Azure DevOps Container Jobs: Cache Container for multiple Jobs? - azure-devops

Dear assorted Developers,
in azure pipeline's container jobs, for every job containers get pulled from registry, even if the same container is used for multiple jobs.
Of course in case the images are really small, this is no problem, but in case anyone is intending to build with the same image which is covering the vscode local development - this can use up more time than the actual build.
So has anyone solved caching the container?
Here is an example:
# in this example, all jobs use the same container.
# in stage 1, the jobs are started serial, so job 2 only starts if
# job 1 is done -> and the image is downloaded for both jobs independently
# in stage 2, the jobs are started in parallel,
# and the image is downloaded for both jobs in the stage independently
batch: true
- "*"
- container: ubuntu
image: ubuntu:18.04
- stage: STAGE1
- job: PrintInfoStage1Job1
container: ubuntu
- script: |
echo "THIS IS STAGE 1, JOB 1"
displayName: "JOB 1"
- job: PrintInfoStage1Job2
dependsOn: PrintInfoStage1Job1
container: ubuntu
- script: |
echo "THIS IS STAGE 1, JOB 2"
displayName: "JOB 2"
- stage: STAGE2
dependsOn: STAGE1
- job: PrintInfoStage2Job1
dependsOn: []
container: ubuntu
- script: |
displayName: "JOB 1"
- job: PrintInfoStage2Job2
container: ubuntu
dependsOn: []
- script: |
displayName: "JOB 2"

Azure DevOps Container Jobs: Cache Container for multiple Jobs?
Initially, our design and develop idea is mostly considering for the security and consistency reasons, it should be a fresh image each time. Now, we have received many feature request about hoping support cache image which same with yours from lots of developers. Now, considering the disadvantage of this design idea, it would let developers wasting too much time to wait for the image pulled down. If the image can be cached, it can greatly improve the efficiency of the build.
Now, the bulk of the actual caching work about this feature has been developed done by our Azure Artifacts Team. Since the latest process I got from that team is before we can release this feature in azure devops, there are some work we need to do, which about around security to make sure that the cache can't be used as an attack vector. Once this is done we will launch a customer preview. It would be deployed recently.
Please see our Roadmap: Speed up pipeline with caching to track its develop and release process. You can also track this blog which published by the azure artifacts PM. Also, you can follow and monitor this PR.
Until now, there's no much better work around to improve this. Even use the Cache task to perform its thing in combination with the Docker save/load respective operations pretty much matched that of downloading the base image/layers from a public registry.
I will still monitor this feature develop process. Once the PR finished and the feature code deployed to all regions, even it released as a preview feature, I will update this answer to let you and other SO users know.


How to schedule stage deployments in Azure DevOps Pipelines?

