How to build Conda env on Mac using Windows yml file? - virtualenv

I'm creating Conda create environment from yml I generated on Windows' Miniconda install. I need to create same environment on OS X. Following the advise found here on SO I used the --no-builds option.
Also, the names of some packages under section ResolvePackageNotFound are clearly (many if not all) specific to Windows:
- m2w64-gmp=6.1.0
- m2w64-gcc-libs-core=5.3.0
- m2w64-gcc-libs=5.3.0
- vc=14.1
- vs2015_runtime=15.5.2
- msys2-conda-epoch=20160418
- menuinst=1.4.14
- icc_rt=2019.0.0
- m2w64-libwinpthread-git=
- pywinpty=0.5.5
- wincertstore=0.2
- m2w64-gcc-libgfortran=5.3.0
- win_inet_pton=1.1.0
- winpty=0.4.3
I removed all of these from the yml file. Even then it's stalled at the following screen:
(base) MacBook-Air:Anaconda.d xtian$ conda env create -f 32b-qb-2019-10-05.yml
Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): done
Solving environment: \
Found conflicts! Looking for incompatible packages.
This can take several minutes. Press CTRL-C to abor|
Examining openssl: 10%|█████████▍ | 29/279 [00:00<00:00, 3729.87it- ]
Comparing specs that have this dependency: 16%|██████████▉ | 16/101 [05:53<31:19, 22.11s/it]
Finding shortest conflict path for openssl[version='>=1.0.2p,<1.0.3a']: 38%|███████████████▊ | 6/16 [02:39<06:23, 38.32s/it]
This process is progressing at an astonishingly slow pace, and hasn't got past openssl ... 29/279. Should I wait and trust Conda can figure this all out?
Do I need another strategy--
I'm wondering if I can't remove the offending packages, each in turn, and create a series of yml files to install in order using, $ conda env update --prefix ./env --file environment.yml --prune, because whatever finally works here I know I'm going to need to use it on another machine so I can share the project env with a colleague.
Any other suggestions?

Short answer: Try deleting the packages that your system is getting stuck on from the .yml file. i.e., remove "openssl" from .yml file.
I have been running into the same issue trying to install a .yml file created in a Windows system to a Mac system. I basically followed the same procedure you did:
-Created yml file using the --no-builds option.
-Attempted to create environment on Mac system and had several windows specific packages left under ResolvePackageNotFound section (listed below)
-Deleted those from the yml file
-Attempted to create environment from updated yml file and received the following conflicts:
- Found conflicts! Looking for incompatible packages.
My system also got stuck trying to solve the "openssl" conflict along with a "_tflow_select". I ended up deleting those and was able to create my environment and run the code without too much trouble.


