Returning count of updated rows when UPserting to a Postgres table using jOOQ - postgresql

I am upserting some data to a Postgres table using jOOQ's insertInto() and onDuplicateKeyUpdate() methods. I want to know later how many duplicates were in my data and hence need to return if a row was inserted or updated.
From my postgres specific research so far, I found RETURNING (not MY_TABLE.xmax = 0) AS updated to be a valid option. However, the auto-generated Java table classes from jOOQ don't seem to give me access to the system columns of postgres like xmax.
Here is my query so far:
// pkey columns
.set(MY_TABLE.DURATION, newDuration)
.returning((MY_TABLE.xmax = 0).`às`("inserted"))
This causes the following compile time error:
Error: Kotlin: Unresolved reference: XMAX
I have rechecked my Maven jOOQ table generation configuration and I am not excluding any columns. I have also read through everything I could find on jOOQ's own website but found no useful information for this specific use-case.
Any tips on what I could do here?

In this case you should use jOOQ's SQL templating. Specifically look at the DSL.field() method. Something like this: field("my_table.xmax", int.class).eq(0).


Selecting identical named columns in jOOQ

Im currently using jOOQ to build my SQL (with code generation via the mvn plugin).
Executing the created query is not done by jOOQ though (Using vert.X SqlClient for that).
Lets say I want to select all columns of two tables which share some identical column names. E.g. UserAccount(id,name,...) and Product(id,name,...). When executing the following code
val userTable = USER_ACCOUNT.`as`("u")
val productTable = PRODUCT.`as`("p")
the build method query.getSQL(ParamType.NAMED) returns me a query like
SELECT "u"."id", "u"."name", ..., "p"."id", "p"."name", ... FROM ...
The problem here is, the resultset will contain the column id and name twice without the prefix "u." or "p.", so I can't map/parse it correctly.
Is there a way how I can say to jOOQ to alias these columns like the following without any further manual efforts ?
SELECT "u"."id" AS "", "u"."name" AS "", ..., "p"."id" AS "", "p"."name" AS "" ...
Im using the holy Postgres Database :)
EDIT: Current approach would be sth like
val productFields = productTable.fields().map { it.`as`(name("p.${}")) }
val userFields = userTable.fields().map { it.`as`(name("p.${}")) }
This feels really hacky though
How to correctly dereference tables from records
You should always use the column references that you passed to the query to dereference values from records in your result. If you didn't pass column references explicitly, then the ones from your generated table via Table.fields() are used.
In your code, that would correspond to:
So, in a resulting record, do this:
val rec = ...
Using Record.into(Table)
Since you seem to be projecting all the columns (do you really need all of them?) to the generated POJO classes, you can still do this intermediary step if you want:
val rec = ...
val userAccount: UserAccount = rec.into(userTable).into(
val product: Product = rec.into(productTable).into(
Because the generated table has all the necessary meta data, it can decide which columns belong to it, and which ones don't. The POJO doesn't have this meta information, which is why it can't disambiguate the duplicate column names.
Using nested records
You can always use nested records directly in SQL as well in order to produce one of these 2 types:
Record2<Record[N], Record[N]> (e.g. using DSL.row(table.fields()))
Record2<UserAccountRecord, ProductRecord> (e.g using DSL.row(table.fields()).mapping(...), or starting from jOOQ 3.17 directly using a Table<R> as a SelectField<R>)
The second jOOQ 3.17 solution would look like this:
// Using an implicit join here, for convenience
create().select(productTable.userAccount(), productTable)
The above is using implicit joins, for additional convenience
Auto aliasing all columns
There are a ton of flavours that users could like to have when "auto-aliasing" columns in SQL. Any solution offered by jOOQ would be no better than the one you've already found, so if you still want to auto-alias all columns, then just do what you did.
But usually, the desire to auto-alias is a derived feature request from a misunderstanding of what's the best approch to do something in jOOQ (see above options), so ideally, you don't follow down the auto-aliasing road.

Redshift Spectrum table doesnt recognize array

I have ran a crawler on json S3 file for updating an existing external table.
Once finished I checked the SVL_S3LOG to see the structure of the external table and saw it was updated and I have new column with Array<int> type like expected.
When I have tried to execute select * on the external table I got this error: "Invalid operation: Nested tables do not support '*' in the SELECT clause.;"
So I have tried to detailed the select statement with all columns names:
select name, date, books.... (books is the Array<int> type)
from external_table_a1
and got this error:
Invalid operation: column "books" does not exist in external_table_a1;"
I have also checked under "AWS Glue" the table external_table_a1 and saw that column "books" is recognized and have the type Array<int>.
Can someone explain why my simple query is wrong?
What am I missing?
Querying JSON data is a bit of a hassle with Redshift: when parsing is enabled (eg using the appropriate SerDe configuration) the JSON is stored as a SUPER type. In your case that's the Array<int>.
The AWS documentation on Querying semistructured data seems pretty straightforward, mentioning that PartiQL uses "dotted notation and array subscript for path navigation when accessing nested data". This doesn't work for me, although I don't find any reasons in their SUPER Limitations Documentation.
Solution 1
What I have to do is set the flags set json_serialization_enable to true; and set json_serialization_parse_nested_strings to true; which will parse the SUPER type as JSON (ie back to JSON). I can then use JSON-functions to query the data. Unnesting data gets even crazier because you can only use the unnest syntax select item from table as t, t.items as item on SUPER types. I genuinely don't think that this is the supposed way to query and unnest SUPER objects but that's the only approach that worked for me.
They described that in some older "Amazon Redshift Developer Guide".
Solution 2
When you are writing your query or creating a query Redshift will try to fit the output into one of the basic column data types. If the result of your query does not match any of those types, Redshift will not process the query. Hence, in order to convert a SUPER to a compatible type you will have to unnest it (using the rather peculiar Redshift unnest syntax).
For me, this works in certain cases but I'm not always able to properly index arrays, not can I access the array index (using my_table.array_column as array_entry at array_index syntax).

