Flutter, getting database records and then internet json - flutter

I have a simple table from which I'm fetching a list of records. Once I get the records, then I have to get information online for each of the records. The code to do this is as follows:
class UserStationList {
List<UserStationListItem> _userStations = [];
final StreamController<HomeViewState> stateController;
UserStationList({#required this.stateController});
Future fetchUserStations() async {
//Fetch stations from table.
List<Map<String, dynamic>> stations =
await UserStationDatabase.instance.queryAllRows();
//If there are no stations, return and tell the screen to display the no data message.
if (stations.length == 0) {
//Loop through each of the stations in the list and build the collection.
stations.forEach((station) async {
UserStationListItem newItem =
await _getPurpleAirSiteData(station['_id'], station['stationid']);
//When done, let the screen know.
Future<UserStationListItem> _getPurpleAirSiteData(
int id, int stationId) async {
var response = await http.get('$kURL$stationId');
var data = json.decode(response.body);
return UserStationListItem(
id: id, stationId: stationId, stationName: data['results'][0]['Label']);
The problem that I am running into involves the futures. I am processing the loop in a forEach and calling into the _getPurpleAirSiteData function for each. Within that function I have to await on the http.get to bring in the data. The stateController.add(HomeViewState.DataRetrieved) function is being called and the function exits long before the loop is completed. This is resulting in the data not being available when the StreamBuilder that I have receiving the data is run.
How can I set this up so that the loop runs completely before calling stateController.add?

I would change this part of code to a list of Futures and await-ing on it.
//Loop through each of the stations in the list and build the collection.
stations.forEach((station) async {
UserStationListItem newItem =
await _getPurpleAirSiteData(station['_id'], station['stationid']);
List<Future<UserStationListItem>> listOfFutures = [];
stations.forEach((station) {
listOfFutures.add(_getPurpleAirSiteData(station['_id'], station['stationid']));
var stationItems = await Future.wait(listOfFutures);
stationItems.forEach((userStationListItem) {
What I am essentially doing creating a list of Futures with your server request. Then await on it which returns a list of item result Maintaining index, which in turn ensures that requests are completed before you hit statecontroller.add. You also gain a performance gain since all request are not going one by one and instead asynchronously. Then you just iterate through the future result and add it to your item list.


Riverpod provider list updates from firebase only if the code is in the provider

I have a Riverpod Streamprovider that manages how a number of different Firebase documents are presented to the user. The user can then access each document, make some changes and return to the list of their documents. Once they have made, changes the row for that document should have a tick showing. The only wrinkle is that these documents in a different collection, each with their own identifier. So its not as easy as just streaming a whole collection, my function needs to get the identifier for each item and then get a list of documents to send to the user.
I have the code so it 'just works' but what I can't work out is why updating the record works when all the code is inside the provider vs when the provider calls it a external code. For example this StreamProvider works as I want and updated documents are recognised
final outputStreamProvider = StreamProvider.autoDispose((ref) async* {
final List<itemModelTest> itemList = [];
final user = ref.watch(loggedInUserProvider);
final uid = ref.watch(authStateProvider).value!.uid;
for (String ident in user.value!.idents) {
# get each item by its own identifier
final item = FirebaseFirestore.instance
.where("ident", isEqualTo: ident)
final result = await item.first;
final test = result.docs[0];
final itemItem = itemModelTest.fromFirebaseQuery(test, uid);
# Listen for changes in the items
item.listen((event) async {
dev.log('event changed');
for (var change in event.docChanges) {
if (change.type == DocumentChangeType.modified) {
itemModelTest updatedModel =
itemModelTest.fromFirebaseQuery(test, uid);
.removeWhere((element) => element.title == updatedModel.title);
yield itemList;
But as you can see it contains a lot of logic that doesn't belong there and should be with my firebase database class. So I tried to split it so now in my firebase crud class I have almost identical code:
Stream<List<itemModelTest>> itemsToReviewStream(LoggedInUser user, String uid) async*{
final List<itemModelTest> itemList = [];
for (String ident in user.idents) {
final item = FirebaseFirestore.instance
.where("ident", isEqualTo: ident)
final result = await item.first;
final test = result.docs[0];
final itemItem = itemModelTest.fromFirebaseQuery(test, uid);
item.listen((event) async {
dev.log('event changed ${event.docChanges.first.doc}');
for(var change in event.docChanges){
if(change.type == DocumentChangeType.modified){
itemModelTest updatedModel = itemModelTest.fromFirebaseQuery(test, uid);
itemList.removeWhere((element) => element.title == updatedModel.title);
}yield itemList;
and my StreamProvider now looks like this
// Get a list of the currently logged in users papers to review
final testitemStreamProvider = StreamProvider.autoDispose((ref) {
final user = ref.watch(loggedInUserProvider).value;
final uid = ref.watch(authStateProvider).value!.uid;
return DataBase().itemsToReviewStream(user!, uid);
The only problem is using this second approach the updates to firebase don't trigger any updates to the ui so when the user returns to their list of documents they cant see which have been processed already. I have been round the houses trying to work out what I am doing wrong but cant see it.
Edit: just a quick edit in case it matters but this is for FlutterWeb not iOS or Android
I am leaving this in case anyone else has the same problem. The real problem with this project was that the database structure was not fit for purpose and a further restriction was to not duplicate data on the database.
The simplest solution (and if you happen to be reading this because you fixing a similar problem) is to make a copy of the documents the user is supposed to have access to in their own collection, this can then be streamed as an entire collection. Checking which documents have and have not been looked at by users was always going to have to be done via an admin account anyway, so it's not as though this would have incurred a penalty.
All the same to manage my particular data repo i ended up
1 make a simple provider to stream a single document
final getSinglePageProvider = StreamProvider.family((ref, String pageId){
return DataBase().getSinglePage(pageId);});
Then once you have a list of all the documents the user has access to make a provider that provides a list of providers above
final simpleOutputsStreamsProvier = StreamProvider((ref) async* {
final user = ref.watch(loggedInUserProvider);
final items = user.value!.items;
yield items.map((e) => ref.watch(getSinglePageProvider(e))).toList();
You can then use this in a consumer as normal, but it has to be 'consumed' twice. In my case, I watched the ListProvider in the build method of a ConsumerWidget. That gives you a list of StreamProviders for individual pages. Finally I used ListView to get each StreamProvide (listofProviders[index]) and unwrapped that with provider.when(...
I have no idea how brittle this approach will turn out to be however!