Unexpected Behavior for CMake Policy CMP0074 on Github Actions

My CMake build on Github Actions can't find Boost. So I enable policy CMP0074 and set variable Boost_ROOT. After that CMake finds Boost, but emits this warning:
CMake Warning (dev) at myproject/CMakeLists.txt:14 (find_package):
Policy CMP0074 is not set: find_package uses <PackageName>_ROOT
variables. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0074" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this
Environment variable Boost_ROOT is set to:
For compatibility, CMake is ignoring the variable.
So that seems contradictory to me. Without CMP0074 it does not work. With CMP0074 it works but complains.
I am trying to get a build running on Github Actions using the "windows-2022" platform which includes cmake version 3.25.1.
I have one step to install boost and another to build my code. On my first attempt, the build of my code failed because it could not find boost. So I made two changes:
I edited my CMakeLists.txt file and added this line:
cmake_policy(SET CMP0074 NEW)
I set environment variable Boost_ROOT equal to C:\local\boost (the path to which I install boost on the server).
Now, my build finds the boost header files and progresses further. (It fails at the linking stage because it can't find the boost lib files and I am working on that). But the build emits the warning mentioned above. This seems contradictory to me:
Without CMP0074/Boost_ROOT, it does not find the Boost header files
With CMP0074/Boost_ROOT, it finds the Boost header files, while also emitting a warning to say that Boost_ROOT is ignored
This makes no sense to me and I am unable to recreate the problem locally (I am running cmake version 3.25.1, same as the windows-2022 container on Github Actions.) Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
This is how my yaml file looks like so far:
name: Test
on: workflow_dispatch
runs-on: windows-2022
- uses: actions/checkout#v3
- name: Setup MSBuild
uses: microsoft/setup-msbuild#v1.1
- name: Setup Boost
run: |
$Url = ""
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($Url, "$env:TEMP\boost.exe")
Start-Process -Wait -FilePath "$env:TEMP\boost.exe" "/SILENT","/SP-","/SUPPRESSMSGBOXES","/DIR=C:\local\boost"
- name: Build Myproject
Boost_ROOT: C:\local\boost
run: |
Expand-Archive -Path -DestinationPath C:\local
cd C:\local\Myproject
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" -A x64 ..
cmake --build . --config Release
With CMP0074/Boost_ROOT, it finds the Boost header files, while also emitting a warning to say that Boost_ROOT is ignored.
Actually, there is no contradiction in such behavior, because Boost headers are found via ... BOOST_ROOT variable (case insensitive!).
When a project specifies (with cmake_minimum_required) that it is written for CMake 3.11 (or older), CMake doesn't set policy CMP0074.
When such project calls find_package(Boost) and CMake observes, that environment variable Boost_ROOT is set, it emits the warning and does not add this variable implicitly to find_path and find_library calls, performed by module FindBoost.cmake.
However, the module FindBoost.cmake explicitly adds environment variable BOOST_ROOT to its find_path and find_library calls, so the directory specified by the variable is actually searched.
On Windows environment variables are case-insensitive. (Unlike to Linux variables, unlike to CMake variables). So Boost_ROOT and BOOST_ROOT are actually refer to the same variable.
There is some specific about FindBoost.cmake module: it supports (and documents!) using BOOST_ROOT environment variable as a hint for search. Such decision could look strange assuming CMake automatically adds Boost_ROOT variable to the search paths. But FindBoost.cmake has been written long before CMake 3.12 (see e.g. FindBoost documentation for CMake 3.1), so Boost developers couldn't be aware that CMake will introduce such feature at the system level.
That is, you could ignore such warning. The warning will disappear when the project migrates to CMake 3.12 or newer (as a minimum requirement).
Alternatively, instead of Boost_ROOT you could set BOOSTROOT environment variable as a hint: such variable is not checked by CMake itself, but used in FindBoost.cmake module.

Unable to run/debug robot tests in vscode - robocorp extensions installed

I have installed Robocorp Code as well as Robot Framework Language Server and have configured them. However, I am still having errors when trying to run the tests via the code lens options.
Repo - A webapi repo with a specific folder containing all tests. Lets call it regression.
RF - 4.1.3
Python - 3.8
This is what happens when I click on Run on the code lens for any of the tests -
`PS C:\git\xxxx\regression> C:; cd 'C:\git\xxxx\regression'; &
'--port' '54331' '--no-debug' '--argumentfile'
'C:\git\xxxx\regression\args-local.txt' '--pythonpath'
'c:\git\xxxx\regression\common\lib' '--variable'
[ ERROR ] Parsing'--pythonpath' failed: File or directory to execute does not exist.
However, the test starts if I remove the argumentfile parameter but it, of course, fails because its missing arguments from the file.
Do note that the folder specified in pythopath exists and has some python libraries needed for the tests.

