Jboss EAP-7.X Automation - jboss

I want to automate application deployment on top of jboss eap 7 using puppet or ansible. If I manually configure the application related configuration through jboss management console and copy the standalone file to perform automation in another box will it work or do I need to take anyother approach.

You can use the command-line interface tool jboss-cli.sh to automate configuration changes, including application deployment. You will need your Standalone or DomainController to be started for that to work.
The following shell command should deploy an application :
$JBOSS_HOME/bin/jboss-cli.sh -c 'deploy /path/to/application.war'
This assumes a running Standalone or DomainController available at the default address (localhost:8090), if you use another port for your management interface you will want to specify the --controller=host:port option or a -Djboss.cli.config=/path/to/jboss-cli.xml where the jboss-cli.xml should specify the connection settings.
You can check $JBOSS_HOME/bin/jboss-cli.sh --help for more information on the command-line interface tool itself, and launching the tool without a command parameter will lead you to an interactive shell where the help command and the smart autocompletion can help you discover the features of the tool.


How to use Powershell DSC for application installation?

Currently we are having application which will be in DVD. there will be setup.exe and user will click on that and fill the inputs it asks for . Inputs such as path where the application to be installed, SQL server instance where db will be created and port numbers which required to be bind.
I am hearing that Powershell DSC can be used for application deployment. But it is not like running some setup.exe and get some inputs for installation.
Whether Powershell DSC can really be used for application deployment? or is it only for environment preparation?
If it is being used for application deployment , how it is being achieved? Whether the end user told to fill the data in some configurationdata psd1 file manually and then run the script?
You can use the built-in Package resource. However you may want to explore looking at cChoco instead as Chocolatey is much more geared towards software management (application deployment) with handling installs, upgrades and uninstallation.
Powershell DSC its for Application Deployment, but... you can use it as an exe, what you can do is create a simple console or windows forms EXE program that embeds the script as a resource and the EXE, upon loading retrieves the script and throws it at a PowerShell runspace to execute.
This is a link about it Make PSexe

Vagrant Berkshelf - Shelf Path?

Is it possible to set the path where the berkshelf plugin puts the cookbooks it installs? (As in the .berkshelf folder)
I am running Windows 7.
I am currently trying to install a mysql server using an opscode cookbook to a vm and here at work they have the %HOMEDRIVE% system variable set to a network drive. So when .berkshelf starts at the beginning of the Vagrantfile, it pushes the cookbooks to the network drive and it causes it to be slow and well, its not where it should be. Is there a fix to this?
VirtualBox did this as well, but I fixed it by altering the settings. I tried looking for some sort of equivalent settings for berkshelf, but the closest I got was for the standard berkshelf (thats not a vagrant plugin), it appears you can set this environment variable:
Found here:
I need to be able to have the cookbooks it reads from the berksfile store to my laptops local drive instead, as in my scenario I cannot have the mobility of the VM limited to the building because of files that are stored on the network.
Any incite would be much appreciated.
Perhaps its better to use the actual berkshelf over the vagrant plugin?
If you want to have the portability - a full chef-repo ready for chef-solo runs, better off using standalone berkshelf instead of the vagrant-berkshelf plugin - which is NOT that flexibly.
For complex cookbooks, I prefer to use standalone berkshelf as it allows me to do berks install --path chef/cookbooks to copy all cookbooks required from ~/.berkshelf/cookbooks, then I can just tar the whole thing and transfer to other machines for the same chef-solo run. some people use capistrano automate the tar and scp/rsync over the network. I just use rysnc/scp;-)

Deployment of files to Virtual Machines

During our development process the developers do code modifications, compile the code and need to deploy it on a remote machine and test it or debug it remotely.
There are manual steps that are usually needed - stop one or more services, copy the compiled files to specific place in the destination machine and other steps (maybe delete some folder etc.)
I was wondering if there is a tool that as input gets IP of remote machine and predefined steps (stop service, copy local files to remote machine etc) - and just do autmatic deployment for the developer? I'd like to automate this tiring process a bit...
Ant is a common tool for such tasks in Java development. You can use ant to compile your code, use an scp task to copy your binaries to a server and run scripts on that server. The configuration is done by XML and is pretty easy. You should google or search on stackoverflow for some examples.
I use rundeck to control my deployments. I like it's simplicity and the fact that all that's required is SSH access to my servers, enabling me to upload files, and run whatever scripts I require.
It has a simple XML configuration file listing the servers in my network. This makes it really easy to integrate with other CM tools.
For windows deployments you're going to require an SSH implementation installed on each node, or a more complicated deployment tool.

Recommended approach to deploy VMware PowerCLI command line console application

PowerCLI with .NET has some dependencies on dll's that you get only when you install PowerCLI on each machine you want to run.
I have a console app with command line arguments, which when deployed using the usual method doesn't work because of the unmet dependencies...these assemblies are part of the GAC.
Clickonce deployment proved to be useless..it didnt recognize my arguments although I passed them as query params.
Finally, I installed VMware PowerCLI on this remote machine. Then ran the .exe and it worked. Is there a way to avoid installing PowerCLI and be able to include all the dependencies with my exe during deployment?
Depending on where exactly you want to deploy your console application, you may be out of luck. According to this page and the most relevant forum post I could find, the PowerCLI assemblies are not redistributable. Your best bet if you want to distribute this application outside your company is to use the Web Services SDK - a huge pain since you've already developed the app.
Assuming your application is for internal use only and you just want to deploy it on its destination server, you can do the following to reference the assemblies locally:
On the development machine, copy whichever PowerCLI .dlls you reference from the GAC (in %WINDIR%\assembly) to your solutions local directory.
Change your references in the project to point to the local versions of the .dlls.
Open the 'Properties' view for each of the references, and make sure 'Copy Local' is set to True.
Compile and deploy your console application (and it's coresident .dlls) to the target machine, it should reference them in the local directory and run without external dependencies.
Hope that helps!
You could also automate PowerCLI installation with a silent installation one-line Powershell script, if the problem is hiding the installation from the users.
Invoke-Expression ("cmd /c '$powerCLIexeFilePath'/S /VADDLOCAL=ALL /V/qn")

Correct deployment tool to copy files & run SQL Script

What would be the best way to deploy upgrades to a piece of software with the following requirements:
The upgrade:
Must be run from a client machine, not a server.
Must Show a dialog to select a network location and copy files to a share.
Must show a dialog to enter SQL Server connection information and the upgrade must connect to SQL Server to run an upgrade script.
Must not change anything on the client machine from which the upgrade is run. (Nothing in Add/Remove programs, registry, etc. I.e. no Windows Installer.)
Must not rely on any additional dlls or frameworks. The user must be able to download a single file and run it from Windows XP SP2 without having to install anything else.
Some things I have looked into:
Batch files (can’t show a dialog to allow the user to enter connection information)
OSQL (can’t show a dialog and can’t copy files)
WiX (runs on top of Windows Installer so it puts things on the client machine from which it is run)
Custom C#/VB app (requires .NET framework)
Winzip/WinRAR (can't show a dialog, can’t run SQL Scripts)
If you don't want to rely on any dlls and frameworks, you should make a native app, this can be, for example, custom winrar sfx (you can run additional scripts after extraction, this can be a batch that executes sqlcmd).