With the classic Azure DevOps release pipeline our release flow was very easy to setup.
We had a build pipeline running many times during the day. On success it deployed to our development environment. Every night the latest successful deployment to dev was released to our test environment (running automated tests for hours), before it deployed to UAT. But often we also need to deploy to test during the day, if we have a new change which needs to go directly into test or UAT. The classic pipelines allowed us to skip a stage, or deploy if the previous was only partly successful.
1) Development - automatic
2) Test - nightly or manually
3) UAT - nightly or manually
4) Staging - manual approval
5) Production - manual approval
With the multi-stage pipelines the same flow seems to be very difficult to do. At least when it comes to making it as a single deployment pipeline. The first part is fine. We can have our build trigger the development deployment. But how can we hold back the release to the test environment until 0:30am, while still retain the ability to also release it manually? If I created a separate test environment pipeline, then it could work if it had no triggers, but a schedule.
Same with the UAT, as we also need the flexibility to manually run UAT deployments, then it would also need to go into its own pipeline. Releases to our staging and production environment we "gate" with manual approvals, which is fine.
While this technically could work, if we split the deployment pipeline into multiple pipelines it really gets difficult to manage "a release". Not to say that it kind of goes against the whole multi-stage pipeline principle if we create a separate pipeline per stage.
But with this being so easy to setup like this in the classic pipelines, then I cannot really imaging that other companies have not run into the same limitations. Is it just me who cannot see the light, or cannot this really not be done with multi-stage pipelines?
manually run UAT deployments
We could add Azure DevOps Multi-Stage Pipelines Approval Strategies in the yaml build.
Open the tab Environments and click the button New environment-> Click the button approvals and checks-> My environment name is TEST.
Then use it in the yaml pipeline(just a sample):
trigger: none
vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'
- stage: A
- deployment: 'MyDeployment'
displayName: MyDeployment
environment: 'TEST'
- job: A1
- script: echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=skipsubsequent;isOutput=true]false"
name: printvar
- stage: B
condition: and(succeeded(), ne(stageDependencies.A.A1.outputs['printvar.skipsubsequent'], 'true'))
dependsOn: A
- job: B1
- script: echo hello from Stage B
We could also configure schedule Trigger and use them in the multi-stage pipelines.
Note: The schedule trigger and Approval Strategies are using in the stage level.
For scheduled jobs: you can use something like this in your YAML:
(Copied from Microsoft documentation)
- cron: string # cron syntax defining a schedule
displayName: string # friendly name given to a specific schedule
include: [ string ] # which branches the schedule applies to
exclude: [ string ] # which branches to exclude from the schedule
always: boolean # whether to always run the pipeline or only if there have been source code changes since the last successful scheduled run. The default is false.
For manual jobs, you can use the Create Release button to create and deploy a release manually. Do note that sometimes this can create a conflict with the schedule. Also, to "hold back a release" put an approver on the release, and then when approving, defer the release:
noting that it's in UTC, and it defaults to tomorrow - you can change it to any time after now.

azure devops - my jobs are Queued for a very long time

Today i'm setting up azure devops to checkout how it can help us in our build/release process. It is a slow process I have to say especially because al my jobs are queued and I don't know why. I have two pipelines which do basically the same thing. But one is made with the classic editor and one with YAML.
# Xamarin.Android
# Build a Xamarin.Android project.
# Add steps that test, sign, and distribute an app, save build artifacts, and more:
- master
- cron: "0 3 * * Mon-Fri"
displayName: M-F 3:00 AM (UTC) daily build
- master
vmImage: 'macos-latest'
buildConfiguration: 'Release'
outputDirectory: '$(build.binariesDirectory)/$(buildConfiguration)'
- task: NuGetToolInstaller#1
- task: NuGetCommand#2
restoreSolution: '**/*.sln'
- task: XamarinAndroid#1
projectFile: '**/*droid*.csproj'
outputDirectory: '$(outputDirectory)'
configuration: '$(buildConfiguration)'
The log of the job itself doesn't say very much:
Pool: Azure Pipelines
Image: macos-latest
Queued: Today at 15:13 [manage parallel jobs]
The agent request is not running because all potential agents are running other requests. Current position in queue: 3
Job preparation parameters
2 queue time variables used
system.debug : true
agent.diagnostic : true
I don't know what the problem is of the queued jobs.... The project itself is just the template when you create a new xamarin forms project.
Also as a side note, if the build succeeds where does azure put the apk file?
Thanks in advance!
After investigation, there is a recently event of availability degradation of Azure DevOps, which affected these services, and it has been resolved now. This could affect customers in
Europe. If you want to know more information, please click here: Hosted Pools Availability Degradation in Europe
Our engineers are currently investigating an event impacting Azure
DevOps hosted pools in Europe. The event is being triaged and we will
post an update as soon as we know more.
The issue is now fully mitigated. Our engineers will be investigating
this further to learn from and reduce the risk of potential
recurrences. We apologize for the impact this had on our customers.
About the second part, agree with Krzysztof Madej . After the build succeeds, you need to publish the file as artifact for deployment.
I had this the same, so I assume that this is global issue. Maybe related to this:
From March 24th - 26th, 2020 many customers in Europe and the United
Kingdom experienced delays in their builds and releases targeting our
hosted Windows and Linux agents. This incident was caused by VM
capacity constraints arising from the global health pandemic that led
to increased machine reimage times and then increased wait times for
available agents. Many customers experienced significant delays in
their pipelines over multiple days. We sincerely apologize for the
impact of this incident.
I know that this is related to March, but could appear again. Just a guess.
Part 2
Since you build your app you must publish your artifact (apk file). You can use Publish Build Artifacts task
- task: PublishBuildArtifacts#1
pathToPublish: $(outputDirectory)
artifactName: MyBuildOutputs
I landed on this page stumped as to why I was getting no error message in the pipeline.
Turns out when I had changed the pipeline yaml file name, I had accidently set the pipeline status to 'Paused'

