Is it possible to make restartPolicy never during a kubernetes deployment, but only during the deployment? - kubernetes

Whenever I do a Kubernetes deployment with some sort of configuration error, the pod ends up in CrashLoopBackOff, constantly restarting the (totally broken) pod. What I would like is for any sort of errors during a deployment to immediately fail the deployment, rather than just blindly retrying until the deployment times out.

Deploy with restartPolicy: never and then use kubectl patch to modify the restart policy of that deployment.
To avoid continuous restart attempt of failing pod there is one open issue.
Also there is one open pull request to add this feature which is about to get merged, where you will have ability to specify max retries for restart policy OnFailure.
Till this feature get merged and released, kubectl patch seems to be the only way.

You can first deploy your cluster with restartPolicy: never, then use kubectl patch to modify the restart policy of the running deployment.


kubectl wait sometimes timed out unexpectedly

I just add kubectl wait --for=condition=ready pod -l app=appname --timeout=30s in the last step of BitBucket Pipeline to report any deployment failure if the new pod somehow producing error.
I realize that the wait doesn't really consistent. Sometimes it gets timed out even if new pod from new image doesn't producing any error, pod turn to ready state.
Try to always change deployment.yaml or push newer image everytime to test this, the result is inconsistent.
BTW, I believe using kubectl rollout status doesn't suitable, I think because it just return after the deployment done without waiting for pod ready.
Note that there is not much difference if I change timeout from 30s to 5m since apply or rollout restart is quite instant.
kubectl version: 1.17
AWS EKS: latest 1.16
I'm placing this answer for better visibility as noted in the comments this indeed solves some problems with kubectl wait behavior.
I managed to replicate the issue and have some timeouts when my client version was older than server version. You have to match your client version with server in order to kubectl wait work properly.

Duplicate pods / Pods creating without deploy existing

I'm running into an issue managing my Kubernetes pods.
I had a deploy instance which I removed and created a new one. The pod tied to that deploy instance shut down as expected and a new one came up when I created a new deploy, as expected.
However, once I changed the deploy, a second pod began running. I tried to "kubectl delete pod pod-id" but it would just recreate itself again.
I went through the same process again and now I'm stuck with 3 pods, and no deploy. I removed the deploy completely, and I try to delete the pods but they keep recreating themselves. This is an issue because I am exhausting the resources available on my Kubernetes.
Does anyone know how to force remove these pods? I do not know how they are recreating themselves if there's no deploy to go by.
The root cause could be either an existing deployment, replicaset, daemonset, statefulset or a static pod. Check if any of these exist in the affected namespace using kubectl get <RESOURCE-TYPE>
I've had this happen after issuing a rollout restart deployment while a pod was already in an error or creating state, and explicitly deleting the second pod only resulted in a new one getting scheduled (trick birthday candle situation).
I find almost any time I have an issue like this it can be fixed by simply zeroing out the replicaSets in the deployment, applying, then restoring replicaSets to the original value.

Kubernetes Automated Rollbacks

I was trying to find some alternative for docker-swarm rollback command, which allows you to specify rollback strategy in the deployment file.
In k8s ideally it should use readinessProbe, and if didn't pass failureThreshold it should rollback, before starting deployment of the next pod (to avoid downtime).
Currently, in my deployment script, I'm using hook kubectl rollout status deployment $DEPLOYMENT_NAME || kubectl rollout undo deployment $DEPLOYMENT_NAME, which works, but it's not ideal because first rollout command will trigger error way after unhealthy pod will be deployed and a healthy one will be destroyed which will cause downtime.
Ideally, it shouldn't even kill current pod before a new one will pass readinessProbe
There is no specific rollback strategy in a Kubernetes deployment. You could try a combination of RollingUpdate with max unavailable (aka Proportional Scaling), then at some point pause your deployment resume if everything looks good and then rollback if something went wrong.
The recommended way is really to use another deployment as canary split the traffic through a load balancer between canary and non-canary, then if everything goes well upgrade the non-canary and shut down the canary. If something goes wrong shutdown the canary and keep the non-canary until the issue is fixed.
Another strategy is to use something like Istio that facilitates canary deployments.

Is there the concept of uploading a Deployment without causing pods to start?

(I am (all things considered) a Kubernetes rookie.)
I know that kubectl create -f myDeployment.yaml will send my deployment specification off to the cluster to be reified, and if it says to start three replicas of its contained pod template then Kubernetes will set about starting up three pods.
I wonder: is there a Kubernetes concept or practice of somehow uploading the deployment for reference later and then "activating" it later? Perhaps by, say, changing replicas from zero to some positive number? If this is not a meaningful question, or this isn't the Right Way To Think About Things, I'd appreciate pointers as well.
I don't think you idea would work well with Kubernetes. Firstly, there so no way of "pausing" a Deployment or any other ReplicationController or ReplicaSet, besides setting the replicas to 0, as you mentioned.
The next issue is, that the YAML you would get from the apiserver isn't the same as you created. The controller manager adds some annotations, default values and statuses. So it would be hard to verify the Deployment that way.
IMO a better way to verify Deployments is to add them to a version control system and peer-review the YAML files. Then you can create or update is on the apiserver with kubectl apply -f myDeployment.yaml. If the Deployment is wrong in term of syntax, then kubectl will complain about it and you could patch the Deployment accordingly. This also simplifies the update procedure of Deployments.
Deployment can be paused, please refer , or see information with kubectl rollout pause -h.
You can adjust replicas of a paused deployment, but changes on pod template will not trigger a rollout. If the deployment is paused in the middle of a rollout, then it will not continue until you resume it.

How to "deploy" in kubernetes without any changes, just to get pods to cycle

What I am trying to do:
The app that runs in the Pod does some refreshing of its data files on start.
I need to restart the container each time I want to refresh the data.
(A refresh can take a few minutes, so I have a Probe checking for readiness.)
What I think is a solution:
I will run a scheduled job to do a rolling-update kind of deploy, which will take the old Pods out, one at a time and replace them, without downtime.
Where I'm stuck:
How do I trigger a deploy, if I haven't changed anything??
Also, I need to be able to do this from the scheduled job, obviously, so no manual editing..
Any other ways of doing this?
As of kubectl 1.15, you can run:
kubectl rollout restart deployment <deploymentname>
What this does internally, is patch the deployment with a annotation so the scheduler performs a rollout according to the deployment update strategy.
For previous versions of Kubernetes, you can simulate a similar thing:
kubectl set env deployment --env="LAST_MANUAL_RESTART=$(date +%s)" "deploymentname"
And even replace all in a single namespace:
kubectl set env --all deployment --env="LAST_MANUAL_RESTART=$(date +%s)" --namespace=...
According to documentation:
Note: a Deployment’s rollout is triggered if and only if the Deployment’s pod template (i.e. .spec.template) is changed, e.g. updating labels or container images of the template.
You can just use kubectl patch to update i.e. a label inside .spec.template.