Using jsonb_set in update with jOOQ

I have a sql query for updating a status value in a data column of type
jsonb in Postgresql that looks like this:
update sample
set updated = now(),
data = jsonb_set(data, '{status}', jsonb 'CANCELLED', true)
where id = 11;
I need to translate that to a working jOOQ query in my Kotlin project ... I
have this so far:
.set(Tables.SAMPLE.DATA, field("jsonb_set(data, '{status}', jsonb '\"CANCELLED\"', true)"))
But the second set fails with None of the following functions can be called with the
arguments supplied error message... What is the correct signature of set
that I can use here?
I am basing my jOOQ syntax on the answer that Lukas Eder provided in Using raw value-expressions in UPDATE with jooq
In an UPDATE statement, you have to match data types in your SET clause on both sides. I.e. SAMPLE.DATA is of type Field<T>, so the expression you're setting it to must also be of type Field<T>.
I'm assuming that SAMPLE.DATA is a Field<JSONB>, so it will be sufficient to write
.set(SAMPLE.DATA, field("json_set(...)", JSONB.class))
Notice that jOOQ 3.12 has introduced this JSONB type. In previous versions, lacking any out-of-the-box jOOQ representation for JSON and JSONB types, the jOOQ code generator may have generated a Field<Object> type for your SAMPLE.DATA column, in case of which your statement would have compiled.

Mybatis dynamic select query with prevention of 'no column exits' errors

What's the best approch to have a dynamic query like
select $dynamic_columns from table
But also prevent error like column not found and get result with available columns. considering $dynamic_columns is given by end users.
One approach would be to store the schema in java object and filter it. Again if schema is update in DB we will need to update the schema java object cache. is there any better way to handle this?
Be careful with this as it is more vulnerable to SQL injection.
Never let the user type something into a text field, instead build a
list for them to select from.
For building the list, I think the best approach is to use the JDBC method DatabaseMetaData.getColumns(...) to retrieve a list of columns for a table. I don't think there's a need to cache anything.

Oracle DB link - where clause evaluation

i have a DB2 data source and an Oracle 12c target.
The Oracle has a DB link to the DB2 defined which is working in general.
Now i have a huge table in the DB2 which has a timestamp column (lets call it ROW_CHANGED) for row changes. I want to retrieve rows which have changed after a particular time.
SELECT * FROM lib.tbl WHERE ROW_CHANGED >'2016-08-01 10:00:00'
on the DB2 returns exactly 1 row after ca. 90 secs which is fine.
Now i try the same query from the Oracle via the db link:
SELECT * FROM lib.tbl#dblink_name WHERE ROW_CHANGED >TO_TIMESTAMP('2016-08-01 10:00:00')
This runs for hours and ends up in a timeout.
I read some Oracle docs and found distributed query optimization tips but most of them refer to joining a local to a remote table which is not my case.
In my desperation, i have tried the DRIVING_SITE hint, without effect.
Now i wonder when the WHERE part of the query will be evaluated. Since i have to use Oracle syntax and not DB2 syntax for the query, is it possible the Oracle will try to first copy the full table and apply the where clause afterwards? I did some research but did not find anything which would help me in this direction.
The ROW_CHANGED is a hidden column in the DB2, if that matters.
Thx for any hint in advance.
Thanks#all for help. I'll share what did the trick for me.
First of all i have used TO_TIMESTAMP since the DB2 column is also Timestamp (not date) and i had expected to circumvent implicit conversions by this.
Without the explicit conversion i ran into ORA-28534: Heterogeneous Services preprocessing error and i have no hope of touching the DB config within reasonable time.
The explain plan btw did not bring much. It showed a FULL hint and no conversion on the predicates. Indeed it showed the ROW_CHANGED column as Date, i wonder why.
I have tried Justins suggestion to use a bind variable, however i got ORA-28534 again. Next thing i did was to wrap it into a pl/sql block (will run in a SP anyway later).
v_tmstmp TIMESTAMP := 01.08.16 10:00:00;
FROM lib.tbl#dblink_name
This was executing in the same time as in DB2 itself. The date format is DD.MM.YY here since it is the default unfortunately.
When changing the variable assignment to
v_tmstmp TIMESTAMP := TO_TIMESTAMP('01.08.16 10:00:00','DD.MM.YY HH24:MI:SS');
I got the same problem as before.
Meanwhile the DB2 operators have created an index in the ROW_CHANGED column which i requested earlier that day. This has solved the problem in general it seems. Even my original query finishes in no time now.
If you are actually using an Oracle-specific conversion function like to_timestamp, that forces the predicate to be evaluated on the Oracle side. Oracle isn't going to know how to convert a built-in function like to_timestamp into an exactly equivalent function call in DB2.
If you used a bind variable, that would be more likely to get evaluated on the DB2 side. But that may be complicated by the data type mapping between different databases-- there may not be a perfect mapping between one engine's date and another engine's timestamp data type. If this was a numeric column, a bind variable would be almost certain to get pushed. In this case, it probably involves playing around a bit to figure out exactly what data type to use for your variable that works for your framework, Oracle, and DB2.
If using a bind variable doesn't work, you can force the predicate to be evaluated on the remote server using the dbms_hs_passthrough package. That lets you send a query verbatim to the remote server which allows you to do things like use functions defined in your DB2 database. That's a bit of overkill in this situation, hopefully, but it's nice to have the hammer as your backup if the simpler solution doesn't work quickly enough.