Checks (approvals) for a deployment job are blocking the entire stage

I have the following YML file for my pipeline:
trigger: none
# Other stages here...
- stage: Release
- deployment: Staging
environment: staging
- download: none
- task: DownloadBuildArtifacts#0
# ...
- task: AzureRmWebAppDeployment#4
displayName: Deploy in staging
# ...
- deployment: Production
environment: prod
dependsOn: Staging
- download: none
- task: AzureAppServiceManage#0
displayName: Swap stg-prod slots
# ...
Based on this, to give more context, my thinking is to have 2 stages: the first one is to build my application, the second one is to release in staging (QA) and to production next.
The environment "prod" though, has a check (or approval, whatever you want to call it).
I'm not sure if I'm encountering a bug or not, but what is happening is that when stage 1 completes (the build phase), the release phase of stage 2 is blocked and waiting for approval even considering that "staging" has not any check enabled (only prod).
The easiest workaround is to create different stages, one for staging and one for production, but the thing is that it's not matching my expected behaviour. I'm expecting that the deployment for the job staging completes successfully, then the job "production" waits for the approval.
Do you have any suggestion regarding this? Is this a bug?
Checks (approvals) for a deployment job are blocking the entire stage
Sorry for any inconvenience.
Personally, This behavior is by designed at this moment.
As the document state:
Approvals in multi-stage YAML pipelines
We continue to improve multi-stage YAML pipelines, we now let you add manual approvals to
these pipelines. Infrastructure owners can protect their environments
and seek manual approvals before a stage in any pipeline deploys to
This feature is designed based on stage not environment, so it block the whole stage.
As I test, I could reproduce this issue as you. But your request is reasonable (Personally), this feature should be designed based on environment.
You could add your request for this feature on our UserVoice site ( ), which is our main forum for product suggestions. Thank you for helping us build a better Azure DevOps.
Hope this helps.

Azure Pipelines - Parallel steps (YAML)

I'm setting up my Azure Devops Pipelines, and have a build that requires some fairly lengthy setup steps to run. These need to run before other tasks, which can be run in parallel.
However, I can only see this being done by specifying jobs, which would require to do these lengthy steps each time. Ie:
- job: Run1
- task: Long running setup task
- task: Run taskA
- job: Run2
- task: Long running setup task
- task: Run taskB
Is there a way to have this long running task run, and have task A/B depend on that environment without running them sequentially? Ideally it'd be something like:
-task: Long running setup
-task: Parallel: taskA
-task: Parallel: taskB
Or have the previous jobs take a container/image snapshot and reuse if that's possible?
Short answer, you can't.
Tasks within a job cannot run in parallel as they run on the same agent and the environments can't be "snapshotted" by Azure Devops to be re-utilized by other jobs in parallel later. But jobs can run in parallel as they can be scheduled on different agents, so setup will run twice but in parallel. So there is a trade-off between time and resource usage which you will need to decide on based on your requirements.
There is another solution though, based on how much you would like to invest in this:
If your "setup" doesn't change that often and you are willing to host your own agents. Then you could run a separate "setup + agent" build which creates a docker image of your agents, pushes it out to your azure container registry and then deploys this image to your self-hosted agents (Azure Kubernetes Service) cluster. Then Task A and Task B can easily run in parallel with the assumption that the environment they are running in (agent + setup docker image) is always ready. This is exactly my setup.
See : Azure DevOps Docker
An update to this - a docker image as suggested by #dparker, while it is probably a better way, was a bit OTT for myself. Instead I used a pipeline artifact to cache some build / setup files. And then each other job was made dependent on this setup job.
This obviously doesn't sound great, but it works fine to get the performance optimizations I was after.
Eg Job1 would include this:
- task: PublishPipelineArtifact#0
artifactName: 'Setup-Build'
targetPath: '$(buildDir)'
And Job2 to X would download this as an artifact:
- task: DownloadPipelineArtifact#1
displayName: 'Download Setup'
targetPath: '$(buildDir)'
artifactName: 'Setup-Build'
Additionally there is the option to use caching, but this didn't quite fit in with my scenario. I'd recommend you make a call between artifacts and caching:

