releasing desktop application that created by using flutter - flutter

today I tried desktop app development using flutter, but once I use 'flutter build windows' command in terminal it says:
"Warning: Only debug is currently implemented for Windows. This is effectively a debug build."
"See for details and updates."
I wonder to know if I can build and release desktop applications or its still not supported.

It is still not supported.
The tool is explicitly telling you that you can't make a non-debug Windows build, and it links to the bug in the Flutter repository for release build support, which is still open; you're not going to be able to find a more authoritative answer than that.
Also, if you are building for Windows then you presumably got your runner from the flutter-desktop-embedding project, which says:
The code here is not stable, nor intended for production use.


Where can I find full prerequisites list for releasing flutter windows desktop app?

I'm absolute newb to flutter, with objective to focus more on windows-desktop apps. It seems that flutter running on windows-desktop require way more DLLs than mentioned on page. I have created and build absolute minimum Flutter application on my dev machine (Win10 22H2). All went fine, starts and runs as expected.
I have then put mentioned DLL in the folder, along the runner app (testapp.exe) and copied over to test machine running Windows Server 2019 Version 1809 as VMWare image. Both Debug and Release versions of Flutter app (testapp.exe) fails. Debug version fails with MessageBox shown "Code execution cannot proceed because MSVCP140D.dll was not found" which I assume is a debug version of msvcp140.dll (this was present in the testapp.exe location while running).
Trying to run Release version produce no error message at all, application is visible in TaskManager for brief second and exits. Running ProcMon against test application shows it seeks numerous other DLLs which were not mentioned in the flutter docs (see attached pic for reference)
Question - is there some more comprehensive list of Flutter windows-build requirements ?

Using AppCode with Flutter plugin

How can I use AppCode for the ios-specific parts of my Flutter plugin?
I've created the plugin with flutter create --template=plugin --platforms=ios myplugin
The command doesn't generate an XCode project or workspace for the plugin itself but it includes an example app for which it does generate these. Running flutter build ios in example then creates symlinks to the plugin code in example/ios/.symlinks that I can use to edit the actual Swift code with auto completion, code navigation etc. When I open these files in AppCode however, I get the below error and no coding assistance is available at all:
I previously used AppCode quite a lot to maintain some Flutter plugins' iOS code (but switched jobs and didn't need AppCode or Xcode). However, I recently started making a free app, and also wanted to contribute to a Flutter plugin for iOS, I wanted AppCode again. I got AppCode working again, so I wanted to share.
In your flutter directory:
For editing/debugging/running Flutter apps' iOS code: run appcode ios
For Flutter plugins, run appcode example/ios (not appcode ios)
Some principles:
The files don't show up immediately, use Command + Shift + O to find your file. Then Opt + F1 to show it in the project navigator.
Built at least once using flutter run or Xcode (to make sure configuration is set up).
You cannot escape Xcode. Xcode and AppCode are complementary. Find the balance 😂🤓. Refactoring code, debugging the application, searching and reading code works really well in AppCode. Xcode does reading configuration better or debugging builds.
If you get random errors (e.g. everything fails but the error is build failed in AppCode, you should open in Xcode or build/run the flutter app for iOS: flutter run and read the error messages.
If you want to debug both Flutter and iOS simultaneously, start the iOS debugger, then "Flutter attach" in android studio (maybe this is possible in VSCode too, but I don't use that).
Here's an example screenshot of AppCode with debugger working. You might be curious if telemetry flag you set in Flutter was actually being set in the iOS side... maybe there's a bug. But I take privacy seriously and confirm the telemetry is disabled. I also watch network traffic sometimes. 😂. If you're interested, you can then follow that to it's dependencies (manually, using by reading package.swift), and find out it is set to true by default.
UserDefaults.standard.register(defaults: [
#keyPath(UserDefaults.MGLMapboxMetricsEnabled): true

VS Code testing tab no longer finds tests

After upgrading from Flutter 2.5.0 to Flutter 2.5.1, the testing tab in VS Code no longer finds all the tests for any of my Flutter projects. Instead, this is all I see:
I've tried downgrading back to 2.5.0, but no luck. Obviously, I can still use just use flutter test to run all the tests, but this isn't as nice as the testing UI that was previously available. Other developers on my teams have also run into this problem. I haven't seen any posts / info about it online or in the Flutter changelogs. My VS Code version is the exact same from before this became an problem. (VS Code version: 1.60.2)
Any help would be appreciated!
This is only a temporary fix. But if you downgrade the dart extension in VS Code, then it will bring back the older testing which can find / run all the tests.
Open the extensions tab in VS Code -> gear icon -> install another version... -> 3.26.0. After it finds the version, and you select it, you'll need to restart VS Code. Then the old testing should be available.

Deploying Silverlight applications to WinPhone7 emulator without Visual Studio

As per title, I would like to deploy my application without its Visual Studio project. I would prefer to place all executables/images/manifests in one directory and deploy it without needing the source or opening Visual Studio.
There is a way to do that for XNA apps, but it doesn't work for Silverlight apps for some reason. Other people had the same problem.
EDIT I know Phone Developer Tools are free and I am not trying to eliminate VS from my workflow. I just want to be able to grab the latest binary from the build server and quickly run it up in demo situations.
When you install the latest developer tools you get an application called "XAP Deployment" which can install a pre-built XAP onto either the emulator or the phone.
How to: Use the XAP Deployment Tool for Windows Phone
Visual Studio Express is free, and I think you can get a version of VS2010 now too.

Running directx SDK samples on a Windows Mobile 6.1 device

I tried to run the directx samples from ..\Windows Mobile 6 SDK\Samples\PocketPC\CPP\win32\directx\d3dm\tutorials on a Samsung Omnia and on the emulator and it doesn't work because of a deployment error.
I am using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and have installed Windows Mobile SDK Standard and Professional refresh.
The device is correctly plugged in and set up for active sync (I know this because other samples work, also a creating Win32 smart device application and running it works).
When I try to run a directx sample application it compiles without errors but the message:
" There were deployment errors, Continue? Yes/No" appears
If I manually copy the application from the debug folder to the device and run it from there, it works.
The same deployment error message appears if I try it on an emulator. Other applications are deploying successfully.
Is there any way to make the deployment work? Maybe there is an obscure option I need to set...
What I do is:
Connect the Mobile device to the PC,
Open Visual Studio 2008,
Open a directx sample project,
Click Run (in Debug or Release mode).
The problem with the deployment is that the file msvcr80.dll could not be found.
It was specified at the deployment options as an additional file "Project->Properties->Configuration Properties->Deployment" then "General->Additional files"
with the paths msvcr80.dll|$(BINDIR)\$(INSTRUCTIONSET)\|%CSIDL_WINDOWS%|0;
Removing it makes the deployment successful. I have only tested this on a Windows Mobile 6.1 device and with the D3DM reference driver on an WM6.1/WM6 emulator.
What I haven't figured out is where does $(BINDIR)\$(INSTRUCTIONSET) point to.
Also I don't know why msvcr80.dll is in the addition files if it is not actually needed.
Is there actually a msvcr80.dll compiled for Windows Mobile platform on an ARM cpu?
I was able to resolve this issue after doing some low-level Sysinternals Debugging. It was trying to deploy to the device and in my case it was deleted for some reason. Re-installing .NET CF fixed the issue for me. Wish VS 2008 said what file was missing instead of a generic message. Hope this helps you too.