Getting data from Realtime Database with a conditional statement

how I can show DeliveryBoys in a specific location, in my realtime database I have a value that I need to compare drivers with which is "City" I would like to have all DeliveryBoys that are in a specific city. How can I do that? Using flutter
Am only able to get all drivers without a conditional statement
**This is my Function that i want to modify **
retrieveOnlineDriversInformation(List onlineNearestDriversList) async {
DatabaseReference ref =
for (int i = 0; i < onlineNearestDriversList.length; i++) {
await ref
.then((dataSnapshot) {
var driverKeyInfo = dataSnapshot.snapshot.value;
Database Structure
Based on your responses and as far as I can see, you don't need the loop where you have it. Therefore, I am going to ignore it and simply show you the code that will return the list of driver ids of all drivers for city 'Lusaka'.
Future<List<String>> retrieveOnlineDriversInformation() async {
final driverIds = <String>[];
DatabaseReference ref = FirebaseDatabase.instance.ref().child("drivers");
try {
await ref.orderByChild("city")
(event) {
if (event.snapshot.value != null) {
final driverListData =
Map<String, dynamic>.from(event.snapshot.value! as Map);
driverListData.forEach((key, value) {
} on FirebaseException catch (error, stackTrace) {
// < Some code here to print database error details or otherwise deal with it >
} catch (error, stackTrace) {
// < Some code here to print other error details or otherwise deal with it >
return driverIds;
You could instead modify this to just return the Map 'driverListData' which contains each driver's id and associated driver data.
A couple of other points:
You don't stick to a standard naming convention for your database node and field names. I suggest that you always use lowerCamelCase as the standard (so for example, change DriverLicense to driverLicense) as it will match what you typically name the variables within the Flutter/Dart code.
You don't need to hold the driver id as a separate field in the driver node. It is a duplicate (and therefore wastes space on the database) of the driver record key, which is already accessible to you.
As you see, you should always wrap your database call logic in a try / catch clauses in order to handle any errors that the call to the database may return. There are specific exceptions that can be tested for with the on clause.

Flutter & Firestore: Is it a good idea to add data within a transaction function?

The code below is my member enrollment function.
I want to make sure the new document is successfully created in Firestore before increasing memberCount.
var db = FirebaseFirestore.instance;
await db.runTransaction((transaction) async {
final memberCountDoc = db.collection('variables').doc('memberCount');
final snapshot = await transaction.get(memberCountDoc); // get total num of members right now
int newMemberCount = snapshot.get('value') + 1;
Map<String, dynamic> userdata = {
'sequence': newMemberCount, // specify the value
'enrollTime': DateTime.now().toUtc(),
var user = FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser;
db.collection('users').doc(user!.uid).set(userdata); // add a new doc to record userdata
transaction.update(memberCountDoc, {'value': newMemberCount}); // finish transaction
return newMemberCount;
(value) => print('Now you have $value members!'),
onError: (e) => print(e),
Is it a good idea to add data within a transaction function?
I afraid there are bugs that I haven't noticed yet, or it's not efficient.
The coded looks fine at first glance to me.
One optimization was to use a batched write operation instead of a transaction, by using the atomic increment operator instead of a read-then-write operation. This will increase the scalability of the system, as the whole read-then-write now happens on the database server, rather than in your code.