Travis CI: How to conditionally run provider deployment jobs?

I have a travis script deploying to different S3 buckets based on 2 conditions:
1. the branch name
2. the $TRAVIS_BRANCH env variable
... travis stuff
- provider: s3
... other config
bucket: my-staging-bucket
repo: MyOrg/my-repo
branch: staging
condition: $TRAVIS_BRANCH = staging
- provider: s3
... other config
bucket: my-prod-bucket
repo: MyOrg/my-repo
branch: production
condition: $TRAVIS_BRANCH = production
It's working as expected:
When I deploy to staging, the first config successfully builds and deploys and I'm given appropriate messaging in Travis' job log.
It also tries to deploy to production and is stopped by the on: conditions, again providing messaging that indicates as much. The resulting log messages look like so, the first two lines indicating successful depoyment to staging and no deployment to production.
-Preparing deploy
-Deploying application
-Skipping a deployment with the s3 provider because a custom condition was not met
This is consistent when the situation is reversed:
-Skipping a deployment with the s3 provider because this branch is not permitted: production
-Skipping a deployment with the s3 provider because a custom condition was not met
-Preparing deploy
-Deploying application
This has lead to some confusion amonst the team as the messaging appears to be a false negative, indicating the deployment failed when it's actually functioning as intended. What I would like do is set up Travis so that it only runs the deployment script approprite for that branch and env variable combo.
Is there a way to do that? I was under the impression this was the method for conditional deployment.
If there's no way to prevent both deploy jobs from running, is there a way to at suppress the messaging in the job log?
The best way to do this would be to use Travis' stages and jobs features. Stages are groups of jobs. Jobs inside stages run in parallel. Stages run in sequence, one after the other. Entire stages can be conditional, and stages can also contain conditional jobs. Jobs in a stage can be deploy jobs too (i.e. the entire deploy: in your travis.yml can be nested inside a conditional stage. Most importantly for your goals, conditional stages and their included jobs are silently skipped if the condition is not met.
This is very different to the standard deploy: matrix that you already have. i.e. your current deploy step contains 2 deployments and so you get the message that it is skipping a deployment.
Instead, you can change that into separate deploy stages with conditional jobs.
The downside to using stages like this is that each stage runs in its own VM and so you can't share data from one stage to the next. (i.e build artifacts from previous stages do not propagate to subsequent stages). You can get around this by sharing the build results of a lengthy compile stage via S3, for example.
More information can be found here:
I have a working example here in my github:
- stage: compile
script: bash scripts/
- stage: test
script: bash scripts/
- stage: deploy-staging
if: branch = staging
name: "Deploy to staging S3"
script: skip
provider: script
script: bash scripts/ staging
branch: staging
condition: $TRAVIS_BRANCH = staging
- stage: deploy-prod
if: branch = production
name: "Deploy to production S3"
script: skip
provider: script
script: bash scripts/ production
branch: production
condition: $TRAVIS_BRANCH = production
This produces a Travis job log that is specific to each one of staging and production: