I want to update the existing logo for my PWA app - progressive-web-apps

When I am updating the logo of the PWA app the icon is not getting updated for the previously installed applications. However for newly installed apps I am getting the correct logo.

Did you try updating the new image icon in manifest.json & then showing a prompt to users to refresh the PWA?

You can try to have a look at the documentation for Android APK (from the question is not clear your target device: web or mobile).
Chrome will periodically compare the locally installed manifest against a copy of the manifest fetched from the network. If any of the properties in the manifest required to add the PWA to the home screen have changed in the network copy, Chrome will request an updated WebAPK, reflecting those new values.
This feature is not yet available for desktop, but planned in a future release.
Do you use any framework (Angular, React) to build your PWA? If you want to read more details about how to install an app on the homescreen or the web manifest properties, you can have a look here.


how to migrate flutter existing app to web

I have designed a mobile application using flutter, I have seen that it is compatible with the web and I would like to know how to migrate my already designed application to the web environment, I know that I must take into account the compatibility with the dependencies that I have used and already reviewed.
At the moment I have carried out the following process, but all it does is create a folder with few elements that when executed, the browser opens with a blank page, the flutter logo and a blue appbar. What procedure am I missing?
flutter config --enable-web
flutter create.
flutter run -d chrome

How to create admob app-ads.txt file flutter web app?

I have a website made with flutter web. My app which shows google admob ad. Now google admob told me to create an app-ads.txt file on my website . Flutter web is a single page website so, is it possible to create an app-ads.txt file with my flutter web app !?
I also recently tried flutter web. I went on a "fishing expedition", and managed to solve this issue.
What i did:
Place your app-ads.txt in <project>/web folder.
Run flutter build web
Check that app-ads.txt appeared in build/web folder.
Check that in build/web/flutter_service_worker.js in RESOURCES map appeared a record with key "app-ads.txt"(ex. "app-ads.txt": "4c75380ac52243715a448e96239e0ca5",)
Run firebase deploy --only hosting
After this, app-ads.txt should be available on https://your-domain.web.app/app-ads.txt, https://your-domain.firebaseapp.com/app-ads.txt and(if you added a custom domain) on https://my-custom-domain.com/app-ads.txt.
P.S. If you got redirected from /app-ads.txt to your main page, then try to clear your site cache:
Press F12
Open "Application" tab
Choose "Storage"
Press "Clear site data"
After this, app-ads.txt should be available.

Installed PWA is not updating

I have developed a PWA using Quasar framework. I didn't change anything in service-worker or manifest file, just going with defaults.
I have hosted the build on AWS S3 facing a cloud-front distribution.
When I push the updated build on S3 and invalidate the cloud-front distribution cache. The user who opens the website via browser gets an updated version. but users with installed PWA never get the updates unless they open the website again in the browser.
I have planned to update changes every other day. what is the best way that whenever I push change installed PWA gets updated instantly?

PWA - how do I specify a version?

I'm successfully getting Chrome on Android to install my PWA to home screen, using a manifest.json file - I have recently added "version" and changed it from "0.9.26" to "0.9.27" - however, the PWA always installs to the home screen and reports: "Version: 1" - how does versioning work with PWAs? And how do we ensure the user is using the latest version when they open the PWA?
As far as I know you don't have any control over the version of a PWA generated APK and version is not a supported attribute. It wouldn't make sense for there to be any either since the APK doesn't package any of your app code it just loads the assets from the web.
You control what version of the PWA your users are on by deploying the new version of the site and making sure any service worker you have will update any cached assets.

prevent auto-update of Chrome App

One of the information at https://developer.chrome.com/webstore/get_started_simple states that “5. After you publish your app, whenever you want to change your app's listing or .crx file, use the dashboard to update them. To push an updated .crx file for your app, just increment the version number in the manifest, upload a new ZIP file to the dashboard, and publish the change. People who have already installed your app will automatically get the update.”
As per that, whenever, for a given app, an updated CRX file (i.e., new version of app) is uploaded in the webstore, the client devices where the older version of app was previously installed would get updated (with the new version of app) automatically.
However, I’ve requirement, where the new version of the app shouldn’t get updated automatically - even if the new version of the app is uploaded in the 'webstore'.
Is there a way to accomplish that?