How to reference yaml variable file present in github in robot framework test case file in github

I ran Robot framework test cases(present in github) through azure pipeline. Test cases executed fine. Next I modified robot framework test case file to import yaml variable file (variable yaml file also present in same github repo folder) which has variables to be used by test cases file.
yaml variable file looks like this
password: xyz
And my test cases file look like this
*** Settings ***
Library SeleniumLibrary
Variables variablesfile.yaml
*** Test Cases ***
Open Browser ${login.url} chrome
Input Text id=email ${}
Input Password id=password ${login.password}
And my yaml pipeline to trigger test scenarios looks like this
- script: |
pip install pytest pytest-azurepipelines
robot --pythonpath . -x outputxunit.xml TestScenarios.robot
displayName: 'Run Robot Scripts'
but on running the pipeline I get error, because test scenarios file is unable to reference variablesfile.yaml. got error message - Resolving variable '${login.url}' failed:
Can you please suggest how to reference variable file
Above error seems to be caused by the variables yaml file not being found.
If you defined Variables file in the Settings section like what you defined in above example. You should put the variables yaml files in the same directory of the test robot file TestScenarios.robot.
If the variables files are not under the same directory. You can define the correct relative path in the Settings section like below example: See here.
Variables ../data/variables.yaml
Using YAML files with Robot Framework requires PyYAML module to be installed. If you have pip_ installed, you can install it simply by running pip install pyyaml.
Variables file is in the same directory of TestScenarios.robot. I also tried entering the full path still it didnt work. Finally i got a solution, I need to run pip install pyyaml script then it worked

Yarn can't find private Github npm registry

I signed up for the Github private npm registry beta and followed their instruction:
Works great with npm but I'd prefer using yarn. And while npm has no issues finding the registered package, yarn can't find it at all.
yarn add #omniphx/adminite-adminite-ui-components outputs:
yarn add v1.19.0
info No lockfile found.
warning package-lock.json found. Your project contains lock files generated by tools other than Yarn. It is advised not to mix package managers in order to avoid resolution inconsistencies caused by unsynchronized lock files. To clear this warning, remove package-lock.json.
[1/4] 🔍 Resolving packages...
error Couldn't find package "#omniphx/adminite-ui-components" on the "npm" registry.
info Visit for documentation about this command.
After reading up on private repos with yarn, I thought the trick was due to yarn having a slightly different rc format. Unfortunately, that didn't work either and yarn is still unable to find the private registry.
registry ""
"#omniphx:registry" ""
Also confirmed that my github token is set too with yarn config list:
yarn config v1.19.0
info yarn config
'version-tag-prefix': 'v',
'version-git-tag': true,
'version-commit-hooks': true,
'version-git-sign': false,
'version-git-message': 'v%s',
'init-version': '1.0.0',
'init-license': 'MIT',
'save-prefix': '^',
'bin-links': true,
'ignore-scripts': false,
'ignore-optional': false,
registry: '',
'strict-ssl': true,
'user-agent': 'yarn/1.19.0 npm/? node/v12.11.1 darwin x64',
email: '',
lastUpdateCheck: 1570679687836,
username: 'omniphx',
'#omniphx:registry': ''
info npm config
'//': 'fake12345',
registry: '',
'#omniphx:registry': '',
python: '/usr/bin/python'
Any idea?
Changed "#myorg:registry" ""
To "#myorg:registry" ""
I've just run into a similar situation. It seemed that yarn was only looking in the main Yarn package registry for my organization's private package. I had copied the examples from GitHub's Packages documentation for constructing your .npmrc file directly to the .yarnrc file in the project that will be consuming the app, not knowing that the formats were different (I've never had to deal with .yarnrc files before).
However, after updating the .yarnrc file with the correct format that you've mentioned above (which I also found in googling around), yarn successfully found the private package and installed it correctly.
As a heads up, my yarn version: 1.17.3
Steps I Took
Start new terminal session
cd to the project
nvm use (if you have a specific node version to use)
Add the correctly-formatted .yarnrc file to the project. See below for what it looks like.
Manually add the package and version range to the package.json for my private package
Run npm login --registry= --scope=#MyOrg
See the note below on scope / org gotcha's
Run yarn
That worked for me.
"#myorg:registry" ""
Note: See below for a note on the org / scope name gotcha's
Other Notes
I know that it appears that you don't have any issues with this, given your GH username / scope above, but for anyone else that comes here, the documentation on GH is a little sparse with regards to mapping your username / org name to a scope in the package name. Just remember these little gotcha's here:
The name of your package must always be scoped to your org (or username)
E.g., name: #johndturn/my-package
If your organization has capital letters in it, like MyOrg, just replace them in the name of the package in your package.json and your .yarnrc with lowercase
E.g., name: #myorg/my-package
Note: When authenticating with npm login, I still have kept the uppercase letters in the --scope= argument.
The name of your package doesn't have to be the same name of the repo.
E.g., for a repo called MyOrg/random-prefix.js-lib, you can have name: #myorg/js-lib in your package.json file for the project itself. Then, installing it in other projects will look something like #myorg/js-lib: 1.0.0.
The problem I had is slightly different.
After tried what John suggested I still can't add private registry packages with yarn (but perfectly fine with npm)
Then I realise two things:
For GitHub packages, npm is fine with either
but yarn only allow the latter syntax.
Docs from Github website only show the first syntax which could cause problems for yarn users.
Another thing is that if you npm login to the private registry but use a .yarnrc file in your project, yarn can't really mix your npm credentials with it. Although it seems behave differently on different environment.
But it would seems to be a best practice to stick with either yarn login + .yarnrc, or npm login + .npmrc (you can still use yarn to manage your packages in both cases)
In Yarn v2+ the setup has changed quite a bit. ".yarnrc" is ignored and only ".yarnrc.yml" is used.
To setup a private registry with a scope and token from env, add something along these lines to the ".yarnrc.yml" file (fontawesome example):
npmRegistryServer: ""
I'm not an expert with npm/yarn so I might be misunderstanding what is happening here, but I don't think package proxying from the npm registry works with yarn yet. Could that be related? When package proxying was released for npm I remember reading comments on Twitter from people that tried it with yarn and it didn't work.
Found the Twitter thread here:
It doesn't work with Yarn. As soon as I change the registry url -> Couldn't find package.