Wait for query inside for loop - Flutter Firebase

I have this function that creates a list of users from their ids. A query is made for each id to get the information from Firebase RTDB.
static List<FrediUser> formattedParticipantListFromIDs(List<String> participantIDs) {
List<FrediUser> formattedParticipants = [];
for (String id in participantIDs) {
dbQuery(2, 'users', id).once().then((value) {
formattedParticipants.add(FrediUser.fromMap(value.snapshot.value as Map));
Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 3), () {
return formattedParticipants; }
Output of 1st print statement
Output of 2nd print statement
The Problem
The return is always an empty list. As you can see, the loop and the return statement do not wait for the list to be populated. BUT, if you wait 3 seconds, the list did get populated, but it is too late.
How can I wait, in each iteration of the for loop, for the query to be done AND the .then to be called and completed?
*This method is called in a factory constructor function of a class, therefore futures and awaits cannot be used.
You'll want to use await to wait for the asynchronous once() method.
// 👇
static Future<List<FrediUser>> formattedParticipantListFromIDs(List<String> participantIDs)
async {
// 👆
List<FrediUser> formattedParticipants = [];
for (String id in participantIDs) {
// 👇
var value = await dbQuery(2, 'users', id).once();
formattedParticipants.add(FrediUser.fromMap(value.snapshot.value as Map));
return formattedParticipants;
As you'll see, this means that your formattedParticipantListFromIDs function has to be marked as async, and returns a Future. There is no way to prevent this, as there's no way to make asynchronous code behave synchronously.
For more on this, I recommend taking the Dart codelab on Asynchronous programming: futures, async, await

Cannot get subcollection along with collection in flutter

I am trying to get documents with their own subcollections, from Stream, but I am stuck.
This is where I set up my StreamSubscription:
Future<void> _toggleOrdersHistorySubscription({FirebaseUser user}) async {
if (user != null) {
_ordersHistorySubscription = ordersRepository
.ordersHistoryStream(userId: user.uid)
.listen((ordersSnapshot) {
final List<OrderModel> tmpList = ordersSnapshot.documents.map((e) {
// e.reference.collection("cart").getDocuments().;
return OrderModel.orderFromSnapshot(e);
add(OrdersHistoryUpdated(ordersHistory: tmpList));
The issue is that I can't see a way to get subcollection along with the parent document because getDocuments returns a Future.
Anyone can clear this issue for me?
So, I update the code method a separate method for retrieving data when listener is triggered but it doesn't work fully and I do not understand what's happening and why part of the code is working and part is not.
List<OrderModel> _getOrdersHistory({
#required QuerySnapshot snapshot,
}) {
return snapshot.documents.map((document) {
List<OrderedProductModel> cart = [];
List<AddressModel> addresses = [];
document.reference.collection("cart").getDocuments().then((snapshot) {
snapshot?.documents?.forEach((doc) {
.then((snapshot) {
snapshot?.documents?.forEach((doc) {
final order = OrderModel.orderFromSnapshot(
restaurantCart: cart,
return order.copyWith(
(addresses?.isNotEmpty ?? false) ? addresses.first : null,
(addresses?.isNotEmpty ?? false) ? addresses.last : null,
.toList() ??
As an alternate solution to my original issue is that I made a map entry in Firestore instead of a collection for 2 address documents (which are set above as orderAddress and sentFromAddress) and for the cart I decided to get the data when needed for every cart item.
So the method which I put in the update is not the final one, but I want to understand what is happening up there as I do not understand why:
Why the cart is shown as empty if I do a print(order); right before the return and in the bloc it has data;
Why the orderAddress and sentFromAddress are both empty no matter what I try;
To be short: You'll never be able to get a List synchronously if you get the data async from firebase.
Both questions have the same answer:
Your timeline:
For each document
Create an empty list
Initiate the firebase query - getDocuments()
Subscribe to the returned future with - .then((snapshot){cart.add(...)}).
This lambda will be invoked when the documents arrived.
Another subscribe
Save your empty cart and first/last of empty addresses to an OrderModel
Your List contains the references to your empty lists indirectly
Use your bloc, some time elapsed
Firebase done, your callbacks starts to fill up your lists.
Regarding your comment like stream.listen doesn't like async callbacks:
That's not true, you just have to know how async functions work. They're run synchronously until the first await, then return with an incomplete future. If you do real async things you have to deal with the consequences of the time delay like changed environment or parallel running listeners.
You can deal with parallel running with await for (T v in stream) or you can use subscription.pause() and resume.
If anything returns a future, just do this:
...getDocuments().then((value) => {
value is the item return here. Do something with it....
Also, you might want to split your method up a bit to share the responsibility.
If getDocuments is a Future function and you need to wait for it, I think you should add await before it. I also don't see the snapshot status checking in your code pasted here. Maybe you have already checked the snapshot status in other function? Make sure the snapshot is ready when using it.