Migrate data in mongodb from old schema to new schema via sailsjs - mongodb

I want to migrate the schema of my models. I wanted to try to do so with the "migrate: alter" command in my env file.
The problem seems to be that on default the startup script will run in production mode which automatically uses "migrate: safe".
I´ve tried changing the "migrate" attribute to alter in die production.js file which does not take effect. Also I tried to set the environment variable to development but it will still start in production mode.

If you have simply installed sailsjs globally with npm, you can try cli command,\
sails migrate
to migrate the database. This is confirmed by sailsjs on twitter.


NestJs with TypeORM migrations fail

I use this boilerplate app to learn NestJs GITHUB LINK. The template is amazing but there was one thing that I can't fix migrations. When I try to add a new entity or use an existing one with npm run migrate:create Init migration was successful
Migration D:/src/database/migrations/1657796180301-init.ts
has been generated successfully.
but without any updating on the migration file or database. Only If I use synchronize: true and start the app the database was updated.
try to run migration:generate to generate new migrate file.
You have to run migration:run to apply migrations. This process is not done automatically because some migrations will cause you to loose data (dropping a column for example), so this gives you a chance to validate migration file before applying it.

Keystone Next not showing database type and always select postgresql by default

I'am new user for using keystone and will create simple project with keystone, but I've some problem when generating project by yarn always select postgresql as default database type.
Below is example screenshot when I'am create new project with keystone next
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/GX4i4.png
The yarn create keystone-app command your running uses create-keystone-app, documented here. The resultant app simply expects a Postgres database. If you don't already have it, you can install Postgres using brew or Postgres.app (on MacOS) or one of the official installers.
If you don't want to use Postgres you'll need to create your project another way. Clone the Keystone repo and have a look at the examples directory. It's full of very simply starting points that use an SQLite db instead.
Sept 2021 Update
create-keystone-app has been updated to use SQLite by default now so it won't prompt for a DB connection string at all. You can still switch to Postgres manually if you want but it's a manual step.
The walkthrough has details.

How to automatically create migration files when using sequelize?

Is it possible to automatically create migration files when using sequelize?
For example if I change my model, is there a way to automatically create a migration file that reflects those changes and run the migration to effect those changes in the database. Or do I have to manually create migration files myself?
I am using PostgreSQL.
There is a package for that
its maintained and documented.
Install it with:
npm install sequelize-mig -g / yarn global add sequelize-mig
then use it like this
sequelize-mig migration:make -n <migration name>
and it will generate the migration file
I highly recommend Sequelize-mig, as referenced by MRVMV. I have 25 years of experience in creating my own ORM, and for my most recent project I decided to finally use an existing ORM. I chose Sequelize and as I got going with it, I was sorely disappointed that it does not have the ability to automatically genereate migration files by inspecting model files. This issue landed me here in this SO thread, and so I tried sequelize-mig. I read the docs and tried it out for about 4 hours and I find it to be working very well.
Using it, you can just create/modify your models .js files, then call "npx sequelize-mig migration:make --preview" to see what it will do. Carefully inspect all the preview code and make changes until you love the result. Then call "npx sequelize-mig migration:make -n <>" and it will populate the migration files. Carefully inspect those and when you love them, then use sequelize to migrate to your dev database by calling "npx sequelize-cli db:migrate" and that's it.
Next up, I will decide upon the best way for moving these migrations to production. But that decision doesn't have anything to do with sequelize-mig - it is the same decision you have to make for sequelize itself, just that now you get automatic generation of your migration files, thanks to sequelize-mig.
Highly recommend sequelize-mig!

sails.getDatastore is not a function

I'm currently in the middle of upgrading our API from v0.12 of Sails to v1. Not the easiest task, but will be worth it.
The current problem I'm having, is converting our old "ModelName.query" calls to the new style, which is supposedly "sails.getDatastore". Great, fine.
Except, that when trying to do this in config/bootstrap.js, I constantly get the error "sails.getDatastore is not a function".
Yes, I am using the default sails-hook-orm, the .sailsrc has it turned on explicitly; and yes, I have globals turned on.
Is the problem that the function isn't registered until after bootstrap? Because that is not an option for us; bootstrap is validating our database schema before lift (custom code, using native queries), so our production servers fail to deploy if we missed a database update. It eliminates a ton of human error.
Thanks for taking the 1.0 plunge!
I'm not sure what you mean by the "default" sails-hook-orm -- that hook is installed directly as a dependency on each Sails 1.0 project -- but I can almost guarantee that the version you're using is not correct. I would do:
npm cache clean
npm install sails-hook-orm#beta
in your project to make sure you get the latest (currently v2.0.0-21). It adds getDatastore to the app object when it initializes.

Fabfile with support for sqlalchemy-migrate deployments?

I have database migrations (with sqlalchemy-migrate) working well in my dev environment. However, I'm a little stumped about how to integrate this into my deployment process.
I'd like to use fabric to execute the manage.py file on the remote server but I'm not sure what to use for the repository value in this file. Referring to both 'appname/migrations' and '/usr/local/pylons/appname/env/lib/python2.6/site-packages/appname-05.egg/appname/migrations/'
both fail with a migrate.versioning.exceptions.InvalidRepositoryError
Does anyone have a fabfile and manage.py that plays nicely with sqlalchemy-migrate?
What I did was to generate a manage.py file per the sqlalchemy-migrations docs. In there I hacked it up to load our config information which includes the db auth info. In our case it's a Pylons app so it reads the proper Pylons config.ini file.
Then the fabric commands all interact with the manage.py file vs using the Python API directly. Since everything, from the SA-Migrate manage.py through the app itself I don't run into any sort of path issues like you mention.
Not sure this is a 'exact' fix but maybe helps.