Solaris package upgrade

I'm having a lot of trouble wrapping my head around how Solaris 11 does packaging. I understand that there is a yum type packaging approach, but I would expect there to be a rpm -i and rpm -U approach that allows a package to be delivered and then installed or upgrade.
For now I have tracked down how to make a package, ie pkgmk and pkgtrans. Given this I can create a "foo_1.0.pkg" file that can be installed like this:
pkgadd -d foo_1.0.pkg
However I can not figure out how to upgrade this package with "foo_2.0.pkg":
root#hostname # pkgadd -d foo_2.0.pkg
The following packages are available:
1 foo foo
(x86) private_build
Select package(s) you wish to process (or 'all' to process
all packages). (default: all) [?,??,q]: all
Processing package instance <foo> from </root/foo_2.0.pkg>
foo(x86) private_build
Current administration requires that a unique instance of the <foo>
package be created. However, the maximum number of instances of the
package which may be supported at one time on the same system has
already been met.
No changes were made to the system.
What am I doing wrong? It would appear that i should use pkg update, but this seems to imply that I need to release my pkg in a repo.
First, you aren't using Solaris 11 packaging (IPS) but the legacy SVR4 packaging.
With the latter, you cannot upgrade a custom package. The only way is then simply to remove the old package and install the newer one, which is what rpm -U is doing under the hood anyway.
pkgrm foo
pkgadd -d foo_2.0.pkg foo
I had the same problem, but I was able to workaround it by passing a config file into the cmd. This is especially useful in a script when used with the "echo |" as it bypasses the confirmation prompt as well. The config file overwrites the default install properties which are located in a file here: /var/sadm/install/admin/default. The key is the instance=overwrite line. I changed some of the others as well, to avoid any other prompts that may come up. As an alternate solution you can change the default file directly and not have to reference the additional config file.
with myprog1.0 (or 2.0) already installed run the following command.
echo | pkgadd -a /opt/myprog/install.conf -d myprog2.0
contents of /opt/myprog/install.conf file:
This variable does not exist under most installation environments. If it does exist (with the value yes), it means that a PKG with the same name, version and architecture is already installed on the system or that the installing PKG will overwrite an installed PKG. The original BASEDIR is then used.
So, this variable you can use in preinstall or postinstall script for any updation.