worked fine.
Inside db.js
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const MONGODB_URI = "mongodb://host-name:27017/db-name?authSource=admin";
const MONGODB_USER = "mongouser";
const MONGODB_PASS = "myasri*$atIP38:nG*#o";
const authData = {
"useNewUrlParser": true,
"useCreateIndex": true
(err) => {
if (!err) { console.log('MongoDB connection succeeded.'); }
else { console.log('Error in MongoDB connection : ' + JSON.stringify(err, undefined, 2)); }
My Node version is 10.x
MongoDb server version is 3.6.3
mongoose version is ^5.1.2
I just want update the answer from #anthony-winzlet, because I have same error and I has solve with this code.
mongoose.connect(url, {
auth: {
}, function(err, client) {
if (err) {
I just add callback and useNewUrlParser:true. I use "mongoose": "^5.2.7",.
Happy coding!
If you deployed your app to Heroku make sure you updated the Config Vars as they are in your .env file. At least, this was my case.
I know this question has accepted answer, but this is what worked for me:
I'm using Mongoose 6.0.5 and Mongodb 5.0.6, with authentication enabled and with special character (%) in the password:
mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017', {
auth: { username: "myusername", password: "mypassword%" },
dbName: "mydbname",
authSource: "mydbname",
useNewUrlParser: true,
useUnifiedTopology: true,
}, function(err, db) {
if (err) {
console.log('mongoose error', err);
Many solutions had only user and pass for auth that needed username and password instead. Also it needed dbName to get access to mydb's collections.
I have same problem but problem with password
should'nt special character
password not use like this Admin#%+admin.com wrong
password use like this Admin right
or any password you wanna use

How do I connect to a MongoDB Database using SSL with Loopback

I am trying to connect to a MongoDB Database in Rackspace w/ SSL using loopback, but it's not working. It seems to connect fine; if I enter wrong credentials (on purpose) I get an error message saying "Can't connect", but when I use the correct credentials no error shows so I THINK I'm connecting fine. But when I try to query the database it always timesout, any idea whats happening?
My datasources.json looks something like:
"db": {
"name": "mongodb",
"url": "mongodb://username:password#iad-mongos2.objectrocket.com:port/dbName?ssl=true",
"debug": true,
"connector": "mongodb"
I keep reading things about needing a certificate file, but not sure if that applies in this case.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
use datasources.env.js as below
var cfenv = require('cfenv');
var appenv = cfenv.getAppEnv();
// Within the application environment (appenv) there's a services object
var services = appenv.services;
// The services object is a map named by service so we extract the one for MongoDB
var mongodb_services = services["compose-for-mongodb"];
var credentials = mongodb_services[0].credentials;
// Within the credentials, an entry ca_certificate_base64 contains the SSL pinning key
// We convert that from a string into a Buffer entry in an array which we use when
// connecting.
var ca = [new Buffer(credentials.ca_certificate_base64, 'base64')];
var datasource = {
name: "db",
connector: "mongodb",
ssl: true,
sslValidate: false,
sslCA: ca
module.exports = {
'db': datasource
Create a Datasource using lb4 datasource command, edit the datasource generated by adding the SSL details to the config object: 'ssl', 'sslvalidated', 'checkserverIdentity, sslCA, sslKey etc.
import fs from 'fs';
import path from 'path';
const ca = fs.readFileSync(
path.join(__dirname, '../../utils/certs/mongodbca.cert'),
const config = {
name: 'test_db',
debug: true,
connector: 'mongodb',
url: false,
port: port,
user: 'user',
password: 'password',
database: 'databasename',
authSource: 'admin',
useNewUrlParser: true,
ssl: true,
sslValidate: true,
checkServerIdentity: false,
sslCA: [ca],
This worked for me, You can monkey patch the Mongo.connect() function by which you can add the option parameter.
Make a boot script file which can use the MongoDB option parameters of SSL certificate to make a secured connection to MongoDB, below code snippet, is written in a boot script js.
//Below code is written in a boot script
var monog_cert_file = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '../certificate_dir/mongodb.pem'));
var monog_ca_file = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '../certificate_dir/rootCA.pem'));
var monog_key_file = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '../certificate_dir/mongodb.pem'));
const mongoOptions = {
ssl: true,
sslValidate: false,
//Patching Mongo connect For option variable
const mongodb = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
const ogConnect = mongodb.connect;
const connectWrapper = function(url,cb) {
return ogConnect(url, mongoOptions, cb);
mongodb.connect = connectWrapper;
//Patching Mongo connect For option variable
use datasources.json as below
app_db: {
"host": "",
"port": 27017,
"database": "test",
"name": "app_db",
"username": "youruser",
"password": "yourpassword",
"connector": "mongodb",
"server": {
"auto_reconnect": true,
"reconnectTries": 100,
"reconnectInterval": 1000,
"sslKey":fs.readFileSync('path to key'),
"sslCert":fs.readFileSync('path to certificate'),
"sslCA":fs.readFileSync('path to CA'),
"sslPass":"yourpassphrase if any"
tries and interval all are optional.
use below link to get the certificates using OpenSSL

MongoError: auth failed mongoose connection string

I can connect to the DB through terminal, but getting this error using mongoose and gulp.
MongoError: auth failed
My connection string is:
Any idea what it can be?
I installed MEAN from MEAN packaged by Bitnami for windows 7 using the following password: 123456
Syntax for connection string to connect to mongodb with mongoose module
If you don't have {auth:{authdb:"admin"}} in the connection string, you will get the following error: MongoError: Authentication failed.
JS Example: mongo-test/app.js
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
mongoose.set('debug', true); // turn on debug
just add ?authSource=yourDB&w=1 to end of db url
this work for me . &w=1 is important
There is many ways to make it work. This is what worked for me [mongoose v5.9.15] :
mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/', {
auth: {
useUnifiedTopology: true,
useNewUrlParser: true
You might want to do something like this...
var opt = {
user: config.username,
pass: config.password,
auth: {
authdb: 'admin'
var connection = mongoose.createConnection(config.database.host, 'mydatabase', config.database.port, opt);
'authdb' option is the database you created the user under.
mongoose.connect("mongodb://[host]/[db]", { auth:{
authdb: "admin",
user: [username],
password: [pw]
// do whatever you want
mongoose.connection.close() // close db
Do you have a user set up for dbname? By default, no user is required to connect to the database unless you explicitly set one. If you haven't, you should just try to connect to mongodb://localhost:27017/dbname and see if you still get an error.
I have found the solution hier, looks like when you create an user from the mongo shell, it makes SCRAM-SHA-1 instead of MongoDB-CR. So the solution to create a new user with MongoDB-CR authentication.
MongoDB-CR Authentication failed
just make sure that your database is created.
and also if your user is not added in the admin database, then make sure to add it by putting
... {user:'admin',pwd:'admin',roles:['root']}
... )
This worked for me for mongod --version = db version v3.6.13
mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/expressapi', {
auth: {
authdb: "admin",
user: "root",
password: "root",
mongo mongodb://usr:psw#localhost:27017/dbname
Password should be alphanumeric only
User should be also available in db 'dbname' (Note : Even if user is super admin)
With above changes it connected successfully.
mongoose.connect("mongodb://[usr]:[pwd]#localhost:[port]/[db]",{ authSource: 'admin', useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true });
I was getting same error. Resolved by adding authSource option to connect function solved the issue. see above code.
The connection string will be like