Possible to Build With Imported COM Objects? - azure-devops

We have an application that utilises a third-party COM object (provided by a very well known finance/accounting software company).
In order to build this using VS on a dev machine yo must run tlbimport.
Is it possible to building this using DevOps builds on a MS hosted server, or do we need a self-hosted build server with the tlb file imported??

The tlb import tool is automatically installed with Visual Studio. You can refer to this official document.
Microsoft-hosted agent includes Hosted VS2017, HostedVS2019, etc. So I think you can build
this using DevOps builds on a MS hosted server.


Cannot set up SAP NW RFC with Azure DevOps

In our solution we are interacting with SAP using the "Classic" API of the SAP RFC SDK.
We have hosted the application in Azure Services, hence not possible to place the librfc32.dll in the required path of C drive.
We have added the librfc32.dll in the solution and marked it Copy Always to the folder.
While we publish the solution locally and deploy using FTP in Azure Services, it works fine.
However when deployed using ADO pipeline, it gives the below error.
We have checked both published and ADO generated artifact and in both places the librfc32.dll is present fine.
Cannot call classic RFC API. See help for details. Please put a recent 64-bit version of librfc32.dll in your System32 folder (typically C:\Windows\System32). See SAP note 413708. Please make sure you have installed Visual C++ 2005 SP1 ATL Security Update (x64). An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007000B)
Any suggestion?

Automatically install Python on self hosted agents in Azure Pipelines

In the FAQ of the UsePython task doc it says that in order to use the UsePython task, you have to manually install the required version of Python under a specific folder structure in the Agent.ToolDirectory folder.
This is pretty daunting. Isn't there a way to configure Azure to a specific source (such as Artifactory instance or something like this) and tell it to install it from there?
If you use self hosted agents on VM's you enter the area where tools for configuration managment could be handy. So you can use:
powershell desired state configuration install python quick tutorial
However, there is no simple way to acheive this. You can do it manually, or build a solution to handle software on your self hosted machines. You can also reuse repository for MS Hosted vm's and leverage this.

What is actual TFS 2018 Build server configuration ? If i complete agent installation will that be considered as build server?

I have installed TFS 2018 and I'm trying to setup dedicated build server for this.
I have three windows servers one for TFS-WindowsBox1(TFS 2018 Installation completed), one for Build server-WindowsBox2(Build server setup steps and architecture needed), DB-WindowsBox3(DB Installation completed).
I'm looking for build server setup on WindowsBox2 and I'm looking best practices or steps to follow.
In administration section, I'm seeing agent download option in agent pools tab.
If i download and install agent on windowsbox2 server , will that be considered as Build server.
And what are the differences between agents and build server setup ?
TFS has no concept of a "build server". If an agent is configured on a box and the agent is running, then that box can run builds (and releases, since the release agent is the same piece of software). That's all there is to it. Build agents are assigned to agent pools, which dictate the set of available agents.
In previous iterations of the build system (XAML build, TFS 2010 - TFS 2013, although it's configurable up to TFS 2018), you had to register build controller and assign build agents to the build controller. XAML build is deprecated and should not be used except in the cases of pre-existing legacy builds, so if you're not already using XAML build, you can safely ignore this paragraph.
You can refer to this article (Deploy an agent on Windows) to setup TFS build/release agent, after that this is your "build server".
There are interactive and service mode and by default it is running in interactive mode, for this mode, you need to call run.cmd (in the same folder of config.cmd) to start agent, then the agent state will be online.
With service mode, you can check whether the corresponding service is running or not in Services.

Pre-requisite license of True DBGrid DLL compilation stops VSTS auto build

we are using True DBGrid in our .NET project. This requires a first time registration while we perform build of the project. When we build from Visual Studio (v2015) it asks through a popup for the license key first time then performs the build. Next onwards it somehow understand this registration and perform build without asking again. This procedure works fine in on-prem Visual Studio.
But currently we are trying to move our solution to VSTS cloud. And this pre-requisite license of True DBGrid stops our build pipeline, since neither we can procedure the popup during auto-build nor we can let VSTS cloud server know about that license key. Can you advice how we can successfully let VSTS server know about the license of this 3rd party True DBGrid component?
I believe when we run it from on-prem Visual Studio the license successfully register the True DBGrid component into our local server. But this simply we can not do in VSTS cloud server. Can you please help us to solve this problem and adopt VSTS DevOps feature successfully? Thanks, Dimitry.
There isn’t ComponentOne products installed on Hosted agent and base on componentone-licensing document, it needs administrative rights to call CILicenseActivation.exe tool to register license, so you can’t do it on Hosted build agent.
You can setup a private build agent and running as your account. Deploy an agent on Windows

Deploy web applications and windows services using TFS 2010

Just went from TFS 2008 to 2010 at a client site and now wondering what happened to the TFSBuild.proj files from the TeamBuildTypes folder. I've already got the builds and drops working and now I need to get the old deployments working again. We used to do this with AfterBuild targets in the TFSBuild.proj. That mechanism seems to have moved or disappeared in 2010.
Can anyone point me to an article or describe how the deployment options have changed in 2010?
Specifically, I need to support running psexec to install and enable Windows Services on remote deployment targets and I need to deploy some web sites / web services to remote IIS nodes as part of the automated builds.
EDIT: Just found this: http://blogs.msdn.com/jimlamb/archive/2009/11/03/upgrading-tfs-2008-build-definitions-to-tfs-2010.aspx I'm more than a little taken back by the breaking changes between 2008 and 2010. I'm gonna need advice on how to deploy remote sites and services in the new default build process template mechanism.
Check out Vishal Joshi's PDC talk on Deploying Web Applications with VS 2010 and MSDeploy. On his blog, you'll also find tips on building MSDeploy packages with MSBuild. You can run psexec from your MSBuild script or, potentially, from a customized build process template. With TFS 2010, you can use MSBuild and Windows Workflow to solve your build automation problems.
Alternatively, you can use the "Upgrade" build process template and continue using your TFSBuild.proj file. This is the default behavior for upgraded build definitions for backwards compatibility. In that case, your build is still primarily driven by MSBuild with just a thin workflow to allocate an agent and run MSBuild.
Another option is to use TFS 2010 Build Agent on the server that you deploy to. This is how Visual Studio Lab Management deploys.
I have written a blog post about this: Continuous deployment with TFS 2010 Build Agent