Crystal Report / Sage X3 Custom Function - crystal-reports

I use CR2013 with SAGE X3 V7. A former coworker created a custom function to format phone numbers. We use this function in a lot of reports. We are migrating Sage X3 to a new version in a new server. Reports have been moved to this new server.
But when we print a report using this function from the new X3 version, we have this error code
Message 1/3 : Erreur à l'ouverture du rapport: xxxxxxxxxx\ZARCCLIENT.rpt
- Message 2/3 : Echec du chargement du rapport
- Message 3/3 : Erreur dans le fichier ZARCCLIENT 6976_2964_{B35860BF-F698-4802-8025-B91607C6EBEF}.rpt :
Erreur dans la formule USR_Tel:
'if ({BPADDRESS_USR.TEL_0} <> "") then ZFormatTelephoneFax ({BPADDRESS_USR.TEL_0}, {TABCOUNTRY_USR.TELFMT_0})
L'UFL u212com.dll qui implémente cette fonction est manquante.
I Installed CR2013 on the new server.
I copied the u212com.dll from the old to the new server and I types the following command following this instructions : CrystalReports_QRCode_UFL
gacutil -i CRUFL_u212com.dll
Regasm u212com.dll
but I have these errors codes
Échec de l'ajout de l'assembly au cache : Le module était censé contenir un manifeste de l'assembly.
RegAsm : error RA0000 : Échec de chargement de 'C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\win32_x86\u212com.dll', car ce n'est pas un assembly .NET valide
When I open a crystal report and I go in the formula workshop, I can't see any functions in the report custom function, on the new and on the old server.
I can't access the repository custom function, i have no user and password. And I don't think I have a Central Management Server installed.
When i create a function, in the old server, I can find my custom function in Functions/Additionnals functions/UFL COM and Net ( if it can help.
So how can I use this custom function on my new server?
How can I see the custom function code in Crystal reports?
Thank you for helping.

Maybe your u212com.dll is not .NET dll, but pure COM one? In that case you have to register it in cmd shell, using regsvr32:
regsvr32 u212com.dll
You need to run command prompt as administrator of course.


Unable to call script from SQL Developer

I am trying to call a script I have created from SQL developer like this.
Unfortunately, it throws the below error:
Error que empieza en la línea 1 del comando:
Informe de error:
No se ha podido abrir el archivo: "C:\Users\U358523\Descargas\prueba.sql"
The script is present in the directory, so not sure if I should replacing any of the characters for it to work.
instead of
cd C:\wherever\your\file\is\descaras

Configuration of Blazor wasm in VSCode

I make an app with blazor wasm in VSCode.
When I build my app I add the error below :
error CS0246: Le nom de type ou d'espace de noms 'MainLayout' est introuvable (vous manque-t-il une directive using ou une référence d'assembly ?) [...source\repos\WebApp3\Client\WebApp3.Client.csproj]
In program.cs the App.razor is not recognized :
enter image description here
The problem is probably due to the settings in the .csproj file.
Have you an idea ?

Command windows-7-x64 is not recognized

I would use this command with windows-7-x64 :
C:\Program Files (x86)\MyFolder compass create MyTheme
but windows return :
'C:\Program' n'est pas reconnu en tant que commande interne ou externe,
un programme exécutable ou un fichier de commandes
How to do ?
Thank you
compass create C:\Path\to\MyFolder\MyTheme
the first word is always the command that is being run followed by the parameters. 'compass' is being run and the rest are the parameters.
note: if you're not running the console from the folder that contains the compass executable you will need to add the folder to the Path environment variable.
you can view the documentation here that outlines the correct syntax of the command to create a project

Validaterror when installing two modules

I want to add two other modules in my application. but when I try to install the modules Waherouse and purchase management, installation is not possible with this error
Une erreur est apparue lors de la validation du/des champ(s) vat: Ce code de TVA ne semble pas correct. Note: le format attendu est 'CC##' (CC=Country Code, ##=VAT Number)
The accounting module is already installed and the completed status
I need your help

sbt.bat for windows

I'm new to Scala.
I just installed sbt for windows MSI
I have a project with build.sbt
I opened a windows console in the current project folder.
I runned the sbt.bat
I turned #echo on to get the error message.
C:\MasseGuillaume-Scala99-1879ed7>set SBT_HOME=C:\MasseGuillaume-Scala99-1879ed7
C:\MasseGuillaume-Scala99-1879ed7>set ERROR_CODE=0
C:\MasseGuillaume-Scala99-1879ed7>rem We use the value of the JAVACMD environmen
t variable if defined
C:\MasseGuillaume-Scala99-1879ed7>set _JAVACMD=
C:\MasseGuillaume-Scala99-1879ed7>if "" == "" (if not "" == "" (if exist "\bin\j
ava.exe" set "_JAVACMD=\bin\java.exe" ) )
C:\MasseGuillaume-Scala99-1879ed7>if "" == "" set _JAVACMD=java
C:\MasseGuillaume-Scala99-1879ed7>rem We use the value of the JAVA_OPTS environm
ent variable if defined
C:\MasseGuillaume-Scala99-1879ed7>set _JAVA_OPTS=
C:\MasseGuillaume-Scala99-1879ed7>if "" == "" set _JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx512M -XX:MaxPer
mSize=256m -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=128m -Dsbt.log.format=true
C:\MasseGuillaume-Scala99-1879ed7>"java" -Xmx512M -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:Reser
vedCodeCacheSize=128m -Dsbt.log.format=true -cp "C:\MasseGuillaume-Scala99-1879
-Scala99-1879ed7\classes" SbtJansiLaunch
'"java"' n'est pas reconnu en tant que commande interne
ou externe, un programme exécutable ou un fichier de commandes.
C:\MasseGuillaume-Scala99-1879ed7>if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto error
C:\MasseGuillaume-Scala99-1879ed7>set ERROR_CODE=1
C:\MasseGuillaume-Scala99-1879ed7>exit /B
the error is in this line :
"%_JAVACMD%" %_JAVA_OPTS% %SBT_OPTS% -cp "%SBT_HOME%jansi.jar;%SBT_HOME%sbt-launch.jar;%SBT_HOME%classes" SbtJansiLaunch %*
What should I add to fix it ? The error says that it's Java is not recognized as an internal or an external command or programm.
I just don't get the message error. If I put the sbt.bat and jansi.jar and sbt-launch.jar in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin and i run the batch file, it's working.
Any solutions ?
I'll admit that I haven't done much French in the thirty-odd years since I left school (other than helping out the kids) but:
'"java"' n'est pas reconnu en tant que commande interne ou externe, un programme exécutable ou un fichier de commandes.
looks suspiciously like:
'"java"' is not recognised as a command internal or external, a program executable or a file of commands.
This is the old favourite 'something' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file that Windows tosses out when it can't find what you're trying to run.
So it sounds like you need to install a Java run-time environment, or modify your path to point to one that's already installed. Since you apparently have a C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin directory, I'd suggest the latter.
Go in to the control panel, select System then Advanced System Settings, choose the Advanced tab, then the Environment Variables button.
Then modify your path to include the JRE bin directory. After saving that, open another cmd window and verify it with path. That's needed to check (and use) the new path since it only affects new sessions, not existing ones.
Note those instructions are for Win 7, it may vary a little on other versions but the concept will be the same.
Alternatively, if you don't want to fiddle with the path in your control panel, you can change it in that batch file with something like:
set path="%path%;C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin"
That way, it will only be in effect when you're running the batch file.